Updated today.

"Tell me what is going on. Is it so hard to talk about it? It's not because you really want to divorce me and marry Huang Suai, right?" Chu Xia stared at Zhou Mikang, who had been silent since getting in the car, and said jokingly .

"You know it can't be like that..." Zhou Mikang hugged Chu Xia, "I really want to be selfish and make a decision for you, but..." He sighed quietly, "I never thought that I, Zhou Mikang, would have this day. You are really a harmful little goblin."

"Be happy, okay?" Chu Xia struggled to push him away, "You know clearly that I don't like my mother-in-law's man, do you sincerely want me to hate you?"

Zhou Mikang shook his head in a funny way: "It's obviously your curiosity, why do you find so many excuses? To be honest, are you as anxious as a cat scratching your head?"

"Don't tell me I'm back on duty." Chu Xia was about to open the door and get out of the car due to her injuries. Zhou Mikang grabbed her, "Okay, just be curious if you're curious. What's the big deal if you admit it? I won't laugh at you."

"You know you know I'm curious, but you still want to tease me?" Chu Xia curled her lips contemptuously, "Do you think it's particularly fun to tease me?"

"Haha..." Zhou Mixang looked at her narrowly, "What would you do if I didn't hold you back?"

"What else can I do?" Chu Xia rolled her eyes, "I must be pretending to take a few steps, then come back and ask you to tell me the truth.

Face, you have to fight for it, no matter who you fight in front of. It’s hard for me to fight for face in front of you. It’s not worth it. Don't blame me for not making a move in advance, today's move. Sooner or later I have to pay it back. "

"Okay, you can come back. I will definitely not complain at all." Zhou Mikang looked serious and got to the point, "You also know that war is inevitable.

This group of medical staff was specially recruited to prepare for a rainy day. Once war breaks out, this group of medical staff will be the first to go to the battlefield.

There was a meeting yesterday and it was decided that Huang Suai would go to the district for on-the-spot inspection after the Chinese New Year, and that the pre-war medical team would set off there in the second half of the year. Huang Suai is in charge.

In addition to selecting some skilled medical staff from outside the hospital, the members of the medical team also select some with relatively good qualifications from your group of students.

In early summer, your performance during this period is obvious to all, so the members of the pre-war medical team must include you. I thought about letting you change careers, and I also thought about letting you go home to rest, but I know that no matter which method I use. It's all disrespectful to you.

As a soldier,

Of course my idea was unacceptable, but in early summer, I had already lost Xiaorao. I don't want tragedy to happen again.

The lack of you in the medical team will not affect the overall situation, but if our family is missing you..." After sighing, Zhou Mikang stopped talking.

There was a long silence in the car.

I thought about various possibilities in early summer. The only thing I didn't expect was that I learned the news without any psychological preparation. She was a little excited and a little confused.

What is exciting is the fighting with real guns and cannons. The bloody battlefield, all of which can only be seen in movies, did she really have the opportunity to visit it in person?

What’s confusing is that guns have no eyesight. Although the medical staff are some distance away from the front line, the risk factor is still quite high. If she has an accident, will her parents be able to bear it?

There is also Zhou Mikang, who seems to be such a strong person, but in fact, his heart is extremely soft, otherwise, he would not have been unable to get over after losing his sister for so many years.

Such a man is affectionate but not sentimental. The girl he falls in love with will be the happiest woman in the world, but can he still bear the loss again?

Or he can bear it, but can he stand up again and start a new family? Thinking about it, it is 10% impossible.

In other words, if she leaves, there will be three people in this world who will live unhappy lives...

Death, in fact, she was not very afraid.

Because she traveled to this era, her understanding of death is nothing more than moving from one place to another, but what about the relatives who were left behind?

When she left, she happened to be replaced by another girl... Well, if this was really possible, wouldn't the world be in chaos?

Taking a step back, everything unreasonable happened, and she was so lucky that if she changed time and space, human emotions are not like computers. They would restart when they were told to restart, and delete when they were told to delete. If that were the case, she would be It's become a psychosis!

Of course, this is just the worst plan, or she just participated in the baptism of war and came back healthy and safe.

But..., she still couldn't help but think about the worst...

As Zhou Mikang said, retire, or change your workplace...

No, she has fallen in love with the profession of doctor. Of course, she can also stay at home for a few years, or choose to go to school. Avoid this war.

However, people live in this world not just for themselves.

If she really did this, who among the students with her would think highly of her?

She didn't care about other people, such as Luo Xiaoqiong, Liu Meijun, Wu Jingbo, Jun Doudou, Lin Mengran, Qiao Ningyi and even Yang Xiaoli... Faces passed by her eyes, thinking that one day, they would turn a blind eye to her. She couldn't stand it.

Her sense of belonging to this era is because her relationship with her relatives is getting deeper and deeper, and she has these friends she can talk to. If she loses it, she will return to the feeling of this era again, that kind of loneliness, loneliness and coldness. , she no longer wants to bear it...

"Alas!" Zhou Mikang sighed heavily and stroked her head with his big hand, "If the news hadn't been announced by the hospital soon, I wouldn't have wanted to tell you and embarrass you.

I know that my attitude has affected you, and I also admit that I haven't come out of Xiaorao's matter yet, so I can't watch you go to the front line calmly.

However, I support your decision, but I have a request. When the war breaks out, you must be assigned to my regiment. I will apply for this, and you must agree to this condition. "

"I promise." Chu Xia bit her lip, "Zhou Mikang, I'm not afraid of death, but I'm afraid of being separated from you, I'm afraid of leaving you behind, I'm afraid..."

Zhou Mikang hugged her tightly: "I know, I know, I understand your mood, so I can feel relieved only if you are under my eyes.

We are just thinking of the worst-case scenario now. In fact, there is a 10% chance that nothing will happen. I was too selfish and made it difficult for you. "

"Don't say that, I'm very touched that you care about me so much." Chu Xia sniffed, "Besides, I also enjoy the feeling of being taken seriously by others.

Zhou Mikang, actually I'm not very nice to you. I always talk back to you, I like to force things with you, and I'm not gentle enough. It's really embarrassing that you're still so nice to me. "

After listening to the previous words, Zhou Mikang was quite happy. When he heard the last sentence, he quickly blacked out. What does it mean to be too embarrassed? She is his wife, what is there to be embarrassed about? !

"Dong dong dong..."

The two of them looked outside and saw Lin Wenbin standing outside the car. Zhou Mikang quickly unlocked the car, opened the door, and let Lin Wenbin sit in.

Looking at their faces, Lin Wenbin frowned: "Why are you still crying? Zhou Mikang, are you bullying my sister?"

"Do you think I look like this?" Zhou Mikang looked at him speechlessly, "Chu Xia is my wife, why should I bully her when I have nothing to do? Isn't your logic too weird?"

"Then why is she crying?"

"Can't it be touching?"

Lin Wenbin looked at Chu Xia: "Tell me, did he bully you, or was he moved? Don't be afraid, I will support you!"

"None of them..." Chu Xia looked at Zhou Mixang and saw that he nodded towards her, so she straightened out her thoughts and repeated the topic to Lin Wenbin.

Originally, Chu Xia thought that after she finished speaking, Lin Wenbin would definitely jump up to object. She had even thought of using a coquettish way to deal with him.

As a result, after hearing what she said, Lin Wenbin was silent for a while and then patted her seriously: "Chu Xia, you are the pride of our Lin family. I believe you will come back safely."

Chu Xia and Zhou Mikang looked at him with wide eyes and surprise.

"What kind of looks? What kind of looks do you have?" Lin Wenbin rolled his eyes dissatisfied, "Is it possible that in your hearts, I am just that confused?

Zhou Mikang, you are unwilling to let Chu Xia go because the hurdle in your heart has not been overcome. It also shows that you regard Chu Xia as the most important person in your life. I am very happy about this.

For me, Chu Xia is of course one of the most important people in life. However, in the past few days, I have also inquired about Chu Xia’s affairs in the hospital. She is definitely the best among this group of students, and with her recent dazzling performance , if she retreats, she will never be able to enter this industry again in this life.

I can clearly see her love for this industry. Whether she is a clerical worker, a housewife, or something else, she will have regrets in her life.

I hope she lives a happy life. The meaning of life no longer depends on how old you live, but on whether you spend your whole life doing what you like and being with the people you like.

I know that no matter what the probability is, there will be that eventuality, but I don’t want to worry about it in vain. Why should I worry about something so far away from now?

Besides, Zhou Mikang, you are the one who has to worry the most. If you marry my sister, you can't let her become a widow one day. Otherwise, I will wipe my neck and go to you to settle the score! "

Zhou Mikang nodded solemnly: "Okay, I will listen to my uncle."

"Uh..." Zhou Mikang's attitude made Lin Wenbin uncomfortable. He was stunned and smiled sarcastically, "You'd better not have such an attitude towards me. I'm a little uncomfortable with it."

"I will try my best to treat you this way in the future, and you will gradually get used to it."

"No, no, no," Lin Wenbin waved his hands anxiously, "If you wait until I get used to it and then change back, I'll be in trouble."

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