First Marriage Then Love (Mr. Mayor Please Be Kind)

Chapter 803: The Bitter Meat Scheme


One update.


Nothing could be seen on the surface, but Ye Meiru was already panicking. Even though she had been mentally prepared, she still couldn't control her emotions at this time.

Looking at the soup pot that had just been turned off on the gas stove, she gritted her teeth and reached out to pick it up, "Ah!..." "Bang!..."


The cracking screams and Jin Ma's screams sounded almost at the same time. Qiang Yuxian quickly got up and ran to the kitchen. Mrs. Ye sighed, got up and followed.

Ye Meiru held up her hands and inhaled in pain. There were broken pieces of porcelain on the ground, and there were steaming soup stains on her trouser legs and shoes. When she saw Qiang Yuxian and Mrs. Ye, she suddenly He explained with an aggrieved face: "I forgot to wear gloves and went to pick it up..."

Qiang Yuxian stepped forward and took her daughter's hand to look at it, her eyes were red: "You kid, how can you forget something? Look at these hands, the skin is cooked!" She squatted down and just lifted her trouser legs, she was shocked again. I have to let it go. "The skin and flesh are separated. Go into the house and lie down quickly. Mom calls the doctor to handle it. You said you are a girl, why are you so careless? What if you get a scar on your calf?" , how ugly?”

Old Mrs. Ye also saw the way the leather was sticking to her trouser legs, and said hurriedly: "Yuxian, stop being so wordy, help Meiru into the house quickly, I'll call Doctor Xiao Song and ask her to give her the medicine passed down from her family's ancestors." Get the burn ointment.”

Looking at his wife and daughter-in-law who were busy together, Mr. Ye sat on the sofa without moving. If he couldn't see through this little trick, then his life would be in vain.

However, Qi Guiqi, he will not stop him from seeing a doctor. After all, he is his own granddaughter. However, after seeing a doctor, he still has to face things that should be faced. This time , he will not relent no matter what he says.

Song Yanqi was having dinner at home when she was called over by Mrs. Ye.

Ye Meiru had huge blisters on the skin on her legs and feet, so Song Yanqi used scissors to cut off her trouser legs, applied ointment, and warned: "Don't get it wet, and don't rub the blisters." Once it’s broken, it’ll be almost healed in about seven days.”

"It won't leave any scars, will it?" Qiang Yuxian asked with a worried look.

"As long as the blisters can't be broken, there will definitely be no scars..." After hesitation, Song Yanqi looked at her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, "If something like this happens again in the future, it's far from the hospital and it takes time to wait for the doctor, so just use the best method. The simple method is to pour urine on it. Although it is a little dirty, the effect is very good. It will not leave scars and shorten the healing time. Of course, it must be without breaking the skin."

"Ugh..." After retching twice, Ye Meiru looked at Song Yanqi, "Is it... is there urine in the medicine you gave me?"

Song Yanqi looked at her lightly: "Yes, if you don't like it, just wash it off now."

"Why didn't you tell us earlier?" Ye Meiru stared at Song Yanqi angrily, "You did it on purpose. Otherwise, why did you wait until the medicine was finished before telling us?"

"The folk remedy I'm talking about is only for the first time you get burned. I'm telling you, it's because minor burns are common in life, and this one has the best effect. If it's too dirty, you can rinse it with light salt water constantly. However, The effect is definitely not as good as the previous method." Song Yanqi nodded to Mrs. Ye and Qiang Yuxian, "Grandma Ye, Aunt Ye, I will leave the ointment for you, just change it twice a day."


"don't want!"

Qiang Yuxian and Ye Meiru answered almost at the same time.

Song Yanqi took away the ointment in her hand and said, "Goodbye." After saying that, she turned around and left. She was willing to come to the door because of Mrs. Ye's respect. As for this woman, she wouldn't come even if I begged her, okay? I really think I am a dish,


"Yan Qi..." Qiang Yuxian chased after her with a flattering smile on her face, "Give the ointment to Auntie. Meiru is not in a good mood. Don't take the nonsense to heart."

Song Yanqi handed her the ointment, smiled at her, turned around and went downstairs.

Of course Qiang Yuxian didn't like Song Yanqi's attitude, but she had just used her, so she had to pretend to be grateful, so she suppressed her reluctance and followed her downstairs to see her off.

Mr. Ye was still sitting in the hall. When he saw Song Yanqi coming down, he smiled and waved.

"Grandpa Ye, what are your orders?" Song Yanqi asked with a smile.

"Is your old man in good health?"

Song Yanqi smiled and said: "My grandpa is in good health. He eats well and sleeps soundly. Look at his posture, he is stronger than me."

"Does Xiao Yanqi have a boyfriend?"

This topic was too big, and Song Yanqi was stunned for a moment before saying, "Grandpa, why are you asking about this? Does this have anything to do with me visiting a doctor?"

"Haha..." Mr. Ye laughed, "It has nothing to do with you coming to see a doctor. Grandpa just wants to make sure that if he meets someone suitable, he can introduce it to you."

"Grandpa, please don't worry about me. I haven't had dinner yet. Goodbye, grandpa." Song Yanqi said as she turned around and walked out. She just nodded lightly to Qiang Yuxian who was standing there.

"Dad, I'll go up and take a look at Meiru." Qiang Yuxian said with an ugly expression.

"What's there to see?" Mr. Ye glanced at the time, "Isn't the medicine ready?"


Mr. Ye interrupted her: "If you don't want to harm her, stop saying useless things."

Biting her lip, Qiang Yuxian responded with aggrieved expression: "Then I'll go up and call Mom and Mei Ru to come down for dinner."

Just when Ye Zhonghe came back, he frowned dissatisfied when he saw his wife's expression: "What's wrong with you? Who are you showing your face to with a bitter face all day long?"

"Zhonghe, Meiru's hands and feet were burned, as well as her calf. Yan Qi just came to take a look. This is the ointment left behind." Qiang Yuxian said while showing her husband the ointment in her hand.

"It's just a burn. You don't have to act like this, right?" Ye Zhonghe's expression softened a little, "It's nothing serious, right?"

"Well, it'll be fine if you rest for about a week, but you can't touch the water."

"Is the activity okay?"

"Okay, but you can't pop the blisters, or you'll leave scars."

"Then help her down to eat."


In response, Qiang Yuxian went upstairs.

Ye Zhonghe sat next to his father: "Dad, after all, she is Meiru's biological mother. It is inevitable that she will still feel sorry for her child. Don't be the same as her. I will let her change."

"Zhonghe..." Mr. Ye looked at his son with a calm expression, "Do you also think that I am too harsh on Meiru?"

"No." Ye Zhonghe quickly shook his head, "Mei Ru is already this age. If she is not stricter, her life will probably be ruined. Speaking of which, dad is already tolerant to her."

Sighing, Mr. Ye said: "Yes, you are tolerant enough. Okay, let's eat first. I will have something to say with you after dinner."

This dinner was extremely depressing.

Putting down his chopsticks, Mr. Ye looked at the group of people solemnly: "Come to the study room, I have something to tell you."

The expressions of several people became even more solemn.

There is a rule in the Ye family that they will only go to the study room to discuss important decisions. Moreover, such decisions must not be questioned or discussed.

Ye Meiru and Qiang Yuxian quickly looked at each other, and they saw deep worry in each other's eyes.

After several people sat down in the study, Mr. Ye first looked at Ye Zhonghe: "Do you know what I want to say?"

"I don't know." Ye Zhonghe looked confused. He really didn't know what his father was going to say. He had been trying to remember just now, but he really couldn't think of the reason.

Mr. Ye raised his eyebrows: "In other words, you don't know what the mother and daughter did?"

Ye Meiru and Qiang Yuxian's faces immediately turned pale.

Ye Zhonghe glanced at his mother and daughter in confusion, and his expression suddenly darkened: "Dad, what have they done? I don't have any objection to whatever you want to do."

"Is this something you have no objection to?" Mr. Ye looked at him indifferently, "Zhonghe, I have been living with you all these years. Although I didn't say it explicitly, Zhongliang and Zhongjun all know that the Ye family The next head of the family is you.

They both have no objection, but Miao Yanlei and Ai Yuehong are definitely not convinced. Whether it is your generation or your next generation, Zhongliang and Zhongjun are no worse than you.

Even if their current development is not as good as yours, but they are younger than you, they will not necessarily be inferior to you when they are your age, right? As for the next generation, there is no need to compare.

Meiru alone has brought shame to the Ye family. To be honest, it is because of Meiru's failure that I have not changed the choice of the head of the family. Otherwise, what position do you have in the Ye family?

But..." After a long sigh, Mr. Ye continued, "You have disappointed me so much. Do you think that as the head of the family, you only need to do your job well?

Your wife and daughter take advantage of your power to do things that are harmful to others, but you don’t even know it. You say, how stupid are you? "

Ye Zhonghe looked at his father blankly, not knowing what to say. To be honest, until now, he really didn't know what his wife and daughter had done behind his back.

"Dad...I...I was wrong." Qiang Yuxian stood up, her voice trembling, "I...I just feel sorry for Meiru. In fact...we didn't do anything, it's just...just..."

"Just what?" Mr. Ye looked at her with a cold face, "I never thought you were so confused. You have no bottom line in etiquette for the sake of a daughter who doesn't live up to expectations.

Not to mention that the Zhou family and the Ye family have been family friends for many years, even if they have an ordinary relationship with no friendship, would you have the nerve to do such a thing? In other words, how would you feel if someone used this method to deal with you? "

Ye Zhonghe glanced at his wife and daughter twice, and finally couldn't help but ask, "What did your father and mother do?" RS

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