When I was walking out from get off work, I happened to meet Luo Xiaoqiong. Chu Xia stopped in her tracks and said, "Do you have any news to tell me while you are waiting here?"

"No." Luo Xiaoqiong shook her head, "I'm not an intelligence agent. There are so many gossips all day long. I just want to tell you that my parents are here today."

"Uncle Gangshun and Aunt Fat are here?" Chu Xia's eyes widened in shock, "Why was there no news at all before? Where are they now? The New Year is going to be spent here, right?"

"Yes, they came here just to celebrate the New Year with us. Of course, they mainly want to celebrate the New Year with my future sister-in-law..." Luo Xiaoqiong shrugged, "My brother is not married yet, and I no longer have a place in their hearts. , when I marry my sister-in-law home, I will probably really have to step aside."

"Nonsense!" Chu Xia glared at her, "Uncle Gangshun and Fat Aunt are not like that. Your future sister-in-law hasn't married into the Luo family yet. They have no idea. Of course they have to treat Erniu better. Such jealousy You eat too, it’s shameless, you haven’t answered me where they are yet, tell me quickly!”

"Where else can it be? Of course it's the army guest house. Don't go back and discuss letting us go to the Zhou family to celebrate the New Year. My parents won't accept it.

Although we were staying in a guest house, my brother helped run it anyway. My parents felt a sense of belonging there, and when the time came for the few of us to go there, once the door was closed, it was not much different from celebrating the New Year at home.

If we go to Zhou's house and you and the whole family make a fuss, then my parents might remember the excitement of celebrating the New Year at home, so I say, you. Just don't worry about them. "

"You are thinking too much..." Chu Xia patted Luo Xiaoqiong on the shoulder, "I have no intention of letting Uncle Gangshun and Fat Aunt go to Zhou's house to celebrate the New Year. It's not like I don't know what kind of character they are, so how can I let them go to those who don't comfortable?

If it weren't for the fact that the Zhou family would all move from their old home to their ancestral home. I guess my father and mother can't go to Zhou's house to celebrate the New Year. After all, they are very important to Gen'er.

I asked you where they are because I want to take my parents there to see them after dinner. They haven't seen each other for such a long time and they must have a lot to say. "

"Chu Xia, you are becoming more and more considerate..." Luo Xiaoqiong gave her a thumbs up, "I thought you would ask my parents to go to Zhou's house for dinner together."

"Am I that stupid?" Chu Xia rolled her eyes helplessly. "With the current conditions of your family, Uncle Gangshun and Fat Aunt are not short of food and clothing. If they are allowed to go to Zhou's house, they will definitely feel uncomfortable. How can they be as comfortable as eating with you?

Besides, I am the granddaughter-in-law of the Zhou family, and now the whole family is gathered together.

Even if I want to invite your parents to dinner, I have to tell Zhou Mikang first. "

"Tch!" Luo Xiaoqiong stabbed her. "The leader is so kind to you. Even if you don't tell him, he will definitely follow your lead. Why are you pretending to be in front of me?"

"It's one thing for him to follow me. It's another thing for me to ask for advice. Even as a couple, we must learn to respect each other. Otherwise, it will last forever. He will always have troubles.

Xiaoqiong, although you are my future sister-in-law. I also want to tell you a few words, don't take everything for granted. As time goes by, there will be times when you are tired and there are times when you find fault.

If you want a long-lasting relationship, you must learn to be tolerant. As for me, I am learning this issue now. I may not be doing a very good job, but I already know the importance of this matter.

Of course, I am not saying this because I don’t want to invite Uncle Gangshun and Fat Aunt to have dinner at home. I have just mentioned the specific reasons, and that is what I really think. "

"I know, I've known you for so long, how can I not know what you think?" Luo Xiaoqiong snorted dissatisfied, "Come on, come find us early after dinner."

"I know." Chu Xia waved her hands and ran out. Zhou Mikang's car had already stopped at the entrance of the courtyard. She ran over and jumped into the car. Chu Xia looked at Zhou Mikang and grinned, "You've been waiting for a long time?"

"No, I just came here for a while." Zhou Mikang started the car and drove out, "I don't feel comfortable with being so polite all of a sudden. Have you done something to feel sorry for me?"

"Tch!" Chu Xia rolled her eyes, "You are really a bitch. Even if you have a good attitude, you still feel uncomfortable. By the way, why didn't the chief come to settle the score with you?"


"There's no trouble at all?"

"No, my work is normal today."

"Why is this?" Chu Xia frowned and thought, "You broke his granddaughter's legs, and he could remain silent. This is unscientific, so unscientific!"

"I feel the same way as you, but I can't just go up to him and ask him why he didn't settle the score with me, right? Tell me, if I really did that, how much more would it cost?"

After thinking about it, Chu Xia nodded: "That's right, then don't worry, they are standing still, and we are standing still. Maybe the leader will feel a little embarrassed and let you go on purpose, haha..."

Zhou Mikang glanced at her and warned: "You're smiling a little too wildly, please pay attention to your image."

"Okay, pay attention to your appearance." Chu Xia rubbed her cheeks and changed the topic, "Uncle Gangshun and Fat Aunt are here. They are celebrating the New Year here. They are staying in the guest house now."

"Really?" Zhou Mikang looked her over, "Do you want them to come to our house to celebrate the New Year?"

"No, they want to reunite as a family. I also think it's better for them to celebrate the New Year on their own. When they come to the Zhou family, they can only play supporting roles. Even in the guest house, they are the protagonists."

"That's what I said..." Zhou Mikang shook his head and couldn't help but laugh, "When you think about it, it makes sense. If you have any requests, just put them forward and I will do my best to help you achieve them."

Chu Xia wiped her forehead speechlessly: "It doesn't have to be so serious. I just want you to accompany my parents to visit Uncle Gangshun and Aunt Fat after dinner."

"Of course it's no problem." Zhou Mikang nodded, and the car sped up a bit, "Let's go buy some New Year's goods now. I'm afraid it's too late for them to buy them now."

"It's almost time, where are you going to buy new year's goods?"

"Have you forgotten where Uncle San works?"

"That's right..." Chu Xia smiled sheepishly, "I've been a little confused since I came here. How could I have forgotten that my third uncle is the head of the supply and marketing building?"

Zhou Mikang smiled and shook his head without saying a word.

"Captain Zhou, Chu Xia. You are here."

As soon as the two entered the door, Qin Mei greeted them with a smile. Compared to before, she was quite fat and her belly was slightly bulging. She had heard Zhou Shanping tell her about her pregnancy before, so Chu Xia smiled and said, "Sister Qin, congratulations."

Zhou Mikang also followed closely and said congratulations.

Qin Mei's face turned slightly red: "Don't be so polite to me. You saved my life, and you gave me my happiness. Originally, I wanted to go to you to report my good news. But again I feel like it’s a bit of a fuss, so I’m thinking of inviting you to have a meal together after the baby is born.”

"Uncle San has told us a long time ago..." Chu Xia smiled and held her hand, "Looking at Sister Qin, your relationship with your brother-in-law is very good, right?"

"It's okay, he's very nice to me." Qin Mei shook her body a little, "Anyway, people say that you can become an official only after you are a daughter, but I think you can become an official only after you become a daughter-in-law. I don’t have to worry about my parents’ family anymore. I still have to be disliked, but now I finally don’t have to be disliked and I don’t have to worry about the Chinese New Year.”

Regarding the Qin family's family affairs, Chu Xia couldn't say anything, so she just smiled and said nothing.

Zhou Mikang has already made a list. Passed it to Qin Mei: "Give us a set like this."

"Okay." Qin Mei asked a few people on the night shift to help sort out the New Year's goods on the list. It was already twenty minutes later when all the goods were ready and loaded into the car.

Driving home. Chu Xia couldn't help but sigh: "It seems that a happy marriage can really change a person. There is really no connection between Qin Mei's appearance now and her past."

"Do you mean you are happy or unhappy?"

"What do you think?"

"I don't have the right to answer this question. The key depends on what you think." Zhou Mikang reached out and touched her head. "Tell me the truth. I prefer to hear the truth."

Chu Xia nodded seriously: "Okay, I'm not pretentious, I feel like I'm running on the road to happiness."

"Hahaha..." Zhou Mikang smiled happily, "I like this answer. I hope you will still say this in ten, twenty, thirty years until we are gray-haired."

"At that time, we can no longer run, so we have to change. We are stumbling on the road to happiness."

"You..." Zhou Mikang poked her head and smiled even more happily. This answer obviously told him that she had made up her mind to live with him for the rest of her life. What a happy thing it was!

"By the way, there's something I want to ask you. I also want to hear the truth. If it's convenient for you to tell me, just tell me. If it's not convenient for you to tell me, just say it's not convenient for you to tell me. Okay?"


Chu Xia was stunned by the cheerful answer of the group leader Tongzi, and couldn't help but curl her lips: "Your thinking is really different from others. Generally speaking, when I say this, you should answer like this, 'What on earth happened? It’s mysterious, tell me quickly, I will definitely tell you as soon as I know.’”

"Your thinking is different from others, so we can get along. Let's talk."

Everyone said this, so Chu Xia didn't want to make any more trouble, so she said: "Yu Tao's aunt Yu Yang has been transferred to our hospital. She specifically asked me a series of questions today about whether Yu Tao is okay. So, what should I ask? You already know, right?"

"You didn't ask her?"

"Nonsense! I'm not stupid, why should I ask her? Moreover, if I have already asked her, do I need to ask you again?" Chu Xia glared at him dissatisfied, "I just said it, just say it if you can. , If you can’t say it, just say it, don’t give me these ambiguities, the most annoying thing is this way of answering.”

Zhou Mikang laughed and said, "You are very angry. Do you have anything else to do today?"

“Let’s talk about this first, and we’ll talk about the other things later.”

"Okay, let's talk about this first." Zhou Mixang shook his head helplessly, "Can you not be so impatient? In fact, the matter between Yu Tao and Yu Yang is not complicated.

The eldest brother and Yu Tao were in a free relationship. When they went to Yu's house, Yu Yang fell in love with the eldest brother at first sight. Then, he wrote to the eldest brother behind his sister-in-law's back. Unexpectedly, his sister-in-law discovered it.

You can also tell the sister-in-law's temper, she is very tolerant, so even though she found out, she didn't ask anything, but quietly gave the letter to her elder brother and put it back.

The eldest brother was thinking that if he didn't reply to Yu Yang's letter, the other party would give up the idea. He didn't tell his sister-in-law about this, so as not to affect the relationship between his aunt and nephew.

Who would have thought. Yu Yang didn't receive a reply from his eldest brother, so he thought he didn't receive her letter. He actually secretly found the army where his eldest brother was and asked him what he thought.

The eldest brother told her clearly that he liked his eldest sister-in-law and asked Yu Yang to stop causing trouble. Coincidentally, when the two of them were talking, others passing by heard it and spread the word.

Later, it naturally reached the ears of my eldest sister-in-law. She still didn't say anything. It was my eldest brother who told her personally. And he took out the letter and showed it to his sister-in-law.

The eldest sister-in-law cried at that time. She said that she had already seen the letter and was just waiting for the eldest brother to make a decision. After that, the eldest brother and the eldest sister-in-law got engaged and began to prepare for the wedding.

Either because of his youth, or because of his personality, anyway, Yu Yang is in front of everyone in the Yu family. She openly admits that she also likes her eldest brother and wants to compete fairly with her eldest sister-in-law.

After saying such words, you can guess the result. The Yu parents kicked her out of the Yu family. Having drawn a clear line, it seems that she has never been forgiven by her family over the years.

Now she comes to you to ask about your sister-in-law. Most likely, he has figured out what happened back then and wants to return home. It feels uncomfortable to spend the New Year alone outside. This is understandable. "

"Sure enough, what I guessed is right..." Chu Xia sighed, "My aunt and nephew are fighting for a man, tsk tsk..."

Zhou Mikang interrupted her: "Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, Yu Yang is only two years older than Yu Tao."

"You should be anxious with your niece when you are two years older?" Chu Xia snorted coldly and changed the subject, "By the way, Ye Meiru asked to be transferred to Jing Zhe as an assistant today, but Jing Zhe seemed to refuse. Do you know about this? ?”

"I don't know." Zhou Mikang shook his head, "But with her character, it's not surprising that she would do such a thing."

"I admire her face so much. Huang Baoquan forced her to be transferred to another hospital the day after the operation, but she still managed to come back. Tsk tsk, Zhou Mikang, why did you get engaged to such a person back then? It brings me down so much."

"I'm sorry, this is in the past, I can't change it, so you can only accept it."

Hearing what he said, Chu Xia laughed: "For the sake of your more upright attitude, I won't argue with you."

When Zhao Yulan and Lin Baohe heard from their daughter that Luo Gangshun and Fatty Aunt had also come to City A and would celebrate the New Year here, their hearts immediately began to lift, and they could not feel tired throughout the meal.

Seeing Mrs. Zhou and Mr. Zhou laughing, as soon as dinner was over, she told Chu Xia and Zhou Mikang to send the couple to meet their old friends quickly, "If you don't hurry up, Baohe and Magnolia's tails will grow out." Mrs. Zhou said with a smile.

Lin Baohe and Zhao Yulan smiled sheepishly. They also wanted to control their emotions, but they couldn't control the joy of meeting an old friend in a foreign country.

When the group arrived at the guest house, Fat Aunt, Luo Gangshun and others had just finished eating.

After not seeing each other for several months, they all burst into tears when they first met. Chu Xia and Luo Xiaoqiong shook their heads. In order to give the elders a space to talk, the younger generations simply went out for a walk.

"By the way, why didn't your brother come over?" Chu Xia asked Luo Xiaoqiong.

"He has training in the evening, and he has to wait until the training is over before he can come over. Zhang Erniu is shy and won't come if he asks her to come over. He has to wait for my brother to invite him himself."

"Your brother is becoming more and more serious now." Chu Xia couldn't help but sigh, "I never thought that someone as stupid as your brother could become like this. Gee, Er Niu is infinitely charming."

"Haha..." Luo Xiaoqiong laughed, "You should say this in front of Zhang Erniu. She is always very unsure of herself. No matter what I say, she thinks I am saying nice things to comfort her."

"Children who have been neglected at home since childhood will probably be like that."

"By the way, in early summer, Zhong Hongying is also here, looking for Company Commander Liu to force him to marry her.

Chu Xia was not surprised by this: "She came with Uncle Gangshun and Fat Aunt?"

"My parents didn't come with her. She has been here for a long time, but I just found out when I came here today. You said she is really interesting. After returning home, she kept going on blind dates and even had sex with each other. As soon as he heard that Company Commander Liu was back, he came to her and asked her to marry her.

Do you think her brain circuit is different from that of normal people? It makes us feel that she must be embarrassed to make such and such demands after doing so many unworthy things. Am I right? "

"People's personalities are different, it seems. She and Ye Meiru are a bit like sisters, tell me. Could they be long-lost sisters?"

"It's impossible..." Luo Xiaoqiong thought seriously, "I remember my parents said that Zhong Hongying was the child of Aunt Zhong, and before giving birth to the child, Aunt Zhong never left the village, so Zhong Hongying There is no chance that Ying and Ye Meiru are biological sisters."

Chu Xia smiled and shrugged her shoulders: "I'm joking, do you still take it seriously?"

"I hate it!" Luo Xiaoqiong pushed her. "You said it so seriously, so of course I believed it. You just love to bully me."

"Okay, let's talk about Cao Cao. Cao Cao is here. Isn't that Zhong Hongying in front of you?" Chu Xia nodded her chin at the oncoming woman, "It's a pity that your brother is not here. I really want to see her expression when she sees your brother."

"I think so too, huh. Didn't she look down on my brother before? Maybe now that she knows that my brother has been promoted to squad leader, she will definitely be tempted."

"You think too much. The company commander is much older than the squad leader. So, she probably only has Company Commander Liu in her heart now. When your brother becomes Company Commander Luo, she will probably look at him, of course. Prerequisite Is it Company Commander Liu or Company Commander?”

"Chu Xia, I discovered it. You definitely don't use curse words, but you are so cruel." Luo Xiaoqiong smacked her lips, "I want to learn from you in the future."

While talking, Zhong Hongying had already arrived in front of them, smiled politely at them as a greeting, and then walked back. When she arrived in front of Zhou Mikang and Zhao Qiliang, she stopped and greeted them respectfully: "Tuan Look good, monitor Zhao."

Zhou Mikang didn't even look at her and walked straight ahead.

Zhao Qiliang hesitated for a moment, then jogged two steps to catch up with Zhou Mikang.

Zhong Hongying was stunned for a while, shook her head and smiled, and returned to the police station. For the sake of happiness, she could endure being left out and laughed at. She believed that as long as she endured it, she would definitely get her wish.

The few people continued to move forward and saw Company Commander Liu squatting in the corner of the playground. He was not tall to begin with, but he had lost a lot of weight after going on a mission. He looked so pitiful squatting there.

"Liu Company Commander, are you squatting here to drink the northwest wind?" Liu Company Commander had gone to see Dean Xu several times. Luo Xiaoqiong's relationship with him could not be said to be very familiar, but they were not strangers either, and they spoke more casually.

"Are you all here?" Company Commander Liu stood up and smiled at several people, "Did you meet Zhong Hongying just now?"

Unexpectedly, he was so frank, Luo Xiaoqiong was stuck, and Chu Xia quickly answered: "Yes, we met her.

"You are from the same village as her. I want to ask, was she like this when she was in the village?" Liu Lian stretched out his hand and gestured, "She just has the courage to not hit the wall and not look back. She was like this before. ?"

"This..." After a brief pause, Chu Xia said, "To be honest, when we were in the village, there was no way to compare with her. She was a good girl who was hard-working and capable in everyone's eyes, unlike us. Both of them are famous for being lazy."

What is this answer? Company Commander Liu stood there wondering for a long time, then smiled bitterly: "I used to regard these as the advantages of being proactive, but now, I feel like she is forcing me to hang myself. How can she be so persistent?"

"Didn't you say you had figured it out last time?" Zhou Mikang glared at him, "Qingqing, is this how you figured it out?"

"Huh?" He had been immersed in his own thoughts. In addition, the lights were not bright enough and Zhou Mikang was standing under the basketball hoop. Company Commander Liu did not recognize Zhou Mikang at all. When the other party spoke, he realized who he was complaining to. , stood up straight and said, "Report to the leader, I have figured it out!"

"You figured it out and you're still squatting here to make yourself look embarrassed?"

"I..." Company Commander Liu was stuck there, not knowing what to say.

"What are you doing?" Zhou Mikang snorted coldly, "Think about what to do and resolve it as soon as possible. The longer you delay, the more you will be wronged. Do you understand?"

"I understand!" Company Commander Liu nodded quickly, "I will resolve this matter as soon as possible, but Captain, I told her that I don't like her personality and don't want to marry her. She insisted that I agreed before. She wants to marry her as soon as I come back, saying that I am now Chen Shimei who has changed her heart.

She also said that if I dare to go back on my word, she will complain to you. If you don't handle it, she will go to Commander Xu. If Master Xu doesn't handle it, she will go up to Commander Zhou..."

Zhou Mikang interrupted him, "She still wants to find Commander Zhou?" Okay, let her go find it if she has the ability. I would like to see what she can find in the end! "

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