One update arrived.

"Mom, third aunt, please sit down." Mei Xiaofeng greeted her mother-in-law and Wang Lei with a smile, "It's all my fault, so mom and third aunt have to work hard."

"Xiaofeng, don't say that. It's because I didn't educate Zhongkang well that you suffered..." Liang Xiaohong looked at her daughter-in-law apologetically and asked tentatively, "Is it okay to move back home after being discharged from the hospital? ?”

"Of course we have to move back..." Mei Xiaofeng nodded vigorously, "Mom, Zhongkang and I also discussed that we would move back during the Chinese New Year. As for the future, even if we live outside, we will go back every week. Look at the grandparents and parents.”

"That's good, that's good..." Liang Xiaohong wiped her tears with joy, "I've been worried about whether I can persuade you, but now it's better."

"Mom, I'm sorry, we have made you worry." Mei Xiaofeng looked at her mother-in-law guiltily, "Zhongkang and I will definitely be filial to you and dad in the future."

"Your dad will be extremely happy if he hears this." Liang Xiaohong sighed and said, "He talks little and doesn't talk about you much, but every time he sees his eldest brother and his family enjoying themselves, the smile on his face I can't hide my envy, but now my son and daughter-in-law are close to my family, so I don't have to look forward to it so blindly."

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law talked passionately, and Wang Lei just sat aside with a smile and did not interrupt. She was regretful and envious of not having children in this life, but she was not jealous.

Moreover, after marrying into the Zhou family, Zhou Huakang treated her very close, which made her feel vaguely like a mother, and she also had Yinger sticking to her, although being a grandma at this age was a bit unaccustomed. But it can be regarded as over the addiction of raising children.

Therefore, I saw the second sister-in-law and my niece-in-law chatting affectionately at this moment. She was happy for them from the bottom of her heart, and she had not been married for long. But she has truly regarded the Zhou family as her own home.

She knew very well the meaning of leaving her and Liang Xiaohong here. This was clearly telling her that although she and Zhou Shanping were a couple, the Zhou family would treat her the same as the other two daughters-in-law. Otherwise, this kind of Why is there no need to keep her here?

She likes this most about the Zhou family. Some things are not said with words, but actually done to make you feel comfortable.

"Ugh..." suddenly. Wang Lei felt her stomach churning, and she couldn't help but retched twice. She quickly got up and trotted to the bathroom.

Mei Xiaofeng pushed Liang Xiaohong anxiously: "Mom, go and see what happened to Third Aunt?"

"Hey, kid, stay here by yourself and don't get out of bed. Mom will be back in a moment.

"After Liang Xiaohong finished explaining, she chased him out with confidence.

In the bathroom, Wang Lei is washing her hands. Seeing Liang Xiaohong come in, she smiled bitterly: "Maybe I ate too much cold dishes at night and my stomach feels uncomfortable."

"Did you spit it out?" Liang Xiaohong asked worriedly while helping her carry it.

"I vomited a little bit. It's better now."

Looking at the time, it was only about eight o'clock in the evening. Liang Xiaohong said: "Let's go and register. It's time to take medicine and take injections."

Wang Lei waved her hand: "No, no, no. I just didn't eat. I'll be fine later. My stomach is like this. It's easy to feel uncomfortable when eating something cold or hot. It's my fault, for someone so old. I’m also greedy, the cabbage cores mixed in by my sister-in-law were very delicious, so I couldn’t help but pick up a few more chopsticks.”

"You are only in your early forties, how old are you?" Liang Xiaohong suddenly paused and looked Wang Lei up and down, "Brother and sister, could it be... could you be pregnant?"

"How is it possible?" Wang Lei denied without thinking, "How old am I? It's absolutely impossible!"

"Isn't it just forty-four? There are even those who are forty-eight who are pregnant. No, you have to be careful about this." Liang Xiaohong said and pulled her out, "Go and get checked now. If this is true, you have to be careful." Take good care of him."

"Second sister-in-law..." Wang Leixian's face turned red, "I really have a bad stomach. If you really take me for a checkup, how can I have the nerve to come to the hospital in the future? At such an old age, I can't check this matter. It’s really famous.”

"No..." Liang Xiaohong sighed, "You just think that you are old, and in your early forties, isn't it normal to get pregnant? And you got married late, how normal is it to have a baby late?

In this way, I don't want to make random guesses. You should first calculate how long it has been since you had your period and see if there is such a possibility. If it is possible, we will go and check it. If it is impossible, we will not go. "

Hearing what Liang Xiaohong said, Wang Lei's face turned even redder: "Normally, I will be here in the next few days."

"Then why are you hesitating?" Liang Xiaohong forcibly dragged her up and walked out, "Let's go back to the room and inform Xiaofeng first, so as not to worry her."

"Second sister-in-law, don't talk about us yet... let's go check something, okay?"

Liang Xiaohong agreed happily: "Okay, just say that your stomach feels uncomfortable, and I will go with you to have a look."

"I'll go by myself. Second sister-in-law, please stay with your niece-in-law. Don't worry if you leave her alone."

"That's not possible. If I don't go with you, what will you do if you fool me?" Liang Xiaohong waved her hand, "Don't worry, Xiaofeng can't live alone now. I will tell the nurse after a while and ask her to go over and keep an eye on her." Son.

This matter of yours is a very important matter for our family, but we can't afford to be careless. If my parents knew that I didn't do my best, they would definitely blame me. "

"Second sister-in-law..." Wang Lei didn't know what to say. Originally, she thought the chance of this possibility was almost zero, but after Liang Xiaohong's nagging for a while, she was no longer sure.

"Third Aunt, are you feeling better?" Mei Xiaofeng asked anxiously when she saw the two of them entering the ward.

Wang Lei responded with an uncomfortable look: "Okay... better."

"Xiaofeng, your third aunt is still a little uncomfortable..."

Before Liang Xiaohong could finish speaking, Mei Xiaofeng interrupted her hurriedly: "Mom, please accompany Third Aunt to check it out quickly. I'm fine here. Besides, there's a call bell by the bedside. If I want to go to the toilet, I can Just ring the bell and ask the nurse to come and help."

"Okay, mom will tell you when you pass the nurse's desk. Are you not afraid of being alone here?"

"Mom, what's so scary about this?" Mei Xiaofeng said with a funny face, "This is a hospital, not a battlefield."

Liang Xiaohong smiled happily. She was becoming more and more satisfied with this daughter-in-law. She remembered that when her son and daughter-in-law had just gotten married, she came to them secretly. Her daughter-in-law was polite and distant to her, or it could be directly explained as Indifferent, although she is not as close to Lin Yanqiu as she was in early summer, she has already taken the initiative to think about her. She believes that in time, her relationship with Mei Xiaofeng will not be worse than the relationship between her sister-in-law and her two nieces and nephews.

Thinking about it this way, she felt that her life was very exciting.

"Second sister-in-law, why are you so happy?" Wang Lei looked at Liang Xiaohong with some confusion. The other person smiled as if he had picked up a gold ingot, and she couldn't help but be curious.

"I thought about the situation when Zhongkang and Xiaofeng got married, and compared it with the situation now, and I feel very happy. Before, I envied my sister-in-law. Both daughters-in-law treated her like their own mother. Now, finally, I It's my turn."

Liang Xiaohong did not hide anything and spoke her thoughts directly, which made Wang Lei smile: "I understand, the second sister-in-law is finally able to see the bright moon through the clouds, she is happy."

"Yes, that's what I mean." While they were talking, they arrived at the nurse's desk and asked the nurse on duty to help take care of her. They then went straight to the duty room on the third floor.

When Yun Duo went to the ward before, she said that she was on duty tonight and told her the room number. Therefore, Liang Xiaohong brought Wang Lei to her directly. She also felt that she really had to go to another doctor for such a matter. inappropriate.

"Second Aunt, Third Aunt, come in quickly." Yun Duo was reading a book in his arms. When he looked up and saw Liang Xiaohong and Wang Lei, he greeted them warmly.

Liang Xiaohong glanced at the book Yun Duo was reading and praised, "Duo Duo, you are so diligent and hard-working, and you are not willing to take a break when you are on duty."

"I have nothing to do, just take a look." Yun Duo said as she poured water for the two of them. Liang Xiaohong quickly stopped her, "Duo Duo, stop working. We are here to ask for your help. "

Yun Duo put down the cup and said, "Say."

"It's your third aunt. She suddenly felt sick just now. According to the day, she has been having a small time in the past few days. I was afraid that it was just in case, so I took her to check."

When Liang Xiaohong said this, Wang Lei's face turned red. She felt indescribably awkward to investigate such a thing at this age. However, she was eager to think about the possibility of having a baby of her own. She expected that as a woman, if she could not be a mother, she would regret it for the rest of her life. She originally thought that she would regret it for the rest of her life, but now something changed, and she really couldn't describe her conflicting feelings.

It was almost eight o'clock when Chu Xia, Zhou Mikang and the others accompanied Mrs. Zhou and Mr. Zhou returned home. Zhao Yulan, Lin Baohe and Mr. Wan were sitting in the hall waiting for everyone. When they saw the group coming in, they all looked over with a look on their faces. of concern.

Old Mrs. Zhou smiled and said: "Don't worry, the child is fine, he is recovering well." Then she poked Zhou Zhongkang, "It's all the trouble caused by this little naughty boy. Okay, let's wash up and go to bed. "

"Thank you, grandma." Zhou Zhongkang was really tired. After thanking him and saying hello to Lin Baohe and others, he went upstairs.

"The naughty boy is finally back." Mrs. Zhou sighed and sat next to Mr. Wan. "Brother Wan, look at these naughty kids in my family. Do you feel a little hopeful?"

"It's different." Mr. Wan waved his hand, "Wan Yuqiong only cares about her husband's family. Waiting for her to change her mind, I probably won't be able to wait in this life. I have no hope. As long as you don't mind me, I think That’s good.”

"As long as you don't mind us, we'll burn incense. How can we bother you?" Mrs. Zhou said, pointing to Mr. Zhou, "He doesn't know how happy he is to have you living here."

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