"Brother..." Chu Xia grabbed Lin Wenbin's arm anxiously, "It's so late, so don't bother Grandpa."

"You're wrong. Grandpa will only sleep better after receiving my call." Lin Wenbin looked at Chu Xia with a smile, "You haven't realized your status in our family at all. Let's put it this way, if If I fall into the river with you, grandpa will definitely order everyone to save you but not me."

Chu Xia rolled her eyes: "If you can swim, of course you have to save me who can't swim first. If you can't swim but your physical strength is better than mine, of course you have to save me first."

Lin Wenbin looked serious: "What I mean is that if the conditions are equal and one of us must die, it must be sacrificed for me rather than for you."

"Brother..." Chu Xia looked at him blankly and didn't know what to say. Even if he was supporting him, there was no need to say it so seriously, right?

"My grandparents have been guilty of what happened to them all my life. You are the descendant of the second grandfather and my grandmother. Of course they want to keep you." Lin Wenbin said and looked at Zhou Mikang, who was frowning in thought, "Treat my sister well. Otherwise, the Lin family will go bankrupt and it won’t make things easier for you.”

"What are you afraid of?" Zhou Mikang stared at him with a serious look on his face, "Don't tell me that you just talked casually. You have emphasized it several times tonight, so if you have anything to say, just say it and don't play with it. It’s a guessing game, I don’t like it.”

Lin Wenbin stared at him for a while, with a smile on his lips: "Then I'll tell you straight away, it's a private matter about you, are you sure you want me to tell you now?"

Wang Jing stood up quickly: "I'll go to the ward to take a look."

Song Xiaoyu also walked out: "I'm with you."

"I'm going too." Chu Xia followed the two of them and walked out. Lin Wenbin grabbed her and said, "Chu Xia. What I said has something to do with you, so you stay."

"Brother..." There was a hint of anger in Chu Xia's eyes. "I know you feel sorry for me, but brother. Is this really appropriate for you?

I stayed tonight to accompany the teacher on the night shift, but as a result, the teacher and senior sister had to make room for me to handle personal matters.

I want to be a qualified doctor, not just for fun. Brother, if you really regard me as your most beloved sister, then let me see your respect for me! "

Song Xiaoyu, who had already arrived at the door, stopped and smoothed things over with a smile: "Chu Xia. If Zhou Mikang hadn't left soon, your brother wouldn't have come to the office in such a hurry to deal with the matter between you. Don't think too much, the problem is solved. Everyone is relieved. Wang Jing and I went to check on Qin Mei’s condition.

You're on duty for the rest of the night. "As he said this, he put pressure on Chu Xia's shoulders, turned around and strode away.

"Chu Xia, do you think I don't respect you?" Lin Wenbin's eyes were vaguely hurt, thinking of how he always thought he was protecting himself. Chu Xia's heart softened and she sighed softly, "Brother, what I said was a bit harsh. But it's really hard for me to do this. I'm an intern, so I kicked out the teacher and senior sister. What's going on? ?”

"Are you really angry with me because you're worried about this?"


Lin Wenbin's expression softened: "I'm sorry, what I did was a little thoughtless. However, Zhou Mixang will leave the day after tomorrow. I'm afraid if I don't talk to him tonight, I won't have the chance for a while.

Of course, we can wait until he comes back to talk, but that way, this matter will always be in my heart, and I don't want any accidents to happen. "

Zhou Mikang looked at him seriously: "Ask, I will answer truthfully."

Lin Wenbin's face became tense: "Huang Suai came to see you yesterday. You met him and stayed alone in the room for an hour and a half."

"Is that why?" Zhou Mikang laughed dumbly, "Are you suspecting that I am unfaithful to Chu Xia?"

"I..." Lin Wenbin said with gleaming eyes, "Can't I be suspicious like this?"

"You said that in your eyes, Chu Xia is the most outstanding girl, right?"


"If you really think so, you shouldn't ask me this question."

"This is a fallacy!" Lin Wenbin glared at Zhou Mikang hatefully, "Chu Xia is the best girl in my heart, but what about you?

Besides, the Huang family had the idea of ​​marrying Huang Suai to you in the past. Now, who knows about this idea? If it were someone else's family, I wouldn't have to worry about it, but for the Huang family, I can't help but think too much.

I know that you will be angry when I say this and feel that I am insulting you. But Zhou Mikang, as Chu Xia’s natal family member, what I need is your most honest answer.

Our Lin family has seen Chu Xia's excellence, but Huang Suai's excellence has been seen by everyone in the circle, so you should understand my concerns.

Of course, I also know that you will not abandon Chu Xia and marry Huang Su Ai, but my sister's feelings cannot tolerate a grain of sand, even if she appreciates other girls! "

Chu Xia turned her back and quietly wiped away her tears. She didn't expect that what Lin Wenbin wanted to question was actually this question. These are relatives!

She knew that the Huang family wanted to marry Huang Suai to the Zhou family, so now she was also curious about the reason why Huang Suai met Zhou Mixang alone. After calming down, Chu Xia also turned her attention to Zhou Mixang, waiting for his answer.

"Chu Xia, do you feel uncomfortable after hearing this news?" Zhou Mikang asked.

"I'm not uncomfortable, I'm just curious." Chu Xia said honestly, "I'm curious why she came to you. If I had to guess, I would think it might be about Ye Meiru."

"Aren't you feeling uncomfortable at all?" Zhou Mikang asked.

Chu Xia's big eyes blinked: "What, I'm not jealous, are you feeling a little uncomfortable?"


Lin Wenbin covered his mouth and waved at Zhou Mikang, who was staring at him with an unhappy expression: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

Zhou Mikang was really looking forward to Chu Xia showing some jealousy just now. At the very least, it also represented his position in her heart, right?

Not getting what he wanted, he no longer struggled with this issue, "Huang Suai came to see me for business. In Chu Xia, I said I had something to talk to you about tonight, but it actually has something to do with this. Let's do it. I'll wait for Aunt Song and me later. Wang Jing is back, let’s go to the car to talk.”

"Okay." Chu Xia's expression became solemn. It seemed that the matter was quite important. Otherwise, Zhou Mikang wouldn't have to be so mysterious.

Lin Wenbin waved his hands to the two of them: "You go and talk in the car. I'll let them know when they're back."

"Can you really hold back your curiosity?" Zhou Mikang looked at him funny, "If you don't stand guard in front of me, aren't you worried that I will deceive Chu Xia?"

Lin Wenbin waved his hand proudly: "She is already married to you. She has to solve some problems by herself. I will only help you with the general direction. Go ahead and stop being wordy here."

Zhou Mikang: "..." Why didn't you say at that time that she had to solve some problems by herself? This cheap uncle is really a... character...

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