Seeing her brother and soon-to-be sister-in-law leave without any pressure, Qin Mei closed her eyes in pain. Are these also relatives? Is it a relative who is related to her by blood?

There was a four-year age difference between her and Qin Sheng, so her parents locked her and her brother at home while they were at work and asked her to take care of her brother. At first, she felt that her brother was a burden, but gradually, her brother could crawl, smile at her, and talk. , she gradually regarded taking care of him as her responsibility.

She didn't go to elementary school until she was eight years old. However, there were many children in her class who went to elementary school only when they were ** years old. Some of them were because their families were poor, and some of them had to take care of younger siblings like her. Others were unwilling to go home after school, but she, after school She would rush home as soon as the bell rang. She felt that it was pitiful for her brother to be locked at home and bored all day long, so she had to go back earlier to accompany him.

Until Qin Sheng went to elementary school, the relationship between the siblings was still very good. In fact, Qin Sheng's relationship with her was closer than that with his parents.

Qin Sheng's change occurred at the age of fourteen.

He gradually developed an Adam's apple, a fluffy beard, and his voice began to get thicker... Then, he no longer wanted to play with her or get close to her.

At first, she didn't adapt. Later, she felt that it was the rebellion of adolescence, or that when he became an adult, the relationship between the two would become close again.

Unfortunately, everything didn't go as she wished.

My brother is in love.

My brother is married.

Then, her brother began to feel like she was an eyesore living at home.

Later, my brother got divorced.

The younger brother no longer cares about anyone or anything in the family, and is only immersed in his own emotions, waiting for him to finally come out. But he likes to question and blame others even more.

even. He also blamed her for the failure of his marriage, thinking it was because of her existence. That was why he and Wang Feng had so many conflicts and their marriage came to an end.

But now, it's obvious that his brother doesn't even care about her life or death.

If she never paid, she had no right to blame, but...

Tears rolled down the corners of his eyes. He was in his thirties, homeless and jobless. With no relatives or friends, she felt that her life was a failure!

Suddenly there was a soft touch in her hand. The moment she opened her eyes, a honest voice sounded: "Whenever you need me,

Tell me and I will do it for you. If I can't do it, I will help you convey it. "

The speaker was the son of the old man in the next bed. She had a clean handkerchief in her hand, smiled gratefully at the other person, said thank you weakly, and closed her eyes again.

It's not that she's rude. I don't know how to face it, everything is nakedly placed in front of others. What could she say?

The man looked at her and poured her a glass of boiling water to cool down. After thinking for a while, he got up and went to Song Xiaoyu's office.

Song Xiaoyu has an operation. Wang Jing also went with her. Chu Xia was the only one in the office. When she saw him entering, Chu Xia got up in confusion: "What's wrong?" The old man was Director Huang's patient, so he came over, and Chu Xia was naturally puzzled.

"Hello, Dr. Xiaolin." I thought the man's sister had mentioned to him about chasing Chu Xia, and to say hello, his face had turned red.

"Hello." Chu Xia nodded and continued to look at him with doubtful eyes, waiting for his answer.

After calming down, the man said: "Comrade Qin's family has left, and now she has no patients to take care of her. There are some things I can help with, but there are some things that, as a man, it is not easy for me to help."

"Leaved?" Chu Xia frowned, "You mean Wang Feng left the hospital?"

"Yes, her husband came to find her and left with her. Now Comrade Qin no longer takes care of her. I saw her crying there, and she seemed very uncomfortable."

"Thank you." Chu Xia said and walked to the intensive care unit. It had only been more than three days and the wound had not healed yet. She was afraid that Qin Mei's excitement would aggravate her condition.

Fortunately, Qin Mei just lay there quietly and her mood was not too intense. If you didn't pay attention to the tears in the corners of her eyes, you would have thought she fell asleep.

After looking at her for a few times, Chu Xia quietly withdrew and waved to the old man's son. The old man was so happy that he even sang a tune while lying on the hospital bed.

The old man's son was called Yu Jinfu. He was following Chu Xia with a red face, like a newly married daughter-in-law. The little nurse passing by the two couldn't help but smile, and Yu Jinfu's face became even redder. Already...

Of course, Chu Xia noticed Yu Jinfu's discomfort, but this was not the time to pay attention to the mess. When she entered the office, she looked at Yu Jinfu with a serious face: "Brother Yu, I'm sorry, I came to you because I wanted to Can you tell me the details?"

Yu Jinfu recited the conversation between Wang Feng and Qin Mei, as well as the detailed process after Qin Sheng arrived. Probably because he was afraid that Chu Xia would think it was immoral for him to eavesdrop, he also explained that he didn't do it intentionally. He was really too close, and the other person didn't lower his voice too low, so he couldn't even hear it if he didn't want to.

Chu Xia smiled and waved to him: "Brother Yu, I understand. Thank you so much for today's matter. Do you think this is okay? Before Sister Qin comes with me, please help me if you have anything to do. It's inconvenient. Just come and call me, okay?"

Yu Jinfu nodded repeatedly: "Okay, okay, that's what I originally planned."

"Dong dong..."

When Chu Xia turned around, she saw the regiment leader Tongzi standing at the door with an expressionless face, so he grinned: "Why are you here now?"

It is now two o'clock in the afternoon. Zhou Mikang was supposed to leave yesterday, but there was an impromptu meeting that he was required to attend, so he postponed it for two more days and will leave tomorrow afternoon.

"The meeting is over. I have nothing to do, so I came over to take a look. I have something to tell you by the way. My third uncle is getting married."

"Third uncle is getting married?" Chu Xia's eyes suddenly widened, "He told you personally? With whom?"

"Do you think I'm the kind of person who likes to spread rumors?" Zhou Mikang said, sitting at her table, "If you have anything to do, go and get busy. I'll wait for you to pick up your third uncle after get off work. Tonight, your third aunt is going to go to us." Eat at home.”

"Really...really?" Chu Xia looked at him dumbfounded, feeling that the world was so crazy that sows were sleeping on the bed...

"I don't know the specifics. He didn't say who the third aunt was. He just said that we knew each other. I thought about it, but I couldn't figure out which one it was. Forget it, we'll know each other when we meet." Zhou Mikang As he spoke, he shook his head. Apparently, he was also shocked to death by the news.

"You wouldn't..." At this point, Chu Xia suddenly realized that there was an outsider in the room. It was too rude for her to do this, so she smiled at Yu Jinfu, "Brother Yu, this is my husband Zhou Mi Kang..." Turning to look at Zhou Mikang, "Qin Mei's younger brother came to take his younger siblings away. Now I don't have anyone sleeping with me. It was Brother Yu who kindly came over and told me."



The two men greeted each other in a friendly manner and were relatively speechless.

"Dr. Xiaolin, I'm going back to the ward first." Yu Jinfu smiled sheepishly at Chu Xia and Zhou Mixang, and backed out softly.

A tall man of 1.8 meters, strong, and walking like a cat, Zhou Mikang raised the corners of his mouth. After the other party closed the door for a long time, he smiled and leaned into Chu Xia's ear: "While I'm not here, Don’t mess with other men.”

"Tch!" Chu Xia rolled her eyes at him, "You are thinking too much. His sister once thought about introducing me to him, but she gave up the idea when she found out that I was married. However, after all, there was such a thing, and he felt a little uncomfortable when he saw me. I’m sorry, not because I like me, but because of that matter, understand?”

"What did you say?" Zhou Mikang pulled Chu Xia into his arms, "Why didn't I know what happened?"

"Don't make trouble!" Chu Xia squeezed his hand hard, "Let me go. If someone comes in and sees what I'm like, will you let me stay here? Will you let me see people? "

"The door is closed. If someone comes in, they will knock on the door."

"No, I'm going to open the door. You see, Yu Jinfu misunderstood just now. Otherwise, why would he close the door?" Chu Xia said while struggling hard, "If you make trouble again, I will fall out!"

Zhou Mikang let go of her and joked with a smile: "I'm leaving tomorrow, can't you show a little bit of reluctance?"

"You can't show it here." Chu Xia muttered and opened the door. Sure enough, several young nurses were looking over here. Seeing her appear at the door, they quickly left in a busy manner. She turned back and glared at Zhou Mi. Kang, "You killed me! By the way, I was just planning to call Third Uncle and ask him to send someone to take care of Sister Qin, but now, why do I feel that it is not appropriate for him to find someone?"

"What's inappropriate about that? He only helped Qin Mei because of work. You're busy with work, so I'll call him." Zhou Mikang said and sat down at Song Xiaoyu's table, picked up the phone and dialed.

Zhou Shanping was very fast. It was 2:10 in the afternoon when Zhou Mikang called, and he came to the hospital with a neatly dressed woman at 3 o'clock.

"This is Liang Hongyan." After the two sides greeted each other, Zhou Shanping introduced the woman to Chu Xia and told the woman, "This is my niece-in-law. If you have anything to do, go to her directly and she will tell me."

"Yes, Director." Liang Hongyan smiled respectfully at Chu Xia, "Dr. Lin, I'm causing trouble for you."

Where is this going? Chu Xia smiled at her: "Don't be so polite. What the third uncle means is that you don't go to work at work. I'm just a messenger."

Liang Hongyan said quickly: "You are too polite."

Liang Hongyan's words were more polite than Huang Li's, but the feeling was not very comfortable. It felt a little too fake. She was so excited that Chu Xia broke out in a cold sweat. She couldn't be the marriage partner of her third uncle, right? If true, then the third uncle's vision is really weird.

I will update these today, and I will update more tomorrow. It means that I must work hard to update tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. All perfect attendance is gone. If the half-year bonus is gone, am I just a standard second-rate person?

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