Second update arrived.

Zhou Mikang had a meeting in the evening, so Chu Xia took Jing Zhe's car home. She said it was just a ride, but in fact, Jing Zhe was entrusted by Zhou Mikang to send her home specially. The two families were not on the same road at all.

"Chu Xia..." As soon as Chu Xia got in the car, Zeng Meili waved to her with a smile on her face, "We haven't seen you for so long, do you miss me?"

"Imagine, Sister Meili, you are finally back." Chu Xia looked her up and down, "You look thinner. It seems that the food there is not good enough, or else, you are just thinking about what big brother wants."

"I miss him..." Zeng Meili glanced sideways at Jing Zhe, "I don't miss him at all. He has almost forgotten what I look like. If I miss him, why don't I make him proud to death?"

"That's what you said..." Jing Zhe shook his head, "Conscience of heaven and earth, ask Chu Xia, have I ever talked about you in front of her?"

"It was Chu Xia who talked about me first, and you followed suit, right?"

It has to be said that Zeng Meili knows him very well. Jing Zhe sneered: "That's just talk. Besides, even if I haven't seen you for ten years, I will never fail to recognize you."

"What a hypocritical man..." Zeng Meili shook her head and sighed, "You clearly don't want me and you don't dare to say it directly. You have to make excuses in roundabout ways. You don't dare to say it. Even if we haven't seen each other for ten years, you still won't forget me. Looks like?”

"It doesn't mean the same thing."

"It's different. If you can recognize me when you see me ten years later, it can only be said that I have not changed too much. And if you still can't forget my appearance ten years later, it means that you have always had me in your heart, Jing Zhe. You I am a person who won’t speak against my own will, so you must tell me personally on the day I marry you. Even if we haven’t seen you for ten years, you won’t forget my appearance.”

Jing Zhe had a black line on his face: "What's your point?"

"I agree with your character." Zeng Meili said, looking at someone with a background board outside the window, "Chu Xia will bear witness to us."

"What kind of witness?" Chu Xia deliberately pretended to be confused, "I don't seem to be qualified enough to bear witness to the marriage, am I? Isn't this the job of the elders and leaders?"

"Pretend to be confused, just..." Zeng Meili glared at her, "It's really a waste of my love for you. I only care about your brother."

"Being towards my brother is the same as being towards my sister-in-law..." Chu Xia said with a smile, "Sister Meili, you have to marry my brother as soon as possible. It is business to let others have no chance to have his ideas."

"Isn't that too cheap for him?"

"How can there be..." Chu Xia looked at her seriously,

"It's the right way for you to put me in your own cage early so that he has no chance to come out."

"Am I that kind of person?" Jing Zhe glanced helplessly at Chu Xia, "Hong Xing is cheating on me, can you be more exaggerated?"

"You are not that kind of person, but you are afraid that Mr. Hongxing from outside the wall will come in and mess with you. I do believe that my eldest brother will not do such a disgraceful thing, but... what if Sister Meili misunderstands me? What should I do?

It is better to do less than to do more, so get married early. The true right way is to cut off many people's thoughts early and live your own life well. This is the most useful advice as a person who has experienced it. "

"You're still here..." Zeng Meili rubbed her head in a funny way. "Can you be more exaggerated?"

"I'm not exaggerating at all, look. How many people are around Zhou Mikang? If he hadn't gotten married, wouldn't I be worried to death now?" Chu Xia said and sighed, "This man is not good, not good. Okay, it’s too good, but it’s not good either, so how much more worry do you have to worry about?”

Zeng Meili laughed so hard: "Seriously, when I look at you like this, why do I feel like a young man who doesn't know what it's like to be sad, and is forcing himself to express his sadness just to compose new lyrics?"


"Okay, okay, I have no conscience." Zeng Meili held her little hand flatteringly, "I know you have a conscience, can you do me a favor?"

"What?" Chu Xia looked at her warily, "I won't accompany you back to your husband's house. Let's make a deal first."

"You..." Zeng Meili pushed her away angrily, "You are so heartless."

Chu Xia smiled and didn't answer. Zeng Meili couldn't do anything to her. She rolled her eyes and looked at Jing Zhe: "How about you have dinner at my second aunt's house? You can go back by yourself after dinner."

"What are you afraid of?" Jing Zhe glanced at her speechlessly, "Isn't it just your mother who said a few unpleasant things? My mother won't care about it, don't worry."

"Auntie said something unpleasant?" Chu Xia looked puzzled. In her impression, Lin Yanmei had a good temper.

Zeng Meili didn't answer, her expression was obviously unnatural.

"What's going on?" Chu Xia stretched out her hand to hit Jing Zhe, "Brother, tell me what kind of riddle you two are playing."

"Do you really want to hear it?"


"Okay, you asked me to say it." Jing Zhe cleared his throat and looked at Zeng Meili, "You better say it. It's not convenient for me to say it."

"I will not say."

Chu Xia looked at the two of them with a dark look, what kind of trouble are they going to make?

Finally, it was Zeng Meili who spoke.

Zhu Xinqin had a bad relationship with Lin Yanqiu before. Lin Yanmei was naturally attracted to her younger sister and had always been lukewarm towards Zhu Xinqin. Now that they are in-laws, their relationship is better than before, but they are not particularly close.

Women can't avoid the time when they complain, but Zhu Xinqin was unlucky. When she was complaining to her close friends that her in-laws were not affectionate towards her, Lin Yanmei arrived and heard her clearly, so naturally she became unhappy. .

Zhu Xinqin was also embarrassed at the time, but out of instinct, she wanted to make up for it, but the more she filled up the holes, the more loopholes she found. The final result was that the two of them had a few words and broke up on bad terms.

This happened just two days before Zeng Meili came back.

Therefore, when she went to Jing's house at this time, Zeng Meili was a little scared. She was afraid that her mother-in-law would get angry at her, or that because of her mother, what would happen if her mother-in-law disowned her as her daughter-in-law?

When you love deeply, you will inevitably have more worries.

After listening to what she said, Chu Xia sighed helplessly: "You just said that my brother won't get married unless he can say something that satisfies you. Your heart is entirely tied to my brother. If this continues, can you be steady? "

"At this time, you still exposed my shortcomings..." Zeng Meili glared at her, "Can you say something constructive or give me an idea?"

"The idea is that you follow the elder brother to his house openly. Aunt Zhu is not the kind of unreasonable person who blames weird people. If what I say is not accurate, you can settle the score with me tomorrow."

Zeng Meili nodded seriously: "Okay, I believe what you said, but I tell you, if you are wrong, I will go to you to settle the score tonight."

After Chu Xia returned home and finished eating, it was almost eight o'clock. Zhao Yulan was a little worried when Zhou Mixang hadn't returned home yet. He took a moment to pull her aside and whispered: "What time did Xiaomi tell you to come back?"

"No, he just called and said he had a meeting in the evening and asked me to take my brother's car home." Chu Xia put her arms around Zhao Yulan's shoulders, "Mom, don't worry, he's such an adult, it'll be fine."

"He is such an adult. Mom is not worried, but she is worried about you..." Zhao Yulan glanced at her daughter's belly, "You said that your sister-in-law, sister-in-law, and third aunt are all pregnant. Why don't you make any move?"

"Mom, what do you think this is for? Still getting together?" Chu Xia smiled bitterly, "Didn't I tell you that we want to have a baby one or two years later?"

"You kid, you're already married, but you still don't have children. As an elder, why don't you worry? A man's heart is beginning to be attached to you. You look lovable, but no matter how lovable you are, it won't be as long as you look at it for a long time. That’s what’s going on, if you don’t have a child…”

Chu Xia interrupted her: "Mom, who told you what?"

Zhao Yulan quickly shook her head: "No."

"There must be..." Chu Xia frowned and stared at her, "You are my mother. How can I not understand you? Before, you agreed that we would have children later, but now you suddenly make such a 180-degree turn and you still like to stare. My belly, if you say no one said anything, I won’t believe it even if you beat me to death. Mom, I am your daughter, if you have something to hide from anyone, you can’t hide it from me, right?"

"I'm not hiding it from you." When she said this, Zhao Yulan's tone was obviously a little weak. After a while, she felt uncomfortable being stared at by Chu Xia, so she had to surrender, "Yes... it was Ye Meiru's mother who told me, Ye Meiru Meiru’s sister-in-law, a very smart woman, is pestering Xiaomi every day now.”

"Mom, can you please save your worries?" Chu Xia took a long breath and pulled Zhao Yulan back to the room, "Mom, why are you dating her?"

"After Ye Meiyun had a conflict with her family that day, didn't she stay at our house? Today, her husband's family came to find her, and your old mother-in-law and mother-in-law said that after all, it is their family matter, and we should not interfere too much, so they advised her to Ye Meiyun went back to solve the problem.

Later, Ye Meiyun went back with her husband's family. When she left, Xiao Tongtong cried so much that my heart broke. Qiang Yuxian was also crying there. Seeing her look, I couldn't help but comfort her.

Then, she told me that for the sake of my kindness, she told me something, which was about sister-in-law Xiaomi and Ye Meiru. I didn’t really believe it, but she said He has a nose and eyes, so I'm worried.

Chu Xia, of course you are the best and smartest in mother's eyes, but mother must also admit that that girl from the Huang family is no worse than us. We are together every day..."

"Mom doesn't trust Zhou Mixang, and she really thinks that I'm not as good as Huang Suai, right?" Chu Xia looked at Zhao Yulan who was shaking his head nervously in a funny way, "Mom, don't worry, you didn't hit me, and I know that, you I say this because I feel sorry for you.

Don't worry, Zhou Mikang is not that kind of person, and your daughter and I are not as stupid as you think. If there are any clues between them, I can see it.

Zhou Mikang is really having a meeting today, so mother can rest assured. Otherwise, when he comes back, I will ask him to explain this matter to mother in person and make a guarantee? "

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