Second update arrived.

Looking at the two nervous little faces in front of her, Dean Xu felt a little sad for some reason. She really liked that expression of sincere dependence rather than fear of loss because of benefits.

"Yes, I am going to be transferred. Originally, I wanted to tell you later, but today, what happened to Ye Meiru made me feel that I must prepare you mentally earlier.

You are the first to know this news. Don’t tell it out for now. Ronaldinho, I also want to ask for your opinion on your matter. It’s up to you to decide whether you want to follow me or stay in 401.

I am going to be transferred to the Ministry of Health. If you are willing to follow me, I can arrange for you to be my assistant. However, my age is here. One day, you must fly out by yourself.

If you stay in 401, you have two options, either start as a student, or become an ordinary administrator. However, in terms of medical skills, you are not as talented as Lin Chuxia. Of course, as long as you are willing There is no problem if you work hard and become a qualified doctor. "

"Dean, I understand what you mean. Either I stay in 401 and work as an ordinary administrator, or I go with you. This is actually my real choice, right?"

Dean Xu smiled at her: "I'm just helping you analyze your personality. The decision is in your hands."

"Xiaoqiong, you go with the dean." Chuxia knew the reason for Luo Xiaoqiong's hesitation, which was that he didn't want to be separated from her, but in terms of future development. It is definitely better to follow Dean Xu than to stay alone in 401.

Learning management is like learning medicine. Only by following a wise man who truly has no secrets and is willing to teach you can you possibly learn the true skills. She must not let Luo Xiaoqiong miss her future for her.

Luo Xiaoqiong is still hesitating. Of course she knows what is good for her, but she always feels that if she chooses what is good for her, it will be a betrayal of Chu Xia.

Although Chu Xia persuaded her, she still couldn't make up her mind. She had already missed it once, and she couldn't accept that she would make another mistake. In particular, the dean's question to Chu Xia just now made her feel completely confused.

Seeing Luo Xiaoqiong's painful look, Chu Xia had no choice but to persuade her: "Xiaoqiong, I know what you are hesitating about. I tell you clearly that if you punish yourself again because of the last name change incident, I will not treat you as a friend." .The so-called friends are for helping each other, not for dragging each other down.

You should think so and stick with the dean. Learn how to be a qualified manager, and one day you can protect me.

If you just want to stay with me now, stay here.

Then, when something happens. We can probably only stare at each other, and neither of us can help the other. Yes or no? "

Luo Xiaoqiong was a little shaken. She looked hesitantly at Dean Xu, then at Chu Xia, then stretched out her hand to look at it. Finally, she made up her mind: "I'll go with Dean!"

"That's right." Chu Xia hugged her happily, but couldn't help but feel a little sour in her heart, "No matter where you go, remember me. I will wait for you to protect me in the future."

The corners of Dean Xu's mouth twitched uncontrollably. She wanted to scold Chu Xia again. Although she was telling the truth, was it necessary to be so direct? What to cover or not?

"Dean, can I go over and give you a hug?" Chu Xia let go of Luo Xiaoqiong and looked at Dean Xu eagerly, "For no reason, I just want to give you a hug."

Yes, I just wanted to hug this loving dean. At first, it was to help my mother-in-law that I transferred Luo Xiaoqiong away from her. I didn’t expect that the two of them could get along so well and become best friends. It was really Something that made her very, very happy.

Dean Xu stood up on his own initiative and stretched out his hand to her. Chu Xia quickly went around and hugged her hard: "Dean, if I can't survive in the future, can I join you too?"

"Okay, as long as your mother-in-law agrees, I won't have any objection."

Chu Xia let her go and smiled sheepishly. Fortunately, none of the Zhou family were particularly old-fashioned. Otherwise, when they heard her words, they would mistakenly think that she was cursing the Zhou family. Isn't the prerequisite for not going down the line the decline of the Zhou family?

"Dean, when will you leave the hospital?" Chu Xia asked after sitting back.

"There is still one month left. After the handover with the new dean, I will stay here for another three to five days and then I will leave." Dean Xu sighed, "I have been here for so many years and I have to leave. , I’m really reluctant to part with it.”

After thinking about it, Chu Xia asked, "Does Teacher Song know?"

"I don't know if she knows. Anyway, I haven't told her yet, but given her family's situation, she probably heard about it. If she asks you, just tell the truth."

"Thank you, Dean."

Chu Xia smiled gratefully, not tired of talking to smart people.

"You little naughty boy!" Dean Xu glared at her and returned to the previous topic, "Now do you understand why I used Ye Meiru's incident as an example?

It is impossible for her not to target you in the future, but her advantage now is that she is weak, divorced, pregnant, and has a bad relationship with her natal family. As for you, although many people do not know your identity, you will immediately To become Mr. Liang's student, just because of this, everyone will tilt their emotional balance towards her.

The new dean is an upright person, but he is also a principled person. Just like what happened today, your answer will definitely give him a very bad impression.

I am talking about the second time, because you will give him the impression that you will not admit your mistakes, find various excuses, be pregnant, and be divorced. These two points alone can make an upright person sympathize with her.

Lin Chuxia, think carefully about my words and think about what you will do when you encounter this kind of thing again in the future. Don't always act like a common man, but really learn to behave when you get an advantage. "

"This is a very profound problem." Chu Xia scratched her head in confusion. From Dean Xu's description, she already understood that the new dean is a rigid person, and rigid people like to play their cards in a strict manner, and Ye Mei How can she act so shamelessly? "Why do you want to send such a person to be the dean? Are you planning to kill me?"

Dean Xu laughed: "You are so young, you will meet all kinds of leaders in the future, learn to adapt, and make yourself strong, so you don't have to be afraid of anyone.

Of course, if you are willing to borrow the power of the family, for the time being, no one can bully you. But Lin Chuxia, although I am Lin Yanqiu's good friend, I still want to advise you that it is better to rely on yourself than relying on anyone else.

Technology is your own in your hands. No matter what problems you encounter, you have the ability to support yourself and help others. Life is ever-changing, and no one dares to predict what will happen tomorrow. Being prepared is always safe. "

People in this era are really frightened by political struggles. She knows the future trend, but she knows that the days of fighting people casually will be gone forever. Mom, it’s a good thing she didn’t wear it. On those days when you fight with others casually, wouldn't it mean that you would be tortured to death?

"Dean, I understand."

"Well, it's good if you can listen."

"But if it's Ye Meiru, I still can't bear it."

"" The dean said that she didn't know what to say, forget it, young people, it's not a bad thing to hit a wall, if you don't want to endure it, just endure it.

"Chu Xia, you really won't blame me if I can't see you every day in the future?" As she sent Chu Xia out of the door, Luo Xiaoqiong looked at the other person's face anxiously, "You have to promise me that you won't be angry with me."

"I'm really not angry with you." Chu Xia looked at her helplessly, "When have you ever seen me say anything duplicitous? Also, let me tell you by the way, you are really not allowed to mention the name change in the future. , otherwise, I will really fall out with you!"

"Okay, I won't mention it if I don't mention it. However, I still think Lin Ziyi sounds pretty good. Are you really sure you won't change it?"

"You want me to get a new marriage certificate?"

"Ah?" Luo Xiaoqiong was stunned and slapped her forehead repeatedly, "Look at my stupid brain, how could I forget this matter? Chu Xia, please don't tell Captain Zhou."

Speaking of Zhou Mikang, Chu Xia's mood was a little low, and there was no news about him yet.

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