Hearing her daughter say that she wanted her son-in-law to guarantee her, Zhao Yulan waved her hands anxiously: "No, no, no, you kid, my mother just told you a few words because she was afraid that you would suffer a loss. How can you tell Xiaomi about this kind of thing?" ? Originally he had nothing on his mind, but if he gets angry again after I remind him like this, he might really have something."

"Mom, you think too much, really..." Chu Xia looked at Zhao Yulan with a funny face, "Zhou Mikang is not as narrow-minded as you said. If you don't believe me, try it."

Zhao Yulan sighed with a lonely look: "A married girl is really far away from her mother, and she doesn't want to even say a word, eh..."

"Mom..." Chu Xia looked at Zhao Yulan, "Are you really angry?"

Zhao Yulan sighed: "I'm not angry. I'm just worried when I see the daughter I raised no longer close to me."

"Hehe..." Chu Xia hugged my mother's arm and rubbed her cheek back and forth, "Even if I don't kiss anyone, I can't be different from my parents. Mom, are you kidding me?"

"What mother said is true."

Sensing Zhao Yulan's depression, Chu Xia no longer smiled playfully. She sat upright with a serious look on her face: "Mom, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." Zhao Yulan took a long breath and smiled at her daughter, "Mom is teasing you, are you serious?"

"Mom, I am your daughter. Can I not know your personality?" After a pause, Chu Xia asked tentatively, "Is it the Chinese New Year and are you homesick?"

Zhao Yulan's eyes turned red: "Xia, my mother is quite hopeless. I didn't think anything was wrong at first, but as the new year approaches, I become less and less happy."

"Mom, after the third day of the Lunar New Year, you and dad will go back to pay my grandpa a New Year greeting. I will also try to take time off to go back with my parents, don't count. There are only a few days left, mom, please bear with me a little longer, okay?"

Zhao Yulan had a look of surprise on her face: "Xia, are you really going to accompany your father and mother to pay New Year's greetings to your grandma and grandpa?" Then she hesitated, "I have to go to the capital to pay New Year's greetings first. How can you have so much time?"

What Zhao Yulan said was also true. After recognizing the Lin family in Beijing this year, it was appropriate to go to the Lin family to pay New Year greetings first. After thinking about it, I thought about it. Chu Xia said: "Mom said, it is estimated that the eldest brother will be able to pick up dad and mom to the capital in the third year of junior high school. When Zhou Mikang and I go to pick up dad and mom back to their hometown to pay New Year's greetings to grandma and grandpa, in this case, it will be time to return to grandma and grandpa's house. It’s still the same, Mom will still be able to see grandma and grandpa soon.”

"Xia..." Zhao Yulan looked confused. Of course she wanted to agree with her daughter's proposal, but her son-in-law was so busy. My daughter is also busy,

She felt that she couldn't be so selfish. But when she and Lin Baohe were asked to go back alone, she felt empty again.

"Mom, don't think so much. When Zhou Mixang comes back, I will inform him and let him make preparations in advance. This is our first year of marriage, so it's right to go back with your parents."

Zhao Yulan warned with a worried look on her face: "Xia, you said in a nice voice, don't worry. Don't be stubborn, you are living with Xiaomi for the rest of your life, you can't always be so willful.

Man, start pampering you. If you always make trouble to him like this, he might be annoyed. Listen to me, don’t just follow your own temper. "

"Mom, am I so ignorant in your mind?" Chu Xia smiled helplessly, "I understand everything my mother said. Don't worry, I know everything."

Seeing what Zhao Yulan wanted to say, Chu Xia pulled her up and walked out, "Okay, okay, stop worrying about what you have and what you don't have. Everyone is outside, and it's not polite for us to hide in the house."

Sure enough, after hearing what Chu Xia said, Zhao Yulan stopped talking and went to the hall with her daughter.

"Are you two hiding and whispering?" Seeing the mother and daughter coming down, Mrs. Zhou joked with a smile, "Can you tell me what kind of whispers you were talking about?"

"My mother misses my grandma and grandpa..." Chu Xia told Mrs. Zhou her plan, "Grandma, I want to go to our relatives with Zhou Mikang on the first day of the new year to pay New Year's greetings, and try to finish it in one day. Do you think it's okay? ?"

Mrs. Zhou nodded happily: "There's nothing wrong with this. It doesn't take a day. Just go to a few places that you must go to. We'll talk about the unimportant ones later."

Chu Xia looked at Lin Yanqiu again: "Mom, I heard from Zhou Mikang that grandma is celebrating the New Year on the second day of the Lunar New Year. Can we go there on the second day of the Lunar New Year?"

"Okay, let's go to your grandma's house on the second day of the new year. Your aunts can also go. Let's meet together and let them give you the red envelope. We can't lose money on this."

Hearing what Lin Yanqiu said, Chu Xia laughed: "What mom said is that this is the first year that I have a red envelope, but I can't let my aunts save it."

"You child..." Zhao Yulan looked at her daughter helplessly. It was one thing for this child to be treated well by her husband's family, but she was also too honest. In any case, she was Lin Yanqiu's biological sisters. , this child, hey!

"Yulan, look at you, are you overthinking it?" Lin Yanqiu patted Zhao Yulan on the shoulder, "Don't worry, I am looking towards Chu Xia now, and even Xiaomi has to be ranked behind Chu Xia."

"Mom, no matter what you said is true or false, I like to hear it anyway..." Seeing Zeng Meili walking in with a gloomy face, Chu Xia suddenly froze, couldn't it, she...she expected it wrong?

"Grandma, Second Aunt, Aunt Lin..." After saying hello one by one, Zeng Meili looked at Chu Xia and said, "I'm here to settle a score with you."

"No...it can't be right?" Chu Xia stuttered and asked.

Lin Yanqiu responded quickly as if there was any conflict between the two of them: "Meili, what happened?"

Zeng Meili said with a fierce face: "My mother-in-law and my father-in-law had a quarrel and said they wanted a divorce. I am an outsider and was kicked out."



Lin Yanqiu and Chu Xia asked almost at the same time.

Mrs. Zhou and Zhao Yulan also looked at Zeng Meili with puzzled faces. Although Zhu Xinqin was usually carefree, her relationship with Jing Monian was still very good. How could they suddenly become so upset that they wanted to divorce? Especially during the Chinese New Year.

"My mother-in-law found out about my father-in-law's affair with Jiang Xinwan, so she started a quarrel..." Zeng Meili sighed, "It seems that her mother-in-law is really angry."

After hesitating, Chu Xia asked, "How do you know?"

"Didn't my father-in-law help set up the connection between you and the Lin family in Beijing? Lin Wenhang happened to be having a meeting here, so Grandpa Lin asked him to bring some gifts to my father-in-law as a thank you.

It was a coincidence that my mother-in-law happened to meet her. Lin Wenhang didn't know what happened to Jiang Xinwan and my father-in-law back then, so he rushed to thank my mother-in-law.

After he left, my mother-in-law asked my father-in-law what was going on. My father-in-law picked and told her about helping you recognize your relatives.

My mother-in-law asked him why she didn't know anything about such a big matter before, and what did he mean by hiding it from her?

Later, when my mother-in-law asked about it urgently, my father-in-law told me that he had had a relationship with Jiang Xinwan before. He said he was afraid that she would misunderstand, so he never mentioned it.

My mother-in-law felt that she couldn't accept this kind of deception and decided to divorce my father-in-law. When I left, my husband, my father-in-law, my mother-in-law, my father-in-law, and Jing Zhe all confessed their mistakes to her. "

"This is because of our family affairs..." Zhao Yulan looked at Chu Xia anxiously, "Xia, we can't ignore this matter. You accompany your mother to Jing's house and explain it to your godmother."

"Mom, it's not appropriate for us to go now. Aunt Zhu probably found out about this at first sight and couldn't bear it, so she started arguing with Uncle Jing. With her relationship with Uncle Jing, they won't break up.

We are all outsiders, and Aunt Zhu couldn’t bear it when Baba said this in the past. She might have really divorced Uncle Jing, so aren’t we doing bad things with good intentions? "

Zhao Yulan looked at a loss: "What if we really divorce?"

"If anything happens, we will definitely find a way to get them back together."

"Yulan, what Chu Xia said is right. At this time, it is not suitable for outsiders to get involved..." Mrs. Zhou said and looked at Zeng Meili, "Meili, don't feel too bad. Your mother-in-law has such a bad temper and gets angry. Sometimes, if she speaks without restraint, she will definitely regret it again when her anger subsides. Don’t worry, she is satisfied with you as a wife. What she says when she is angry must not be taken seriously."

"I hope so." Zeng Meili sighed, "I think my mother-in-law looked like she was really angry with me. She called my name and asked me to leave quickly. She was talking about their family's affairs and no outsiders could interfere. Son."

"What did eldest brother say at that time?" This is the focus of Chu Xia's concern.

"He was also scolded like crazy. If he said a word, his mother-in-law would throw things at him. When I saw that, I had to leave by myself." Zeng Meili forced a smile, "Do you think I'm really here to mess with you?" What's the bill? I'm just in a bad mood and I'm afraid my mother will see me when I go home, so I came here to hide. Second aunt, please call my mother and tell me I won't go back tonight, okay?"

"Okay." Lin Yanqiu responded and went to make a call.

Lin Yanmei received a call from her sister. Of course she had nothing to worry about when her daughter stayed at her sister's house. However, she scolded her daughter in her sister's ear. It was just like having a man and forgetting about her mother...

"Sister, it's hard for Meili too. Besides, it's not like you don't know what she thinks about Jing Zhe. They finally got together. What do you want her to do?" Lin Yanqiu persuaded her in a low voice, "Sister, when she returns home, you If you don't say a few words to her, she will always be caught in the middle and feel uncomfortable."

"If your family hadn't kidnapped Zhu Xinqin's precious daughter-in-law, would she have needed to look down on us so much?" Lin Yanmei's words obviously had a smell of gunpowder. Lin Yanqiu knew that she couldn't listen to anything at the moment, so she He said, "Sister, please calm down first. I won't talk to you anymore. I'll hang up."

"Second aunt..." Zeng Meili had been waiting by the phone. Knowing that her second aunt had been scolded for her, she looked embarrassed, "It's hard for you too."

"Okay, we are all a family. Don't say heretics. Your mother is like this. When she is angry, she has the same temperament as your mother-in-law..." After saying that, Lin Yanqiu laughed to herself, "Actually, the same is true for me and them. It’s the same, well, it’s all about seeing others understand, but when it comes to yourself, you become confused. When your mother persuaded me before, I also understood, haha..."

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