http://permanent URL, please remember it!

After Che Yali's words reached this point, Jiang Meixiang stopped trying to persuade her. She also thought of giving it a try. Anyway, her life had reached its lowest point. What would happen if it fell further?

I think she has been envied by others as a proud daughter of heaven since she was a child, but now? It's true that a fallen phoenix is ​​worse than a chicken. Even Zhang Jun, who has been chasing her like a pug, dared to dump her! She was puzzled as to why she couldn't reach high places. Originally, when her parents were not divorced, when her father was still the county magistrate, he was able to reach high places. Now that her parents are divorced, her father has been reduced to an ordinary clerk. Well, he can't reach that high, but it's really hilarious!

The relationship with her grandfather has expired, and the relationship with her father has gone away in an instant. Now even if her father wants to help her, he is unable to do so. {}

Now that my mother has found a new way, why not take a gamble? Besides, even if she really loses, she will not be implicated...

Thinking like this, Jiang Meixiang felt better instantly. However, through this incident, she also understood a truth. If she had excellent skills, she would not be optimized to the workshop. Therefore, the most important thing for her was The best thing is to seize the time to review and strive to become an official college student in the fall!

Thinking of this, she felt a little depressed again. Originally, Lin Chuxia was not as good as her in everything, but now she was better, everything was better than her.

Based on this, she should also support her mother to defeat Zhao Yulan and Lin Baohe. Then, let's see if Lin Chuxia can still live such a happy life!

Hum hum, if she knew that her father was having affairs with other women and divorcing her mother, she wouldn't believe that the Zhou family could still like Lin Chuxia as their daughter-in-law!

"Haha..." The more she thought about it, the more excited she became. In fact, the sad look of Chu Xia with tears on her face immediately appeared in front of her eyes, and she laughed unconsciously.

"Why are you so happy?" Looking at her daughter, Che Yali was speechless, "You can read like a fool, you are really good at it."

"No..." Jiang Meixiang turned back and smiled at Che Yali, "I was happy just thinking about Lin Chuxia's suffering. Mom, I also think you did the right thing.

The fact that they can let us live in this house shows that they are very capable. Moreover, the fact that they can investigate the affairs of the Lin family so clearly is even more extraordinary.

We live here, and we don’t all know everything. We are so far away, but we know everything. Mom, you are right, we are really going to be lucky this time.


"That goes without saying..." Che Yali said with a proud look on her face, "She agreed. After the matter is completed, your father and I will remarry and write a promise never to divorce, and then your father will be reinstated.

If your dad doesn't know what's going on, there's no need to be a junior clerk. I'll ask him to go back to his hometown and farm on his back! I see no matter how he flirts with that little bitch! "

"Mom, I really want to talk to you about this. You obviously have my dad in your heart and still want to be with him, so don't always be rude to him and quarrel every time you see him.

Yes, he was in his grandfather's favor back then, but now he is no longer in his grandfather's favor. Is it possible for you to want him to know?

What he sees now is only what is in front of him. It is the stupidest thing for you to settle old scores. Just make a promise to him about the future and be gentle to him.

When the time comes, you can see whether my dad is close to you or to that Liu Guifen. Just by hearing that name, Liu Guifen is quite vulgar.

A widow whose man died has a child with her, and she doesn't even urinate to look after herself. How could my dad like her?

My father is very fond of her now, just because she can help with washing clothes and cooking. To put it bluntly, he is using her as a free nanny. It’s a shame that she is still there! "

"Yes, that's what happened!" Che Yali immediately felt that her daughter was speaking to her heart, and slapped her on the thigh, "Just let her serve. Anyway, she will be the loser then, not me, my man. , she took care of me, I have to thank her, don’t you think so, my daughter?"

"Mom, stop saying such hypocritical things..." Liu Meijun stared at Che Yali speechlessly, "I can help with everything else, but not this. Mom, don't you think so?"

"Hey..." Che Yali also sighed quietly, "I think I was also a respected master by everyone in the past. In the past six months, your father has been tormented by me, and I am almost like a small citizen."

"We are ordinary citizens now..." Jiang Meixiang's face darkened as she thought of the various exclusions she suffered when she lived in her grandfather's house. "We are not even as good as ordinary citizens. If this house is repossessed, we will have no choice but to live back in our grandfather's house. "

"It's your father who killed a thousand people. If he hadn't returned the house, how could our mother and I have ended up like this..." Che Yali sighed with a wry smile. Che Yali's eyes were full of desolation, "Speaking of which, mom is still a bitch. , knowing clearly that your dad did this just to break up with mom, but mom still misses him, not only wants to be with him, but also wants to reinstate him in office, and not let anyone laugh, hey, woman ah……"

After hesitating, Jiang Meixiang asked: "What if dad still doesn't get back together with mom?"

"Then he will go farming."

"Mom, the relationship between you and Dad is not actually a real relationship. You see, the prerequisite for you to give it to him is that he must give it to you.

True love should be selfless. Since mom can't be selfless, she can't force dad to be selfless, right? "

"Are you my mother's daughter?" Che Yali frowned and looked at her daughter with a look of displeasure.

"It is precisely because I am my daughter that I give my mother a realistic analysis. In this way, I can make my mother less resentful and avoid losing her mind and regretting it in the future."

After being silent for a long time, Che Yali looked at her daughter: "Meixiang, you are better than mom. When mom was young, she was not as good as you in being able to hold things up and put them down.

In fact, looking back now and thinking about it, if I didn't marry your dad, my mom might have married a better man. Your dad actually doesn't care about love.

It is impossible for a man who is not affectionate to truly cherish his wife and children. Your grandma reminded her back then, but my mother couldn't listen.

You are really better than mom. As long as the other party shows some signs, you can really break it off without getting entangled. You can take it up and let it go. In fact, you are like your dad. "

Does this mean that I am as unloving as my father? Jiang Meixiang looked at her mother with a dark look and stopped talking. In fact, her mother was right. If her mother could not provide her with a place to live and bring her hope, she would probably have gone to find her father long ago, right?

Here the mother and daughter were waiting excitedly and tangledly, while over there, Zhou Mikang had already gone to Ye Zhai.

Since returning to City A, Ye Meiru has been living in the old house of the Ye family. Although there was some commotion in the air, Mr. Ye was still reluctant to let her move out in the end. After all, she was his granddaughter, and she had had a miscarriage. No matter how angry he is, he can't ignore her health and be indifferent to her.

"Xiao Mi?" Mr. Ye was very happy to see Zhou Mikang. For him, this was really a rare visitor. Although the two families had resumed contact, he mostly went to the Zhou family and the Zhou family never came. Zhou Mikang is considered the first.

"Grandpa, I have something to tell you..." Zhou Mikang looked at Mr. Ye seriously, "Can we go to the study to talk?"

"Okay." Mr. Ye stood up and waved to Mrs. Ye and his daughter-in-law Qiang Yuxian, who were looking over, "Instruct the kitchen to start cooking, and let Xiaomi eat at home at noon."

"No, I'll leave as soon as I finish." Zhou Mikang refused without thinking, and looking at his face, you could tell that what he said was not polite.

"You..." Mr. Ye shook his head helplessly and led the way to the study.

"This kid is getting more and more arrogant..." Mrs. Ye muttered dissatisfiedly, "How many of you can make your dad keep food?"

"Mom, maybe something is really wrong with him." Qiang Yuxian hurriedly smoothed things over. She didn't dare to follow her mother-in-law's wishes. If it got to her father-in-law's ears, she would really be devastated and go away.

Ten minutes later, Zhou Mikang came out of the study, nodded to his mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and quickly disappeared.

Old Mrs. Ye was stunned for a while, then hurriedly went to knock on the door of the study: "Old Ye, what are you doing in there, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Mr. Ye responded, his voice full of exhaustion. A biting dog doesn't bark. This is his biggest feeling now.

In the evening, Ye Meiru came home on time after work as usual. When she entered the door, she greeted her grandmother and mother with a smile, and then took the initiative to run to the kitchen to help.

During this period of time, she seemed to have changed as a person. Mr. Ye once thought that she really knew she was wrong, but he didn't know... Looking at the busy figure with complicated eyes, Mr. Ye finally made up his mind.

Qiang Yuxian had been observing the old man's expression, and she was very worried. After Zhou Mikang left, the old man stayed in the study for an hour before coming out. Although she didn't say anything after coming out, she felt inexplicably panic. Now , she was almost certain that what Zhou Mikang came to talk about was related to her daughter, so...

When the old man wasn't paying attention, Qiang Yuxian walked up to her daughter and whispered: "Grandpa may know, you have to be mentally prepared."

Ye Meiru's body trembled imperceptibly, and she said softly "Hmm".

In fact, she had thought of this day for a long time, but even if she knew it, she couldn't help but want to do it. Some things are like this. She knew it was like a moth flying to the flame, but she still had to pounce on it and give it a try. It's life, everyone settles in with their destiny...

Mrs. Ye, who was sitting next to Mr. Ye, sighed quietly. People are really smart but they are fooled by their cleverness. How could those little tricks deceive the old man with piercing eyes?

"Old man..." When the old man's eyes touched her, the old lady swallowed back what she said. She knew it was useless, so why did she say it? It just adds to the worries. rs

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