Chapter 526

Zhou Hanliang washed his hands and came over. Without waiting for anyone to ask questions, he reported the situation automatically: "Doudou's mother has basically accepted me, but she asked us to get married later."

"Then why don't you stay for dinner?" Chu Xia asked curiously.

"Afraid of saying too much, I will take my leave."

"When you left, was my third cousin still there?"

"Well, they're still talking about things."

"If you have anything to say, just tell me." Zhou Mikang looked at him, "I've known you for so many years, do you think I can't tell?"

When Zhou Mikang said this, he smiled sheepishly: "I was so excited that I rushed back, but now I think you must know it too."

Mrs. Zhou glared at him dissatisfied: "Xiao Liang, you are getting worse and worse. You didn't speak so hesitantly before. Who did you learn this from?"

"No ..." Zhou Hanliang scratched his head, "That is, Dou Doudi's mother went to Qin Xiangyi to calculate the account. As a result, Deputy Teacher Jiang went home and slapped Qin Xiangyi, saying that he was an ordinary people, and Qin Xiangyi had to be with Qin Xiangyi. divorce.

Qin Xiangyi has always been unkind to Aunt Lin, so I rushed to tell her about it, but seeing how happy everyone was just now, I felt that it was a bit disappointing for me to say this. I guess grandpa and uncle must already know about this. Captain, do you also know about it? "

"No, I don't know." Zhou Mikang looked at Mr. Zhou and Zhou Jingping, "Grandpa, dad, do you know? Dad, is this your handiwork?"

"Well, I know, but I didn't expect it to be so fast." Zhou Jingping looked at Lin Yanqiu. "I said that I must find justice for you. Now that I have done it, am I no longer aggrieved?"

Lin Yanqiu smiled happily. But he said resolutely: "How long has it been since you were able to find justice? However, aren't you a bit bad? It was Qin Xiangyi who dealt with me, but you pulled Jiang Xinyu down. Is this appropriate?"

"If he hadn't done something inappropriate, I wouldn't be able to pull his chin, would I?" Zhou Jingping looked at Mr. Zhou, "Dad, I'm not doing this for personal gain. Jiang Xinyu framed Peng Dingguo, I didn't make it up out of thin air. ."

"I know." Mr. Zhou glared at him, "I'm your dad, don't you know your temper? Come and explain to me, do you owe it to yourself?"

Zhou Jingping has a black streak on his head,

Can his old man not have such a hot temper? In front of a bunch of juniors, where can he put his face?

"Old man, the boss is not young anymore. Please pay attention to your tone." Mrs. Zhou came to the rescue with a smile, "Yanqiu, your dad thinks the boss is too slow, haha..."

"Dad, you are absolutely tall in our hearts." Chu Xia said quickly.

"Higher?" Zhou Jingping repeated unconsciously.

Realizing that she had said words that did not belong to this era, Chu Xia quickly made up for it: "Shang means leaning on top. Elder means that you are in our hearts. You are a tall, majestic, upright and worthy of respect." She didn't dare. It can be interpreted as high-end atmosphere and high-end quality, and the high-end atmosphere is easy to say. If she dares to say that her father-in-law is of a higher class, then that's not asking for death...

"This kid can really make up some new words." Mrs. Zhou smiled, "But I like it, tall and tall, haha, so am I tall and tall too?"

Chu Xia nodded and agreed: "Of course, grandparents are all tall and distinguished."

Seeing everyone chatting and laughing, Liang Xiaohong felt very sad. She went to her son and daughter-in-law several times, but she couldn't persuade her to come back. Normally, it was fine, but during the Chinese New Year, she felt really bad.

Noticing her expression, Mrs. Zhou sighed: "Xiaohong, let Gang Ping go to Zhongkang with you tomorrow. Just tell his grandfather that I told him that he must move back here during the New Year."

"Mom..." Liang Xiaohong looked at Mrs. Zhou with excitement, "Are you telling the truth?"

"Is this a lie?" Old Mrs. Zhou glared at her, "Zhongkang is also my grandson, and he is equally dear to me in my heart. However, I don't want to force him when he can't turn around."

Mr. Zhou answered: "My second daughter-in-law, Zhongkang will be 26 after the New Year. No matter how you kiss him, you can't coax him like a child. Otherwise, it will be difficult for him to truly grow up in his life."

Liang Xiaohong nodded quickly: "Thank you dad, thank you mom, I know, I understand the truth."

At this time, Kangzheng and Mei Xiaofeng were in a quarrel in the middle of the week.

Mei Xiaofeng meant that if she didn’t go back to the Zhou family, she would go to the Mei family to celebrate the New Year. Anyway, the two of them couldn’t spend the New Year in this dilapidated dormitory. And Zhou Zhongkang was not interested in returning to the Zhou family, and he was even less interested in returning to the Mei family. .

He believed that if he went to Mei's house during the New Year, he would be stepping in on someone else's door.

If Mr. Mei likes him, he would be nice to see him. However, when he meets him on a regular basis, Mr. Mei always has a cold and indifferent expression, and he has not been of any substantial help to him so far. In his heart, he is Those who resent the Mei family will of course not be able to go to the Mei family to celebrate the New Year.

"You mean, we'll stay here during the Chinese New Year?" Mei Xiaofeng looked at him angrily, her face turning red.

"What, now you regret marrying me and living a hard life?" Zhou Zhongkang glanced at her coldly, "If you don't want to live with me and want to go back to your parents' home, I won't stop you."

"Zhou Zhongkang, you bastard!"

"Am I a bastard or have you changed? I told you from the time we met me that in the Zhou family, I am a marginal figure and it is impossible for the Zhou family's resources to be put on me.

I also said that I have never been close to the Zhou family. If we get married, we will have to start our own business. It may be very difficult at the beginning.

What did you say at that time? You said you like me as a person and don't mind if I have a good relationship with the Zhou family. You said there is also the Mei family, who will lend a helping hand when the time is right.

But what's the result? You began to dislike me for not returning to the Zhou family, and you began to dislike me for not being able to please them. As for your Mei family, you didn't even want to look at me.

If it is true, as you said, that you are willing to be with me because you love me, you shouldn't force me like this. It's not impossible to go back to the Zhou family, but it's just my mother telling us to go back, what does it mean?

As for going to Mei's house, you said no one wants to see me. If I go, I won't be able to hold my head high in Mei's house anymore. I am also a person who wants face. Mei Xiaofeng, don't let me step on my face under my feet. Come on, okay? "

"Don't you think you overthink a lot of things? You are the junior in the Zhou family. We have gone back before, and there have been no irreconcilable conflicts. But if you say you want to fall out, you will fall out, and if you say you don't want to go back, you won't. When you go back, who else do you want to invite you?

In the Mei family, you are the son-in-law, and all respect must be earned by yourself. The Mei family will treat you like a treasure if you do nothing.

Zhou Zhongkang, do you know how much you weigh? According to what you said, if your boss doesn't hire you in the future, will you not work hard and stay at home waiting for your boss to hire you?

If it’s a job that you can’t do without, yes! However, if you are just dispensable, do you think it is necessary for others to bow to you?

Now we have taken the initiative to return to the Zhou family and get along well with our grandparents and elders. They will definitely accept us and treat us well. "

"You can go, but I won't go." Zhou Zhongkang closed his eyes and rested on the sofa, "I like this kind of free life, why should I go back and see their faces? Mei Xiaofeng, you are my wife, you protect me The person should be me, not someone else.”

"What are you trying to do?" Mei Xiaofeng was so angry that she punched him, "In front of outsiders, no matter if I offend someone or not, I will definitely fight against you, because I am your wife, if I don't give you Face, who will give you face?

But at home, I can't go to you and make you go to the wrong place even though I know you are wrong. How can we live our lives like this? What should I do if I have a baby? "

"We'll talk about it later."

"You..." Mei Xiaofeng was so angry that she threw herself on the bed and cried.

Marriage is indeed different from love.

At first, she fell in love with Zhou Zhongkang at first sight. At that time, although he had a cold attitude towards others, he was still very gentle to her. He also knew how to take care of her when he went out to eat.

It would be better now, just wait for the ready-made meal when she gets home, and don't help at all with the housework. The key is, he didn't see anything she did, and he thought it was what she should do.

You know, before getting married, she was the sweet girl of the family and didn't do any housework. Why should she become a mother-in-law after marrying her?

Fortunately, every time her mother-in-law comes, she will help her tidy up the house. Otherwise, she would really go crazy. If nothing else, she would just wash clothes in the middle of winter, which is not a human sin.

Thinking about the other two daughters-in-law of the Zhou family, Yu Tao and Lin Chuxia, she felt even more aggrieved. For the same people, why should she have to live like this when they live the life of a young mistress?

"Okay, stop crying!" Zhou Zhongkang's voice increased unconsciously, "You're celebrating the New Year, why are you crying? Do you really think our life is going too smoothly?"

Mei Xiaofeng sat up and looked at him bitterly: "Zhou Zhongkang, I don't want to be with you."

"Okay." Zhou Zhongkang nodded, "I will ask the tutor to issue a divorce consent form tomorrow."

"You..." What she said out of anger was just to hope that the other party would persuade her. As a result, in exchange for such a ruthless answer, Mei Xiaofeng felt a rush of blood rush to her forehead. When she saw the kitchen knife hanging on the wall, she almost He ran over, took off the kitchen knife, put it to his wrist and cut it, blood quickly poured out...

"You!" Zhou Zhongkang thought she was just trying to scare people. When he saw this, he panicked. He ran over and grabbed the knife from her hand, picked her up and ran out.

"You still care about me..." Mei Xiaofeng smiled stupidly, and her expression made Zhou Zhongkang's heart ache. What had he done?

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