Second update.


As soon as lunch was ready, Mrs. Zhou arranged for Wang Zhongliang to send it there, so when Chu Xia and others were eating, Lin Baohe, Zhao Yulan and others were also eating.

Mr. Zhao lived in a single room. There was only one bed in the ward of about fifteen square meters, and there was also a table. Several people sat around and ate together, which made it feel a bit like home.

Mr. Zhao, who was leaning on the hospital bed, could only watch but could not eat, and swallowed his saliva unconsciously.

The old man has recovered relatively well. Except for his lack of mobility, everything else is much the same as before he got sick. He hasn't eaten for many days, so he will inevitably get greedy when he smells the fragrance.

When Chu Xia and Zhou Mikang pushed the door in, they happened to see the old man stretching his neck with a look on his face.

"Grandpa..." Chu Xia sat down next to the old man amusedly, "Want to eat?"

"Yes." The old man looked at his granddaughter with a smile, "Xia, can you ask grandpa if he can just have a bite of steamed buns? Grandpa smells the smell of steamed buns and thinks they taste better than anything else."

"Okay, I'll go ask for you." Although she knew that the eccentric old doctor would not give her a good look, Chu Xia still agreed because she didn't want her grandpa to be disappointed.

"Xiao Mi, didn't you leave this morning?" Looking at the son-in-law who followed him, Zhao Yulan looked puzzled. Lin Baohe also looked at him with a puzzled look. In his impression, the son-in-law was not a person who did not distinguish between public and private matters.

Zhou Mikang smiled and explained: "Just after I got back, I received a notice to come over for a meeting. I estimate that I will stay here for another three days."

"That's great." Zhao Yulan immediately smiled so hard that her son-in-law could spend every second with her daughter, which was what made her happiest.

"Mom, those who didn't know better thought he was your son..." Chu Xia, who walked to the door, couldn't help but tease her mother. Before Zhao Yulan could say anything, she quickly dodged out.

"This child..." Zhao Yulan muttered and saw Zhou Mikang sitting in front of her old father's bed. I started chatting with my old father, and I felt even happier.

If you don't regard your daughter as the most important person. How could my son-in-law be so patient with their big family? No matter what she heard or saw, she knew clearly that her daughter's choice could not be more correct.

As expected,

As soon as Chu Xia conveyed her grandfather's request, she was immediately scolded. The old doctor looked into her eyes and was about to get angry.

"Mr. Qi. I'm sorry, I was rude, please don't be angry." Chu Xia quickly apologized to the other party. Although she also felt that the old doctor Qi's reaction was a bit excessive, considering the other's age, she had better give in more. If the other party gets angry, it will really be her fault.

No wonder this old man's medical skills are not bad, but his reputation is not as good as Mr. Liang's, and he has such a bad temper. It's really unbearable for most people, but she also knows it. The more this kind of person is, the more dedicated he is to medical skills, and the more respectable he is.

Therefore, the slight dissatisfaction in my heart only popped up and then quickly disappeared without a trace.

"Okay..." Old Doctor Qi waved his hand to Chu Xia, "Remember, don't ask me such mentally retarded questions again. I'm a doctor. You have to listen to me on how to treat you. I won't tell you either. Nonsense, if you want the patient to be well, don’t mess around.”

"Yes, yes..." Chu Xia nodded like a fool, "I was wrong, I was wrong. It just made me feel bad to see my grandpa like that. In fact, I knew you wouldn't agree to me.

However, if I don't come over, I will have lied to grandpa. The old man is old and sick, so he will inevitably be sensitive and overthinking. I can't let grandpa think that we dislike him.

Mr. Qi, I...if I say this, can you understand my feelings and forgive me? If you are still angry, just scold me again to vent your anger, okay? "

Dr. Qi glanced at her unexpectedly: "How old are you?"


"Are you really old or not?"

"nominal age."

"You don't look like you are nineteen..." Qi Lao pointed to the chair opposite, "Sit down and I will take your pulse."

"Ah?" Chu Xia looked at the other party blankly, not understanding what this meant. Could it be that the other party thought there was something wrong with her brain?

Old Doctor Qi glared at her: "Ah, what, aren't you pregnant?"

"Oh oh oh..." Chu Xia hurriedly sat down and smiled mischievously, "Pregnant women all have low IQs, so you should stop being on the same level as me, hehe..."

Old Doctor Qi glanced at her lightly: "Don't make any noise."

Chu Xia, who was smiling shyly, quickly calmed down her expression and stretched out her wrist.

Rarely, a hint of smile flashed in Old Doctor Qi's eyes.

He put his hand on Chu Xia's left wrist and tried it, then motioned to switch to his right wrist. After taking the pulse, the old doctor nodded: "Yes, although your physical condition is a little lacking, it's not too bad. However, you are Twins, please pay more attention, I will give you a prescription, take it seriously for a month, it will be good for you."

Chu Xia quickly thanked her.

Old doctor Qi glared at her: "Taking medicine seriously is the best way to express gratitude. It's useless to say nothing."

"Yes, yes." Chu Xia nodded seriously, "Don't worry, I will strictly follow your instructions, and I will never be perfunctory. No matter how bad the drink is, I will persist, even if I hold my nose and drink it. .”

"It's not that serious..." A rare smile appeared on the corner of Dr. Qi's lips, "This medicine is mainly to replenish your body, and it should taste pretty good."

"Mr. Qi, your smile is so kind."

"Okay, take this and get some medicine." The old man's smile quickly faded, and he returned to his usual cold demeanor. He handed the order to Chu Xia and issued the eviction order.

Dr. Qi had become accustomed to this temperamental temperament in early summer, so he stood up and said goodbye with a smile, and said, "I will come to see you often."

Old Doctor Qi said nothing, but looking at the slightly raised corners of his lips, one could tell that he was very satisfied with Chu Xia's answer.

" this the prescription that Mr. Qi gave you?" Holding the medicine list handed to him by Chu Xia, Zhou Mikang looked shocked. To be honest, the chance of this look appearing on his face was too small, Chu Xia still The first time she saw it, she hesitated and said, "Mr. Qi definitely means well, I believe him."

"Of course you should believe him..." Sighing, Zhou Mikang looked at his wife, "Chu Xia, you may not know how precious this list is. Let me tell you this, this is what Mr. Qi has issued in the past fifteen years. The first list of traditional Chinese medicine.”


"At that time, because his family had been practicing Chinese medicine for generations, he was paraded on the streets with a sign. Mr. Qi's father and grandfather had always been respected doctors, but they could not bear the humiliation and died of serious illness one after another.

Later, Mr. Qi's family members died one after another, and in the end only he and his sister were left. For many years, the brother and sister depended on each other. Later, Mr. Long came to see him personally, and he came out to work in the hospital.

However, he refused to place an order for traditional Chinese medicine, either because those things in the past had left him with a mental shadow, or because he was afraid of being tricked by fate again. Anyway, no matter who asked, he refused to place an order again.

Like now, although he is also treated with traditional Chinese and Western medicine, it is limited to acupuncture and physical therapy. All the prescriptions prescribed are Western medicine prescriptions. Everyone thinks that his knot will never be untied in his lifetime.

In early summer, if grandpa and Mr. Long knew what happened today, they would be very, very happy. By the way, there is something I forgot to tell you. Grandpa and Dr. Qi are classmates. "

"I...I didn't do anything." Chu Xia glanced at the order in Zhou Mikang's hand, "I really didn't do anything. It was Dr. Qi who took the initiative to write the order. Really..."

Someone was a little confused and explained instinctively. Zhou Mixang smiled helplessly: "I didn't tell you what you did. I just want to say that you are really... God's favored child! Really, you don't know No matter how hard everyone has tried, it has no effect. I didn’t expect that it would become such a simple matter when I get here.”

"Maybe I'm more in tune with Mr. Qi's eyes?" Chu Xia blinked her big eyes and continued to guess, "Maybe I look like one of Mr. Qi's family members that he misses?"

"No." Zhou Mikang shook his head, "Actually, I can roughly guess that Mr. Qi is a true lover, and what he likes should be your frankness and lack of pretense.

Of course, it's not that other people are being frank, but their behavior is different when they ask for something and when they don't ask for anything. Most people, after being lectured by him, were either angry or too scared to speak.

So in many years, you should be the first one to make him feel that there is no fear and purpose, so he suddenly made such a decision.

No matter what, this is a good thing. I'll get the medicine right away..." As he said that, he took another deep look at his little wife, "Now, I feel much more relieved. "

Inexplicably, Chu Xia's heart froze. She understood what the other party meant. With Mr. Qi taking action, he wouldn't be so worried when he left... But leaving was a pain that couldn't be mentioned...

"Xia..." Old Mrs. Zhao held her granddaughter's hand with a happy face, "Xiao Mi said this, and grandma is now at ease. To be honest, grandma and grandpa have been happy since they knew you were pregnant with twins. I was worried again, but now I don’t have to worry, grandma absolutely believes what Xiaomi said about the child.”

"Well, Xiaomi is reliable and never tells lies." Mr. Zhao also agreed, "Now, I also believe that the doctor is not lying to me. Soon, I will be able to stand up and walk. Hehe, I can do it in the future." I take my great-grandchildren out for a walk, one in each hand, and I envy those old immortals in the dead village!"

Everyone: "..."

"What do you mean by doing that?" Mr. Zhao looked at his daughter and son-in-law dissatisfied, "Have you forgotten how the people in the village laughed at you before? I just want to smash their eyes. Huh, my daughter and my son-in-law, that's it. Lucky for you, I'll piss them off!~" (To be continued) ()

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