Second update.

Zhou Zhongkang's dormitory was specially allocated to him by the school. The students were on vacation and most of the teachers went home. He ran all the way down, shouting for help. When he reached the bottom of the building, a third-year student finally came out. The teenage female teacher glanced at the blood dripping on the ground and faintly fainted...

Zhou Zhongkang quickly shouted inside: "Teacher Jiang, come out quickly, Teacher Xu has fainted."

The female teacher's husband ran out wearing a pair of long johns. When he saw the blood dripping from Mei Xiaofeng's wrist, he immediately understood: "Xiao Zhou, send Xiao Mei to the hospital quickly. Xu Qing is bleeding, it's okay."

Hearing this, Zhou Zhongkang didn't think much more and ran away. At this moment, he didn't point to anyone for help. He only had one thought in his mind. He had to race against time to get his wife's life back.

With good luck, he saw a human-powered tricycle pedaling past the door. "Comrade, stop, comrade, stop..." He shouted while chasing. When the other party could barely stop, he He also chased him to the car.

Carefully putting his unconscious wife on the seat, he shouted to the tricycle driver: "Take us to the nearest hospital, hurry up!"

When the tricycle driver saw this situation, he didn't care what to say, he kicked off the car and ran away.

The closest to the school was the Municipal People's Hospital. Five minutes later, the car stopped at the entrance of the hospital. Zhou Zhongkang picked up his wife and ran inside. "You haven't paid for the car yet..." the tricycle driver muttered, and when he saw the other party, he didn't even look at her. When he didn't reply, he shook his head, slowly kicked off the car and walked out.

"Doctor, help. My wife lost too much blood and passed out. Please help!..."

Zhou Zhongkang's shout was heard. A nurse on duty quickly pushed a car over: "Get the patient up to the room, quickly."

Another nurse quickly called the doctor on duty.

Yuan Hui is on duty tonight. She is the granddaughter of Mr. Yuan. She has gone through the transfer procedures, but has not yet been approved, so she has to stay and work in the People's Hospital for the time being.

"Doctor, my wife lost too much blood..."

Yuan Hui interrupted Zhou Zhongkang: "I saw it, don't be wordy." Then she ordered the nurse, "Operating room No. 1."

"Yes." The nurse pushed the car and trotted forward. Yuan Hui also started running quickly, and Zhou Zhongkang was stunned for a moment. Go straight after him.

The wound on my wrist was too deep and I needed more than a dozen stitches after debridement.

After hanging up the water and sending him to the ward, Yuan Hui looked at Zhou Zhongkang with a look of disapproval: "The fact that she can be so cruel means that she really wants to die. Men must learn to give in to women more before they marry you. It’s not about seeking death.”

If it were before, Zhou Zhongkang would definitely steal a few words from Bai Yuanhui. But now, looking at his wife's pale little face and the thick gauze wrapped around his wrist, he really has backward hair. Although being trained felt uncomfortable, he pursed his lips and said nothing.

"She has some mild anemia. If you don't pay attention to it, it will have a great impact on future fertility." Yuan Hui looked at him lightly, "Make her more delicious food to supplement her. If you marry someone, you must be responsible for them. .Don’t be unhappy with a straight face, just say it’s for your own good.”

"Yes." Zhou Zhongkang responded reluctantly.

"I'm in the doctor's duty room. If you need anything, ask the nurse to call me. Every hour, I'll come over and take a look." After Yuan Hui finished speaking, she left without looking back. What she hated most was men like Zhou Zhongkang. One look at his face shows that he is the kind of narrow-minded person who is easy to get into trouble. Otherwise, how could he force his wife to be like this?

The next morning, Mei Xiaofeng woke up faintly and saw Zhou Zhongkang sitting on the bedside with bloodshot eyes. A smile bloomed on her lips: "You feel sorry for me."

Tears overflowed unconsciously. Zhou Zhongkang quickly wiped them away and kissed her forehead: "I'm sorry, I'm the bastard who made you suffer. I promise I won't be angry with you again in the future."

"Yeah." Mei Xiaofeng smiled, "If after this time, you can figure it out, I think it's worth it. Zhou Zhongkang, I'm still saying the same thing, I'm with you because I like you. If I have to die, I can In exchange for your awakening, I will die without hesitation."

"How could you die? You have to stay with me and give birth to our babies. In the future, we will have grandchildren. When we grow old, we will support each other and walk on campus, with our little granddaughters and grandsons by our side. , you can tell them my bastard thing, let them know that it is because of grandma’s sacrifice that the family’s happiness is achieved and they are born.”

Mei Xiaofeng smiled and nodded: "Okay, I'll tell them, when the time comes, you must not blame me for not saving face for you."

"I will listen to you from now on, Xiaofeng..." After a pause, pain appeared in Zhou Zhongkang's eyes, "Do you know what I felt when I held you last night?

I feel like the sky is going to fall. If something happens to you, my life will probably be ruined. In fact, I have been concerned about not getting the love of my parents since I was a child.

I stay away from the Zhou family, not because I really hate the Zhou family. I hope to attract their attention in this way and make them treat me better than the third brother, or as good as the third brother.

In fact, you have always been the closest person to me, but I am a person who cannot express myself and am a bit one-sided. I always feel that if you love me, you should think about me in everything.

So, when you blame me, I will feel disappointed and say something that is not true. Xiaofeng, I was wrong. I will never be so stingy again in the future, and you are not allowed to hurt yourself like this again, okay? good? "

"Okay." Mei Xiaofeng nodded, "I heard you said you wanted to divorce me, and I felt very angry, so I just wanted to die. You don't care about me anyway."

"We are such a pair of fools." Zhou Zhongkang murmured with his face pressed against his wife's.

Yuan Hui came in and happened to see this scene, and couldn't help but curl her lips.

Hearing the footsteps, Zhou Zhongkang turned around and saw Yuan Hui's expression clearly. Thinking of the other party's scolding of him last night, his expression became a little unnatural and he said: "Doctor Yuan, my wife is in good spirits. Thank you."

Yuan Huili ignored him and went straight forward to look at the data on the bedside instrument. Then she looked at Mei Xiaofeng's complexion and said, "It's not bad, but you must stay in a good mood during this period and eat more nutritious food." , Don’t overwork yourself. This fatigue is not only physical, but also mental.”

"Okay, thank you Doctor Yuan." Mei Xiaofeng smiled at her, "Thank you for saving me."

Yuan Hui looked at her expressionlessly: "Your life is your own. If you don't care, who else will? Don't do such stupid things in the future, otherwise, I won't save you again."

"No, the misunderstanding between my husband and I has been solved. I was too impulsive. In fact, it's nothing. It's just that the two of us had different opinions. When my brain got hot, I did something stupid." Mei Xiao Feng smiled sheepishly and said, "Thank you, Dr. Yuan, for letting you worry about it." As he spoke, he pinched Zhou Zhongkang gently.

Zhou Zhongkang could only say: "Dr. Yuan, thank you."

"You have said this several times. Instead of telling me this, it is better to treat your wife well in the future." Yuan Hui said and made a menu for him. "These are very good for her health. She will be the best after she is discharged from the hospital." It’s best to supplement according to the combination above.”

Zhou Zhongkang nodded repeatedly: "Okay, I will."

After Yuan Hui left, Zhou Zhongkang frowned. He couldn't cook any of the recipes listed above.

"Please ask my mother-in-law for help." Mei Xiaofeng smiled at him, "The scar on my hand cannot be deceived. Rather than hiding it, it is better to tell them. However, don't tell my parents. I don't want our relationship to get in trouble. ."

"Okay." Zhou Zhongkang nodded in agreement. He also understood that if his father-in-law and mother-in-law knew about it now, then he and Mei Xiaofeng would probably really come to an end.

Liang Xiaohong's legs felt weak after receiving a call from Zhou Zhongkang.

Chu Xia and Zhou Mixang happened to come down from upstairs and saw Liang Xiaohong sitting on the sofa with a pale face. Chu Xia quickly stepped forward to support her: "Second Aunt, what's wrong?" Zhou Mixang also looked at her with concern.

When the words came to her lips, Liang Xiaohong changed her words: "Zhongkang asked me to make breakfast. I...I'm so excited."

"Congratulations, second aunt." Chu Xia said without doubting that he was there, and turned to go to the kitchen. Zhao Yulan was making buns. When she saw her daughter, her eyebrows were filled with smiles, "Are you awake?"

"Well." Chu Xia put her arms around Zhao Yulan's shoulders, "Mom, am I too lazy? You made so many buns before I got up. I'll get up earlier tomorrow to help you."

"Mom is getting older, so she's young." Zhao Yulan glanced outside and whispered something in Chuxia's ear.

"Really?" Chu Xia looked at her in disbelief, "Mom, did you hear clearly?"

"How can I talk nonsense about this?" Zhao Yulan glared at her daughter with dissatisfaction, "Your mother is not a talkative woman. If it weren't for these days, your second aunt is looking forward to the reunion all the time. I wouldn't say much. You and Xiaomi, tell me, Let him find a way to take a look, and Ma Hu can't do anything about his body and bones."

"Second Aunt definitely didn't say anything because she didn't want Zhou Zhongkang to be embarrassed in front of Zhou Mixang. If he went to investigate secretly, how embarrassing would it be for Second Aunt?" After thinking about it, Chu Xia said, "Mom, let's just pretend not to know, for a while. You can cook some millet and red date porridge and ask the third aunt to deliver it to you. Later, when cooking, just make something suitable for the patients. This way you won’t lose face and can take care of your four younger siblings. Everyone will be fine. ."

"Okay, you are more thoughtful." Zhao Yulan pushed her daughter with her elbow, "Go and exercise with Xiaomi. Mom doesn't need your help here. By the way, bring your dad back. He went out to collect firewood early in the morning. , don’t get lost again.”

Chu Xia had a funny look on her face: "Mom, what you said is too exaggerated. How can dad get lost after living here for so many days?"

"You praise your father too much. He went out for a walk the day before yesterday and got lost and couldn't come back. He wanted to save face and refused to let me tell you." Zhao Yulan said and laughed, "In the end, when we met Uncle Ye, he pretended I just finished my walk and followed someone back."

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