Second update arrived.

Zhou Hanliang's worry was written on his face, and Lan Ailian's face was a little unhappy: "Don't be nervous, I am not a person who does one thing in front of you and behind the other's back. Since I promised you to get along in front of my daughter, I will I won't regret it.

I really didn't like you two being together before. No matter in appearance or family background, you are not a good match. Moreover, you know very well what you will face next. I don't want Doudou to be sad.

But I have also been here since I was young, and I understand Doudou’s current mood. If I keep holding her back, no matter what happens in the future, she will regret it. So, it’s better to just let go and give you a chance to develop.

As for your personality, I have also investigated it. Otherwise, I would not dare to gamble with my daughter's happiness. When you have children one day, you will understand how I feel now.

Doudou did not grow up with us when she was young. This is the biggest shortcoming in her heart, and it is also the biggest regret for me and her father. Therefore, I hope you can let her be more.

This child seems to be easy to talk about, but she is very stubborn at heart. Even eight cows can't get her back if she is sure of something. Just like this time when she ran away from home, her father went to find her several times, but she just wouldn't let go. return.

I know that she is waiting for me to give in, but as an elder and sincerely doing it for her own good, how can I lower my head and beg her? If I really do that, how will I get along with her in the future?

I believe she feels bad in her heart. It’s impossible for her to really miss us and Guoguo, but she didn’t come back until now, so Zhou Hanliang. You have to think of these questions in advance if you can tolerate her being so stubborn. Just stay with her, if you can't stand it. Just don't waste your time. "

Zhou Hanliang said seriously: "Auntie, I know she has a stubborn temper. I told her that I would let her go. Moreover, I don't think this is a shortcoming. I like girls who have ideas."

"Okay, now that this is acceptable, I have one more request. That is that you should be nicer to her adoptive parents. They have a very important place in her heart, and they have really given her a family. Warmth, I am very grateful to them, but..." Lan Ailian sighed, "But if you ask me to do something in front of them, I can't do it, my daughter. She has deeper feelings for them than for me. For a mother, , I’m very conflicted, and I’m grateful to them. However, I can’t get over the hurdle in my heart, I hope you can understand.”

Zhou Hanliang nodded: "I understand. I will be equally filial to them."

"Okay, that's all I want to say. Before you get married, I will observe you carefully. I hope you won't disappoint me. Also, pretending is useless, I can see it."

Zhou Hanliang smiled bitterly: "Auntie,

How to pretend like this? Don’t worry, I’ve never been a superficial person. If you like it, you like it. If you hate it, you hate it. If you can do it, you can do it. If you can’t do it, you can’t do it. What I express must be the most authentic version of myself. I hope It can satisfy my aunt. "

"Okay, you sit down for a while while I go out." Lan Ailian said and went to the door to change shoes.

"Are you going to find Aunt Qin now?"

Lan Ailian put on her shoes for a moment, then her eyes softened when she looked at Zhou Hanliang who was chasing her: "Yes, I'm going to settle the score with her. Don't worry, I won't suffer any loss."

"No, I'll go with you." Zhou Hanliang's expression was very determined, and he added, "I won't notify Doudou, so we two will go together."

"What's the point of following me?" Lan Ailian choked him.

"I am your prospective son-in-law, and I should protect you."

"Okay." Lan Ailian waved to him, "Let's go." That posture was actually a bit like a big sister's.

Qin Xiangyi's family and Lan Ailian's family are neighbors. When they go out, turn left and walk about 20 meters to another courtyard, which is Qin Xiangyi's house. Seeing Lan Ailian come in, Qin Xiangyi stood up and greeted enthusiastically: "Ailian, why are you here? Please take a seat."

"Qin Xiangyi, why have I offended you? You want to say that to my Guoguo?" Lan Ailian glared at her, "You are also a mother. Are you willing if I scold your son?"

"I...why did I say Guoguo?" Although Qin Xiangyi tried her best to pretend to be innocent when she said this, the guilt in her tone betrayed her.

"You said she has a bad brain and will never be able to find a job. Isn't that what I made up?"

"I didn't say that her brain is not working well, I just said that she is not suitable for work. Who is this? She is chewing her tongue like this." Qin Xiangyi said angrily.

"The last thing my Guoguo won't do is lie. Can what she learned from me herself be false? Do you know how much this hurts her?

If her intelligence is only that of a three- or four-year-old, you can just say that. Don’t you know how a nine-year-old or ten-year-old child would react to such words?

Qin Xiangyi, you are also a mother, how could you do such a vicious thing? "

"I...I..." Qin Xiangyi muttered, speechless.

At this moment, Jiang Xinyu came back, walked in with a gloomy face, walked straight to Qin Xiangyi, and slapped her on the face with a "Pah!"...

Not to mention Qin Xiangyi was stunned, even Lan Ailian was shocked. At this moment, she would not think that Jiang Xinyu was venting his anger for her. You know, what they said was impossible outside. heard.

Zhou Hanliang hesitated, not sure whether he should step forward to break up the fight or something.

"Now that I have become a commoner, you finally got your wish." Jiang Xinyu glared at Qin Xiangyi hatefully, turned around and went upstairs, his back looking so desolate.

Not caring about others, Qin Xiangyi caught up with him in a few steps and grabbed his arm: "What's going on? Tell me clearly, what does it mean that you have become a commoner?"

"Don't you like to show off your prestige as Mrs. Guo? Don't you like to compete with Lin Yanqiu? Don't you like to step on her face? Now, it's finally her turn to step on your face. Are you happy?"

"Wha...what?" Qin Xiangyi's lips trembled for a long time and said, " could she do this? Why should she deal with you in matters between women?"

"Is it a matter between women? When the Zhou family was in trouble, you stepped on others and bullied them. Is this a matter between women? I warned you after that, don't mess with her, don't mess with her. What did you do?

Don’t you know what kind of character Mrs. Jiang is like? You actually went to make noise, and when you came back, you said to me, "You didn't do anything, Qin Xiangyi, how could I marry such a loser like you?"

Do you think Zhou Jingping would really let you bully his wife? If you treat a tiger like a cat, do you really think everything will be fine? Don’t you think about how easy it would be for the couple to give birth to a son like Zhou Mikang? "

After a slight hesitation, Qin Deyi yelled at Jiang Xinyu: "Since it was the Zhou family who harmed you, quickly find a way to deal with them. What kind of skills do you have to yell at me here? I didn't harm you!"

"It's you who hurt me. I've tried to persuade you so many times but you just don't listen. I really don't understand you. You're not as good as others in everything. Why do you have to compare with others?"

"Do you still miss her in your heart? Do you still like her?" Qin Xiangyi snorted coldly, "I know that Zhou Jingping must have disliked you for thinking about his wife, so he deliberately targeted you. It's all your fault. Don't Can you blame me?"

"Okay, it's my own fault. I admit it. Qin Xiangyi, I can't get along with a woman like you. Let's get a divorce."

"You, you, you... what did you say?"

"I said I wanted to divorce you. Anyway, I have become a commoner now. Being with you can't bring you glory. You should go find your glory and wealth." Jiang Xinyu waved his hands with a look on his face. Tired, "I don't want to talk to you now, stay away from me, or don't think I'm rude."

"You..." After being glared at by Jiang Xinyu, Qin Xiangyi did not dare to say anything.

"Dad, what's going on?" Their son Jiang Song trotted into the house, "I heard that dad was dismissed from his post. Is it true? What happened?"

"What else can happen as a result of the political game?" Jiang Xinyu looked helpless. "I'm just tired, so I'll just step back and rest. Xiao Song, you have to rely on yourself from now on."

Lan Ailian never expected that she would see such a scene when she came to settle accounts, so she winked at Zhou Hanliang and quietly left.

After leaving the door, Lan Ailian waved her hand at him: "If you want to go to the Zhou family, just go. Please tell the Zhou family that I am very grateful to them for helping me out. I can help with anything in the future." Yes, I will try my best."

"Thank you, Auntie." At this moment, Zhou Hanliang's heart really flew to the Zhou family. After hearing what Lan Ailian said, he thanked her with a grateful face and ran quickly into the house to find Jun Doudou to say goodbye.

A smile bloomed on Lan Ailian's lips. The other party's attention to her daughter made her happy. That's all. She no longer had to worry about whether it was a good match or not, or whether her decision was correct.

When Zhou Hanliang hurried all the way to Zhou's house, he heard a burst of laughter as soon as he entered the door. It turned out that a large family was gathering together to make dumplings, talking and laughing, and it was so lively.

Seeing him come in, Zhou Mikang smiled and joked: "If you don't behave well at my old father-in-law's house, what are you doing here?"

"I..." Suddenly, Zhou Hanliang felt that his approach of coming to report the news was a bit childish. At this time, what everyone needs is the warmth of family, and no one is unlucky. He simply changed his tone and said, "I am embarrassed to stay here." The Jun family is enjoying the meal."

"Okay, okay, Han Liang is welcome to come and have a meal." Lin Yanqiu pointed to the stool next to her, "Don't just stand and watch, wash your hands and come over to help. Tonight, only those who do it themselves will have food to eat."

"Good!" Zhou Hanliang responded happily and ran to the bathroom to wash his hands.

"You won't be kicked out by Lan Ailian, right?" Lin Yanqiu looked at her son with some worry, "I'll ask him later. If it doesn't work, I'll help him talk it over."

Zhou Mikang nodded: "Okay, I'll ask quietly later."

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