One update arrived.

Noticing that Chu Xia's expression was wrong, Luo Xiaoqiong asked nervously: "Are you angry about Ye Meiru's complaint, or are you feeling uncomfortable because the dean and I are leaving? Chu Xia, how about I stay with you?" Come on, you can feel better if you have me as your companion."

"You think too much..." Not wanting Luo Xiaoqiong to worry with him, Chu Xia adjusted his mood and smiled at her, "Breakup is never a happy thing. You have to give me time to adapt."

"You really don't want me to stay with you?"

"How many times do I have to say it before you understand?" Chu Xia sighed helplessly, "Xiaoqiong, you don't owe me anything, so don't always treat me with a repayment mentality.

Staying with Dean Xu is the best for your development. Isn’t it wonderful to think that one day we can support each other? "

"Then why do you look so ugly?" Luo Xiaoqiong frowned and looked at her, "There must be something going on. Don't hide it from me. Chu Xia, I treat you as your best friend. I will tell you everything. You can do it yourself. Do you believe me?"

"You..." Chu Xia looked helpless, "I'm really worrying you to death. Well, it doesn't hurt to tell you. I haven't heard from Zhou Mixang for more than half a month, so I'm a little worried about him."

"No way?" Luo Xiaoqiong frowned, "I just received a letter from Zhao Qiliang yesterday. He said that he would definitely come back during the New Year."

"Really?" Chu Xia grabbed her anxiously, "My brother really said that he can come back before the Chinese New Year? He said that they have already moved back?"

"Yeah, I thought you knew. I didn't tell you." Luo Xiaoqiong said with a hint of blush on her cheeks. "He also said that he wanted to spend the New Year with me. Wherever I was, he was. "After saying that, I realized that now is not the time to show off my happiness. He quickly made up for it, "I guess the leader must have a surprise for you."

"Probably." Chu Xia could only think of this reason now. Since Zhao Qiliang has gone back, then, as the coach, Zhou Mixang cannot not come back. Thinking like this, she made up her mind and waved at Luo Xiaoqiong. Wave. "I'm going back to work, you should hurry up and get busy."

"Having no conscience!" Luo Xiaoqiong rolled his eyes at her and turned back to Dean Xu's office.

Chu Xia walked halfway and was intercepted by Liu Meijun and Jun Doudou, "Xia Xia, are you okay?" Jun Doudou pulled her arm and asked with a worried look on her face.

"What's the matter?" Chu Xia looked at the two of them.

"What the hell are you doing, being so mysterious? Tell me if you have anything to do. I have to go back to work."

"It's okay to be reprimanded." Jun Doudou rolled her eyes at her, "Now it's spread throughout the hospital that you don't help pregnant women. You were called by the director to reprimand you.

It’s not like Meijun and I don’t know about your past with that woman. Speaking of which, she is too shameless. You went so far as to file a complaint. Did the dean really reprimand you? Too partial..."

Chu Xia quickly interrupted her: "The dean just talked to me about the skills of getting along with others. He didn't train me. Moreover, I also said that if she encounters trouble for me next time, I still won't help." Deliberately lowering his voice, "She has already filed a lawsuit. She has to put on a show. Just go back to work and we can talk about it at lunch."

Walking all the way back, Chu Xia finally understood why Liu Meijun and Jun Doudou were so anxious to find her. Anyone they met on the road who was familiar with her would comfort her... 囧~

When she entered the office, she saw Wang Jing looking at her face. Without waiting for the other party to speak, she quickly said: "I'm fine, I'm fine, so don't comfort me."

"Haha..." Wang Jing couldn't help laughing, "Who wants to comfort you? The teacher asked me to inform you that you are back. Hurry up and find Professor Yuan. Professor Yuan will have an operation tomorrow and you will be appointed as his assistant. I am just curious. Why are you looking at you just because you are so popular? You think too much."

"Disgusting!" Chu Xia rolled her eyes at her and ran out quickly. Professor Yuan was taking this opportunity to teach her, and she couldn't let him think that she didn't take this matter seriously.

Things turned out as she expected. What Professor Yuan wanted to do was a small operation to remove a hernia. However, the most critical point was that Professor Yuan wanted her to be the chief surgeon.

"You, you, you...are you kidding me?" Chu Xia stuttered when she was anxious. She had only studied for a little more than seven months. She had followed Song Xiaoyu on the operating table several times before, but at most It's the second assistant, and now she is suddenly asked to perform...even a minor surgery, it seems to be against the rules, right?

"How can I have so much free time to tease you?" Professor Yuan took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes, "What, no confidence?"

"Well, Master, where do you have so much confidence in me?" Chu Xia sat opposite him, staring at him blankly, "Why do I feel that you have more confidence in me than I do in myself?" Is your confidence still high?”

"Should I do it or not?" Professor Yuan put on his glasses and stared at her, "Choose for yourself. If you don't do it, I will choose someone else to be your assistant. If you do it, I will be your assistant."

"You would be a fool if you don't do it..." After saying this proudly, Chu Xia slumped down again, "But master, you can give me some transition time. For example, let me do a little help first. So suddenly, I I feel really… nervous.”

"Look at your potential!" The words were unpleasant, but Professor Yuan's tone softened, "Xiao Lin, do you think I am willing to take such a risk? But time waits for no one.

I will wait for you to become apprentices one by one step by step. If you can afford it, an old man like me can't afford it. When I can still move, I will bring one more person with me.

Of course, I'm not joking with the patient's life. You have a solid theoretical foundation and very strong practical ability. With focused training, a student like you can be an apprentice half the time of others. What do you think? Do you want to be a disciple? A girl who makes others envious? "

"Master, you..." After hesitating, Chu Xia said, "Can you speak more clearly? What do you mean when you can still move? You... don't scare me."

"It's not like you don't know what's going on with my legs. Some major surgeries I'm simply unable to do. Now for minor surgeries, I can barely stand up. If I continue like this, one day I'll be able to stand up. Not on the operating table.

Theory and practice are two different things after all. Xiao Lin, it is rare to meet a good person like you. I hope that when I have the ability, I can teach him everything I have.

I have already told Xiao Song about this matter, and she asked me to discuss it with you. As long as you are willing, you will be asked to come and help whenever I have operations here in the future.

When Lao Liang comes, I will discuss with him to continue using this model. If my legs were not good, it would be his turn to lead you this time. I think back then, he was still my apprentice! "

The so-called most lovable people are people like Yuan Lao who spend their entire lives on medicine. In his heart, there is no struggle for power and money, fame and fortune. What he has is just his persistence in medicine.

Anyone who cares about gains and losses would not let her perform the surgery now. You must know that regardless of success or failure, the person who puts her on the operating table will be controversial.

Such trust cannot be let down. Chu Xia looked at Mr. Yuan seriously: "Master, don't worry, I won't let you make a mistake, and I won't make fun of the patient's health. Now, I will do the simulation."

"Okay!" A big smile broke out on Mr. Yuan's face, "Xiao Lin, what I want is your courage. Don't worry, you can definitely handle this kind of surgery now. As long as you believe in yourself, you will definitely succeed. !”

Chu Xia spent the whole day in the simulation practice room. In the middle, Song Xiaoyu came over and was rolled his eyes by Mr. Yuan. What he wanted was for Chu Xia to practice without anyone interrupting him.

After various hernia cases were tested one by one, Chu Xia looked at Professor Yuan confidently: "Master, are you okay?"

"That's right. You've already achieved excellence the first time. Try it again."

"Yes." Chu Xia responded and repeated the previous experiment again.

After doing this three times, Mr. Yuan already grinned from the corners of his mouth to his ears. This student's talent was beyond his expectation. He had never seen a student with such dexterity, and even among the doctors he knew, there were not many. The hands are so flexible.

When he was young, he was famous for his dexterity.

Later, due to injuries and getting older, although his hands were still dexterous, they were no longer as good as when he was young. Now seeing Chu Xia's fingers flying up and down, he felt a rush of blood, as if, The mood of my youth is back!

It wasn't until six o'clock in the evening that Professor Yuan announced that the experiment was over.

The first thing Chu Xia did after changing his clothes was to massage Yuan Lao's legs. Although he had been sitting still, such a long time was beyond the limit of what he could endure.

Yuan Lao did not refuse. He would have surgery tomorrow. He couldn't be brave. Although he said he completely believed in Chu Xia, he had to be fully prepared.

He wanted to train her as quickly as possible, but he was a real doctor. For doctors, the patient's health was the first priority, and he couldn't put the cart before the horse.

Then, now he must accept his apprentice's kindness, and tomorrow he can stand by her side and accompany her to the end.

Feeling the stiffness in Old Yuan's calves, Chu Xia sniffed and said, "Let you show off your talent. I told you that I would train you to move around, but you didn't listen! Are you suffering?"

Mr. Yuan chuckled and pulled his leg back: "Look at you, you press it twice for me and you start to wake up? Okay, let's go home. It's a small year today. Don't let the family wait too long." "

"You know I didn't mean it that way," Chu Xia said, increasing the strength on her hands, "Be patient, it will only hurt a few times."

Yuan Lao: ""Who is the disciple?

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