One update arrived.

"Why are you so angry when you come back from getting a pot of water?" Seeing someone's bulging face, Wang Jing felt particularly friendly. In her memory, she had never seen her so angry before.

Chu Xia rolled her eyes at Wang Jing: "The corners of my mouth are almost grinning from ear to ear. Isn't it funny and happy for me to be angry?"

"No, no..." Wang Jing quickly suppressed her smile, "I just found that a beauty is still a beauty when she gets angry."

"Really?" Chu Xia raised her eyebrows proudly: "You also said that I am a beauty. A beauty, of course, must be beautiful at all times."

Wang Jing has a black hair, she is too experienced, can she be thicker-skinned? "By the way, why are you angry?"

Chu Xia recounted what had just happened, clenching her fists bitterly: "Asshole, if I wasn't afraid that the eggs in her stomach would break, I wouldn't have let her!"

"You also said that there is an egg in her belly. What else can I do now except endure it?" Wang Jing moved closer to Chu Xia and whispered comfort, "If you think about it this way, if she is not jealous, Unbalanced, how could he be so shameless?

If you still can't get rid of your anger, then think further, you have parents who love you, parents-in-law who love you, and a husband who loves you even more. What does she have? "

"Her parents also love her very much. Otherwise, there may be nothing left." After thinking about it, Chu Xia felt that she was fair.

"Her parents love her?" Wang Jing curled her lips, "If they really loved her, they wouldn't have educated her to be so shameless."

"Uh..." Chu Xia really didn't know what to answer. Although it is the fault of a son not to teach his father, but... But it seems like sometimes it’s not absolute, right? For example, the predecessor of her...

In early summer a flock of crows flew overhead. She never thought that Ye Meiru could be so shameless! It was obvious that she was looking for trouble, but she pretended to be a pretty little girl and sued the dean.

Regardless of whether she believed it or not, the dean had to investigate this matter. Therefore, when the dean asked her why she didn't help pregnant comrades, she immediately knelt down in anger. Ye Meiru was so shameless that she knelt down in anger.

See her puffing out her mouth without making a sound. Dean Xu was funny and angry, so he knocked on the table: "Lin Chuxia, I'm asking you a question, please answer."

"Report to the dean,

If it is a normal pregnant woman who has difficulties, of course I will help, but if she is deliberately looking for trouble because she is a pregnant woman, then I'm sorry, I won't help! "

This gangster! Luo Xiaoqiong scratched her cheek anxiously. Although she knew that nothing would happen to her as Chu Xia, she was still anxious seeing how stubborn she was.

It didn't matter whether she was the Zhou family's daughter-in-law or not, whether the dean and Lin Yanqiu were friends or not. If the impression becomes bad, then the gain is really not worth the loss.

Well, care is chaos. At this moment, she forgot that the dean was not stupid.

"Oh. You're quite angry..." Dean Xu looked at Luo Xiaoqiong with a smile, "Xiao Luo, give our Comrade Xiao Lin a cup of tea to calm down the anger, otherwise, I'm afraid she will beat me up in a while. .”

"Yes." Being able to joke meant that he was not angry. Luo Xiaoqiong breathed a sigh of relief quietly and went to pour tea.

Chu Xia blinked her big eyes and smiled sheepishly: "Dean, I'm not targeting you, I'm just angry with Ye Meiru. If she competes normally, I have nothing to say, but she has to do some crooked things. It's really too much. Disgusting.

Dean, I have to give you a vaccination first. If we continue to let her go like this, something will happen sooner or later. Of course, I can't say whether it's her or me. "

"Hey!" With a heavy sigh, Dean Xu looked at Chu Xia and said, "Xiao Lin, if I don't understand your character and am just the dean of 401, have you ever thought about the consequences of speaking like this?"

After a moment of silence, Chu Xia also said with a serious face: "If you don't know me and just talk to me as the dean, you will probably be very dissatisfied with me. Because of my identity, you will let me go." , However, I believe that some opportunities overt or covert in the future will not belong to me."

"In other words, you spoke to me like that because you believed in me, right?"


"Then you just pretend you don't know me now. I'm just the dean." Dean Xu pointed at the door, "Exit and do it all over again. Let me see how you perform."

Although she didn't understand why Dean Xu did this, Chu Xia still walked out obediently, knocked on the door twice, and waited until the other party shouted "come in" before entering the office.

When she was about one meter away from the desk, she stood still and saluted: "Hello, Dean, student Lin Chuxia is here!"

"Do you know why I came to you?"

"Please give instructions from the leader!"

"Why don't you help pregnant women?"

"Report to the dean, I helped."

"Did you help?" Dean Xu looked at her lightly, "How?"

"In order not to tire the pregnant comrade, I won't give her water."

The corners of Dean Xu's mouth twitched and he continued to ask: "Then why can't you fill her with water and help her carry her to the office?"

"Report to the dean, if I help her, the people in their office will ask her to fetch water. In order to nip all dangers in the bud, I chose not to help!"

"You are using strong words to make sense!"

"Report to the dean, no!"

"I think it is!"

"Lin Chuxia obeys the dean's instructions!"

"What should I do next time I encounter you?"

"Report to the dean. I will report the situation to her immediate leader. Her leader will decide what to do."

Dean Xu sighed: "Okay, okay, come and sit down."

The solemnity on Chu Xia's face quickly disappeared, and she sat opposite Dean Xu with a smile: "Dean, are you satisfied with my performance?"

"Lin Chuxia, you haven't suffered any setbacks since you were a child, right?"

Dean Xu's serious expression made the smile on Chu Xia's face disappear little by little, and he became serious: "Dean, what happened, please tell me, don't scare me like this."

"Answer me first."

I thought about it seriously in early summer... It seems that she has never suffered any setbacks. Although she doesn't like practicing piano, she is talented, her family's financial situation is good, and she is also a favorite at school... In this era, my parents I love her. Although I didn't eat well at first, it's not a setback... By the way, time travel, traveling to this era, is the biggest setback!

Someone thought of this and nodded his head vigorously: "I have suffered setbacks!"

"is it serious?"


"How serious is it?"

"It's about life!"

Dean Xu frowned: "What's the matter? Can you tell me about it?"

ah? Chu Xia was a little confused, what did she say? Said that she inexplicably traveled from an era of material abundance and spiritual openness to an era of material poverty and spiritual isolation. Her relatives have changed, her friends have disappeared, and everything is so unfamiliar that she wants to commit suicide before going back?

"Dean, Chu Xia... The setback that Chu Xia encountered was related to me. I lied to her..." Chu Xia's silence made Luo Xiaoqiong misunderstood. She thought the other party was embarrassed to say it, so she quickly told her about the name change. , and at the end he continued to reflect, "I was wrong that time. I didn't keep my word. Chu Xia is the most trustworthy person. Therefore, she especially hates people who are dishonest. Moreover, she only has a good friend like me. I took it more seriously, so I got really angry."

Chu Xia heard a dark clue. How could this be called a setback? It was clearly childish, okay?

Sure enough, after listening to Luo Xiaoqiong's story, the look on Dean Xu's face became more solemn: "Chu Xia, this is not a setback, this is at most a child throwing a tantrum!

Moreover, this incident also shows that your parents doted on you too much. It was your fault that you ran away from home, but later they didn't dare to say anything to you and tried to please you everywhere. How could this work? "

"This is not what I said, this is really not what I said." Luo Xiaoqiong explained to Chu Xia anxiously.

Dean Xu smiled helplessly: "Do you still need to say this? I can tell it from your voice. Moreover, from the attitude of her parents towards her, when I think about it again, don't I understand it all?

Luo Xiaoqiong, I also want to talk to you about this. I know that you have a good relationship with Chu Xia, but you must make a distinction between public and private matters. If I am not the one talking now, if you explain it like this, you will still be liked by the leader in the future. ? "

An idea flashed in Chu Xia's mind, and she looked up at Dean Xu: "Dean, are you leaving?"

"No... isn't it?" Luo Xiaoqiong looked at Dean Xu in a panic, "You, if you leave, what will we do?"

"Hey!" Dean Xu sighed heavily, "Lin Chuxia, you are really a very smart child, so I am even more worried about you. Most smart children are arrogant.

However, smart and arrogant children are most likely to attract jealousy. At work, everyone respects the strong, not the delicate girl who relies on the protection of the family. Otherwise, one day, you will not be able to stand the surrounding environment. Defeat yourself.

Because of your intelligence, your talent, and your specialness, the last thing I want to see is that you die on the way. My child, remember, hard things are easy.

Sometimes, taking a step back does not mean you are weak, but it gives you time to think clearly, and it also eliminates the opportunity for the other party to harm you. When you are strong enough, this kind of jealousy will naturally disappear. exists. "

"From what you say, I really want to leave the hospital, right?" Chu Xia's voice trembled slightly, not because of fear, but because of... an inexplicable emotion mixed with reluctance and confusion.

Having been in this era for so long, she certainly understands that things are still different now and in future generations. People will not really respect you just because you have a strong background. Strength is the primary factor that everyone values.

But today, Dean Xu brought this matter up so solemnly, which meant that she probably couldn't protect her from the wind and rain here.

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