One update arrived.

"Look at how scared you are." Chu Xia rolled her eyes at Zhao Qiliang, "Am I such a narrow-minded person? I'm just curious. Brother, please tell me the details, hurry up."

Zhao Qiliang looked at her with a troubled expression: "Chu Xia, nothing happened. I just said that. I don't know the details."

"Oh." Chu Xia nodded, "I know, then I'd better ask Zhou Mikang directly and let him tell me everything."

"No, no, no, no..." Zhao Qiliang waved his hands anxiously, "If you ask the team leader, he will definitely think that I am too talkative. Chu Xia, please don't ask, okay?"

"It's okay not to ask, just tell me." Chu Xia chuckled, "Brother Sheng, you can ask Xiaoqiong how curious I am. If you don't tell me, I will definitely ask Zhou Mi. Kang, either you tell me, or I go find him, anyway, you choose one of the two."

"Okay, okay, why don't I tell you what I know?" Zhao Qiliang looked helpless, "Just some time ago, we had been stationed there for a while, and Vice Chairman Yao of the Military Commission went over to inspect.

Then there were also actors from the Beijing Army Song and Dance Troupe. One of them happened to be the granddaughter of Vice Chairman Yao. She fell in love with the troupe leader at first sight. She had a very outgoing personality and said it in front of everyone, Said he liked the leader.

The leader didn't even pay attention to her..." At this point, Zhao Qiliang raised his hand to swear, "I promise, what I said is completely true. You can ask Zhou Hanliang for verification on this matter. Or you can find someone else, but I don’t think it’s good to let others know. It's best if you find Zhou Hanliang..."

"Brother, can you stop being so wordy?" Chu Xia interrupted him, with a look of dissatisfaction on his face, "Don't be so mother-in-law, I'm just curious about this matter, you don't need to explain it to me."

Zhao Qiliang smiled bitterly: "Chu Xia, looking at you like this, how dare I not explain..." Seeing Chu Xia's eyes widening, he said quickly, "Okay, okay. I won't explain, so I will continue.

It's just that the group leader ignored her, so she always wanted to talk to the group leader, but he ignored her every time. Then one night, the night before they were leaving, she went to the group leader's room to find him.

As a result, without saying a word, the group leader picked up her collar and threw her out of the house. At that time, several comrades were walking outside and had a clear look, and the matter spread.

I heard that the Chairman of the Military Commission also talked to the regiment leader. But we don’t know what they were talking about. Anyway, everyone said that Chairman Yao must be dissatisfied with the group leader.

That's all I know.

Early summer, if you are still curious. Just wait for a while before asking the group leader, don't let him be interrogated as soon as he comes back. He will definitely dislike me, and you don’t want me to be disliked, right? "

"Look at how scared you are." Chu Xia rolled her eyes at him, "Brother, why do you seem to be more afraid of him when we go on a mission? He is your brother-in-law, what are you afraid of?"

"It's not fear, it's respect." Zhao Qiliang said sternly, "During this period, the regiment leader has been eating, living and training with us. We have seen with our own eyes the regiment leader's abilities in all aspects. All the comrades in arms particularly admire the regiment leader.

This is not an empty talk. Really, whether it is physical endurance or strategy, the team leader is definitely someone we look up to, because during this period we have had two red-white competitions. Each time, the team leader led a small team, and Zhou coached Leading a large team of people, but every time the team leader ends up taking over Director Zhou’s lair..."

It is natural for men to respect the strong. When talking about what happened next, Zhao Qiliang's expression was filled with excitement. One can imagine how intense the situation was at that time.

"Okay, brother, don't worry, I won't make it difficult for you." Thinking of the fundamental reason why Zhou Mikang did this, Chu Xia felt inexplicably depressed. That war will never disappear just because of her arrival. Because from all indications, this will happen sooner or later.

As long as war is involved, it is inevitably associated with injury and death. For a child who grew up in a peaceful era, and who has seen the cruelty of this war from various readings, she will really have a sense of powerlessness.

It was precisely because of this feeling of powerlessness that she told Zhou Mikang everything, hoping to use his help to reduce casualties so that more families would not be in trouble because of this incident.

"Are you unhappy?" Zhao Qiliang misunderstood Chu Xia's meaning. Looking at her expression, he thought she was angry with him. After a moment of hesitation, he said, "If you really want to ask, just ask. I'll be fine.

Actually, I'm not really afraid that my brother-in-law will have a bad impression of me. I just feel that he is quite tired during this period. It would not be good if he was interrogated by you as soon as he comes back. "

"Brother, no, I just thought that one day you might have to go there and face a war..." After a pause, Chu Xia sighed, "Anyway, just thinking about these, I can't help but feel sad."

"Zhao Qiliang, if that day comes, remember that although you can't be a deserter, it is still very important to be able to come back completely. You must promise me that no matter what difficulties and dangers you encounter, you will always be there." Don't give up, you have to remember that I, Chu Xia, your parents, and your relatives are all waiting for you."

Zhao Qiliang looked at his sister and fiancée helplessly: "What are you two doing? We are just going on a mission, not really going to the battlefield. Moreover, depending on the situation, nothing will happen for a while.

My comrades have all said that although we all want to serve our country and be men, and the thought of carrying a gun on the battlefield makes our blood boil, no one wants a war.

As long as it's a war, there is no real winner. Of course, we don't have the final say on this matter. I'm just telling you what everyone thinks. Don't worry, no one will be willing to die unless it is absolutely necessary. A good man protects his family. The country is responsible. "

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this anymore. It's nothing, just talk about it as if it's right in front of you." Chu Xia changed the subject, "Brother, did you have anything interesting happen over there?"

"What's the fun thing? We train every day. For a while, there was no other color in our eyes except green. When we came back, we all felt like we were in a different world when we arrived in the city.

As soon as we arrived at the station, those who were far away from home were busy writing letters, and those who were close to home took leave to go home. Those who had relatives and friends immediately visited their relatives and friends. It seems that only this way can make us feel our own. To exist, to feel a tangible connection between ourselves and the world. "

"Brother..." Chu Xia stepped forward and hugged Zhao Qiliang, then pulled Luo Xiaoqiong and hugged each other. She now truly understood the root cause of the changes in Zhou Mikang and Zhao Qiliang's personalities.

"What are you doing?" Jun Doudou looked surprised when he opened the door and saw the three people hugging each other, "What game are you playing?"

"I'm finally here, why are you here now?" Luo Xiaoqiong answered the question, with obvious embarrassment on her face.

"There is something wrong with the director. He held a small meeting for us and has postponed it until now." Jun Doudou said while looking at the faces of several people. "What happened? I feel like something is not right with you."

"No, just talking about the war, the three of us were a little emotional, so we expressed our feelings in this way." Chu Xia Chong stood behind Zhou Hanliang, who was obviously thinner than before setting off, waving his paw, "Director Zhou, okay ."

"Okay." Zhou Han nodded and smiled at Chu Xia, "Sister-in-law, how are you too?"

"Hehe, look at me standing here, you know it's good..." Chu Xia glanced at the time, "Let's go and find Zhou Mikang now, and then go home with you."

Everyone made an appointment to go to Yun's house together. The Chinese New Year is coming, and this matter must be resolved.

"Do you really want to go?" Jun Doudou shrank back a little uncomfortably, "If my mother kicks me out again, will I never be able to go back in this life?"

"You are thinking too seriously. She is your mother. How could she be willing to let you stay outside for the rest of her life? I guess her anger has almost subsided by now. Now that you go back, you are just stepping down for her.

Besides, there are a few of us accompanying you, why should you be nervous? Chu Xia pulled her up and walked out, "Don't hesitate. You don't have to wait until you find out that you want to support your son. Don't let yourself regret it in the future." "

"It's not as serious as you said?" Jun Doudou looked at her with a blank look, "My mother is in good health."

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, but you understand what I mean. The time you spend with your loved ones in this life is only those years, waste less and less.

Also, after you get married, you will mostly spend the Chinese New Year at your in-laws’ house. Shouldn’t you spend more time with them at your in-laws’ house before you get married? Your dad has such a good personality, are you willing to let him go all the time? "

Lieutenant Jun Jun sent someone to take Jun Doudou home, but Jun Doudou refused, saying that she would not go home if her mother did not admit it. Later, Lieutenant Jun Jun came in person and did not pick up Jun Doudou. go back.

From this point of view, Jun Doudou's mother's character is a bit too stubborn. She has obviously regretted it, but she just won't let go. Perhaps, what she wants is a pomp, otherwise, she would not be able to have so many people with her this time. Jun Doudou goes back together.

Zhou Hanliang and Jun Doudou admit their mistakes and plead to Jun's mother in front of everyone, which may make her feel proud. With a step up, it is very possible to agree to their relationship.

Moreover, after this mission, Zhou Hanliang mentioned that at his age and now at this level, the future is bright, and Jun's mother probably can't find many reasons to refuse.

If the reason is based on family background, Zhou Hanliang's support is the Zhou family, which is why Zhou Mikang must go.

Several people took a car and arrived at the station. "I'm going to see if the team leader has finished his work." Zhou Hanliang got out of the driveway first.

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