"What does it have to do with me whether you die or not?" Luo Xiaoqiong stopped Luo Hongqi who was about to step forward to grab the knife. "My sister-in-law is waiting outside. What are you trying to do?"

In an instant, the tip of the knife scratched into the skin, and beads of blood came out, touching Zhong Hongying's somewhat twisted face. Luo Xiaoqiong did not dare to stimulate her anymore, but was unwilling to surrender to her, so she withdrew with a cold face.

Luo Hongqi hesitated for a moment, then turned around and followed her sister out.

"Luo Hongqi!" Zhong Hongying shouted.

The fat aunt stared at her dissatisfied: "Why, you still want to rely on my son to marry you? That's impossible! You don't care about your own life, why should others care?"

Zhao Yulan sighed and continued: "You are still young, don't make more mistakes. Think about your parents. If you really leave like this, what will they do?"

"If I go back alive like this, they will be even more shameless." Zhong Hongying sniffed, "It's not like you don't know what the people in the village say about me. If I just go back like this, the spittle can drown me, so why not It’s better to leave like this, out of sight.”

"Your parents are the only daughter. If you leave like this, how will they survive?" Zhao Yulan said as she carefully stretched out her hand to the hand holding the knife, "Don't come over!" Zhong Hongying's hand tightened. Some drops of blood oozed out from the coagulated blood scab.

"What do you want to do?!" Luo Gangshun's eyes were full of anger, "Young man, you are fooling around like this, do you really don't want to live anymore?"

"Yes, I won't scare you, I just don't want to live anymore. If you don't want to see me die here, go find Liu Lianbao. I want to say a few words to him in front of you all. If he says I'm so happy. Maybe I won't die, otherwise. Today next year will be my death anniversary!"

While saying this, Zhong Hongying kept stealing glances at Zhou Mikang.

Chu Xia stood with Zhou Mikang, and of course she noticed Zhong Hongying's eyes and understood that she was just bluffing. Her target was not Luo Hongqi, but Liu Lianbao!

She knew that as long as she made such a fuss, everyone would definitely come over. For the sake of fellow villagers, she couldn't just leave her. Zhou Mikang was Liu Lianbao's direct boss. As long as he said a word, Liu Lianbao would definitely come over. Therefore, what she wanted was for Zhou Mikang to speak. Let Liu Lianbao come over and handle this matter.

"Let Company Commander Liu come over. Otherwise, she won't give up. At this point, if Company Commander Liu still doesn't give in, she should give up." Chu Xia whispered in Zhou Mikang's ear.

With Zhou Mikang’s character,

I would never accept it, otherwise. He had already taken the knife out of Zhong Hongying's hand with his skill. It was just a trivial matter, and he didn't take action. It's just that he feels that this woman's affairs are not worthy of his taking action. Since she is seeking death, why should he care about her?

It sounds a little ruthless, but this is his character. Similarly, when he is sure of a person, even if the other person betrays him, he will not forget the other person in a short period of time. Otherwise, he would not have been in the last relationship. After so many years, it would still not be considered a true relationship, otherwise, he might never be able to get out of it in this life.

Therefore, in this world, there are ruthless men, as well as ruthless women, and there are infatuated women, and there are also infatuated men. However, the infatuation of men and women is still somewhat different after all.

His wife said it herself, and of course the regiment leader Tongzi would not refuse. After a while, Liu Lianbao was found. The moment his eyes touched Zhong Hongying with the knife on his neck, he felt blood rushing to his forehead. This woman, Finished or not? !

"Lian Bao..." Looking at Liu Lian Bao pitifully, Zhong Hongying called out sadly.

"What do you want from me?" Liu Lianbao looked at her indifferently, without any regret.

The expectation in Zhong Hongying's eyes dimmed little by little. Although she knew for sure that the other party was determined not to get along with her before, but when she hit the wall with Luo Hongqi, she felt again, It might still be possible here with Liu Lianbao. After all, Liu Lianbao doesn't have a sweetheart yet.

So, she used this extreme method.

She thought that Liu Lianbao, who once loved her so much, would be moved by her infatuation and get back together with her after seeing the marks on her neck and the drops of blood.

But now, the other person's eyes were very different from her imagination. Secretly encouraging herself, she continued to pretend to be pitiful: "You really don't want me anymore? If you don't want me anymore, I will die. .”

"Are you using this method to force me to be with you? Zhong Hongying, let me tell you clearly, that is impossible! If you can be a good person and stop doing such extreme actions, or, between us, There is still some possibility.

But, now that you have reached this point, my disgust towards you has reached its extreme level. If you let me live with you for the rest of my life, it would be better to kill me directly.

If you still want to commit suicide after I say this, I won't stop you, but I must tell you that even though today is New Year's Eve, there are doctors on duty at the station. As long as you take some care and send you to the hospital, you It is impossible to die.

Not only will you not die, but you will also have a long scar on your neck so that everyone will know what you have done when they see you. Do you really think that is a better thing than death? "

"Do you really have no feelings for me at all?" Zhong Hongying stared at him relentlessly, "I will definitely do what I promised you. Even if you become an ordinary citizen now, I will persist. I’m following you, trust me, okay?”

"No!" Liu Lianbao shook his head, "If you really thought like this, you wouldn't perform like this here. In the past few days, you have been swinging back and forth between me and Luo Hongqi. You really don't care. I have no idea?

Zhong Hongying, you have never loved me, or in other words, a person like you will never fall in love with anyone. The only one you love in your heart is yourself!

You enjoy other people's praise of you, enjoy other people's praise of you, and say that your efforts are to let your parents live a better life and to bring glory to their faces.

But actually? You are simply using this method to satisfy your own vanity. Do you think I don’t know what you will do after you return to your hometown?

If I don't say it out loud, I'm trying to save face for you. Don't you really feel embarrassed after going through this process over and over again? Or do you really think everyone is blind?

Okay, I have said everything I need to say. If your purpose today is to make me change my mind, then I will clearly emphasize it again, it is impossible! It's impossible between us anymore! "

"I can't tell, Captain Liu is quite eloquent." Listening to Liu Lianbao's talk, Chu Xia couldn't help but whisper in Zhou Mikang's ear.

"What do you think? He understands everything but is too lazy to say it. I asked him to think about it carefully that day. Do you think he was thinking about it in vain? Speaking of which, he and Luo Hongqi are the same kind of people. If he really makes a decision, then I like this kind of character because he is not procrastinating. Unlike your brother Jing, as soon as a woman commits suicide, he is so frightened that he agrees to everything and is asking for trouble!"

While the two were talking, Liu Lianbao had already walked over: "Captain, my mission is completed, what other instructions do you have?"

"Of course I have instructions." Zhou Mikang patted him on the shoulder, smiled and pushed him, "Go back and have some fun. As for your life-long events, your sister-in-law will help you worry about it. With her here, you don't have to worry. Can’t you get a good wife?”

"Thank you, captain!" Liu Lianbao saluted and said with a smile, "I will not consider the matter of my wife for the time being. Thank you, captain and sister-in-law, for your concern."

"I understand, you can go back." Zhou Mikang looked at the director of the guest house who had been waiting at the door, "Director Li, I leave this to you."

"Yes!" Director Li trotted up to Zhou Mikang, responded with a loud voice, and sat down in front of Zhong Hongying's bed. It seemed that she wanted to stare at her here.

She didn't want anyone to die in the guest house, so Zhou Mikang didn't stop her.

When everyone returned to the room, their mood was not as happy as before. During the Chinese New Year, when such a thing happened, it was related to themselves. Who can really be neither happy nor sad?

"She really can't think about it, right?" After hesitation, the fat aunt looked at Zhao Yulan, "If anything happens to her here, her blame is not a good one. Regardless of whether it is reasonable or not, she will not If we give up, then none of us will be able to live in peace."

"It should be fine if someone is watching, and..." After a pause, Zhao Yulan sighed, "I have been paying attention to her expression. If she really wanted to die, she would not use this method. Besides, like How could someone with her character be willing to die?"

"That's right." The fat aunt also sighed and poked Luo Hongqi bitterly, "You said you are blind, why did you fancy such a piece of goods in the first place?"

"Mom, everyone has been here since they were young, everyone has done something wrong sometimes, and everyone has made mistakes. You always talk about these words, why are you talking about me like this now?" Luo Hongqi was dissatisfied. Staring at his mother, "Can't I just make the right choice now?"

"Auntie, I will be filial to you and uncle in the future." Zhang Erniu finally calmed down. This was the first time she openly expressed her stance to the Luo family. The fat aunt happily grabbed her little hand and rubbed it for a long time before she realized what she was doing. , at this time, there should be other expressions!

"Mom, what are you looking for?" Seeing the fat aunt running towards the bedside like her ass was on fire and bending over to look under the bed, Luo Xiaoqiong hurriedly stepped forward to help, "Let me know what you are looking for and I will help you find it. Look. You are so fat that it is difficult to bend down, so don’t make it difficult for yourself." (To be continued...)

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