Everyone knows about Chu Xia's relationship with Zhao Yulan and Lin Baohe. Therefore, when she said that she was thinking about picking up her parents, Lin Yanqiu believed her and immediately said: "Don't worry about what time to pick up her parents. Grandpa has already made arrangements. The driver will leave home at three o'clock and arrive at the hospital around 3:15, so there will definitely be no delay."

"Thank you, Mom." After Chu Xia thanked her mother-in-law, she walked up to her husband and her mother-in-law and thanked them seriously.

Old Mrs. Zhou was unhappy and glared at her with a frown: "Chu Xia, do you think you are a member of the Zhou family? What is there to thank you for?"

"Grandma, it should be detailed. I'm still thinking about it. My grandparents and mother have already arranged it. I can't pretend to be indifferent even though I'm so moved, right? "

Hearing what she said, Mrs. Zhou laughed and said, "Stop being such a mouthful and come over to eat." She patted the seat next to her and motioned for Chu Xia to sit next to her.

After dinner, Chu Xia went back to her room to change clothes, and Mrs. Zhou followed her upstairs: "Chu Xia, grandma wants to say something to you."

Chu Xia's heart moved, she suppressed her discomfort and smiled at the old lady: "Grandma, do you want to go to the room to talk?"

The old lady nodded.

Chu Xia held the old lady's arm and went to her room. She had mixed feelings in her heart. Sure enough, being a daughter and being a daughter-in-law were different. What she had just thought was about to come true.

However, this request is not excessive. Since she is married, she must fulfill her responsibilities as a wife, although she does not think that is a responsibility. It's a matter of mutual consent, but everyone thinks so. What can she do?

But the moment she closed the door, Chu Xia wiped a trace of moisture from the corners of her eyes. There was no way she could do it. She came from another time and space and lived in an enlightened family. She understood the matter theoretically, but she couldn't get over it in her heart.

After sitting down, the old lady looked at Chu Xia and smiled: "Have you guessed what grandma wants to talk to you about?"

Chu Xia shook her head against her will: "No."

The old lady sighed: "Don't put pressure on yourself that has nothing to do with you. The fourth and second children are much older than you, and they are the daughters-in-law who married into other people's families. As family members, it is inevitable. They worry that their in-laws will be unhappy.

You also know about the mistress. Cai Hongying didn't like the mistress from the beginning. It was Liao Hui's insistence that the mistress became the daughter-in-law of the Liao family. The last time Cai Hongying created a chance for Jiang Xue and Liao Hui, it was because of the mistress' belly. There has been no movement.

Cai Hongying is wrong,

But Xiaosi married Liao Hui. We can't deny Liao Hui just because Cai Hongying made a mistake. That child has been good to Xiaosi since he was a child. We really care about Xiaosi, otherwise, we would not have agreed to marry Xiaosi despite Cai Hongying's objection.

You don’t know much about Lao Er’s side of things, so I’ll tell you briefly. In addition to a mother-in-law who is not very worried, she also has a sister-in-law who is even less worried. Because she never gave birth to a child, she was very angry with her mother-in-law and sister-in-law.

I talked about this with your grandfather, your mother, and the others with emotion. Just because my two daughters were unhappy when they got married, I am not in a hurry for you to add a child to the Zhou family.

Early summer. Your mother and I have also discussed it privately and feel that you are still young. It's not too late to have a child a year or two later. Originally, I wanted to talk to you, but I didn't feel comfortable opening my mouth. What if your parents want to have a grandchild?

Mainly, we are also afraid that your parents will misunderstand. Is it because the Zhou family is dissatisfied with you that they don't want you to have children? Now you understand what we think. Don't be wronged, okay? "

Chu Xia's face turned red. She felt that she had hidden her little thoughts well. How could she be discovered by the old lady?

However, since the old lady said this, she stopped being pretentious and smiled sheepishly: "Grandma, I was wrong."

"Just know that you are wrong." The old lady looked at her with a smile, "Xia, grandma likes your ability to not pretend. If you explain a few more words, grandma will really look down on you, haha... "

Chu Xia calmly spread her hands and said, "What is there to explain? Grandma already understands it so clearly. Why should I add superfluous information?"

"I am a new daughter-in-law, how can I not understand what you are thinking? Why do you say that mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are in trouble? Let's put it this way, mother-in-law treats her daughter the same as she treats her daughter-in-law, and the daughter-in-law must think that her mother-in-law is good to her daughter. This is a human nature problem, no need to You will understand if you talk too much.

In short, you just need to understand a little bit. If our Zhou family marries you, we will treat you as a real member of the Zhou family. There is absolutely no difference. "

"Grandma, I already know, and I'm quite touched, but it would be vain to say too much. The longer we get along, the clearer it becomes. By the way, grandma, I'm quite curious. The second sister is so good, and her husband's family What’s wrong with you?”

"You want to say that your second sister has a good personality and our Zhou family's conditions are not bad, so why can't she fall in the eyes of her husband's family?"

Chu Xia nodded honestly: "Although I don't completely agree with the background theory, most people regard this as a prerequisite. And as far as the actual situation is concerned, whether the second sister's in-laws care about the background or not, the second sister is so She is kind and has such a good heart, so they have no reason to dislike the second sister."

"Hey!" Mrs. Zhou sighed, "You know what happened with Zhongkang. What he resented was the poor environment in which he was fostered. Similarly, Jiping and the others did not live a particularly good life back then.

She married her classmate Yu Mingtao. As far as the situation at that time was concerned, the Yu family's situation was better than that of the Zhou family. Yu Mingtao also helped Ji Ping. Therefore, in the eyes of her family, Ji Ping had to be grateful. of.

At the beginning of their marriage, the Yu family was fine. Later, Yu Mingtao's father was dismissed from his official position, and our Zhou family didn't do much to help, so the Yu family started to hold grudges.

In particular, Jiping's mother-in-law and sister-in-law thought she was a white-eyed wolf who knew her kindness without repaying her kindness. In addition, her stomach had not moved since her marriage, and the two of them became more and more disgraceful.

Otherwise, your second sister wouldn't have been running to her parents' house all day long before. She just thought they looked inappropriate, so she forced him to stay with Yu Mingtao. "

"It turns out that the second brother-in-law's surname is Yu, but didn't our family help solve his problem? Why does the Yu family still blame us?" Chu Xia really didn't know anything about Zhou Jiping's mother-in-law's family, and the Zhou family was not very willing. Of course, it's not easy to ask casually when she's not familiar with him yet.

"In their view, they should solve Yu Mingtao's work problem. Supporting Yu Mingtao's father is a sign that they truly value the Yu family." Old Mrs. Zhou shook her head helplessly, "People's hearts are the hardest to guess. We I feel that my heart and soul have been ripped apart, and people think we are just laughing. If Ming Tao hadn't been a good kid, Ji Ping wouldn't be able to hold on now."

Chu Xia curled her lips, what kind of job can you do? If you are really good at it, can you let me and your sister bully your daughter-in-law like that? As for the inability to have a child, it is not necessarily a woman's problem. Why did she blame Zhou Jiping for not checking.

Seeing her little move, Old Mrs. Zhou laughed: "You kid, just be content. What kind of family do your eldest sister-in-law and younger sister-in-law marry? How can you be so angry and vomit blood when you marry such a straightforward person?"

Chu Xia said seriously: "Grandma, don't worry. I am strong when I am strong and weak when I am weak. If I really marry someone like that, I will definitely make them angry and vomit blood."

"Okay, grandma, I won't waste your time anymore. Hurry up and change your clothes and go to work." The old lady waved to Chu Xia, got up and walked out.

"Grandma..." Chu Xia called, stepped forward to hug the old lady, and gave her a kiss on the face, "I love you, and I love our family too!"

"Hehehe..." The old lady smiled happily and went downstairs. Lin Yanqiu knew that it would be okay for the old lady to be so happy, but she still couldn't help but ask, "Girl, do you believe it?"

"Well, I told the truth, how could she not believe it?" Mrs. Zhou said but couldn't help laughing.

"Why is Mom so happy?" Lin Yanqiu also laughed, "You make me laugh, and I don't even think I'm laughing with you."

The old lady touched her cheek and said happily: "Girl, you kissed me."

Lin Yanqiu: "..." Just one kiss and that's it? This reaction should belong to Xiaomi, right?

The old lady looked at her expression and couldn't understand what she was thinking, so she glared at her: "If we weren't really close, could she kiss me? I'm glad that this child is really close to our hearts."

The old lady said close, not close. Lin Yanqiu thought about it and laughed: "Yes, that's what it is." However, this seems to mean that she is close to her mother-in-law. Is she also close to her? ?

When Chu Xia came downstairs, Lin Yanqiu quickly greeted him: "Are you all ready?"

It’s early summer and I’m a little confused. What should I prepare?

Lin Yanqiu quickly corrected: "I mean, have you brought everything to work? Do you want to drink some more water? By the way, I asked Xiaojing to wash the fruit for you and bring it to class to eat."

"I've brought... I've brought everything, thank you... thank you, mom." Chu Xia was a little stuttered by her enthusiasm. It was true that her mother-in-law had always treated her very well, but she was not so enthusiastic at work.

Xiaojing took the lunch box containing apples and handed it to Chu Xia. Lin Yanqiu snatched it away, smiled at Chu Xia, and motioned for her to open the bag and put it in for her.

Chu Xia mechanically took off the cross-body bag, held it up with both hands, and asked Lin Yanqiu to put the lunch box inside.

"Mom, grandma, grandpa... I'm going to work." Chu Xia greeted the elders and walked out. Lin Yanqiu quickly followed, "I'll see you off."

No, it’s so wrong! Chu Xia looked at her mother-in-law with some suspicion. Could it be that after the old woman had finished talking, her mother-in-law also wanted to talk? She looked at the old woman inquiringly, and saw the other woman touching her cheek...

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