Second update arrived.

"Director Qiu is really working hard, and the people who follow her are exhausted." Luo Xiaoqiong said and sighed, "I heard that her daughter is sick, but she doesn't care. From the perspective of a patient, such a person is quite... Okay, but as her family, it’s so boring.”

"We can just talk to our own people about what you said, but we can't let outsiders hear it." Zhao Qiliang told Luo Xiaoqiong with a serious look.

"Do you really think I'm stupid..." Luo Xiaoqiong stared at him speechlessly, "If I were really as stupid as you said, would Dean Xu let me follow her?"

"I was wrong." Zhao Qiliang quickly admitted his mistake, "Our Assistant Luo doesn't need anyone else to worry about. I just eat carrots here and don't worry."

"What do you think?" Luo Xiaoqiong rolled her eyes at him and couldn't help laughing, "But to be honest, I never thought that one day I would be able to live like this.

I remember that at that time, what Chu Xia and I were most worried about was that when we grew up, we would marry in different villages, and we could only see each other once or twice a year, meet a good man, live smoothly, and meet a good man. Bastard, getting beaten and scolded is commonplace..."

Zhao Qiliang interrupted him speechlessly: "How old did you think this was?"

"Before the age of sixteen, maybe. Later, after she annoyed me in early summer, she stopped talking to me about these things. Let me tell you, at first, I thought she was stupid because of her illness.

In the past, even if she was angry with me, as long as I coaxed her, it would be twice at most. She happily played with me, but that time. I coaxed her, but she just said it was okay. But he just wouldn't talk to me or play with me, which scared me to death. "

"It's the Year of the Monkey, the Horse and the Moon, why are you bringing it up again?" Chu Xia looked at her speechlessly, "Are you afraid of forgetting the hard days and remembering the bitter days and remembering the sweet ones?"

"Yeah, I'm reminding you, lest you forget the days when we were together..." Luo Xiaoqiong sighed quietly, "In the future, we may not see each other again for a week."

Chu Xia smiled evilly: "Don't worry. Let alone once a week, even if we meet once a month, I will never forget you, sister-in-law."

Glancing quietly at Zhao Qiliang, Luo Xiaoqiong rolled her eyes at her and changed the subject: "By the way, Chu Xia, the new dean is very old-fashioned. You have to be careful in the future."

"You worry too much. I'm just an ordinary intern. There are only so many opportunities to deal with the dean. What should I be careful about? However, it doesn't matter if you are old-fashioned. Just don't be biased."

"I don't know if it's biased or not.

Anyway, he seems to have a good relationship with Director Huang, because when I heard him talking to the dean, he mentioned Huang Baoquan several times. Moreover, they are all complimentary. "

"Really?" Chu Xia suddenly sat upright. "According to what you said, the teacher is really in trouble." After a pause, he continued. "However, there is nothing to be afraid of. The teacher must have medical skills, medical ethics, and background. There is nothing to worry about."

"Dong dong..."

"There are more and more etiquette..." Luo Xiaoqiong murmured and ran over to open the door, only to find Ye Meiru standing at the door. She looked at Chu Xia with a smile, "Hey, let me tell you something, Zhou Mikang and my family love each other. We have a meeting, I guess I won’t be able to make it for a while, so you can go on your own.”

"I know." Chu Xia responded, "Thank you for your trouble."

"I'm kindly telling you, please don't use such a sour tone, okay?" Ye Meiru not only did not leave, but also pushed Luo Xiaoqiong and squeezed in. She looked Zhao Qiliang up and down and smiled, "Who are you?"

"Do you care?" Luo Xiaoqiong rolled her eyes at her, "This is my man, please don't move forward, lest you smell the filthy smell on your body."

"Are you scared?" Ye Meiru smiled proudly, and then her expression changed completely, "Luo Xiaoqiong, you take yourself too seriously. Do you think I will like such a thing?"

"Who said you like it? I just think you smell bad. It's not like I don't know what you like."

"Who do I like?" Ye Meiru glanced at Chu Xia deliberately, then looked at Luo Xiaoqiong, "Tell me and let me see if your guess is right."

Luo Xiaoqiong waved her hand: "Forget it, you are a pregnant woman. As a kind person, I'd better save some face for you."

"You don't have to save face for me, really."

"The relationship between you and Director Huang has been spread throughout the hospital, why do you have to tell me?" Luo Xiaoqiong was so excited by her that she actually told the rumors she had heard.

"Say it again?" Ye Meiru's face suddenly darkened, "If you have the ability, just say it again!"

"I'm just going to say it. You will feel ashamed after saying it, but you insist on forcing me to say it, ugh." Luo Xiaoqiong sighed and looked at Chu Xia, "What should I do? I made a mistake again."

"Bastard!" Ye Meiru howled and pounced on Luo Xiaoqiong. Zhao Qiliang hesitated and quickly blocked Luo Xiaoqiong, and was hugged tightly by Ye Meiru. The other party was a woman and a pregnant woman, and he didn't care. If you dare to push, just stand still: "Calm down, please calm down, you are twins, if anything happens to the child, you will regret it for the rest of your life."

"I won't regret it. She must be the one who regrets it." Ye Meiru said while pushing Zhao Qiliang, "Get out of my way. If I don't beat her today, my surname will not be Ye. I would rather share the same name as my child." Even if I die, I won’t let her talk nonsense and slander me.”

"Okay!" Chu Xia yelled, "Ye Meiru, can you stop thinking that no one dares to mess with you just because you have a piece of meat in your belly? If the child in your belly is really killed, do you think the Huang family can spare it? Did you?

When you were a child, your grandfather went to our house. When he mentioned you, he was disappointed. If you continue to be so unreasonable and unreasonable, sooner or later, you will regret it.

When a person is alive, there must be a goal, and when dealing with someone, there must be a reason. You said you are dazzling me all day long, targeting me, is that interesting?

If you and Zhou Mikang were together and I broke up, then fine, you should take revenge on me and deal with me, because I have done disgusting things that are despised.

But in fact, it was you who betrayed Zhou Mikang and you didn't want him. Why can you blame me so confidently? Ye Meiru, do you think you are justified in treating me like this? "

"Without you, Zhou Mikang would have married me, and I wouldn't be living like this today."

"Are you still dreaming? Just you, after being with this man and that man, do you think Zhou Mikang can still accept you? Then how stupid is he? He was dumped by a cuckold, and he still waited for Baba's love. With.

To be honest, if he is really like that, you will probably let him go. In fact, you don't love him at all, you are just too possessive. You can do it if you don't want him, but he absolutely cannot want you. Your constant pestering is just to prove this point. "

"Do you think I don't know the purpose of these things? Lin Chuxia, it's useless to say anything. My, Ye Meiru's happiness in this life is ruined in your hands. The purpose of my life is to let you pay me what you owe me. Give it back to me, even if it takes me a lifetime to do it, I will not regret it.

Also, what I can't do is my son. From the moment he is born, I will tell him who caused him to live such a life without a father. "

"What does it look like to talk lies with red lips and white teeth? I finally saw it..." Luo Xiaoqiong smacked her lips and shook her head, "Ye Meiru, I just want to ask you, how did you convince yourself to believe this theory? ? How stupid and selfish do you have to be to be able to find reasons for yourself so confidently? "

"What does it have to do with you?" Ye Meiru glared at her and smiled brightly at Chu Xia, "I tell you, I'm not angry. It is indeed impossible for me to be with Zhou Mikang now, but I can create something else for him. Just wait for the opportunity, and one day you will feel the same way I do."

"Are you also a woman?" Zhao Qiliang suddenly spoke.

"It's guaranteed to be a fake." Ye Meiru smiled at him, "Would you like to come over and touch it to verify it?"

"No need to try, I'm afraid of getting my hands dirty." Zhao Qiliang pushed Luo Xiaoqiong and stood back, "I am Lin Chuxia's cousin. Although I have no power, protecting my sister is what I must do. Son.

So, let me tell you something here. If you dare to do anything to hurt my sister, I will risk my life and I will settle the account with you. Now, you can go out! "

"Oh, you're quite a man." Ye Meiru looked at him and smiled, "For the sake of being such a man, I won't make it difficult for you. I'll play with you another day. Goodbye." Before going out, she said He winked at Luo Xiaoqiong.

"Ha..." Luo Xiaoqiong chuckled, "I have gained experience. I have gained experience. I have doubts. Did she work as a kiln girl in her previous life?"

"She's not, but her family has been in this industry before, you know."

"Oh oh oh." Luo Xiaoqiong nodded repeatedly, "I remember it, I remember it, you told me, look at my brain, how could I forget this matter?

But in early summer, you have to have a good talk with Zhou Mikang and tell him Ye Meiru's plan so that he will not be fooled and stay away from Huang Suai. Don't say she's not as good-looking as you, even if she's a fairy, you can't get close to her. "

"The leader is not that kind of person." Zhao Qiliang hurriedly defended Zhou Mixang, "When we were on a mission, the leader's granddaughter went to perform and took a fancy to the leader, but the leader didn't even look at her. Later, one night, the chief’s granddaughter went to find him by herself, and what do you think he did?”

"And this matter, why haven't I heard him say it?" Chu Xia's focus was not on what Zhou Mikang did, but on the fact that the group leader Tongzi did not report this matter to her. Zhao Qiliang suddenly realized that he was talking too much and quickly smoothed things over, "The leader must be afraid that you will worry, otherwise, he would have said it a long time ago."

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