Re-edited. ,


When Chu Xia and others walked to the door, they heard faint crying coming from the house. Only Sister-in-law Yin was at home. Chu Xia had a good impression of her, so she quickened her pace and rushed in first.

The crying came from Sister Yin's house. Chu Xia hesitated and knocked on the door: "Sister Yin, what's wrong with you? Grandpa is back."

"Here we come." The crying suddenly stopped, and soon there were footsteps. Sister Yin came out with red and swollen eyes, and nodded to several people casually, "I'm going to make tea."

"No, come and sit down." Mr. Wan said.

Sister-in-law Yin hesitated, then came to sit on the sofa, not daring to raise her head.

"What happened?" Mr. Wan asked, "No one here is an outsider. If it's not your fault, just tell us and see if anyone can help you."

"Wan Lao, I have to leave you, and I can't bear to do it." Sister-in-law Yin said and began to wipe her tears again, "The more I thought about it, the sadder I became. I couldn't control my emotions, so I burst into tears. I didn't know that you would I’ll be back soon.”

"Did something happen at home?"


"Then why did you leave?" Mr. Wan asked. "You didn't feel comfortable working here that's why you wanted to leave? If so, I can go up there for you and rearrange your work."

"No." Sister-in-law Yin shook her head vigorously, "Wanlao, you are very kind to me. I feel very happy to be able to work beside you. Otherwise, I wouldn't be reluctant to let you go."

"Why is that? Can you please be more relaxed?" I usually think that Sister Yin's good temper and elegance are advantages, but now. Wan Lao felt like he wanted to poke her with a stick.

Compared with Wang Lei, this character makes him feel so miserable. After asking for a long time, can't you take the initiative to tell me the reason?

Sister-in-law Yin bit her lip and said, "Yes, Miss Wan called me and asked me to get out of here."

"Wan Yuqiong just called?"

"Yes." Aunt Yin nodded, "She said she found a new nanny for me and asked me to get out of the Wan family quickly, otherwise, he would be rude to my relatives. I don't care about it myself, but, I We can’t bring down our family, Wan Lao, I’m sorry, I won’t be able to take care of you in the future.

I am particularly grateful for your care of me over the years. I will visit you often if I have the opportunity in the future. "

"Are you invited here by me or by her?" Mr. Wan stared at her. "You're going to leave if she asks you to? Did I agree? See what she can do, and she has to deal with your family. How dare she touch them?"

"Wan Lao, I am very grateful for your protection of me. But, she is your daughter after all, and what you have been looking forward to is the reunion of your relatives. If there is another conflict because of me, you father and daughter really don't know when. Only then can we reconcile.

If you really feel sorry for yourself, please help me arrange a job within my ability. I can also come to see you in the future, okay? "

"No!" Mr. Wan snorted, "It's one thing if you have done enough here, but it's another thing if she arranges this. If I obey her arrangement, doesn't that mean Am I afraid of her?

I know her temper very well. If I compromise this time, she will threaten me to compromise in many ways in the future. I hope that the family will be reunited, but that reunion is because of family ties, not because of threats.

Xiao Yin, if you think what you are doing here is okay, just listen to me and continue to stay here. Over the years, I have become accustomed to eating the food you cook. If you change someone suddenly, I will not adapt.

As for Wan Yuqiong, don't worry. You will go wherever I go from now on. She doesn't dare to do anything to you. As for your family, I won't let her lift a finger.

Just her little tricks, do you think I don't understand? snort! Mr. Wan snorted heavily, "I can finally understand. I treat her as my daughter, but she has never treated me as my father. She has calculated it right down to her bones." Why! "

It is really inconvenient for Chu Xia and others to intervene in this kind of thing. In any case, Wan Yuqiong is Mr. Wan’s daughter. No matter how wrong she does, they, the juniors, should not follow in the condemnation. They have no such position. , and don’t have the qualifications.

However, from this, Chu Xia thought of another thing. Her parents would be coming in two or three days. They should have come a long time ago, but due to the delays of one incident and another, this time , is really coming. At noon today, Mrs. Zhou received the telegram.

It was originally planned to let them come and continue to keep Mr. Wan company, but looking at the current situation, it seems to be inconvenient. How embarrassing will it be for Lin Baohe and Zhao Yulan when Wan Yuqiong comes to make trouble? Fat Aunt and Luo Gangshun will also come with them. If they bump into Wan Yuqiong and have a psychological shadow, the couple will probably never want to come to A City again in the future. They will hit a wall every time, and they will hit a wall every time. Who can not feel embarrassed?

The key point is that the main purpose of Luo Gangshun and Fat Aunt coming to City A is to meet their future daughter-in-law. Zhang Erni is a timid person. If she were to run into

The more she thought about it, the more serious the problem became in Chu Xia. After thinking about it, she simply consulted Mr. Wan directly. After she finished expressing her concerns, Mr. Wan sighed heavily: "Chu Xia, what you are thinking about is indeed a problem. I also know that Wan Yu "Why is Qiong making such a fuss these days?" She looked at Zhou Mikang and said, "Xiao Mi, go home and discuss it with your grandparents. Your ancestral home has been returned. You can't let your father-in-law and mother-in-law live there." , I would go there to join in the fun when I was alone, so that Wan Yuqiong wouldn't bother them when she came to make trouble, and she wouldn't be able to do anything if I wasn't around. She didn't understand. The more she bothered like this, the worse things got. "

"Okay, Grandpa Wan, there are always people staying at the old house. Originally, my grandparents wanted my mother-in-law to live there. However, they were worried that you would be too lonely, so they never mentioned it. Let me tell them. , just send a nanny there.

If you're not happy living here, you might as well move here with Mrs. Yin. Anyway, you are Chu Xia's godfather. In the eyes of Chu Xia and me, you are Chu Xia’s biological grandfather.

It is only natural that the grandfather and granddaughter live together. I have wanted to say this for a long time. However, I was afraid that you would feel uncomfortable, so I didn’t dare to say anything. "

"Okay, I listen to you. I have to avoid her. Even if she hates me, I can't just follow her temper. What happens in the future is her fate." The old man said and sighed. "As long as she listens to my advice, I don't have to take this step, but what she hates is that the more I don't let her do something, the more she will do it, and she always feels that I want to harm her.

You said I am her biological father, how could I possibly harm her? All day long I have felt that her in-laws are so nice, so why are they trying so hard to take advantage of her at this time? Push her into the fire pit? "

Chu Xia didn't seem to understand what he heard, but after thinking about it, she knew that it was probably about standing in support of Wan Yuqiong. It was really ridiculous to think about Wan Yuqiong. The in-laws are the elders, but the biological father is not the elder. It’s really weird.

Lin Wenbin never interrupted. After everyone finished discussing, they sighed: "Grandpa Wan. That daughter of yours!"

The old man smiled bitterly: "You live in the capital, so you should have heard a lot about her. It's okay, just tell the truth. I would like to hear the outside world's evaluation of her. After so many years, we are not father and daughter. Not a girl, I really only know her as I did when I was a child. It’s not that I don’t care about her, it’s that she doesn’t give me a chance to care about her at all. Moreover, as long as I care, I will definitely care about what happens, so what? It’s better to stay away so that everyone can avoid causing more trouble.”

"It's nothing, I just want to say, she is really stupid. Everyone knows that her husband's family is treating her well because of you, but she doesn't know it.

In the past, she was not welcomed at all in her husband's family. I'm surprised that you couldn't take care of her because of circumstances that didn't allow it, and she still hates you to this day.

As for her husband's family, they didn't recognize her even if the conditions allowed. It only got better in the past few years. Why did she treat her so differently? This daughter, you really raised her in vain. "

"That's right, raising children is a treasure, and you can only accept it yourself." Mr. Wan waved his hands to Chu Xia and Zhou Mixang, "Go back and rest early. Xiaomi has to leave early tomorrow, don't be too tired. It affects driving.”

"Grandpa, don't think too much when we leave. No matter when the time comes, you will still have us." Chu Xia comforted Mr. Wan before leaving behind Zhou Mikang.

They are leaving tomorrow, and the young couple are a little reluctant to leave, but they are too awkward not to show it.

Zhou Mikang was embarrassed to show it.

Chu Xia was unwilling to admit it.

Or maybe, because she has seen too many failed relationships in later generations, she is always prone to worry about gains and losses emotionally, sometimes this way and now that way. Sometimes, she even bothers herself and can't be happy?

However, sometimes she thinks that if a woman loves a man too deeply and invests too much in a man, over time, she will easily feel humbled and undignified. Then, the positions of the two people may fundamentally change. Until one day, the man was snatched away by another woman.

Of course, she had analyzed it many times and felt that Zhou Mikang was not that kind of man, but she still couldn't help but arm herself to avoid getting hurt in the future.

Of course, Zhou Mikang didn't understand her mentality. He just understood that she was still young and not very familiar with feelings, so she was prone to hot and cold in fits and starts.

After lying on the bed and chatting for a while, Zhou Mikang hugged Chu Xia and fell asleep. It wasn't that he didn't want to be intimate with his wife, but his wife had vomited at night, and he was worried that her body was too weak to bear it. , so I can only suffer myself and endure it.

As for Chu Xia, she was ready to let him do whatever he wanted, but he didn't make any move, and she was embarrassed to take the initiative, so the two of them fell asleep in a pretentious manner.

Zhou Mikang got up at five o'clock in the morning, and Chu Xia also got up in a daze. Zhou Mikang held her down and said, "Go to sleep, there's no need to send me off, you just treat me as going to work, and I treat her as going by myself." Go to work."

Originally, Chu Xia really didn't feel sad, but after hearing what he said, she felt inexplicably sad and tears started falling down. Zhou Mikang quickly sat back on the bed and hugged her to comfort her, but her heart was bubbling with beauty. Wife I can’t bear to let him go! ! !

"I'm fine. It's just what you said just now that made me so sad. Go wash up quickly. I'll listen to you and treat it as if you're going to work. Be safe on the road. I'll wait for you to go home for the New Year."

"Okay. Wait until I go home for the New Year." Zhou Mikang kissed her forehead and quickly ran to the bathroom. He is a soldier, he will do what he needs to do when he needs to do it, and he will never drag his feet. Even if he is reluctant to give up, he knows that now is not the time to be lingering.

Compared to his parents' generation, they were already happy enough. If he didn't work hard, or one day they might become as homeless as his parents' generation, that would be absolutely unacceptable to him. Therefore, the temporary separation is for eternal happiness, he firmly believes in this!

Even after sending Zhou Mikang away, Chu Xia couldn't sleep. She admitted that the longer they stayed together, the more reluctant they were to be separated from each other. She had even become accustomed to treating each other as her backbone. Even if he didn't say anything, as long as he was by her side, she felt that there was nothing she was afraid of.

The more I sat, the more energetic I became, so I simply got up and finished washing. She changed into her sportswear and went for a run. It was important to get her body in shape. She didn't want to waste her time on being sad.

That's what I was thinking. But I still couldn't help but feel sad.

On the way back, she faintly heard someone calling her. I quickly turned around and saw Zhou Xiangping and Liao Hui running over in a hurry. "Fourth sister, brother-in-law, are you back?"

"Where's Third Brother?" Zhou Xiangping asked breathlessly.

"Let's go." Chu Xia smiled at her, "You don't plan to come back to see him off, do you? It's too late. He is probably leaving the city soon. You might as well wait for him outside the city."

"Gone?" Zhou Xiangping looked at Liao Hui with a disappointed look on her face, "It's all you. I said I would come back last night, but you insisted on coming back this morning. No, I just didn't see you!~"

"There was something wrong last night. I came back without finishing work. Do you think Third Brother will spare me?" Liao Hui looked at Chu Xia with a wry smile, "I haven't finished my work yet and Fourth Sister refused to come back by herself. "

"Should I go to your house when I come back?" Zhou Xiangping rolled her eyes, "If I go, what will I say if you meet your mother? It's not like you don't know how I feel about her."

"Okay, okay, it's all my fault. I'll write to Third Brother later to explain the situation. Don't worry, he won't blame you."

"Who is afraid that Third Brother will blame me? I miss Third Brother. I see that he is not your real brother anymore. You don't miss him at all." Seeing that Zhou Mixang was in such a bad mood, Zhou Xiangping became a little unreasonable, so Liao Hui had to He coaxed her with a smile.

After watching for a while, Chu Xia realized something was wrong. In the past, Liao Hui was very kind to Zhou Xiangping, but it was definitely not as good as it is now. After thinking about it, her eyes shifted to Zhou Xiangping's belly.

Noticing the look in her eyes, Zhou Xiangping finally had a smile on her face: "Third sister-in-law, you are about to have a nephew or a niece. Originally, I wanted to tell the third brother the news, but now it's better. He If you run away first, then tell third sister-in-law."

"Really?" Chu Xia's eyes widened in surprise, "I found that my senses are really sensitive. I thought something was wrong with you two. I guessed it right. Congratulations." He stretched out his hand to help Zhou Xiangping, "Come on, go home and make your grandparents happy." After saying that, he said that she was the daughter-in-law of the Liao family. Should he go to the Liao family first? He quickly changed his mind and said, "Let the little guy go first." Report to your grandparents, and then report to your grandparents."

"Of course I have to report to grandma and grandpa first." Zhou Xiangping said and glared at Liao Hui, "Don't you think so?"

"Yes, yes, of course." Liao Hui now has to listen to his wife for everything. He has to say yes to everything. However, you can't blame Zhou Xiangping for this matter. Who asked his mother to help him casually if he has something to do? , No, I have offended my daughter-in-law, especially someone like Zhou Xiangping who doesn’t care about her. It would be strange if she could forgive her so easily.

It was accidental, and his mother refused to admit her fault, and always wanted to argue with her daughter-in-law. The two of them were like you, me, and I wouldn't let you, which led to today's situation.

In fact, Zhou Xiangping was transferred to him because he wanted to have a baby. The most important reason was that he didn't want to live with his mother-in-law. His father's behavior when he was killed in Zhou's family also hurt Zhou Xiangping's heart. As a result, even if he wanted to say something for his parents now, he couldn't.

In fact, he also liked the atmosphere of Zhou's family better, unlike his family, which was completely lifeless.

Several people returned to Zhou's house. Mrs. Zhou, Mr. Zhou, Lin Yanqiu, Liang Xiaohong and others had already gotten up. They were all very happy to see Liao Hui and Zhou Xiangping back.

After everyone exchanged pleasantries, Zhou Xiangping revealed the good news with a shy look. Mrs. Zhou and Mr. Zhou were so happy that they called their ancestors to bless them.

They are not superstitious people. But there have been so many happy events in the past two days that I really don’t know how to express my feelings. They chose this method, which made Lin Yanqiu and Liang Xiaohong smile.

But then Liang Xiaohong's face became a little sad. Her son Zhou Zhongkang's temperament was too uncertain. He had already returned to Zhou's house before. It felt like he no longer cared about the past things. However, he had come back once since then. No matter how hard he was allowed to return, Home, he just won't go back.

Ask him why. He said that he felt that there was no place for him in this family.

The daughter-in-law is nice, but the son is stubborn. What can be done?

Liang Xiaohong and Zhou Gangping were also looking forward to having a grandson as soon as possible. Unfortunately, their daughter-in-law's belly was still silent. The couple privately even wondered if there was something in the Zhou family's bloodline that made it difficult for them to get pregnant. Otherwise, why would they get pregnant every time? Are all the kids so procrastinating on this matter?

certainly. They just talked about this kind of thing in private, and they wouldn't dare to do it in front of the old man and the old lady. Now it seems that it is not inevitable. This made Liang Xiaohong switch back and forth between happy, sad and happy emotions.

Mr. Zhou and Mrs. Zhou were sensible. When they heard that Zhou Xiangping hadn't returned to her husband's house yet, they chased her and Liao Hui back to tell the good news. Zhou Xiangping was a little reluctant, and she always had trouble getting over the hurdles in her heart.

It's not like she can pretend. She doesn't know how to pretend to be happy with everything on her face. It won't work if she pretends to like her, so all she can do is try to escape.

At this moment, she pushed Liao Hui and asked him to go back and report the news, while she stayed at her parents' house to have breakfast.

Lin Yanqiu glared at her: "Nonsense, is there anyone who does things like this? I'm also angry with your mother-in-law for doing that stupid thing, but she already knows that she was wrong and regrets it terribly, so don't fight with her. coming.

After all, you are a junior. If you give her a smile and call her "Mom", she will look good and she will be able to get along well with you. Listen to her and go back. "

"Mom" Zhou Xiangping still looked reluctant. Well, pregnant women are free to lose their temper.

"Xiao Si, if you continue to be so ignorant, don't come back again." Old Mrs. Zhou gave the eviction order with a cold face, "Grandma likes your straight temper, but grandma never thought that you are such a vengeful child.

What your mother-in-law did was wrong, but it was understandable. If you had given her grandchildren earlier, wouldn't she have had to think so wildly?

You young people don’t understand the thoughts of your elders. When you meet others in the compound, you ask, “Do you have children? Why don’t you have children yet?” Your mother-in-law is a narrow-minded person. Doesn’t it make her feel panicked after hearing this?

At this time, if someone makes random remarks, it is normal for her to have some twisted thoughts. In other words, if you really can't have a child, it is normal for people to force your son to divorce and marry another one.

Liao Hui is the only seedling in the Liao family. If the roots are cut off, how can Mr. Liao endure it? If you think about it this way, do you still have so many complaints? Go back quickly! "

Zhou Xiangping snorted, reluctantly accepted Liao Hui's support and walked out.

Chu Xia stood in an inconspicuous position, secretly feeling sad. Why wasn't the old lady's words meant for her? The whole family is looking forward to her giving birth to the next generation as soon as possible, but given her age, she admits that she has been secretly using contraceptive methods before, such as going to the toilet to control her after finishing. It's not that she doesn't want to give birth to offspring for the Zhou family, she just feels that she is too young and her body has not yet fully recovered. If the baby she gives birth to is unhealthy, it will be her responsibility as a mother.

She does things with the thought of being responsible for herself and her baby, but people in this era really value future generations more than anything else. Well, not only in this era, but also in future generations, many people get divorced. It has something to do with this.

"Chu Xia, what are you thinking about?" When Lin Yanqiu put his hand on her shoulder, she was startled. She took a long breath and looked at Lin Yanqiu, "Mom, you almost scared me to death."

Lin Yanqiu looked at her researchingly: "What are you thinking about? I called you several times but you can't hear me."

An idea struck, Chu Xia hurriedly said: "My parents will be here soon. I was thinking about what time I would ask for leave to pick them up."

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