One update arrived.

Qin Mei stared blankly at the drops in the bottle. When Chu Xia brought Liang Hongyan to her bedside, she didn't even react at all.

Afraid of startling her, Chu Xia didn't say anything. She just whispered to Liang Hongyan how to take care of the patient and what precautions to take.

Liang Hongyan is a very serious person. When Chu Xia said it, she took out the small notebook she carried with her and wrote it down one by one. When Chu Xia finished speaking, she quickly handed it to Chu Xia to see if she remembered it correctly.

After reading it from the beginning, it turned out to be flawless. Although the handwriting was a bit sloppy, it was really not easy to keep up with the speed of the speech.

"How do you manage to write at the same speed as you speak?" Chu Xia couldn't help but ask curiously. After hearing what she said, those who were able to move around in the hospital beds all turned their attention to Liang Hongyan.

"I..." Liang Hongyan's face flushed slightly and she said nervously, "I don't know. I have been writing faster than others since I was a child."

That's really a talent. Chu Xia secretly sighed. If it weren't for the lack of education in this era, people like Liang Hongyan would have a good future. A person who is talented in writing shouldn't be too bad in learning. After all, , the structure of Chinese characters is ever-changing, it is not easy to remember and write the characters faster than others.

Otherwise, how could anyone forget to talk about something while writing?

At this time, Qin Mei had come back to her senses. She was surprised when she heard Liang Hongyan's words. After greeting Chu Xia, she looked at Liang Hongyan: "Sister Liang, I have never seen you show your expertise in this area. You write. So soon, why not sign up to be the meeting recorder?" Then he turned to Chu Xia to explain. "Some time ago, our city launched an open recruitment for meeting minute takers."

Liang Hongyan lowered her head in panic: "I...I can't."

Qin Mei wanted to say something else, but suddenly seemed to realize something. Then the conversation changed: "Sister Liang, I'm sorry to trouble you."

"I am a brick of the revolution. I can move it wherever it is needed, no trouble."

It was really hard to hold back the laughter in Chu Xia, so she pretended to check the drainage tube and covered the smile at the corner of her mouth with her hands. When she came to this era, many people no longer talked like this, so. She was not very used to this, but she felt so happy when she suddenly met such a person.

It was obvious that other people were very adaptable to this way of speaking, and the expressions on their faces did not change. Qin Mei even used this tone to speak to Liang Hongyan, and Chu Xia hurried back to the office as if running away. She was afraid of staying any longer. I'll get egg bumps all over my body,

That feeling. It's like chewing a piece of dirt while eating, and your teeth are sore and numb. It's as uncomfortable as it is.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Mikang sat in her seat with a stern look. He raised his head and looked at her, "What happy event happened to you?"

"No, I just think Sister Liang is quite happy." Chu Xia would not be stupid enough to imitate Liang Hongyan. This matter was very joyful to her, but very serious to others.

Who would have thought that Zhou Mikang could guess her thoughts right away. He immediately shook his head amusedly: "You don't know her background. If you do, you won't find it funny."

Chu Xia stretched her curious head in front of the other party: "Hey. What I want to know most now is, is she the third uncle's new girlfriend?"


"Did you ask Third Uncle?"

Zhou Mikang nodded: "Asked."

Chu Xia continued to gossip: "Then did he say who it was?"

"No, seeing that he was quite embarrassed, I didn't ask any more questions." Zhou Mikang said, reaching out and poking her head, "Can you please stop being so curious? I'll find out in the evening anyway."

"Tch!" Chu Xia rolled her eyes at him, "Aren't you curious?"

"If I'm not curious..." After a pause, Zhou Mikang smiled brightly, "Of course it's impossible. We're going to be a family. How can I not be curious?"

I have never seen Zhou Mikang smile so brightly, and his bright white teeth were dazzling. Chu Xia stared at him and was stunned. After a long while, he shook his head: "You have such a charming smile, you almost charmed me to death."

Zhou Mikang: "..." Can we be more reserved? Moreover, for a man like him, what’s so charming about his smile? Or is beauty in the eye of the beholder? Thinking this way, Zhou Mikang's mood became particularly good.

"Seeing how happy you are, your eyebrows are about to jump to the top of your head." Chu Xia looked at him and couldn't help teasing, "What are you thinking about? It's not like you want to get a wife."

"..." The leader, Tongzi, really didn't know what to say. Did he talk to his husband like this? What would happen if he took another wife?

It's true that one thing brings down another, so why does he, who always doesn't suffer anywhere, suffer everywhere when he comes to his little wife?

In eager anticipation, Chu Xia finally waited until it was time to get off work. Different from the slow pace in the past, when the time came, she said hello, grabbed her bag and ran out.

In order to influence, the group leader Tongzi withdrew and waited for his beloved wife when Song Xiaoyu and Wang Jing got off the operating table. Of course, the possibility that he was afraid of being embarrassed in front of outsiders could not be ruled out.

"Is this because Captain Zhou is leaving tomorrow?" Wang Jing murmured curiously, and couldn't help but look at Song Xiaoyu, "Teacher, do you think my guess is correct?"

"Ask her tomorrow and you'll know if your guess is right?"

"How could she tell me the truth?" Wang Jing sighed, "However, I really envy her for meeting a good husband like Captain Zhou, who has outstanding looks and abilities, and treats Chu Xia as a treasure. This is really a lantern. It’s hard to find a good husband. If I can find one with one-fifth of the conditions of Captain Zhou in my life, I will wake up laughing in my dreams.”

Song Xiaoyu smiled and said: "You work hard, it's impossible to find someone like Zhou Mikang, but it's still possible to find someone half as good as him."

The phone rang while they were talking. Song Xiaoyu picked it up and said a few words, then handed it to Wang Jing: "Your sister-in-law."

"My sister-in-law?" Wang Jing's face immediately became serious. She was already off work, and her sister-in-law still called her. Could it be that something happened? She walked to Song Xiaoyu's desk in a few steps, took the phone and said hurriedly, "Sister-in-law, what's wrong?"

Wang Lei on the other end of the phone said hesitantly: "Xiaojing, you... you can eat by yourself tonight, no need... no need to wait for me."

Wang Jing frowned slightly, "Does my sister have to work overtime? About what time can I get off work? I will pick you up then, and I will wait for you to eat with me."

"No, it's..." After a pause, Wang Lei said, "I'll tell you when I get home tonight. Don't worry, I'm fine. You can cook and eat by yourself, and be obedient."

When Wang Lei said this, Wang Jing knew that it might be inconvenient for her to talk, so she stopped asking. After hanging up the phone, she jokingly said to Song Xiaoyu: "My sister-in-law is so nagging. I wonder if she has met the man she likes. She said No, I’m going to have a little uncle.”

Song Xiaoyu looked at her with a smile: "Then do you hope to have a little uncle, or not?"

"Of course I hope." Wang Jing said with a serious face, "As I said, I look forward to my sister-in-law's happiness. Of course I hope that a man will love her. For me, my sister-in-law delayed her own happiness. If she How can I feel at ease if I am single all my life?" As he said that, he couldn't help but shake his head, "Seeing Chu Xia and Captain Zhou together, I was looking forward to love, but seeing Wang Lianliang and his wife together, I also think, can a man get along with anyone?"

After Wang Lianliang's wife woke up, she has been taken care of by Wang Lianliang. Many people were moved by his tenderness towards his wife, but Wang Jing would not, because this was the man who almost became her uncle, and besides, this man and her My sister-in-law's relationship is still very good, so why is she so kind to another woman now?

Either because of the illness, or because he has always had the same temper. Women barked at Wang Lianliang like a dog, but he never got angry and always took care of women with a smile. How could he do it without love?

If there is love, what is the relationship between Wang Lianliang and her sister-in-law? Anyway, she couldn't figure it out, and because of this, she also had doubts about the so-called love.

"Not all marriages are based on love, but since you are together, you must be responsible. Besides, if you are together for a long time, you will naturally develop feelings. No matter how deep the feelings are, they will become different after being apart for a long time. It’s light, can you understand it this way?”

"Teacher, what you mean is that no matter how deep the feelings are, they can't withstand time and space? Even those like Chu Xia and Captain Zhou can't withstand it?"

Song Xiaoyu nodded: "I think so, you, don't always see the love between men and women as so beautiful, otherwise, you will definitely be hurt in the future.

No matter how suitable two people are, they have to go through some twists and turns before they can finally come together harmoniously. Smooth sailing, without the slightest bit of conflicting feelings, is something that can only be met by chance. "

"There is also a conflict between the teacher and the master?"

"Of course, when we were young, we had a lot of quarrels. Moreover, he wouldn't give in to me at all. Of course, he wouldn't do anything, but he would never forgive others. Sometimes I would make him so angry that his liver would hurt. .

There was even a period of time when I felt that I could no longer live with him, and then I treated my marriage very negatively. Later, when I became seriously ill and he took care of me all the time, I realized that, in fact, he He has me in his heart, but he is not good at expressing it.

However, after that incident, his personality also changed a lot, or maybe it was because he almost lost it that he began to learn to cherish it. "

"I understand." Wang Jing nodded and shook her head, "But I still don't seem to understand. Do you have to experience life and death before you can truly cherish it? What if you really say goodbye, you don't even have the opportunity to cherish it. there is none left?"

Song Xiaoyu waved her hands helplessly: "I won't talk nonsense to you. You are just trying to argue. I have already said the truth. Go back and taste it yourself. There are some things that others say are useless. The key is to experience them yourself."

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