In the middle of the night, Zhou Jiping woke up. In her mind, she was still in the car, so she couldn't help but whisper: "Ming Tao, where are we?"

"Xiaoji..." Lin Yanqiu quickly stepped forward and touched her daughter's lips with a cotton swab. "The doctor said it's best to drink water tomorrow. If you are thirsty, just endure it."

This is her way of telling her daughter where she is now.

Sure enough, Zhou Jiping was stunned and looked at her in confusion: "Mom, why am I in the hospital?"

"Second sister, do you feel uncomfortable somewhere?" Chu Xia looked at her with concern, "If you feel uncomfortable anywhere, just tell me and I will call the doctor for you."

"What's wrong with me?" Zhou Jiping looked at the two of them in confusion, "Mom, Chu Xia, don't hide it from me. Tell me, did I have a car accident and lost my leg?"

Lin Yanqiu glared at her and twisted her leg: "Your legs are fine here. What nonsense are you talking about?"

"It scared me to death..." Zhou Jiping breathed a long sigh of relief, "Looking at your expressions just now, and combined with the numbness of my legs, I thought I was in a car accident and my legs were gone. By the way, where is Ming Tao? He Are you okay?"

"He's fine. I asked him to go home and rest first." Lin Yanqiu smiled at her, "Are you particularly surprised why you are in the hospital?"

Zhou Jiping nodded vigorously: "Mom, tell me, I'm almost dying of anxiety?"

"What's the hurry?" Yun Duo walked in with a smile, "I guess you've almost woken up. Come on, let me see your situation..." As she said this, she glanced at the data on the instruments on the bed, and after a while, she nodded at Zhou Jiping. head. "Very good, your physical fitness is very good. Don't stay in ice and snow for too long in the future, otherwise, your body will be damaged by you."

"What disease do I have?"

Yun Duo glared at her: "You still have the nerve to say it. You don't even know the condition of your body, so you just go to work and have nothing to do. Do you take yourself seriously?"

"Stop being so pretentious, okay?" Zhou Jiping wanted to sit up anxiously, "If you don't tell me, I will really go crazy."

"Second sister, it's not that I don't want to tell you, it's because I'm afraid..." He hesitated. Chu Xia looked at her seriously, "If the doctor told you that from now on, you will take good care of your body and you will be able to give birth to a healthy and beautiful baby in a year. What would you do?"

Zhou Jiping said without thinking: "Of course I will cooperate with the doctor's request, take good care of my body, and wait to become a mother.


"Then, what you have to do now is to cooperate with the doctor's requirements, take good care of your body, and wait to become a mother. As for the previous illness..." Chu Xia finally couldn't say anything. Sighing and looking at Lin Yanqiu, "Mom, you better tell me."

"Xiaoji. Your little day this month has been postponed for five or six days, don't you know?"

"I know." Zhou Jiping looked at her mother sheepishly. "I used to be wrong a lot, so I didn't take it seriously. Is it because I didn't pay attention and it happened to be a small day that I became so sick?"

"Yes, that's the truth..." Lin Yanqiu sighed, "I don't even know how to say you're fine. How could you be such a careless person? You don't even know you're pregnant."

"I didn't mean to be careless, I just thought that my family had already made a request, and I happened to be free..." As he spoke, Zhou Jiping suddenly paused, and for a moment, looked at Lin Yanqiu in disbelief, "Mom, you Please repeat what you just said, okay?"

"I said, you don't even know that you are pregnant. Yes, you have just had a miscarriage, so you should take good care of yourself during this period. Originally, I wanted to lie to you and not tell you, but if I do that, it will not be good for you. To be fair, I believe that my daughter is responsible and will be able to survive this challenge."

"Where's Yu Mingtao?"

"I sent him back. If it weren't for him, you wouldn't end up like this. So, what Mom means is, wait for you to wake up and listen to your opinion.

The day after tomorrow is New Year's Eve. If you want to go to Yu's house to celebrate the New Year, mom, your brother, and the others will send you there. If you want to go back to your own home to celebrate the New Year, that's fine. We can just go home directly from the hospital tomorrow.

As for the matter between you and Yu Mingtao, Mom also hopes that you will think carefully before deciding what to do. Anyway, he cannot escape his responsibility for this matter. Mom said that she was very angry. "

"When mom sent him back, didn't he ask to stay?"

"Of course there are requirements, but I still pushed you back resolutely. I must give you enough time to think about what you want.

Something like this would not have happened to you if it hadn't been for their family's troubles. Chu Xia also told him that if he had supported you enough at home, things would definitely not have come to this point.

Therefore, Mom hopes that you will think carefully and carefully before deciding what to do. No matter what decision you make, Mom will support you, and your brother, your younger brother, and your younger siblings will also support you. "

There was a long silence in the room, and Yun Duo sighed helplessly: "Jiping, if you really like babies and want to have a baby of your own, you must make yourself feel comfortable. I promise, as long as you want to, you will be happy." With proper conditioning, I will definitely become a mother in a year.”

"When did you become a gynecologist?" Zhou Jiping, who had known Yun Duo before, teased her with a wry smile, "Is there something wrong with my brain, or did you change the department?"

"I'm not a gynecologist, but I'm on night shift today, and your health can't delay it, and my elective subject happens to be gynecology, so I can only do my duty."

"Then why don't you keep my child?"

Yun Duo sighed: "I really wanted to do that, but when you delivered it, you had already had a miscarriage, and there was really nothing I could do."

Zhou Jiping just stared at the ceiling and said nothing.

Knowing that she needed time to think and digest, no one rushed her.

After a while, Zhou Jiping turned to look at Lin Yanqiu: "Mom, let Yu Mingtao come over. I want to hear his side of the story."

"I can tell you what he said..." Lin Yanqiu repeated what Yu Mingtao said before, "I don't know if I can believe him, so I'll let you make your own decision on this matter."

"I believe him, but I don't want to go to Yu's house to celebrate the New Year."

"I understand." Lin Yanqiu nodded and looked at Zhou Mikang, "Go to Yu's house and tell Yu Mingtao your sister's decision. If he is willing, he can come directly to our house to celebrate the New Year. If he is not willing, he can go back to his own home. We celebrate the New Year at home, and as for everything else, we’ll wait until your sister gets well after the New Year.”

"Okay." Zhou Mikang responded, turned around and walked out to help his younger brother. You can imagine how angry he felt about this kind of thing, but for his sister's happiness, he could only endure it. Now, his sister's attitude has changed If it is clear, it will be easier for him to handle.

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