"Go, go..." The fat aunt stood up and pushed Luo Xiaoqiong in disgust, "Did you say that about your own mother?" She then walked towards Zhang Erniu with a smile on her face, and took out the bag she had just taken out from under the bed. He handed the handkerchief to the other party, "This is the kowtow money given to you by your uncle and aunt, take it."

"No, no, no..." Zhang Erniu clasped her hands behind her back and shook her head in embarrassment, "Auntie, you just gave me lucky money."

"This is not the same thing. According to our customs, during the Chinese New Year, when the future daughter-in-law comes to her husband's house, the mother-in-law must give her a big red envelope. Before she gets married, she must give it every year. After she gets married, she must give it every year. Here, from now on, just wait and give the new year's money to the grandsons and granddaughters." The fat aunt said while looking at Zhao Yulan, "Mother Chuxia, please bear witness."

"Take it, your mother-in-law is telling the truth. Generally speaking, when the relationship is not settled, she doesn't need to give it. As long as the relationship is confirmed, she must give it. This can also be regarded as recognition of your identity."

"Look, your Aunt Yulan said so, just accept it." The fat aunt said as she forced the handkerchief into Zhang Erniu's hand, "We are all a family, don't act so coquettishly."

Helpless, Zhang Erniu looked at Luo Hongqi for help. The other person nodded to her and said angrily: "Take it, Mom and Dad, if you don't accept it, you don't want to marry me."

Hearing what Luo Hongqi said, Zhang Erniu happily accepted the silk bag. Seeing Luo Xiaoqiong's eyes heat up, she deliberately hummed twice: "My daughter is not as good as my daughter-in-law. After all these years, I haven't kept it." So much lucky money.”

"Why are you so jealous? You want kowtow money. You have to go back to your husband's house." The fat aunt looked at Zhao Qiliang and said, "Da Liangzi. My daughter has been handed over to you. You can see how this matter is resolved."

Zhao Qiliang said quickly: "Mom, I have already handed over all the subsidies to Xiaoqiong."

The fat aunt looked at her daughter dissatisfied: "Meiying, you are not kind. You have your own allowance, plus Qiliang's, plus the red envelopes your father and I gave you, you are better than your father and I." You have money, but you still have the nerve to compete with your sister-in-law?"

"Mom, can we call you back by my name without saying anything?" Luo Xiaoqiong rolled her eyes in dissatisfaction, "How many times have I said it. My name is Luo Xiaoqiong. Everyone else can remember it. Why can't Mom remember it?" "

The fat aunt snorted coldly and ignored her.

As soon as Chu Xia saw the fat aunt, she knew what she was angry about. According to the local dialect, "Xiaoqiong" means "xiaoqiong" and "xiaoqiong" means "little poor" and "big New Year". Doesn't the fat aunt not want to call these two words?

Chu Xia could think of it, how could Luo Xiaoqiong not think of it? He just snorted coldly.

He muttered angrily: "My mother is just superstitious."

"I don't want to talk about your mother like that." Luo Gangshun glared at her, "You're just celebrating the New Year, what nonsense are you talking about? You see you are such an adult. You are still so ignorant, and you are not afraid of Captain Zhou's jokes."

"Captain Zhou, will you laugh at me?" Luo Xiaoqiong looked at Zhou Mixang and asked. The other party nodded calmly: "It's okay, I'm used to it."

Luo Xiaoqiong: "..."

I can see my fiancée’s depression. Zhao Qiliang quickly helped smooth things over: "Xiaoqiong has a very good character and is real."

Luo Xiaoqiong curled her lips pitifully: "I'm not afraid of my sister-in-law being unhappy in front of her. My brother is not married yet, and my mother already dislikes me in various ways.

If I wait until my brother and my sister-in-law get married, my mother will no longer be able to see me at all. When she has grandchildren, she probably won’t remember that she has a daughter. "

"You're celebrating the Chinese New Year, what are you talking about?" The fat aunt looked at her daughter amusedly, "I'm really not shy. I can drink bottles of vinegar without worrying about getting sour in my stomach."

"Not afraid." Luo Xiaoqiong said, slapping her forehead fiercely, and looked at Chu Xia and Zhou Mikang, "By the way, Su Weimin and Yao Limei are getting divorced, and they won't spend the New Year with Yao Limei. Do you know?"

"I don't know." Chu Xia shook her head, "How do you know?"

"Yao Limei's husband Su Weimin and the new Dean Feng are classmates. Yao Limei went to see Dean Feng this afternoon and chatted for a long time.

I was sitting outside sorting out materials, so I vaguely heard it. It seemed that Su Weimin was determined to leave. Dean Feng asked Yao Limei to admit her mistake. She said that she was not used to Su Weimin's problem, so she just left. She left. Just like him.

Then, after listening to the meaning behind it, it seemed that she particularly wanted Dean Feng to help persuade Su Weimin. I guessed that she regretted it and went to Dean Feng for help. "

"Have you heard of it?" Chu Xia looked at Zhou Mikang and asked.

"I know." Zhou Mikang nodded, "I have met Su Weimin. He went to me specifically to apologize to me and asked me not to care about his previous unreasonableness. He also apologized on behalf of his daughter. The main purpose is to hope that his daughter will be better in the future. She really did something bad and asked me to let her go, but I refused."

Chu Xia snorted coldly: "Originally, when I heard that he was kicked out and went to apologize to you, I planned to pity him.

Since he is still worried about what you will do to his daughter, I no longer pity him, nor do I sympathize with him. He deserves to be like this! "

Zhou Mikang nodded and patted Chu Xia's shoulder comfortingly: "What you're saying is, next time I see him again, I'll tell him your thoughts."

"Okay, it's settled." Chu Xia looked at the time and stood up, "Dad, Mom, it's already past two o'clock, let's go back."

"Okay." Lin Baohe and Zhao Yulan stood up and said goodbye. Luo Gangshun and Fat Aunt did not force them to stay, and sent them out of the door, making an appointment to go to Zhou's house to pay New Year's greetings after dawn.

As the car drove out of the station, Chu Xia looked at Zhou Mikang inquiringly: "Should we go to Wang Jing's place to take a look? The third aunt has been thinking about them. Let's take a look and go back to reassure her."

Zhou Mikang reached out and rubbed her head, "Chu Xia, I'm very happy that you think like this. It shows that you really regard yourself as a member of the Zhou family now."

"Whether you are a Zhou family member or not depends mainly on your performance. If you treat me well, of course I am a Zhou family member. If you betray me one day, I will leave as soon as possible." Chu Xia said while humming twice, "Dad , Mom, you will definitely support me, right?"


Different from the attitude of most parents, Zhao Yulan and Lin Baohe agreed with their daughter's words without thinking.

"Don't worry, that day won't happen." Zhou Mikang shook his head with a smile and stepped on the accelerator a little harder. In just three minutes, the car stopped outside the building where Wang Jing lived.

Because Wang's father's health has not yet recovered and he can only walk on crutches, the Zhou family helped coordinate and replaced the original third floor with the current first floor.

After getting out of the car, I walked into the building and headed straight towards Wang Jing's house.

Chu Xia reached out and knocked on the door. After a while and there was no answer, she raised her hand and knocked a few more times. This time Wang Jing's voice came out, "Right away."

"Early summer?" The moment she saw Chuxia, Wang Jing had a look of surprise on her face. Then she looked back reflexively, quickly greeted them politely, and then greeted everyone into the house.

Wang's father had already stood up on crutches, with a slightly unnatural smile on his face. If you look closely, you will find that his nervous facial muscles are shaking.

Although he had moved to live with his daughter for a while and met Zhou's family several times, and everyone was very kind to him, he couldn't help but still feel nervous.

Today, especially.

Mr. Zhou and Mrs. Zhou once mentioned to Wang Lei that she might as well let Wang Jing and Wang's father go to Zhou's house to celebrate the New Year together, so that she wouldn't have to worry.

After repeated refusals, Wang Lei agreed and came back to discuss with her brother and niece. As a result, the father and daughter had surprisingly consistent attitudes on this matter and were determined not to go to Zhou's house to celebrate the New Year.

Wang Lei understood what they meant. They were afraid that they would drag her down and make her lose face in her husband's family, but no matter how she tried to persuade them, the father and daughter would not let go.

She had no choice but to help the father and daughter buy a bunch of New Year's goods and let them stay at her home for the New Year.

Even so, she was still thinking about it. One night, Chu Xia noticed that she was distracted several times, so she insisted on coming over to take a look at it so late. Anyway, according to local customs, most people keep the New Year's Eve party until about four in the morning.

It wasn't until she saw Wang Jun sitting there steadily that she realized that what Wang Lei was really worried about was that her troubled nephew would come to find him unhappy during the Chinese New Year.

No, a group of them came in. Wang Jing went to open the door, and Wang's father stood up to greet them. He was the only one sitting there, eating melon seeds and peanuts, as if he didn't notice the large group of people who came to visit.

While her parents and Wang Fu were chatting, Chu Xia pulled Wang Jing aside and asked in a low voice, "Did he deliberately come to cause trouble?"

"Well, they said they couldn't open the pot and asked me to support him. If I didn't agree, he would just sit here and not leave. If my father hadn't been so heartbroken about him, he would have probably persuaded me to agree to him."

"What does your dad mean now?"

"I could feel that he was thinking about that woman and hoped that I would reach out to her, but he also knew that he shouldn't say this, so he kept silent."

"Then what are you going to do?"

Wang Jing curled her lips: "I'm not stupid, of course I won't go along with their wishes. If you want to stay here, just stay here. Anyway, he knows who my sister-in-law is marrying, and he doesn't dare to go too far.

If my dad did open his mouth to me, then I'm sorry, I would send him back. It's him who wants to suffer. What can I do, right? "

Chu Xia agreed with her idea, but during the Chinese New Year, as an outsider, it was difficult to speak so directly about this kind of thing, so he patted her on the back and said: "Your sister-in-law has probably been worried about this matter. After dinner tonight Always distracted."

Wang Jing said with a worried look on her face: "Chu Xia, please don't tell my sister-in-law about Wang Jun coming over to cause trouble. She really can't worry about her current health."

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