"It's so heartless. It's so heartless. The women's university cannot be admitted. It really is unreasonable..."

Chu Xia hilariously interrupted Lin Wenbin who kept chattering: "Brother, I'm married."

"Uh..." Lin Wenbin was stunned for a while, lying on the table slumped, "Forget it, I'd better not transfer over. What's the point of being sentimental?"

"You also know that this is just being sentimental, right?" Zhou Mikang looked at him with a smile, "You can get along well with me, but if you insist on being superior to me, you are just looking for trouble."

"I'm not talking to you." Lin Wenbin glared at him, "Stand aside."

"Brother, what kind of monster are you making?" Chu Xia looked him up and down, "Lost in love? Or was your courtship rejected? Or, the person you like is getting married, and the groom is not you?"

"Go, go, go..." Lin Wenbin pushed her angrily, "Your brother, I have a jade tree in the wind. Will the situations you mentioned happen to me? Let me tell you, if your brother is willing, he will find you a sister-in-law. That's a matter of minutes.

I see it clearly. When Zhou Mixang doesn't come back, you still have me as your brother in your eyes. Once he comes back, you won't be able to see anyone anymore. You can't hurt your married daughter! It doesn’t hurt! "


Bystander Wang Jing burst out laughing. Seeing Lin Wenbin turn his eyes to her, her face turned red, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I... I'm not laughing at you, I... I just... I just think what you said is quite interesting. "

"You don't have a boyfriend yet, do you?"

"No." Wang Jing blushed and lowered her head, showing her shyness as a girl.

"I think so. If I have a boyfriend, I probably won't find what I say interesting. A girl who has her own heart can't see the advantages of other men." Lin Wenbin glanced sideways at Chu Xia as he spoke. "Isn't there a clear example right in front of me?"

Chu Xia looked at him with a funny face: "Brother. Can I understand that you are jealous?"

"Yes." Lin Wenbin nodded bachelorly, "You are my only sister and the most important in my heart, but I am not important in your heart at all. Can I not be jealous?"

Zhou Mikang sat next to him and put his hand on his shoulder: "Brother, I want to ask you, how did you live before you found Chuxia?"

“How you live is how I live.


Zhou Mikang was stunned. He understood what Lin Wenbin meant. The person with whom he had the closest relationship was his little sister. After her little sister left, all he could think about was work, and family affection and love completely disappeared from his life. As for friendship, although it did not disappear, I also drifted apart from most of my friends. The few remaining friends can be considered true buddies.

In other words, the only gain from those years was that he learned clearly who was trustworthy and who was not.

Fate is really a wonderful thing. After meeting Chu Xia, I was attracted first by her personality and then by her appearance. In the end, he was attracted by her talent... He didn't even know when this girl became the most important person in his heart.

but. How could Lin Wenbin be like him? "Did you also have a sister who died in childhood?" Zhou Mikang stared at Lin Wenbin and asked in confusion.


"Then why does it feel the same as mine? I first noticed Chu Xia because I thought she was very similar to my little sister who passed away. Of course, I soon learned that she and Xiaorao were completely different, so we Together, I have nothing to do with my little sister." Zhou Mikang explained a few more words as if he was afraid of causing Chu Xia's misunderstanding.

"I don't have a sister, but I once had a sister who was two years older than me. When I was eight years old, she fell ill and passed away. Although she was a sister, because of her poor health, I was always taking care of her. she.

Her departure made me sad for a long time. Later, I have been hoping that my parents can give me another sister. Unfortunately, I have never been able to do so. The appearance of Chu Xia completely satisfied my wish to have a sister. .

Zhou Mikang, even if I get married, my wife will never have a higher position in my heart than my sister. There are a wide range of wives to choose from, but there is only one sister. She is the only one. "

"Brother, don't scare me..." Chu Xia shrank her neck unconsciously, "Listening to what you said, I feel so stressed. If my future sister-in-law knows your thoughts, she will eat me."

"How dare she!" Lin Wenbin stared, "If she dares to treat my sister badly, I will divorce her."

"Brother, you are putting more pressure on me..." Chu Xia pointed at Zhou Mikang, "Are you telling him not to be too nice to me in the future? If I dare to offend his sisters, he can Divorce me immediately?"

"That's not okay. He has so many sisters, but his wife is the only one. If he dares to treat you badly, I don't need to divorce you. I will divorce him first, and I will find a better one for you!" Lin Wenbin said and glared! He glanced at Zhou Mikang and said, "I'm not joking. If you dare to treat my sister badly, I'll kill you!"

Zhou Mikang had a black streak on his head: "First of all, let me declare that in my heart, Chu Xia is the only one. I thought so originally, and I will not change it now or in the future.

Now instead of talking about my problems, let’s talk about you. What do you call double standards? When I come to your place, my wife is not as good as my sister. When I come to my place, my sister is not as good as my wife. You have been explaining for a long time, but I still don’t understand why you are so interested in my family Chu Xia.

Well, you have to talk to me about this matter, otherwise, I won’t be able to worry about it when I go to the army. Who knows what you are thinking about? Chu Xia and you don’t have much interaction, how could you possibly Do you love her to this extent? "

"Are you jealous?" Lin Wenbin smiled proudly, "Zhou Mikang is so worthless that you are jealous of your uncle."

Zhou Mikang pressed her hand harder on his shoulder: "Being jealous of your brother-in-law is a promising thing?"

"Hey..." Taking a breath of cold air, Lin Wenbin pulled his hand down with force and pushed him in disgust, "Stay away from me, I don't want to see you."

"Why don't you like to see me? Do you not know how to answer my question?" Zhou Mikang couldn't let him go so easily, so he pursued him and asked.

Lin Wenbin spread his hands indifferently: "Believe it or not, anyway. It was only after my wish of more than ten years came true that I was so kind to Chu Xia. You, you will probably never understand my feelings.

The entire Lin family. Except for Chu Xia, only my aunt is a girl. You don’t know how much our Lin family is looking forward to having a girl. Let me tell you, from now on, not only me, but the entire Lin family will treat Chu Xia as their treasure.

Don't say that Chu Xia married into the Zhou family because of the Zhou family's glory. Our Lin family has everything the Zhou family can give her, but... The second uncle and second aunt were a bit stubborn, and the grandparents didn't want to force them, so they allowed them to leave based on their temper.

Otherwise, I would definitely let my second uncle and second aunt stay in the capital to develop. Even if they have little experience, with the help of my grandparents and my dad, they will definitely be able to live a prosperous life. "

"I have never felt that Chu Xia was taking advantage of me by marrying me. I am her husband, and it is my responsibility and obligation to honor my father-in-law and mother-in-law. No matter whether they are from the Lin family in Beijing or not, my attitude towards them has always been As one.

I respected them before and I still respect them now, but you remember. In my dictionary, Zhou Mikang, there is no such thing as seeking favors for profit! "

"That's good!"

"Your worries are too much!"

Listening to the heated conversation between the two men, Chu Xia looked helpless.

She could understand the mood of both of them.

Lin Wenbin was kind to her. There are reasons he said himself, and there are also reasons why the entire Dalin family feels guilty towards the Erlin family. So, it doesn’t matter whether she marries well or not. Whether they were living well or not, as long as they found them, the Dalin family would dutifully support the descendants of the Erlin family. She could see this from the first time they met.

At first, she also doubted whether the Dalin family would accept them so easily and treat them so wholeheartedly if she had not married into the Zhou family.

But after spending a few days at the Lin family in Beijing, she had no doubt about it. There was definitely a gap between disguise and reality for some things. She believed in her own eyes and her own feelings.

As for Zhou Mikang's rejection of the Dalin family's help, she could understand it. When he married her, he didn't think about getting any benefits from her, and he definitely didn't want to destroy this feeling now.

In other words, Zhou Mikang is not a person who chooses marriage for benefits. Therefore, what he is most taboo about is others saying that he uses marriage for benefits.

Lin Wenbin didn't understand Zhou Mixang, and he stabbed him repeatedly to protect her. She couldn't say anything wrong with Lin Wenbin, but what Lin Wenbin did today would definitely leave obstacles for the future cooperation between the Zhou and Lin families. .

She couldn't say anything in front of the two of them. She could only find a chance to talk to Lin Wenbin in the future. She knew that he sincerely regarded her as his closest sister and sincerely protected her. However, Zhou Mikang This is really not a good approach to his character.

Of course, she also had to talk to Zhou Mikang and let him understand that Lin Wenbin was so protective of her only because he had heard too many unfair comments about her. After recognizing her, he wanted to give her the greatest support. .

While she was thinking about it, the two men had already withdrawn their troops, turned their hostility into friendship, and started talking enthusiastically about the topic of military affairs between men.

There was a dark streak in early summer. It was because she didn't understand men and was worried blindly. Looking at the two of them like this, it seemed that they could gradually become close friends without her persuasion.

Wang Jing whispered in her ear: "You are so lucky. Your husband and your brother both value you so much."

"You will also meet a man who pays special attention to you." Chu Xia winked at her, "Otherwise, you are starting to miss spring? Could it be that you have a crush on my brother?"

"I am self-aware and will never overestimate my capabilities again." Wang Jing smiled and shook her head, "A man like your brother is good, but he will never belong to a girl from a family like mine.

And I can tell that he has no interest in me at all. Also, I am too ordinary, how could I catch his eye? Wu Jingbo, pretty much the same. "

Chu Xia looked at her funny: "Why did you blame Wu Jingbo?"

"There's something about her..." Wang Jing said after thinking for a while, "There's something very majestic about her. A kid from a family like your brother should like a girl like that."

"Haha..." Chu Xia laughed, "Senior sister is really different. If she had been in the past, she would not have said such words. She recognizes the advantages of others."

"People always have to make progress. Do you think my progress is all about words?" Wang Jing said in a lower voice. "You think I'm stupid, I've seen it a long time ago. Wu Jingbo also likes Director Jing, but she hides it better than me. I guess she felt quite uncomfortable after knowing that Director Jing had a fiancée. Don’t tell me you don’t know, I don’t believe you.”

"I really don't know." Chu Xia looked at her in surprise, "Before you said it, I never thought about it. I just know that I like her after all."

"Well, I can tell that I like her. Otherwise, Li Xiaoru wouldn't have left quietly. Girls have the keenest sense in this regard. Just like me, although I'm not as smart as you, but things It’s about my relationship. I can see it more clearly than you. I believe that when it comes to Zhou Mikang, your feelings will be particularly keen."

"I'm really not keen on him. I've known about him and Ye Meiru for a long time, so I don't need to be sharp. As for others, I haven't discovered it yet."

"He is too good. How can ordinary girls like him without knowing their own abilities? So, I guess, your worries will be in the future, when you come into contact with more and more people in their circle, you will I have found that many people will be inexplicably hostile to you, and I guarantee 100% that the woman who is hostile to you is definitely the woman who likes Captain Zhou."

Chu Xia looked at her funny: "Senior sister, how many times have you been in love?"

"Not once..." Wang Jing glared at her dissatisfied, "Having never been in love doesn't mean I don't understand feelings. I'm just the unlucky one. The man I like all the time doesn't like me. , so..." She spread her hands and sighed, expressing her helplessness.

Chu Xia kindly stopped teasing her and changed the topic.

Song Xiaoyu pushed the door open and came in. She was stunned for a moment, and then laughed dumbly: "I thought I was in the wrong place. Are you on night shift or are you having a tea party?"

When she said this, several people glanced at the snacks and tea on the table and laughed sheepishly. In order to cover up their embarrassment, Chu Xia asked: "Teacher, have you heard the results?"

"Yes." Song Xiaoyu glanced at Zhou Mixang and said, "Lin Chuxia, congratulations, you are the chosen one."

"Me?" Chu Xia pointed to her nose, "I've only been here for such a short time, how could it be me?"

"Your performance during this period has been outstanding. You have been deified in rumors. What's so strange about being selected?" Song Xiaoyu continued after drinking water, "Moreover, it was the expert who personally named you to be his assistant."

"The expert personally called my name?" Chu Xia looked confused, "I really didn't know that I was so famous."

"Yeah, Dean Xu was quite surprised when he received the fax from the other party. Although your performance is remarkable, there is still a big gap between you and the really skilled interns in the hospital. I didn't expect that. , the expert personally called your name and wanted to take you." Song Xiaoyu said and sighed, "Mr. Liang is famous for his eccentric personality, early summer, you must be mentally prepared."

"Teacher, has this matter changed?" Chu Xia said with a bitter face, "I am still willing to stay with you. Although I can come back after he leaves, but this will interrupt the schedule, and I really don't want to. It’s been moved around all day long.”

Song Xiaoyu shook her head: "There is no change. If it is changed, he probably won't come. This is a good opportunity for our hospital. If you push it, you will probably become the public enemy of all the medical staff in this hospital."

"I'm really sweet." Chu Xia said and slapped her forehead fiercely, "Zhou Mikang, aren't you very familiar with Mr. Liang? Did you say hello?"

"No." Zhou Mikang shook his head affirmatively, "I once begged him to apply for an admission letter for you, but I knew his character, so I didn't mention letting you be his student.

Moreover, even if I mentioned it, it would be useless. You were admitted because your previous grades were qualified. Anyway, you are a teacher for one hundred students, and you are also a teacher for one hundred and one students.

Recruiting a disciple is a completely different matter. There are very few children studying medicine in the circle who don't want to be his student, but it's useless for anyone to give advice. The old man is very particular about it.

I'm quite surprised that he asked you to be his assistant by name this time. Forget it, I'll call him now and find out what's going on. Otherwise, I won't even be able to leave. rest assured. "

"Use me to call you." Song Xiaoyu stepped aside and said, "This phone can be used for outside calls."

Zhou Mikang was not polite and stepped forward to dial the switchboard. After many transfers, I finally got on the phone with Mr. Liang. After a few polite words, he asked the other party straight to the point. Is there any special reason for choosing Chu Xia as an assistant?

In the end, the old man only replied that it had nothing to do with him, and then hung up the phone with a bang. Knowing the old man's temper, Zhou Mixang sighed helplessly: "He doesn't want to say it. If you continue to ask questions, it will only annoy him. In early summer, when he comes, be careful and if you really can't handle it, just ask for leave and go home to rest for a while."

"Is it that scary?" Chu Xia looked at him doubtfully. Then he looked at Song Xiaoyu, "I'm just an assistant. He can still eat me. Why are you all so serious?"

"I hope we have overthought it. It will depend on the situation." After thinking about it, Song Xiaoyu said, "Maybe it was because of your acupuncture technique that he was interested. Mr. Liang's skills. It is definitely ours." Looking up, if the acupuncture really got into his eyes, the teacher can only be happy for you."

"I hope so." Zhou Mikang looked at Chu Xia with a worried look, "Remember what I said. If you don't feel comfortable with it, ask for leave first. The worst is, we won't be doctors anymore."

"Brother. Why don't you speak?" Chu Xia looked at Lin Wenbin with his head down and said nothing in confusion. This was so unlike him.

"I'm thinking of countermeasures." Lin Wenbin smiled bitterly. "Didn't I say that I had a sister above me who died of illness? My sister's attending doctor at that time was Mr. Liang.

Because of his sister's death, his parents were resentful towards Mr. Liang. His grandparents were not very polite to him, not to mention his sister-in-law. She had a good relationship with her sister and even came to Liang's house and smashed the windows of his house. .

I was wondering just now, could it be that he already knew about your relationship with the Lin family in Beijing, so he deliberately asked you to be his assistant, just to get that bad breath out of you? "

After thinking about it, Chu Xia asked, "Did he delay treatment back then?"


"Then why do you hate him?"

"If..." Lin Wenbin bit his lip, "If he could have appeared thirty minutes earlier on the day my sister's condition worsened, or the anniversary of my sister's death would have been postponed for a long time.

At that time, we didn't understand it, but when we found out later, it had been a long time and we didn't have the courage to apologize..." After a long pause, he continued, "The death anniversary of Mr. Liang's wife and my sister's death are the same day. . "

"Ah?" Chu Xia stared at him blankly for a while, then sighed. There was really nothing to say about this matter. Which doctor could leave his wife alone and save the patient when she was dying?

Wang Jing answered: "When the soldiers come, the water will be blocked and the soil will be flooded. Didn't you all advise me to be more liberal before? But now it hasn't happened yet, why are you so worried?"

I think that with Mr. Liang’s prestige, he would not do what Brother Lin suspected. Or maybe he wants to use this incident to resolve the conflict with the Lin family? "

Song Xiaoyu nodded, "I think Wang Jing's guess is very likely. Okay, everyone, stop guessing. Xiaomi, don't worry about it when you go on a mission. I'm here and I won't let Chu Xia be wronged. "

"Thank you Aunt Song." Zhou Mikang hesitated and said, "However, Aunt Song, you probably can't protect Chu Xia. After Mr. Liang comes, you can't follow him every day..."

"Okay, don't worry about it blindly. I sound like an idiot with no ability to survive. No matter what the reason is, let me handle this matter myself, okay?

Don't worry, I will do my best. If I feel that I can't handle it, I will ask for help. My grandparents, my parents, and Grandpa Wan are all here. What's there to worry about? "

"Why have I been left behind?" Lin Wenbin protested unhappily.

"Brother, didn't you just say that the Lin family and Mr. Liang have some issues..." Chu Xia stared at him speechlessly, "Can you analyze the reasons for being jealous before you eat?"

"Are you kidding me? Are you serious?" Lin Wenbin said with a smile on his face, "I just want you to know that when you ask for help in the future, don't forget the Lin family. No matter whether we can really help or not, you have to take care of the Lin family." Treat it as your own natal family!”

"I know." Chu Xia solemnly assured him, "If anything happens in the future, I will remember to ask my parents' family for help, as long as my brother and the elders in the family don't find it annoying."

"It's not annoying, it's not annoying..." Lin Wenbin smiled so hard, "I'm going to tell grandpa this, he will definitely be happy." After saying that, he actually dialed the phone...

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