One more.

"How can it be so easy to be a worker?" Su Qin shook her head and smiled wryly, "My little sister has that idea, but how can she have that ability? It's just because my parents don't value me, and I deliberately said that so that they dare not treat me I was too much."

"Just kidding?" Yao Xinshan stared at Su Qin incredulously, "Is your sister-in-law really joking to lie to your parents?"

"Hush..." Su Qin glanced at the door nervously, lowered her voice, "Don't let my parents hear."


"I'm not young anymore. Most people my age are married. My parents would feel ashamed to keep me at home. If I don't have the hope of helping the family as a worker, they will definitely give more gifts. Just marry me into someone's family.

Marriage is a major event in a lifetime, I don't want to dismiss myself carelessly, I tell you this because I don't want you to misunderstand, but please don't tell me about it. "

"How could you do this?" Yao Xinshan's eyes clearly showed anger, "This...this is not a misunderstanding, this is simply a fraud! are going too far!"

"What did I lie to you? Where is the excess?" Su Qin looked at him in a daze, "I will tell you the truth as soon as we meet. How can I lie to you? How can there be excess?"

"You..." Yao Xinshan let out a long breath, and said with gritted teeth, "Your previous blind dates agreed to help you hide it?"

"Yes." Su Qin nodded seriously, "You just thought it was a fraud, didn't you fully prove it? If they hadn't concealed it, you wouldn't have misunderstood it, right?"

"Do you think you can find a man you like in this way?" Yao Xinshan's lips curled up with a trace of sarcasm. "What you're doing will only delay yourself. Why do those people help you hide it? They don't plan to be with you anyway. Why don't you do what you want and put gold on your face? Think about it, don't you?" What's the matter?"

"You mean you want to rescue me and tell my lies, right?" Su Qin smiled at him, "However, I don't understand why I feel that you seem to be very angry. Even if you There’s no need to be so angry because of the worker’s quota, right? You can also go on a blind date and give yourself money by the way, what a great thing? Right?”

"Yes, yes..." Yao Xinshan nodded his head again and again, and forced out an ugly smile, "Yes, at this point, why don't I put money on my face? It's none of my business if you delay. Right?"

"Understood?" Su Qin grinned,

"It's good if you figure it out, but what are you going to tell the matchmaker later? Since I'm giving you money, of course I have to ask, isn't it too much?"

"What else can I say, it's just that I didn't find a match." Yao Xinshan said as a matter of course.

Su Qin blinked and blinked: "Then if I say that you can meet the worker's quota, would you still be willing to be with me?"

"Are you real or fake?" Yao Xinshan frowned at her. "Are you kidding me or are you kidding yourself?"

"If I said, I just said that I couldn't meet the worker quota to test you. In fact, my sister-in-law really did it for me, but I don't want others to marry me just for this, so I want everyone Test it like this.

To tell you the truth, after other people have your reaction, I directly deny it, but you, I really like it, but think about it, and I feel entangled, and you can express your true thoughts Tell me, son? "

Yao Xinshan sighed solemnly: "Actually, when we first met, I felt very good to you, and I really wanted to have a good relationship with you, but when I heard that you used such deceptive methods, I couldn't accept it." .

What I hate the most is being cheated by others. Now I am in a difficult situation. I like you, but I also care about your deception. Trust is very important when two people are together.

Of course, it's normal for you not to believe me when we first met, but if you understand the truth, you can't get over this hurdle in your heart. Can you tell me your true thoughts so that I can think about it again? "

"Didn't I already tell you what I really think, that is, I'm worried that people who are going on a blind date only look at the external conditions and don't look at me as a person, so how will we live together when the time comes?"

"Since you think so, why don't you not announce the news first, and then tell the other party when you match up, and you can work as workers together. Isn't it possible to find someone you like and surprise the other party?"

"Hey!" Su Qin sighed solemnly, "My father and mother did this, what can I do? They just want to quickly match each other, and they want more gifts to hold in their hands. What they are most afraid of is that I will be here The city found it by itself, and they don’t give so many gifts.”

Yao Xinshan nodded: "That's right. If you find a husband's family in the city, they can't let your family decide. Speaking of it, you should find a reliable one in the countryside. From now on, the two of you will live together, and there are not so many rules."

"Yes, I've thought about this question too. Otherwise, I won't get along with my parents. I'm just thinking about it. It's the best if I can meet someone I like. If I don't, then wait. After work, I asked my sister-in-law to help me.

Originally, my sister-in-law wanted me to go directly to the city to look for her, but she had already attracted my parents' reluctance by taking me out. If she took care of the marriage, my parents might really quarrel with her. "

"Hearing what you said, I feel much better. Alas, it's not easy for you. Speaking of which, we are really destined. What I want to find most is a girl with your personality." After a pause, Yao Xinshan stared at Su Qin with fiery eyes, "It's the Chinese New Year now, we should just get married at the end of the year, and go to work in the city directly after the Chinese New Year, what do you think?"

Su Qin looked at him confusedly: "Do you like me more, or do you like being a worker more?"

"Of course I like you a lot, I admit, I want to be a worker, but I, Yao Xinshan, am definitely not the kind of person who just throws away my marriage just to be a worker.

If I really don't like you, don't talk about being a worker, even if you let me be an official, I can't marry you. This is to live together for a lifetime, not just a day or two.

You said that if I have a bad life with you, if I get divorced, I will make people laugh if I lose everything. Is this for my own good or my own bad, isn't it? "

"That's good……"


"It should be my good friend, let her come in?" Su Qin looked at Yao Xinshan inquiringly, "She is my best sister, we have agreed that if we want to look after each other, we want her to look after each other too." If you win, I can be with you."

Yao Xinshan straightened up confidently, and nodded with a smile: "You two have a really good relationship, then let her in."

The door was pushed open, and Zhao Qihui stood at the door with a smile and looked at Yao Xinshan: "Hello, I am Xiaoqin's good friend Zhao Qihui."

"Hello." Yao Xinshan stood up and nodded politely, "I heard from Xiaoqin that you should look after each other for each other. I'm really nervous when you come here. I really like Xiaoqin. You hold your hand high. Say something nice."

"Sister, let me take a look too." Zhao Qihui was pushed aside, Chu Xia squeezed in, looked up and down, her big eyes were full of confusion, "Why is the face so familiar?"

Chu Xia's appearance is definitely one that people can remember at a glance. Yao Xinshan recognized her the first time he saw her, and he was in a panic and didn't know what to do. Quickly answered: "Maybe you have seen someone who looks similar to me, it is impossible for us to meet each other."

"I remembered!" Chu Xia slapped his forehead fiercely, "You are the man I met in Po'er Village, your family, you detained Lin Chuxia's bicycle and kicked her out, right?"

Yao Xinshan's first reaction was to deny it, but when the words came to his lips, he suddenly realized that he was indeed from Po'er Village, and this girl had indeed seen him before. If Su Qin became suspicious and went to investigate, it would be easy to reveal her truth Son, he simply slapped his forehead: "Remember, Lin Chuxia happened to hit your car door, right? She told you that our family kicked her out, right?"

"Why didn't you tell me about this?" Su Qin frowned and asked, "You didn't break up with that girl on purpose just to be a worker, did you?"

"No, no..." Yao Xinshan waved his hands again and again, "I'm not that kind of person, hey, people, that's how it is, no matter how outrageously wrong I am, I always feel that I am right.

Didn’t I tell you just now, I was with a classmate, the classmate was talking about her, I thought it was pretty good, but she was going to marry me, and at the same time, she was on a blind date with another man, I’m a man , how can I suffer such a thing?

Let someone send a letter to her, saying that the matter between the two of us is over, and let her return the gift money. She probably didn't meet the right one after dating for a while, but she still thinks I'm the best, so she came to beg me and her together.

Of course I couldn't accept it, and my parents couldn't accept it even more. They felt that she had lost all face, and in a fit of anger, they buckled her bicycle and told her to get out.

What we did was a bit inappropriate, after all, she was a girl, but she was angry at the time, and I didn't want her to bother me again, so I followed my parents' wishes and ignored it. Let this little sister meet and be misunderstood, alas!"

This man has a nice mouth!

If I hadn't met Lin Chuxia's parents before, and had a deep talk with Lin Chuxia, maybe I would have believed this man's words, Chu Xia curled her lips: "Do you dare to confront Lin Chuxia?"

"Of course I dare." Yao Xinshan straightened his body, "But I think she should have no face to confront me."

"Really?" Lin Chuxia appeared at the door with a sarcastic smile on her lips, "Yao Xinshan, you lie like this, are you afraid of thunder?"

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