Second update.

"When the fourth sister and the second sister come back, the house will be even more lively." Chu Xia thought for a while and looked at her mother-in-law, "Mom, I want to go to the regiment after work tomorrow. Luan Dajiang is in his first year as a soldier and can't go home. , I’ll go see how he’s feeling.”

"Okay, go ahead." Lin Yanqiu nodded, "If we weren't afraid that it would be bad for his development, we would have let him come back to our house to celebrate the New Year."

Chu Xia hurriedly said: "Mom, I understand that they are all soldiers. Others are celebrating the New Year together, but he is alone without him. Who will play with him in the future?"

"You kid, it's so easy to talk..." Lin Yanqiu hugged her shoulders affectionately, "Come on, wash your hands and eat."

"Madam..." Mrs. Liu came over, "Mrs. Jiang Qin Xiangyi is here. She wants to see Madam."

"She's here?" Lin Yanqiu curled her lips, "Now you thought of coming to me? Do you think she came to me to settle a score, or to please me?"

Chu Xia smiled and blinked her big eyes: "What kind of thing does Mom want?"

"If she comes to settle a score with me, I'll give her a high look. If she comes to please me..." Lin Yanqiu curled her lips, "Then she really makes me feel sick."

Lin Yanqiu herself is a man of character, so naturally she hates weaklings.

"Madam, do you want her to come in or not?" Mrs. Liu asked again.

"Let her come in." Lin Yanqiu said while dragging Chu Xia to sit down on the sofa. "Don't get up when she comes. Hum, how she treated me before, I want her to experience it now."

"No problem." Regarding this, Chu Xia didn't have any psychological burden at all. To her. Only those who are kind to her and her family deserve her respect, if you always want to step on her family. She doesn't mind stepping on the drowned dog a little more.

Compared with the last time they met, Qin Xiangyi had lost a lot of weight. Her face was also extremely ugly. After entering the room, she looked around with some slow reaction. First she walked towards Mrs. Zhou to say hello, then she came to Lin Yanqiu and knelt down.

This action was beyond Lin Yanqiu's expectation. She reflexively stood up to help Qin Xiangyi, and she only realized it when her hand touched her arm. Who is the person kneeling here? So he made a pretense and retracted his hand, "I'm here as soon as I come. Why are you doing such a big salute?"

"Qiu'er, I was wrong. I have always targeted you for so many years. It was because I was short-sighted and I did not know what I could do. You, sir, don't be as familiar with me as I am, okay?"

That "Qiu'er" and those pitiful eyes,

This person gave early summer goosebumps all over his body. It's really affordable and easy to put down.

"Don't, don't, don't call me that. You don't have the qualifications." Lin Yanqiu looked at her expressionlessly, "Besides, at my age, if you call me that again, it makes me feel sick."

"Yanqiu, I know you are still angry with me. Just hit me..." Qin Xiangyi said and pulled Lin Yanqiu's hand, "You hit me in the face, or anywhere else, I will never do it. Half a complaint!”

Lin Yanqiu looked at her with disgust: "Qin Xiangyi, you have always been the one who likes to target me no matter what happens. I have never felt that I have anything to say to you, so you don't need to behave like this in front of me today."

"I really know that I was wrong. It was my fault. I was overestimating my abilities. Please forgive me."

Seeing her look, Lin Yanqiu felt a little bored, so she waved her hand: "I don't really hold grudges, so you can go."

"Promise to help me with something, and I'll leave right away." Qin Xiangyi knelt down and nuzzled in front of her, "Promise me, please."

"You didn't say anything, how could I agree to you?" Lin Yanqiu rolled her eyes, "Is it possible that if you ask me to kill people and set fires, I have to agree?"

"I definitely don't dare to let you do such a thing, so I beg you to speak to Jiang Xinyu and ask him not to divorce me. I promise that I will never be jealous of you again, let alone do anything to embarrass you. thing.

Yanqiu, because we had a good relationship when we were young, just help me this time, okay? I am also fifty years old. If I get divorced, my life will be over. You don’t want me to do something that everyone will regret, right? "

"Threatening me?" Lin Yanqiu looked at her funny, "Now is the time, don't forget to use this kind of trick. Qin Xiangyi, you are indeed a dog who can't change and eat shit."

"I..." Qin Xiangyi tried her best to suppress the anger in her heart and forced out a smile, "How dare I threaten you? I just explained my current situation. If my son hadn't stopped me, I would have taken sleeping pills last night. ."

"Don't say such things. If you really want to eat, does your son have a chance to stop you?" Lin Yanqiu looked at her with disdain, "You said you would take advantage of your children for such a thing, how shameless are you? When people really want to commit suicide, will they go to others and publicize it?"

"I..." Qin Xiangyi was speechless. Yes, if she hadn't been bluffing, how could her son have discovered her intention.

In fact, she mainly made it for her husband to see. Unfortunately, he hid in the study without saying a word after seeing it. If it wasn't for her son, or she really took the medicine.

The moment her husband entered the study, she was completely despairing. If a man doesn't care about your life or death, what does that mean?

After hesitating for a day, she mustered up the courage to come to the Zhou family. If she had known that this day would come to her earlier, she would not have treated Lin Yanqiu like that when the Zhou family was in trouble.

"Qin Xiangyi, I can do this without adding insult to injury, but I absolutely cannot shake hands with you and make peace. I know very well what kind of person you are.

Thinking about these years, when have I met you and not made my liver ache because you were so angry? You have known me for so many years, so you should know who I am, so you don’t need me to go into details, right? "

Yes, of course she knew that Lin Yanqiu had always been a shrewd master with a clear sense of grudges, and asking her to think about herself now was simply humiliating herself.

However, thinking of her husband forcing her to get a divorce, she had no choice but to put her face under her feet: "Yanqiu, give me one chance, just once, okay?"

"If someone drags you out, you will lose all face." Lin Yanqiu pointed to the dining table as she spoke, "We are about to have dinner, are you really not going to leave?"

"You go to eat first, I'll wait for you on the sofa." Qin Xiangyi wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, "Yanqiu, I'm really desperate, please."

"Okay, you can reflect here by yourself, let's go have dinner." Lin Yanqiu said, pulling up her daughter-in-law, "Let's go, there's no need to accompany her."

Chu Xia has a dark streak, when will she accompany Qin Xiangyi?

During the whole process, except for Chu Xia who was watching, everyone else was busy doing their own thing and did not participate. Mr. Zhou and Mrs. Zhou even adopted a policy of completely ignoring Qin Xiangyi.

After dinner, Qin Xiangyi was still sitting there. The old lady was unhappy. She sat opposite her and leaned on a walking stick: "It seems that you treat me like a dead person."

"No, no, no..." Qin Xiangyi waved her hands repeatedly, "Auntie, I really have no choice, otherwise, I wouldn't be so shameless in begging for Yanqiu.

Everyone makes mistakes, and some people refuse to correct their mistakes. I am willing to change now. Please let Yanqiu give me a chance, okay?

Anyway, Jiang Xinyu used to like Yan Qiu, and I snatched him from Yan Qiu. Over the years, he has always been obsessed with Yan Qiu.

As long as Yanqiu comes forward, he will definitely listen to Yan's advice and live a good life with me. Auntie, please, let Yanqiu help me. "

"If you were my mother-in-law, what would you do?" Chu Xia asked.

"I..." After a pause, Qin Xiangyi said bravely, "Of course I need to forgive the other person and give the other person a clear path. It's better to dissolve enemies than to end them."

"It sounds like it's true, but it's a pity that it doesn't mean what it says." Chu Xia yawned, "I'm sleepy, aren't you going to go home and sleep?"

"Yanqiu, you have treated your daughter-in-law too harshly. If you do this, you will be the one who suffers in the future." Qin Xiangyi looked at Lin Yanqiu sincerely, "You have to believe me, I am really doing it for your own good."

"It's good for me, just to slander my daughter-in-law and cause conflicts between me and my daughter-in-law, so you can reap the benefits, right?" Lin Yanqiu rolled her eyes at her, "I've said everything that needs to be said, it's your business You can handle it yourself, I won't interfere." He said and went straight upstairs, "Mom, Dad, I'm tired, let's go up and take a rest."

"Commander Zhou!" Qin Xiangyi looked at Zhou Jingping begging for help, "Please let my Xinyu go. As long as you don't punish him, he will live a good life with me.

I promise that I will never target Yanqiu again in the future, and I will also say good things about her everywhere to let everyone know what a generous person she is.

Also, if there is news that someone else is deliberately targeting the Zhou family, I will inform you as soon as I know it. You have to know that others regard us as enemies. In front of me, I will definitely not hide my thoughts about you. . "

"Jiang Xinyu's matter is real. I didn't target him intentionally. There's no point in begging me." Zhou Jingping spread his hands, "I admit, if you didn't target my wife, I wouldn't be involved in this case. Investigate, every drink and every peck has a certain number, you must drink the bitter wine you brew yourself, no one can replace you."

"Are you so cruel?" Qin Xiangyi said and stood up, "If you don't agree, I will crash to death in front of your house and let everyone scold your Zhou family for being ruthless and unjust. Before I die, I will curse If your Zhou family has no descendants, if there is another life, I will never let you have an easy time."

Chu Xia heard a dark clue. This man was so soft that he was so shameless...

If Zhou Jingping hadn't said that he would be responsible for this matter, Zhou Mixang would have slipped Qin Xiangyi out. Now seeing Zhou Jingping sitting there firmly, he looked at his father with some dissatisfaction.

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