"Captain, the problem now is that the Chinese New Year is tomorrow, and she can't go back to her hometown even if she wants to. After all, I had a relationship with her, so it doesn't seem right to just leave her like this. I'm afraid of her to spend the Chinese New Year with her. Misunderstanding, look, can you help arrange this matter?" After Liu Lianbao asked, seeing Zhou Mixang frowning, he quickly said, "Captain, I just feel sorry for her here. I feel sorry for her. There is really no emotion anymore.”

"You don't have to explain this to me..." Zhou Mixang looked at him indifferently, "If you ask, I can help you arrange it, but you have to know that as long as you show a trace of pity, she will never let you go. "

"I..." Liu Lianbao hesitated and didn't know what to do.

"Do you really have no feelings for her anymore, or is it because of other reasons?"

Luo Xiaoqiong's question made Liu Lianbao even more confused. After close contact, he wanted to stay away from Zhong Hongying because of her controlling nature and strong personality. He also really felt that she was too snobbish and not a good candidate for his wife. However, seeing her sad, he I feel so unbearable...

Seeing Liu Lianbao's wavering, Chu Xia asked in a different way: "How would you feel if Zhong Hongying had a new boyfriend now and was getting married?"

"I..." Liu Lianbao frowned even more, and after a while, he said, "If I knew that she now has a boyfriend and is getting married, I would be even more disappointed in her. I feel that my decision is very correct."

Chu Xia sighed: "After all, you decided to break up with her because you had no confidence in her, right?"

"It seems...a little bit."

Zhou Mikang kicked him angrily: "A grown man hesitates when he speaks, are you my soldier? Now you have to figure it out for me quickly. Do you still want to be good with her, do you want to marry her."

besides. You don't want to be affected by other people's impressions of her, sometimes. Different starting angles will naturally lead to different results.

Furthermore, judging from Chu Xia and Luo Xiaoqiong's description of her, she is indeed a snobbish girl, but being snobbish does not mean that she will be unfaithful to her marriage or her husband once she gets married.

You just need to think carefully about whether you can accept it if she talks about you when you are not as good as others, and if there are people in your family who can't stand her eyes. Is it acceptable for her to treat you differently?

Also, your attitude towards your family determines her attitude towards your family, but only if you satisfy her. If you dissatisfy her, this kind of person may ignore your dignity and make things that make you unhappy. Things come up that you don’t like.

You are going through these possibilities in your head now,

If you think it's really okay, then you probably have to be with her. If you think you can't accept it, I advise you to just break it off. Don't let your mind wander all day long because of these nonsense, which will affect your official business. "

"I can't tell, you are quite good at ideological work..." Chu Xia looked at Zhou Mikang funnyly, "You sound very reasonable. You really look like a veteran in love."

"What if I weren't an experienced lover and could marry you?"

Chu Xia: "..." She hunted geese all day long, but she didn't expect that no geese pecked her eyes. How could she have imagined that such a serious leader, Tongzi, would be so shameless in front of outsiders?


Looking at the embarrassment in early summer. Luo Xiaoqiong laughed so hard that she couldn't straighten her waist. Zhao Qiliang didn't dare to be too presumptuous in front of Zhou Mixang, so he looked up at the sky and pretended to admire the scenery. However, the cloudy night was so dark that not even a single star could be seen. I really don't know what he is looking at.

Liu Lianbao was completely immersed in his own thoughts just now. He didn't know what Zhou Mixang said. When he saw everyone laughing like this, he mistakenly thought they were laughing at him, so he explained in a choked voice: "I... I just want to be careful. In order to avoid regret later, in fact, I am not usually such a mother-in-law."

"It's better to be careful. Think more and don't be in a hurry..." Luo Xiaoqiong said, laughing again.

Seeing Liu Lianbao's confused face, Zhou Mikang said: "Think it over again and send me a letter tomorrow. If you still want to be with her and want to test her again, I will arrange for her to go to the female soldier company to fight with her." Let’s celebrate the New Year together. If you really decide to break up with her, just leave her alone and let her go.”

"Thank you, leader!" Liu Lianbao put his feet together and saluted Zhou Mixang respectfully.

"Let's walk around again, you can do it yourself." Zhou Mikang said and took the lead to walk forward. Chu Xia and others quickly followed. Liu Lianbao hesitated and walked in the opposite direction. He was too confused at the moment and wanted to find someone. Stay alone in a deserted place.

Returning to the guest house room again, Lin Baohe, Zhao Yulan and Fat Aunt Luo Gangshun's emotions had calmed down. They noticed that the younger generation was looking at them without any trace, and they felt a little uncomfortable. As the representative of the four, Luo Gangshun pretended to cough: "What's the red flag?" You haven’t come here yet, didn’t you say that training will be finished at nine o’clock?”

Luo Xiaoqiong said with a black line: "Dad, it's only half past eight."

"Eight-thirty?" Luo Gangshun glanced at his watch and patted his forehead in sudden realization, "At this age, why are you so dazzled? You thought it was already half-past nine. Hey, Baohe, Yulan, your eyesight is still good now. Bar?"

Lin Baohe quickly answered: "It's not bad, sometimes it gets rough."

"Okay, what are you spending for?" The fat aunt looked at the two of them dissatisfied, "You are deliberately making the children uneasy. At this age, both of them are dazzled. If you stay for a few more years, you will still be dazzled. Can't even walk? We haven't seen each other for so many days, what's the shame in getting a little excited?" Then he looked at Chu Xia and Luo Xiaoqiong, "Let's just talk about you two. If we don't see each other for two or three months, we will definitely be embarrassed when we do. Hold your head and cry, right?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Luo Xiaoqiong nodded repeatedly, "Mom is right, this is not a shameful thing. If Chu Xia and I hadn't seen each other for so long, I would have cried so hard that I couldn't breathe."

Chu Xia quickly clarified herself: "Don't involve me too. I can only shed a few tears so that I won't be out of breath from crying. I'm not a five or six-year-old child."

"Isn't this an exaggeration..." Luo Xiaoqiong looked disapproving, "What kind of face do you want in front of your parents? Or is it because the head of the group is here?"

"These two kids..." The fat aunt smiled helplessly, "I'm just bickering with you, and we're still like this now. Xiaoqiong, she's already married in early summer, so don't always push against her."

"Don't say she is married, even if she is a mother or a grandmother, I still support her." Luo Xiaoqiong said, hugging Chu Xia's neck, "And in my heart, she and I are the closest. Captain Zhou, we both grew up wearing crotchless pants together, and you didn’t know where you were at that time, so you must line up behind me.”

Zhou Mikang nodded: "Okay, I'll be in line behind you."

"..." The group leader was so talkative, but Luo Xiaoqiong didn't know what to say. She was stunned for a moment, then laughed, "Forget it, I'll just wait in line behind you. Chu Xia's heart has long been with you. I’m not being sentimental.”

The fat aunt looked at Zhou Mixang with an embarrassed look on her face: "Captain Zhou, my daughter is so shameless. Don't take it to heart."

"No, she has a good personality. I feel relieved to have her by Chu Xia's side."

Luo Gangshun continued: "Captain Zhou, you have taken such good care of these children. We are grateful from the bottom of our hearts. However, we are all a family, so we will not use polite words. Anyway, you understand our feelings." of."

"Uncle Luo, if you talk to me so politely again, I really won't understand." Zhou Mixang smiled and looked at Lin Baohe, "Dad, don't you think so?"

"Yes, yes..." Lin Baohe looked at Luo Gangshun with a happy face, "If you marry Xiaomi in Chuxia, then Xiaomi is half of my son. We get along like brothers, and Chuxia also eats from your family. , you, just think of Xiaomi as half of your son. Since he is your own son, how can you be so polite?

From now on, we should be more careful in public and be more comfortable in private. Only in this way can we appear close and like a family, don't you think? "

"Bao He, if you can say that, I feel relieved." Luo Gangshun breathed a long sigh of relief, "To tell you the truth, Cha Xiang and I have been worried about you two staying here, but now, I am not a little worried Worries are gone.

If you hadn't really gotten along well with your son-in-law and with his family, you wouldn't have been able to say such a thing. You and Yulan have finally come to the end of their hardships. Good brother, if you can't do it tomorrow night, you have to celebrate the New Year at Zhou's house. The day after tomorrow, We brothers are going to have a good drink the day after tomorrow. "

"Uncle Luo and Aunt Fat will go to our house for dinner the day after tomorrow. My father-in-law and I will drink with you then."

Luo Gangshun looked at Lin Baohe hesitantly, and Lin Baohe nodded happily: "This kid is telling the truth. I'm afraid we two brothers won't be happy drinking in this guest house. Let's go to the in-laws' house. Uncle Wan is also celebrating the New Year with the Zhou family. No matter what What should I say, since you are here, you should also go and wish him a happy New Year, right?"

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Luo Gangshun said and took a long breath, "Why am I a little nervous now?"

The fat aunt was so angry that she slapped him in the face: "Look at your potential!"

"Dad, Mom, I'm here. Captain, are you there too?" Luo Hongqi walked in, followed by a shy Zhang Erniu. Although her relationship with Luo Hongqi had been confirmed, she had already seen the future. In-laws, but when we met again after a few months, she was still very nervous, and her lips were obviously trembling when she greeted everyone.

"Er Niu, come here and show Auntie. I haven't seen you for several months. Auntie really misses you." Fat Auntie said as she waved to Zhang Erniu, "You said you kid, why are you so shy? Xiao Xiao? If Joan were half as shy as you, she would look like a girl."

"Mom, I've always been a kid in your heart?" Luo Xiaoqiong looked at the fat aunt with a speechless face. In order to please her daughter-in-law, she used her as the bottom. Is she her biological mother?

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