One update arrived.

"I..." Lin Yanqiu looked at Chu Xia in a daze. After a while, she nodded in realization, "Xia, thank you for reminding mom." She said with a smile, "Is this okay?"

"Mom..." Chu Xia had a black line on her head, "It seems inappropriate for you to smile at this time, right?"

"What should we do?" Lin Yanqiu had no ability to think at this time and looked at Chu Xia in confusion, with a look of confusion on her face.

"This..." Chu Xia scratched her head in confusion, not knowing how to answer.

"Hey!" Lin Yanqiu sighed and looked at Chu Xia with a wry smile, "I know what to do. I just panicked all of a sudden and lost my ability to think. Don't worry, mom knows how to do it."

The usually half-hour journey took only a quarter of an hour to arrive. The moment the car stopped, Lin Yanqiu had already opened the door and ran out.

In the past, she always told her son to drive slower and slower, but today, even though the car was about to fly, she still felt it was too slow.

Chu Xia, Zhou Mikang and others followed her with extremely solemn expressions. For Zhou Jiping, having a child was as important as life.

If she knew about the pregnancy before, it was impossible to hide it from the Zhou family, then there is only one possibility in the current situation, that is, she did not know it herself, and an accident happened!

For Zhou Jiping, who is looking forward to her life, it is unknown whether she can accept such a blow and whether she can get over it.

"Mom?" Yu Mingtao, who was sitting in a daze beside the bed, was surprised when he saw Lin Yanqiu suddenly barging in. "Why are you here?"

Lin Yanqiu didn't even look at him. Going straight to the bed, Zhou Jiping was still in a comatose state. His face was so pale that it was almost transparent, even after all the mental preparation he had done. The moment she saw her daughter, Lin Yanqiu still couldn't control her emotions, and her tears rolled down like broken beads...

"What's going on?" Zhou Xikang looked at Yu Mingtao and asked. He was the boss, so of course he had to interrogate this matter first.

"Eldest brother, third child, younger siblings..." Yu Mingtao looked at the three of them blankly, " did you know?"

"Brother is asking you what's going on." Zhou Mikang grabbed his collar. "What did you say when you married my second sister, and what have you done now?

Such a big thing happened,

You didn't even think of informing us, Yu Mingtao, how many other things are you hiding from us? How much wrong did my second sister suffer in your family? "

"I...I didn't mean it..." Yu Mingtao murmured with distracted eyes, "For Ji Ping and I, having a baby that belongs to both of us is really a great joy, but why, Do you want to inform us of the happy event in this way?"

"Tell me the specific situation." Zhou Mikang said.

"Originally, we planned to come back tomorrow. When we got off work in the evening, my mother called us and told us that it was not suitable to travel tomorrow. Let us come back tonight.

It just so happened that Jiping was homesick too. After we discussed it, we decided to go back overnight. The road was difficult to walk and very bumpy. Ji Ping said the bumps made her stomach feel uncomfortable, so I drove slower.

But the road was too difficult to walk on. Even if I was in second gear, the car still bumped violently, and Jiping's stomach hurt more and more.

Because she had severe pain every time she had menstruation before. Calculating that this time her menstruation had been delayed for several days, I thought it was coming. When we got to a village near the city, I went to give Jiping a bottle of water. He bought a cup of hot water and let her drink it.

As a result, after just a few sips, she curled up in pain and found it difficult to speak. When I saw her like that, I knew something was wrong. I was so frightened that I quickly drove the car to the nearest hospital. Unexpectedly, it was still... It's too late..." At this point, Yu Mingtao burst into tears. From the time he learned the news to now, he has been in an out-of-body state. He especially hoped that this was a dream, but when he woke up, he found that everything was false. .

However, all the sensory stimulation told him that this was true. He almost had a son or daughter, but he was tortured to death.

The doctor said that my wife’s body is very difficult to get pregnant and to hold a fetus, especially in the first two months of pregnancy, so she must be careful.

Recall that before going home, his father called and said that his second uncle wanted some dry canopy grass from the county where he worked and asked him to pick some and bring it back. He didn't have time, so it was Zhou Jiping who braved the severe cold. I ran up the mountain to pick it.

His mother asked him to come back tonight. My wife was tired after a long day of picking grass, and coupled with the bumps, wouldn't her body be able to bear it?

But who should be blamed for these?

Blame your parents?


He just wanted to sneer, if he cared more about his wife and put his wife's health first, would it be like this?

When he married her, what he said was nicer than anything else, but what has he done in these years?

His parents thought that his wife had not given birth to a boy and a half girl for the Yu family. Although he was trying to persuade his parents, why didn't he agree with his parents' ideas from the bottom of his heart? Otherwise, how could he try so hard to make his wife behave in front of his parents?

It's not his wife's fault that he has poor health, so why should he blame her? Moreover, when he first married her, she asked for a physical examination, but he felt embarrassed and refused to go.

Moreover, he cursed and swore to prove to his wife that no matter what happened in the future, his love for her would not change.

Is it really unchanged?

Does he really dare to say this while patting his chest?


A heavy slap woke Yu Mingtao out of his daze. The one who slapped him was, of course, Lin Yanqiu. Her face was purple with anger and her lips were trembling: "Asshole, I handed my daughter over to you, and this is what you did to her?

When you married her, I said that Ji Ping suffered a lot when she was a child. After marrying her, you must love her, give her family warmth, and make her happy. You promised well, and I will do the same. I believe you.

Unexpectedly, your promise is like a fart. Once you say it and dissipate, just pretend it doesn't exist. If Jiping hadn't stopped me these years, I would have settled the score with you.

You know that she is about to have a baby, but you don't even bring a hot water bottle with you when you go out. What kind of canopy grass does your second uncle want? Why doesn't he pick it himself? You agreed, why didn't you go pick it? How can you do it when a woman is asked to go out into the mountains to grow weeds on a cold day?

Don’t you know how harsh your mother and father are to my girl? Although our Jiping suffered a lot when she was a child, she became the apple of our family's eye when she grew up. Is she going to be bullied by your family when she marries you? "

"Mom, I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry is useless!" Lin Yanqiu stared at him angrily, "My grandson has been killed by your family, what's the point of saying sorry to me?

How could Jiping accept this after she woke up? You don't know how long she has been looking forward to having a baby. You don't know how important this matter is to her. How can you let her bear it? "

"Mom, let's not tell her yet, okay?"

"Is it useful?" Lin Yanqiu stared at her bitterly, "After something like this, she won't be able to get pregnant for at least a year. Are you going to let her take the blame?"

"I..." Yu Mingtao's eyes were full of pain. He even wanted to kill himself now, but what's the use?

Lin Yanqiu waved her hand at him: "Forget it, you can go back. We will take care of Ji Ping. When she recovers, let her decide what to do."

"Mom..." Yu Mingtao grabbed Lin Yanqiu's sleeve anxiously, "Mom, I can't leave her at this time. I must take care of her personally. Xiaoyuezi, I can take care of her well. Mom, please Believe me, give me this chance. I promise that I will never let Ji Ping be wronged again. If my parents continue to do what they did before, I will take Ji Ping out and never stay in that home again. Do you think so? not good?"

"No!" Lin Yanqiu refused, "I don't want to tell you anything now. You can go back. Don't worry, I won't make decisions for Ji Ping. When she wakes up, I will follow her wishes."

"Mom!" Yu Mingtao knelt down, "At this time, I really can't leave. I promise you, when Jiping wakes up, you can ask her in person what she wants, but let me stay and take care of her, please. Now." He said asking for help and looked at Zhou Xikang and Zhou Mikang Chuxia, "Brother, third brother, younger brother and sister, please help me, help me persuade mom, I really can't leave Jiping like this, please, help me, help help me……"

For a grown man to burst into tears and tear his heart out, it really makes people feel uncomfortable... However, he takes the main responsibility for this matter to end up like this!

Zhou Xikang and Zhou Mikang turned their heads to the side and ignored him.

Helpless, Yu Mingtao looked at Chu Xia: "Brothers and sisters..."

"Do you think I'm stupid?" Chu Xia looked at him expressionlessly, "Brother-in-law, if it were anything else, I would definitely help you, but I don't think it's necessary to help you with this matter.

If you really love your second sister as much as you say, you wouldn't have let something like this happen to her, and you wouldn't have let your parents treat her like that.

A woman's status in her husband's family mainly depends on how her husband treats her. If you treat your second sister well and let your family see your determination to be her, they won't dare to bully your second sister like that, right? "

"Yes, yes, this is all my fault. I will never let them have this opportunity again. I promise..." Yu Mingtao turned to look at Lin Yanqiu, "Mom, please believe me again, please Got it!"

Lin Yanqiu looked at him expressionlessly and said nothing.

She was also very tangled in her heart. She knew her daughter's feelings for this man. Otherwise, she would not have been able to endure the difficulties from her husband's family for so many years and still refused to allow her family to interfere.

However, she didn't know whether this opportunity would harm her daughter or save her...

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