Second update.

Hearing that Mrs. Zhou talked about himself, Mr. Zhou agreed happily: "Yes, Brother Wan, I don't want to go anywhere when I am with you. You don't know how much Lao Ye envies me now, hahaha …”

Mr. Wan couldn't help but laugh. Indeed, every time Mr. Ye saw the harmonious scene of him and Lao Zhou playing chess together, he couldn't help but stare.

The reason is that when Lao Zhou and Lao Ye are playing chess, they always argue until they get red in the face. These two are quite interesting. They will definitely quarrel within ten minutes of being together, but after not seeing each other for a few days, they both miss each other. Panic, no matter what, we have to get together... quarrel...

This is also a way of expressing friendship. He knows very well that when it comes down to it, the relationship between Lao Zhou and Lao Ye is deep. No matter how much trouble the younger generation makes, the feeling of carrying a gun together is in their blood.

It was getting late, chatting about finances, and the elders went upstairs to sleep one after another. Yu Tao was now pregnant and could not stay up late. Although Zhou Xikang had not finished playing, he could only help his wife back to the room with a look of reluctance.

In the blink of an eye, Zhou Huakang and Zhou Mikang were the only ones left in the hall.

"Third brother and third sister-in-law, you should rest early." Zhou Huakang also stood up.

"Wait a moment." Zhou Mikang waved to him, "Sit down and say a few words."

"Say...what did you say?" Inexplicably, Zhou Huakang felt his heart beating faster.

"What's wrong with you? You're so scared..." Zhou Mikang looked at him funny, "I think you should surrender. Don't make me squeeze out toothpaste like I'm squeezing out toothpaste. I'll squeeze it out for you little by little."

"Hey, how can you do anything wrong?" Zhou Huakang sneered. "Third brother also knows that I have admired you since I was a child. When you suddenly spoke to me so seriously, I couldn't help but feel nervous."

"That's it, then I'm curious to ask, why have you been avoiding us these days?" Zhou Mikang squinted at him, "If you confess, you will be lenient, if you resist, you will be strict."

"I...I'm not hiding from you, Third Brother, have you misunderstood?"

"Okay, stop pretending. Looking at your expression, it means that you have done something bad and you feel guilty. Tell me quickly, I don't have the patience to go around with you. Also, you have to think clearly. If you don't say it now, you will not say it later. When you want to ask me for help, don’t think I’m being unkind.”

This is simply coercion and inducement. Chu Xia was smiling so hard that her eyebrows were crooked. She was curious about this matter, so Zhou Mikang had to examine it for her. Do you think she was happy?

"What is Third Brother referring to?" Zhou Huakang was still making his final struggle.

"Don't talk about it, Chu Xia. Let's take a rest." Zhou Mikang stood up as he spoke. Zhou Huakang panicked and quickly grabbed his sleeve. "Third brother, sit down. Sit down, I said. I said it's not okay."

"Tell me." Zhou Mikang sat back and looked at him calmly, "If you dare to lie to me, see how I deal with you."

"How dare I lie in front of you?" Zhou Huakang bit his lip and said, "I secretly reported it to the war correspondent. I was worried that my grandparents would not agree, so I didn't dare to say it. I thought that after the real selection was over, I could talk to my family again. explain."

"Have you really thought about it?" Zhou Mikang looked at him seriously, "The third uncle only has a son like you, and your sister has disappeared now. You are the third uncle's support. If you really make a mistake, he I’m afraid it’s unbearable.”

"So I'm very torn." Zhou Huakang sighed heavily, "I know he is the one I'm most sorry for if I do this, but this is my ideal. If I don't go, I may regret it for the rest of my life."

"You used a pseudonym, right?"

"Yes." Zhou Huakang smiled sheepishly, "Recruitment for this kind of job allows the use of pseudonyms. Unless specific registration is done when it is confirmed, the real name will be used."

"You..." Zhou Mikang smiled and shook his head, "Do you know what your elder brother guessed about you?"

"What?" Zhou Huakang looked curious.

"He thought you had a girlfriend. You were mysterious every day. Moreover, he saw you shopping with a young girl. If he hadn't been afraid of surprising you, he would have asked."

"Brother, it's true..." Zhou Huakang scratched his head, "The person with me is Xiang Xiaoqin, she also entered the second round, and we are gathering together."

"Between you two..." Chu Xia leaned her head forward, "Is there really no love?" By the way, when they went home at night, she and Zhou Mikang both saw the scene of Zhou Huakang and a girl getting intimate. Otherwise, Zhou Mikang would not ask him so directly.

"I kind of like it, but I didn't break the window paper." Zhou Huakang smiled with a blushing face, "She doesn't know our family background. I'm afraid that I'll scare her by telling her, so I just want to wait for a while and the selection is really over. Showdown with her."

"Let me tell you, if she doesn't like it, how could she be willing to do some fun collecting with you!"

The pronunciation of the word "Caifeng" was specially emphasized in Chuxia.

"Click!" The door opened and Zhou Shanping walked in.

"Dad, you're back."

"Third uncle, you're back."

The three of them greeted each other in unison, Zhou Shanping smiled and nodded: "Are you guys still asleep?"

"Dad, look at what you said. If you fall asleep, can you still see us?" After Xu revealed the reason behind his words, Zhou Huakang felt that the burden in his heart was gone, and he returned to his original lively temperament. .

Zhou Shanping looked at him doubtfully as he knew his son was more like his father: "What happened today? Has the trouble in your heart been solved?"

"Dad..." Zhou Huakang looked at his father in surprise, "Can you tell there is something on my mind?"

"I'm not blind, how could I not see it?" Zhou Shanping said, waving his hand, "It's not up to your father to grow up. Since you don't want to tell me, you didn't ask any more questions."

"Dad..." Zhou Huakang looked at his father apologetically, not knowing what to say.

"Okay, if you still don't want to say it, don't say it yet. Whenever you think it's time to tell dad, you can tell me." Zhou Shanping said, sitting across from the others with a smile, and looked at Chu Xia, "The third daughter-in-law , tell you good news, Qin Mei is pregnant."

Not long after Qin Mei was discharged from the hospital, she fell in love with Yu Jinfu, the son of the old man who received the bed. Of course, it was Yu Jinfu who took the initiative.

Mr. Yu was not very willing at first. After all, he had seen with his own eyes the excellence of Qin Mei's brother Qin Sheng and his sister-in-law Wang Feng. If you became in-laws with such a family, it would be really annoying in the future.

Moreover, although he was anxious about his son's marriage, he did not want his son to find a woman four years older than him.

In fact, he liked Wang Jing. Although he didn't have a good impression of Wang Jing at first, but after observing it later, he found that Wang Jing was quite kind-hearted and she was young. As an old man, what he cared about most was the issue of future generations. A young daughter-in-law means good fertility.

It's a pity that the son has no feelings for Wang Jing.

Wang Jing didn't feel anything for her son either.

Later, the old man always went to work for Wang Jing and couldn't bear it anymore. Wang Jing told him truthfully that although she was single, she really didn't want to find a man ** years older than herself as a husband.

When it comes to this, Mr. Yu will no longer force others to do anything.

In fact, he knew that Wang Jing was so young and the reason why he still wanted her to be his daughter-in-law was because he knew her life experience and thought she would be less picky.

When I was really rejected, I felt a little embarrassed on my face. I felt that my son was so good and he was not too old. It was really unreasonable for a child who had no love from his mother, no love from his father and no family to be so dissatisfied. .

In addition, Yu Jinfu was determined to be with Qin Mei, so Mr. Yu simply let them go.

Yu Jinfu and Qin Mei were both very young. After dating for half a month, they felt they were a good match, so they got married, not long after Zhou Shanping and Wang Lei got married.

After getting married, Qin Mei still stayed in the commercial building to work, so Zhou Shanping knew the news of her pregnancy immediately. Once Chu Xia was the first to see through Qin Mei's false pregnancy, he felt that he should inform Chu Xia about it. one time.

At Qin Mei's age, it is not uncommon for her to get pregnant after getting married. Chu Xia responded with a smile: "I heard that pregnant women's tempers will become irritable. Is she okay with her colleagues now?"

"She seems to have changed since she was discharged from the hospital. She works hard without complaint and has a ridiculously good attitude. So now that she is pregnant, everyone is taking good care of her. She is also cheerful and in a good mood." Zhou Shanping looked pleased. Smiling, "Yu Jinfu treats her well and comes to pick her up on time every day after get off work. Do you think she is in a bad mood under such circumstances?"

Zhou Huakang carefully looked at his father's face and asked, "Dad, are you a little envious?"

"Go! Go! Go!" Zhou Shanping glared at him, "What's there to envy about this kind of thing? It's not like I don't have a son or a daughter. It's just nonsense."

"You and her got married around the same time, and she's going to be a mother. Do you really not feel that way?"

"What do you mean?"

"'s not interesting..." Seeing the anger in his father's eyes, Zhou Huakang was so frightened that he quickly apologized, "Dad, I was wrong. I shouldn't have joked with you."

"Hey!" Zhou Shanping sighed, "I understand what you mean, but if I were asked to choose again, I would still choose Wang Lei. She is the woman who is truly suitable for me. I already have you. I don't want to have children after marrying her." , not sorry, but I guess she will regret it, hey!"

"Dad, I'm sorry..." After a moment of hesitation, Zhou Huakang confessed to his father that he had signed up as a war correspondent.

After a long silence, Zhou Shanping patted him: "If you want to do it, just do it. If everyone is afraid of something going wrong and hides at home, who will protect our country?"

"Dad..." Zhou Huakang's nose felt a little sour. Needless to say, the eldest uncle's family was happy, and the second uncle's family was also getting better. Only in their family, he was still single, his sister didn't know where he was, and there was another one who didn't know where. God will come to tease his biological mother, and his father's life is the most miserable, and now that he has made such a choice, even if he scolds him a few words, he will feel better.

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