The second update is here today, please go to bed after reading this.

"Why are you so happy?" Jing Zhe glanced at Chu Xia, who was smiling at the corners of her brows and eyes, with a puzzled look on her face. She has been smiling like this since they met, and she has been smiling for a long time. It is still the same expression. Ordinarily Zhou Mikang She shouldn't be so happy to leave. Is she too sad to cover up with this expression? However, he had been observing her for a long time, and she was absolutely smiling sincerely. This was so wrong! !

"Hehe..." Chu Xia grinned and didn't know how to explain it to him. Could it be that her mother-in-law was trying to be courteous in order to let her kiss her?

When Mrs. Zhou touched her cheek, she still didn't realize what was going on. Instead, she touched her cheek too, thinking she had something stuck on her face.

The old lady laughed loudly at her reaction. While laughing, she told her that your mother-in-law is jealous of you kissing your grandma. Kiss your mother-in-law to balance her.

When Chu Xia turned around, she found that her mother-in-law's face was so red that she couldn't stand it anymore. Before she could take any action, she turned around and trotted upstairs...

Whenever she recalled that scene, she wanted to laugh. She couldn't control the laughter even if she wanted to. However, it seemed inappropriate to tell outsiders. Although Jing Zhe was his godbrother and a teacher, he was still an outsider.

"It's not convenient to say?" Jing Zhe shook his head amusedly, "To make you laugh like this, did Zhou Mikang give you some surprise when he left?"

"You're thinking too much." Chu Xia curled her lips, "What kind of surprises can he create? I just want to laugh when I think about the third uncle bringing the third aunt home last night. By the way, guess what the new third aunt is Who is it?" She successfully changed the subject.

"Qin Mei is still in the hospital. It definitely can't be her..." After thinking for a while, Jing Zhe shook his head. "I can't guess anything else."

"You know that person, and you have seen him in the past few days. He met him in the hospital. Think about it carefully..." Chu Xia winked at him, "And she and the third uncle met in the hospital. If I pursue it, I will still He is their great matchmaker."

After thinking for a while, Jing Zhe said with some uncertainty: "Wang Jing's little aunt?"

"Correct answer." Chu Xia happily snapped her fingers, "Brother, do you also think this is a particularly good marriage? Do you also think that the third uncle has finally come to an end after all his hardships?"

"Yes. Not bad." Jing Zhe nodded and said sincerely, "Uncle San has finally come to the end of his hardships. So, good people are rewarded. Yes, yes..."

Chu Xia was amused by the way he shook his head: "Brother,

It would be better to wait until you are fifty before doing this action, now like this. It is clearly a feeling of sadness in order to compose new words. "

Jing Zhe shook his head: "You are too difficult to dismiss. Aren't I trying to cooperate with you? You've been grinning all morning. I have to behave 'appropriately', right?"

"Yeah, yeah, you behaved very appropriately, brother. Why haven't you seen Sister Meili recently?" Chu Xia suddenly reacted after returning from the Lin family in the capital. She has never seen Zeng Meili.

"She was sent to the capital to study, didn't I tell you?" Jing Zhe said, patting his head. "I've been so busy lately, I just remembered what you said, and I haven't replied to her yet."

"..." Chu Xia was speechless. Is this the state that lovers should have?

"Isn't this too busy?" Jing Zhe repeated it whether to convince himself or Chu Xia.

"No matter how busy you are, how can you be so busy that you don't have time to write letters?" Chu Xia rolled her eyes at him, "Brother, don't think that I don't speak well. You just don't have Sister Meili in your heart and don't pay attention to Sister Meili's performance.

If Zhou Mixang dares to treat me like this and beat him half to death if I don't come to him, since he has chosen to be with me, he must treat me wholeheartedly and respect me! "

Jing Zhe quickly begged for mercy: "Okay, okay, I was wrong. It's not okay that I was wrong. Looking at the list of things you said, it seems that I am a heinous person."

"That's about it. When I got to the office, I quickly wrote a letter to Sister Mei Li. By the way, I told her that I was chosen by Mr. Liang as his assistant. Although I'm not sure why I was chosen, it seems to be an honor. Let her be happy too."

Jing Zhe joked: "So this is why you asked me to write the letter. I know, I will write down all your recent actions and praise you."

"No, no, no..." Chu Xia waved her hands in panic, "Sister Meili is not in love with me. Do you want to kill me? Or do you really think my life is too long? Are you planning to let me dance? Huangpu River?”

"Are you kidding me, are you serious?" Jing Zhi rolled his eyes in Chu Xia's manner, "Do you think I'm stupid?" The tone of his words completely imitated Chu Xia, and someone immediately fell on the seat laughing.

Seeing her happy look, Jing Zhe secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He originally thought that Zhou Mikang would leave and she would be unhappy for a while, but now it seems that he was worrying too much.

When Chu Xia arrived at the office, Wang Jing had already arrived first. When she came in to say hello, the other party responded without raising her head and continued sweeping the floor.

After putting down the bag and changing clothes, Chu Xia took a rag to wipe the table, then took the thermos to get hot water. After finishing everything, there were still more than ten minutes before work time.

Song Xiaoyu was not here, so the two of them sat there silently, which made the atmosphere very strange.

"Cough..." Chu Xia coughed first. She obviously saw Wang Jing's legs moving unnaturally, but she did not raise her head. "Senior sister." She had no choice but to say hello.

"Huh?" Wang Jing still didn't look up.

"Are you angry with me again?" Chu Xia asked tentatively.

"No, I'm not angry with you, I'm just embarrassed to look at you." Wang Jing sighed and raised her head. Her eyes were as red and swollen as two big peaches.

"Are you reluctant to let your sister-in-law get married, so you're crying like this?" Chu Xia deliberately joked, "I thought you would feel very happy to be related to me."

Wang Jing smiled sheepishly: "I'm very happy. My sister-in-law and I are both very happy. After waiting for so many years, she finally got her happiness. Because we were so happy, we planned to have a few drinks together.

Then, while we were drinking, we reminisced about the past. As we talked, my sister-in-law cried, and I cried too. With the help of the wine, I talked about the woman who came to see me with her son. Then I thought about my biological mother, and the more I thought about it, the sadder I became... It looked like this when I woke up in the morning. "

Well, Chu Xia can understand this feeling. With the help of alcohol, people can vent their emotions to their heart's content. By the way, didn't she come to this era just because she drank at the class reunion after graduation?

It seems that she needs to be careful in the future. She might have another drink and drink it back... No, it's not bad to drink it back. You can see your parents and grandparents. There are also various electronic products, not so many. She behaved herself... But what would Zhou Mikang do if she went back?

This thought shocked her. The first thing she thought of now was not her parents, but Zhou Mikang... If that stinky guy knew, how proud would he be?

Seeing Chu Xia suddenly shaking her head hard, Wang Jing was startled. She stood up and tried her forehead: "What's wrong? Are you dizzy? Or are you sickened by what I said? Or...are you tired from last night?" "

Wang Jing's eyes matched her tone. How could Chu Xia not know what she was talking about, so she curled her lips and said, "Senior sister, it's just because you mentioned wine. I thought about the time I drank secretly, and I reflexively felt dizzy. Just shaking your head, you are so impure."

"Why am I impure?" Wang Jing pretended to be confused and blinked her eyes, "I mean, my sister-in-law went there yesterday and you were tired from entertaining her. Where did you want to go? It's you who is impure and you are so stubborn. It’s up to me…”

"Hahaha..." Chu Xia couldn't help but laugh at her effort to pretend to be innocent. A pair of big swollen peach eyes blinked at her, hahaha...

"What are you so happy about?" Song Xiaoyu came in and smiled at Chu Xia, "I heard your laughter outside the door. What kind of gold ingot did you pick up so early in the morning?"

"Teacher, if you ask Senior Sister to blink your eyes, you will understand why I am so happy."

Looking back and seeing Wang Jing's eyes, Song Xiaoyu looked surprised: "What's wrong with Wang Jing?"

Helpless, Wang Jing repeated what she had just said to Chu Xia. Before she could finish, Song Xiaoyu interrupted her with a happy face: "You mean, your sister-in-law is going to marry Zhou Shanping?"

"Yes." Wang Jing nodded, "If nothing else happens, they will be husband and wife soon. My sister-in-law is very determined this time. I haven't met my brother-in-law yet."

Chu Xia poked her: "Who says you haven't seen her before? Didn't you see Qin Mei on the day of her operation?"

"That's not the same thing. When we met at that time, we treated him as a leader, and the perspective was different."

Song Xiaoyu smiled and teased her: "Xiao Jing, you are talking in the same tone as Chu Xia now, and your perspective is different. As long as your sister-in-law's perspective is correct, your perspective is not important."

When Song Xiaoyu was talking, Chu Xia had been quietly paying attention to Wang Jing's expression, and found that there was nothing strange about her, so she secretly breathed a sigh of relief. In the past, what Wang Jing disliked the most was Song Xiaoyu comparing the two of them. It seemed that she really had a bad mentality. Same.

"Lin Chuxia, you don't believe me." She felt being stared at by others. When Song Xiaoyu finished speaking, Wang Jing curled her lips at Chuxia and said, "You still peeked at me, so you just have to look at me openly."

"I care about you, just be content." Chu Xia said, picking up the record book and walking out, "I'm going to find Director Huang to hand over." Director Huang was on duty last night, and the apprentice was responsible for handing over the data. Normally, Of course it was Wang Jing who went, but since her eyes were so swollen today, the task naturally fell on Chu Xia.

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