One update. ,

Yu Tao looked at Zhou Xikang blankly. She did not expect that her husband would tell such a piece of news. As a woman, she instinctively wanted to scold the Mei family. However, the moment the words were about to be spoken, she felt that she could not be so arbitrary.

Although she didn't understand politics, she knew that her husband was holding back a burst of anger at this time. If she resisted, the consequences would be disastrous.

However, the reason why her husband is willing to tell her this is because he has absolute trust in her and wants her support. If she doesn't say anything, it will also hurt her husband's heart. Maybe in the future, she will no longer keep such private information. revealed his thoughts to her.

How to do it?

Looking at his wife's frown, Zhou Xikang regretted his unobtrusive words just now, and said quickly: "I shouldn't have said these things to make you upset, Tao'er, just take good care of your body and don't do anything else. After thinking about it, if our son is born with a wrinkled forehead, we will be in trouble."

Yu Tao looked at her husband angrily: "If I gave birth to a daughter, wouldn't you be particularly disappointed?" Since she didn't think about how to persuade her, she just pretended to be confused for now.

"Look at you..." Zhou Xikang looked at his wife funny, "Aren't you overthinking it? Didn't we say that sons and daughters are all the same? I just said that casually.

Besides, it would be even more troublesome if my daughter was born with a frown on her face. Girls love beauty, why should they hate us to death? Just thinking about this, I didn't dare to talk about my daughter. "

"Okay, I believe you for the time being..." Yu Tao glanced at him, with a smile on her lips. "If I find out that you lied, please imagine the consequences yourself."

"We are an old married couple. We are not afraid of the children laughing at us when we say something like this..." Zhou Xikang said while lying on his wife's abdomen. He softened his voice and said, "Baby, no matter you are a boy or a girl, daddy will like you."

The man's facial features were three-dimensional, his temperament was strong, and his black hair stood straight up. He spoke such gentle words, and the sun shone warmly on his body. Yu Tao felt that she was almost fainting with beauty...

The man who loves her. The man she loved, the child they both loved, a family of three, relying on each other and holding hands... Just thinking about it made her feel so happy, and the little haze that had just hung in her heart immediately disappeared.

She believed in this man, even if she was hit during this period, even if she had resentment in her heart. But as long as you give him time, he will definitely be able to adjust himself...

Of course, she also wanted to help him personally, but. She lives in an ordinary family and is really not good at this aspect of things.

So. Don't add to the chaos, don't add to the fire. Even if you are helping him?

He raised his head and touched his wife's eyes full of gentle smile. Zhou Xikang felt warm in his heart and simply sat next to her and hugged her: "Tao'er, it's great to have you."

"Really?" Yu Tao looked at him with a smile, "But I feel that I have given you too little feedback. Seeing that you are unhappy, I can only feel anxious. In fact..." After a pause, she said it. What I was thinking was, "Actually, I just wanted to persuade you, but I didn't know how to say it. I was afraid..."

"I know, I know..." Zhou Xikang interrupted her, "That's why I said it's great to have you. If you had echoed a few words when I complained just now, the resentment in my heart might be even greater. What would be the consequences in the end? It’s all possible, otherwise, a virtuous wife and a virtuous husband will bring few disasters, right?”

"Okay, I take what you said as a compliment. Just now I was still feeling guilty that I couldn't help you. Ever since I married you, there have always been messy things in my family that I have to help you with. I……"

Zhou Xikang interrupted her again: "We are an old married couple, why are we settling these old accounts again? Tao'er, that's your fault. I am your husband, and I should do whatever I do for you.

You are always so polite to me, do you consider me the person closest to you? Don't forget, I am the father of your child, and I am the one who wants to accompany you for the rest of your life. "

"Okay, I won't say it anymore." A smile appeared on Yu Tao's lips, "Besides, I'm just being polite to you casually, do you really take it seriously?"

Zhou Xikang: "..."

"With us, we can't be polite." After reacting, Zhou Xikang categorically retorted to his wife.

"Pour me some water, I'm thirsty." Yu Tao said.

Zhou Xikang quickly got up and poured water. It felt a little hot, so he took another cup and poured it before bringing it to his wife.

After taking a sip, Yu Tao put the cup aside and ordered again: "I don't want to drink water anymore. Peel me an apple. It needs to be sweet, watery, and no dough."

"Okay." Zhou Xikang responded. He picked a big red and bright apple from the fruit plate on the table and started peeling it. When he finished peeling it and handed it to his wife, Yu Tao shook her head again and placed it on the fruit plate with her chin. Pears: "I suddenly don't want to eat apples anymore, I want to eat this."

Zhou Xikang put the apple aside in a good-tempered manner: "Okay, I'll eat the apples later and peel the pears for you."

As a result, the pears were peeled, and Yu Tao said that what she wanted to eat was kiwi fruit.

There was no one in the room, so Zhou Xikang got up and walked out.

Yu Tao grabbed him and said, "Are you really going?"

Zhou Xikang said seriously: "If you want to eat, of course I have to get it for you."

"I'm just teasing you."

"I know."


Seeing his wife's speechless expression, Zhou Xikang laughed: "I just want to tell you with practical actions that what I said is definitely true. No matter how you order me, I will not be angry.

I am your husband, the only man who can let you do whatever you want without restraint, so you don't need to test me in this way in the future. No matter how much you go too far, I can accept it.

Tao'er, I know you sometimes envy Xiaomi's kindness to Chuxia, but you have to believe that I treat you the same way. It's just that Xiaomi and I have different personalities and different approaches.

My younger siblings are the most important to Xiaomi, and you are also the most important to me, so no matter what you hear or see at any time, as long as I don’t say it myself, don’t doubt my sincerity towards you. , okay? "

"Okay." Yu Tao nodded vigorously and hugged her husband. "I feel now that I am the happiest woman in the world. No matter what happens in the future, I will have nothing to regret."

"What are you saying to be dejected? Don't worry, things will get better and better in the future." Zhou Xikang glanced at the time and said, "I guess we've already prepared dinner. Let's go down."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a knock on the door, "Get down right away." Zhou Xikang answered as he pulled his wife out and walked out. When he opened the door, he saw Zhou Mikang standing at the door with an expressionless face, "I don't want to either. Sorry to bother you, but everyone is starving."

Are you afraid that your family will be hungry in early summer? Zhou Xikang thought so in his heart, but did not dare to say it out loud. He did not dare to provoke his younger brother's violent temper.

Besides, it was indeed his fault. He lost track of time while talking, "Didn't you just go back? Why are you back again?" Zhou Xikang asked doubtfully.

"Come here for a meeting." Zhou Mikang glanced at his brother, "Let's chat for a while."

"Okay." Zhou Xikang responded. He also hoped to sit down and have a peaceful chat with his brother.

Lin Yanqiu was particularly happy when her eldest son and younger son came to the capital. Zhongyi specially cooked a specialty dish that both sons loved, giving one a little bit at a time and a little bit at the other.

"Mom, please leave us alone and eat more yourself..." Zhou Xikang said with a smile, "Mom, you act like we are guests here."

"You two bastards, who thinks you are guests? Mom takes care of you so much because you are sensible and know how to take care of your wife. Do you really think Mom is feeling sorry for you?" Lin Yanqiu curled her lips as she spoke, " Stop dreaming."

"Yanqiu, why do I feel like your words are a little sour?" Old Mrs. Zhou looked at her daughter-in-law funny, "Don't explain it to me, I won't believe it if you explain it, because I was also from I have come this far, hahaha..."

The old lady's teasing made Lin Yanqiu blush. Well, she was indeed a little jealous. When had the two sons ever been so attentive to her? However, jealousy was jealousy, and she had no objection to her two daughters-in-law.

Therefore, Lin Yanqiu immediately explained to her two daughters-in-law: "Tao'er, Chu Xia, although part of what grandma said is true, mom is not dissatisfied with you at all.

Mom just thinks these two brats are too much. When I didn’t have a wife, they hung out with friends every day and didn’t say anything to me. Now that I have a wife, they still don’t say anything to me.

Oh, forget it, when you become mothers, you will understand on this day, people probably have to go through this process..." He looked at Old Mrs. Zhou, "right, Mom? "

"It's good to know." Mrs. Zhou smiled, "So now that you think about it, do you think I am a pretty good mother-in-law?"

Lin Yanqiu quickly expressed her position: "Mom, I know, I will learn from you."

"You guys, don't just laugh..." Old Mrs. Zhou looked at her grandchildren and daughters-in-law, "It's normal for mothers to have this idea. A child born in ten months of pregnancy will be full of feces and urine. I gave all my best things to my children, but in the end, I saw that I was not the most important person in their children's hearts. It was inevitable that I would be a little unbalanced.

However, some people can adjust this imbalance, while others cannot. This is the root cause of disagreements between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in many families. As a younger generation, we cannot take the contributions of our elders for granted. If we realize this, it is not too late to change from now on. "

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Several people nodded quickly, indicating that they had listened to the old lady's words.

"Grandma, after dinner, I want to go see grandpa." After hesitation, Chu Xia looked at Mrs. Zhou, "Although Uncle Wang sent the meal over, I still want to go and see it in person." (To be continued... ) ()

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