One update arrived.

"Killed in front of my house?" Zhou Jingping looked at Qin Xiangyi funny, "Do you think you can threaten me like this?" He waved his hand, "Just hit her if you want, I will never stop you."

Qin Xiangyi was a little dumbfounded. She had no intention of dying. However, having said that, if she didn't do something, wouldn't she be looked down upon even more?

But how to control this strength? If it's a minor case, others won't take it seriously. If it's a serious case, you'll suffer the consequences. If you die... She shudders, she doesn't want to die!

Even if Jiang Xinyu wants to divorce her now, doesn't she still have a son? As long as the son faces her, one day her husband will come back to her. If he really dies, there will be nothing.

"Grandma, this is for you to cushion." At Chu Xia's signal, Ying'er handed a sponge to Qin Xiangyi, "It won't hurt if you use it as a cushion."

"You..." Qin Xiangyi glared at Ying'er angrily and walked out. Since this family looked down on her so much, there was no need for her to fight in front of them, hum! She wouldn't do anything that would make her suffer in vain!

"Are we going to collide or not?" Chu Xia muttered, curled her lips, and took Ying'er and Tongtong upstairs to report the situation to Lin Yanqiu.

Lin Yanqiu was sitting in the room in a daze. When she saw Chu Xia coming in with the two little guys, she forced a smile and said, "Qin Xiangyi is gone?"

"Let's go..." Chu Xia told her the scene just now. When her words fell, Lin Yanqiu sighed helplessly. "This person only has a good life. She insists on messing around, but now she's better. She's comfortable now that she's done with everything."

"Yes, she thought that others took her seriously, and she came to threaten people..." Chu Xia curled her lips as she spoke, "She doesn't have the guts to die, and she's still pretending to be Liu Hulan."

"Who is Liu Hulan?" Ying'er asked curiously, "Is she very bold?"

"Of course..." Chu Xia told Ying'er about Liu Hulan's deeds. The little girl burst into tears, "Auntie. The Japanese are so bad. Where are they now? Can you ask uncle to beat them away?"

Chu Xia rubbed her little head: "They have been driven away. They were driven away by Grandpa and the others. They don't dare to bully us anymore."

Ying'er had a look of admiration on her face and said, "Grandpa is so awesome!"

Tongtong didn't quite understand the meaning of the story, but she liked Ying'er, so she followed her example, chirping, "Grandpa is so awesome!"


What do you know? Lin Yanqiu hugged the two of them in a funny way. They kissed each other on the forehead and said, "Come on, let's go downstairs." "

"Yeah!" Ying'er responded cheerfully, with a little excitement on her face. This is the first time Lin Yanqiu has been so affectionate to her since she came to this home. She is already sensible. This kind of closeness from the heart makes her feel particularly safe.

Hesitate for a moment. Chu Xia grabbed Lin Yanqiu who was walking out and said, "Mom, I have something to tell you." Then he rubbed Ying'er's little head and said, "Take Tongtong downstairs first. I'll have a chat with grandma."

The little girl nodded and looked at her eagerly: "Auntie and grandma will come down soon?"

"Well, we'll go down in a while."

Hearing what Chu Xia said, Ying'er took Tongtong's hand with relief and said, "Sister Tongtong, I'll take you down to play. Children should be sensible when adults talk."

"This child is really different now." After the two little figures disappeared outside the door, Lin Yanqiu couldn't help but sigh, "So, the environment in which children grow up is so important. Aiping and Zhongkang Nanping have become what they are today. , I really can’t blame them entirely.”

"Yes." Chu Xia agreed, and told Lin Yanqiu about Mei Xiaofeng. In the morning, she wanted to say it, but she didn't have time, and she wanted Liang Xiaohong to speak on her own.

But so far, Liang Xiaohong has not told the Zhou family about this. Seeing her sitting there scratching her heart and lungs, Chu Xia was so tired for her. We are all a family, so why bother?

Before dinner, she quietly asked Zhou Mikang what to do about this matter. Zhou Mikang meant that she should take time to tell Lin Yanqiu, or tell Mrs. Zhou.

When she responded, why didn't you say it yourself? Zhou Mikang glared at her and left without saying a word.

It’s not like her brain is not good, she figured it out after thinking about it for a while. It was her mother who heard this and told her. If Zhou Mikang told her, it would seem that her daughter-in-law didn’t regard her as a member of the Zhou family, so she said, The leader of the group, Tongzi, was thinking about her.

Originally, she was still thinking about how to find an opportunity, but Qin Xiangyi came unexpectedly. Just in time, she would have the opportunity to be alone with her mother-in-law.

After hearing what she said, Lin Yanqiu looked shocked: "No wonder your second aunt is always distracted today. When I asked her, she said she didn't have a good rest. This person is really. She usually seems to have a very gentle personality. How could she do this? Such a stupid thing happened?"

"Mom, what are you going to do?" Chu Xia looked at her with some anxiety, "Will the second aunt hate me if she knows it was me who said it? Well, my mother didn't eavesdrop on purpose, it was the second aunt who kept repeating it at that time, My mother doesn’t even want to listen.”

"You kid..." Lin Yanqiu looked at her angrily, "I've been with your parents for so long, and it's not like I don't know what kind of people they are, how could I misunderstand them?

Moreover, the fact that your mother can tell this matter shows that she is really close to the Zhou family. I am grateful to her before it is too late. How can I think that she is nosy? "

Chu Xia had a sarcastic look on her face: "Aren't I afraid that the second aunt will think too much?"

"Forget it, since she wants this face, I won't expose her. I'll just listen to you and give her more food suitable for patients." Lin Yanqiu sighed and said, "Look at your second uncle and third uncle's house. My children are not worried, and I feel bad. Back then, if I had enough ability, I couldn't help but take them into my care."

"Mom..." Chu Xia held her hand, not knowing how to persuade her.

"It's okay, I just suddenly felt a little emotional. I'll discuss it with your grandma later on what to do. If the Mei family knew that Mei Xiaofeng committed suicide, how could they spare Zhongkang?

It was a marriage that was not particularly satisfactory to begin with, and if something like this happens again, whether we know it or not, the Mei family will definitely feel that the Zhou family does not value Mei Xiaofeng.

To extend it further, the Zhou family does not pay attention to the Mei family. Now that the two families are comrades on the same front, it would be bad if something like that happened. "

"Mom, I know. Just thinking of this, I asked Zhou Mikang if he wanted to say it. Otherwise, I would remain silent.

Sometimes it’s tiring to pretend you don’t know when you know something. It was okay for the two of us and my mother to pretend, but it was really hard for a whole family to pretend. "

After the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law went downstairs, Liang Xiaohong was no longer in the hall.

"Mom, where is Xiaohong?" Lin Yanqiu walked up to Mrs. Zhou and asked in a low voice.

"She said she had an appointment with a friend to meet in the evening and left in a hurry." Mrs. Zhou frowned, "But it looked like she didn't feel right. She was in a panic and asked Mrs. Liu to pack a box of porridge for her. Rice, I said that my friend didn’t eat, so she brought some.”

"Hey!" Lin Yanqiu sighed and told the old lady what Chu Xia had told her.

"The second daughter-in-law looked so silent and worried..." Old Mrs. Zhou also sighed, "She didn't think that such a big thing could be hidden for the rest of her life if she could catch it for a while?

Even if it is healed, can others see the scars on my wrists? It’s easy to cover up in winter, but what about summer? Moreover, what mother is not sharp-eyed? As long as Xiaofeng returns home, it will be impossible to hide this matter! She wants to make the Zhou family and Mei family enmity..."

Zhou Zhongkang sat beside the hospital bed, looking up from time to time to look at the intravenous drip. He would push the wheel that controlled the intravenous drip when he had nothing to do. It seemed that if he didn't do this, he wouldn't be able to relieve his inner guilt.

Mei Xiaofeng looked at him funny: "I said, as long as you don't say anything about breaking up with me in the future, and don't refuse to forgive others, I won't blame you at all. On the contrary, I still feel that I have earned it. Don't be so nervous, okay?"

"I know you don't blame me, but I blame myself." Zhou Zhongkang said with an annoyed look on his face, "You're celebrating the New Year, so you have to suffer this..."

"Stop complaining." Mei Xiaofeng interrupted him and emphasized again, "It's all over. Let's just think about the good side, okay?"

"Okay." Zhou Zhongkang nodded and took Mei Xiaofeng's hand, "I will really listen to you in everything from now on, and I will never hold you back again."

"How many times have you said this?" Mei Xiaofeng looked helpless, "I believe you, I really believe it. We have been together for so long, you should know my character. I am in front of you, He never hides himself."

"Meeting you is the greatest blessing in my life..."

"Since you know that meeting her is the greatest blessing in your life, why do you still put her in the hospital?"

At the door of the ward, Mei Yitong stood with a gloomy expression.

"" Mei Xiaofeng wanted to sit up in a panic, Zhou Zhongkang quickly went to help her, Mei Yitong frowned, "Lie down like this, why are you moving around?"

"Brother, you... why are you here?" Mei Xiaofeng stared at him with an uneasy expression, "Do my grandparents and my parents... all know?"

"If they knew, maybe they would only let me come here?" Mei Yitong glared at her, then frowned and looked at Zhou Zhongkang, "You don't know how much pressure Xiaofeng endured to marry you. At that time, you said fiercely, this You will treat Xiaofeng as your treasure all your life and never let her suffer any injustice, but in the end, this is what you did?"

"Brother, I'm sorry." Zhou Zhongkang lowered his head with a look of shame on his face, "I already know I made a mistake, and I will never make such a bastard mistake again in the future, I promise you!"

"Why should I believe your guarantee?" Mei Yitong looked at him coldly, "What qualifications do you have to make me believe your guarantee?"

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