A long time ago, Lin Baohe and Zhao Yulan planned to spend this year with their daughter in City A. However, as soon as they entered the twelfth lunar month, Grandpa Lin called the couple and told them to return to the capital this year to celebrate the New Year and participate in Worship ancestors.

Grandpa Lin took Lin Baohe to worship at the Lin family's grave. However, worshiping ancestors during the New Year is fundamentally different from worshiping at ordinary times. Not only the direct line, but also the whole Lin family must participate, so this New Year ceremony is Worshiping ancestors for the first time means revealing one's identity to everyone.

The couple understood the importance of this matter and agreed to Grandpa Lin to spend the New Year in City A and rush to the capital on the 28th of the twelfth lunar month.

But now it's almost New Year's Eve, and there's no news about Zhou Mikang. As a biological father and mother, how can I not see what's on my daughter's mind?

On the twenty-second day of the twelfth lunar month, in the early summer, I stayed at the Zhou family's old house to accompany my parents and Mr. Wan. After dinner, Lin Baohe winked at Zhao Yulan and went to chat with Mr. Wan.

Zhao Yulan sat next to her daughter, hesitated, and said, "Xia, if Xiaomi doesn't come back, your father and I will stay in City A to celebrate the New Year with you."

"Mom, if you and dad want to stay with me for the New Year in the future, I definitely agree with it, but this time, I still don't want to. I have already promised grandpa, don't let him be too disappointed." Chu Xia said while pulling Zhao Yulan Playing with her fingers, "My mother-in-law and mother-in-law have seen what they did to me. It's okay. Even if Zhou Mixang can't come back, I won't feel aggrieved at the Zhou family's New Year."

"You kid, do you think you and your mother need to be sloppy?" Zhao Yulan sighed, "Your mother and your father can't see it. You pretend to be fine. But you are always worried about Xiaomi, right?"

"No news. It's inevitable to worry, but he's not going to fight. Nothing will happen, Mom, I'm just worried." Chu Xia said with a smile, "Mom, you should be happy, this shows that I have deep feelings for him. Only then can you live a good life, right?"

"Is it really okay if your father and mother are not with you?"

"It really works!"

"Hey!" Zhao Yulan sighed again, "You can't help your mother when you are older. Forget it, since you can't help your mother, your mother can let you do what you say."

"That's what mother said..." Chu Xia had a dark line. Her mother and Mr. Wan's Mrs. Yin had been together for a long time, and their speaking skills were indeed different.

"What mother said is true. You are the life of mother and father. As long as you are happy, we can do whatever we want." Zhao Yulan said and held her daughter in her arms. He stroked her head and said, "Your father and I are not stupid. Although the Zhou family treats you well and Xiaomi treats you well. However, if you have a strong mother-in-law, you will be able to stand up in your husband's family all your life. Come.

Your father and I don't mind being farmers or anything else. But, for you. We must obtain the approval of everyone in the Lin family in Beijing..."

"Mom..." Chu Xia interrupted Zhao Yulan, "I don't need my father and mother to cater to anyone for my sake. My uncle's family is sincere to us, and that's enough.

Don't pay attention to other side relatives whether you agree or disagree with them. If you really care about these people, they will make fun of you.

If my parents look at other people's faces for me, then I will definitely be unhappy. Mom, do you want me to be happy, or do you want me to be unhappy? "

"Is this child just talking nonsense?" Zhao Yulan pinched her daughter's little nose and smiled helplessly, "Okay, mother, I will listen to you. We will be nice to anyone who treats us well. We will also treat those who don't care about us. Just ignore them, okay?"

This was what Chu Xia said to Zhao Yulan when she returned to the capital to recognize her relatives. Now hearing Zhao Yulan repeat it exactly, Chu Xia immediately smiled and said, "Mom, you have a really good memory. Yes, that's how it should be." , as long as my father and mother do this, I will be very happy!"

When he went back to his room to sleep at night, Lin Baohe asked Zhao Yulan the result of the conversation with his daughter.

Zhao Yulan sighed: "My daughter asked us to go to Lin's house to celebrate the New Year. She said that this is a big deal for you. After this year, she won't interfere wherever we want to celebrate the New Year."

"Our daughter is really sensible." Lin Baohe also sighed, "How could we have imagined that this child Xia could be so successful? Not to mention the children in our village, even the children in the city cannot compare to our Xia."

"That's right!" Zhao Yulan nodded in agreement, "This shows that our Xia had a late awakening, but when he did, he immediately surpassed others."

"Well, that's the truth." Lin Baohe thought for a while and said, "After the New Year, let's go back to our hometown to give some New Year's goods to our parents."

The parents he was talking about were of course Zhao Yulan's parents.

Zhao Yulan's eyebrows and eyes were filled with smiles: "I can't help you remember this, my parents' love for you was not in vain." As he said this, he took out a handkerchief bag from the small box on the bedside, opened it layer by layer, and opened it all. It's brand new money and food stamps.

The couple earned their income by pasting paper boxes and sewing dolls. Although they lived here, they refused to rely on the Zhou family for everything, just like in the countryside, where they had to get up early and go to bed late every day.

At first, Mrs. Zhou and Lin Yanqiu advised them to take a rest, but later, they simply came over to help them if they had nothing to do, saying that they were bored at home, so why not come and chat.

Of course Zhao Yulan and Lin Baohe were embarrassed. It was Mr. Wan who advised them not to take it too seriously. This way of connecting with each other is better than anything else.

Facts have proved that, as Mr. Wan said, through this method, everyone is becoming more and more comfortable together. It is no longer like the initial situation where they looked harmonious, but in fact they were separated by a layer of veil.

After calculating the money in their hands, they used part of it for expenses during the Chinese New Year and the second half of the new year. The rest of the couple planned to buy all adult goods. In addition to the ones for the Zhao family, some are also prepared for the Luo Gangshun family and Lin Baojuan family.

Dajiang is now a new soldier and can't help the family. Come to think of it, life in Lin Baojuan's family is not very good. Although they are no longer related by blood, the closeness and closeness cannot be changed.

It’s the New Year, and everywhere there is a New Year atmosphere. The most direct impact is that everyone seems to be in a better mood all of a sudden. Colleagues who are not usually close to each other greet each other happily.

All the way to the office, Chu Xia lay weakly on the table.

"What's wrong?" Wang Jing, who arrived before her, looked at her suspiciously, "Who made you angry so early in the morning? Look at how tired you are."

"Everyone is too enthusiastic, and I must be enthusiastic too. My face is frozen when I smile." Chu Xia said while rubbing her cheeks vigorously, "I am a junior, and I have to greet everyone I meet. Oh my God, if I celebrate the New Year every day, I will Just die."

"Bah! Bah! Bah!" Wang Jing spat several times and slapped Chu Xia, "In the new year, you are not allowed to say such unlucky words, stand up quickly and spit on the ground."

"don't want!"

"Hurry up, are you okay?"

"don't want!"

"Lin Chuxia!"

"Okay, bah, bah, that's not enough." Chu Xia had no choice but to stand up, imitate Wang Jing, and bah three times to the floor.

"Crazy!" Ye Meiru, who was passing by the door, curled her lips and joked when she saw this scene. She deliberately turned up the volume, obviously just to let Chu Xia and Wang Jing hear it.

"You're crazy!" Chu Xia rolled her eyes at the air outside the door. Since last month, Ye Meiru has come to 401 to be Director Huang's apprentice, but she has become a mortal enemy again.

Because Director Huang hated Wang Lei for marrying Zhou Shanping, he hated her all the same. Now it's good that Ye Meiru became his apprentice, which happened to be the reason why the wolf and the wolf were embarrassed. Raped.

Because she was a pregnant woman, Ye Meiru never concealed her disgust for her in front of Chu Xia. Of course, Chu Xia also never concealed her disgust for Ye Meiru. The difference was that she had to restrain herself a little, just in case Ye Meiru There was something wrong with that lump of meat in her belly, and it would be really disgusting for her to be left to have it again.

Therefore, every time Ye Meiru made harsh words, she would pretend not to hear her. When she was really angry, she would comfort herself. A pregnant woman without her husband has an internal secretion disorder. Why should she be the same as her?

"Yes, she is really a lunatic. She has no man left, but she still insists on giving birth to a child. Her belly is already big, and she still insists on being an apprentice. The teacher doesn't want to see her, and she insists on running to class to vomit. Isn’t this because your brain is flooded?”

After being together with Chu Xia for a long time, Wang Jing's speech became more and more like Chu Xia's, and she could speak smoothly even if her brain was wet.

"Senior sister, that's the right answer." Chong Wang Jing gave a thumbs up. Chu Xia got up and picked up the thermos to fetch water. We were on a narrow road, so Ye Meiru unexpectedly also picked up the thermos to fetch water.

"Help me." Ye Meiru put the thermos in front of Chu Xia's feet, "I can't bend down easily, so fill it up for me and carry it over."

Is your brain sick? ! Chu Xia rolled her eyes at her, finished drinking water, turned around and left.

"Lin Chuxia! Why are you so inhumane?" As Ye Meiru spoke, she stretched out her foot towards Chuxia. Unexpectedly, she would suddenly act like this. Chuxia hurriedly put her foot back and broke into a cold sweat.

"Are you crazy?" Chu Xia's face turned red with anger, "If you don't want the child in your belly anymore, you just go and abort it. Do you need to be so vicious?

What do I owe you for letting you pester me endlessly like a debt collector? If you want to save face, stay away from me!

Also, I am letting you go, not because I am afraid of you, but for the sake of the child in your belly, I don’t want to see you in the same way! There is a limit to human patience. If you mess with me again, you will bear the consequences! "

"Isn't it just asking you to help fetch water? What about that?" Ye Meiru looked at her with an innocent face, "Is it difficult to help a pregnant woman?"

"It's not difficult to help pregnant women, but it depends on what kind of pregnant women they are. Director Huang has no one under his command. Are you, a pregnant woman, going to come out to fetch water?" Chu Xia snorted coldly, turned and left.

"I just want to help the teacher with some work..." Ye Meiru sniffed, picked up the thermos, and stepped forward to get the water.

She was already weak, and now she pretended to be like this. The doctors and nurses who were watching the excitement immediately gave her all their sympathy. Some with a strong sense of justice even stepped forward to comfort her and help her get water. , send her back to the office...

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