One update.


"Master..." Chu Xia sat next to Mr. Qi with a flattering smile, "I have read the information you gave me and I understand it thoroughly."

Glancing at Chu Xia unexpectedly, Mr. Qi finally had a slight smile in his eyes: "Okay, I will test you after dinner. If you pass, you will be the official disciple of my Qi family."

"When I said that I studied medicine to take care of my family, you said that no matter what mistakes I made, you always recognized me as your apprentice..." Chu Xia looked dissatisfied, "I'm sorry you always tease me. Where is your son?"

"Hehe...hehe..." Mr. Qi laughed a few times, and then hurriedly smoothed himself over, "It's all because of your anger, how could I forget such an important thing?"

"Why is Grandpa Wan so angry with you?" After finally seizing the opportunity, how could Chu Xia let it go, and looked at Mr. Qi curiously, "It's rare to see you so angry, and Grandpa Wan's character is not that good either. The kind that likes to choke people.”

Mr. Qi rolled his eyes at her: "I just like to choke people?"

Spreading her hands, Chu Xia looked at him innocently: "Master, whether you want to admit it or not, the fact is that your temper is worse than Grandpa Wan's..."

Chu Xia was speechless: "Master, it's not good for you to do this. If you don't follow your wishes, you will kill me. Is this a trick only children like?"

"You are getting bolder and bolder. Do you think of me as your master?"

"My words of advice are harsh to the ears. Master, don't you like the kind of person who talks sweetly and has a sharp sword?"

Mr. Qi: "..."

Mrs. Qi happened to come over. She saw the interaction between the two and asked her brother with a smile, "Does Zhao Laiyue feel that this apprentice is too right?" "

"Not bad..." Mr. Qi's sullen face finally calmed down, "I originally wanted to scare her, but why did you expose it?"

"You think you can scare her..." Old Mrs. Qi shook her head helplessly, "I think if you keep pretending, she will definitely scare you."

"How can I have the courage?" Chu Xia quickly distanced herself, "Auntie, even if you lend me courage, I don't dare to scare the master. However, I am not afraid of the master trying to scare me.

He promised me a long time ago that no matter what mistakes I make, he will not kick me out. Moreover, even if the master defaults on his debt, I am not afraid, and I still have you. "

"Master, are you jealous of me?"

"Don't flatter yourself, I'm just reminding you to recognize your position."

"Oh oh oh..." Chu Xia nodded repeatedly, "Don't worry, I can definitely recognize my position, and I will never be so narcissistic that I think I will be closer to me than you." After hesitating, she grinned. Laughing, "But Master, you are different from usual today. You can have a chat with me and my grandma before the food is ready."

"Humph!" The old man snorted coldly, stood up and left.

Chu Xia stuck out her tongue and said, "It's over. Master is really angry now."

"Don't pay attention to him..." Mrs. Qi sighed quietly, "He is just such a person. He seems to have a bad temper and doesn't treat anyone well. In fact, he is more affectionate than anyone else. After so many years, he still can't let go. , Alas, I don’t know if I can untie this knot in this life.”

"Hey..." Chu Xia also sighed, but she didn't know what to say. The reason why she was joking about poverty with Mr. Qi was that she hoped that the old man could take the initiative to face the past that he couldn't let go.

...People are like this. The more taboo something is, the harder it will be to get over it. When one day you can talk about it calmly, that is when the problem has been solved.

To solve the problem, you have to face it naturally. If you don't face it, you will never be able to solve it. But Mr. Qi is clearly still evading. She is a junior, and this is all she can do. It would be inappropriate to be more agitated. .

"It's okay, I've been here for so many years..." After a pause, Mrs. Qi added, "Looking at it from another perspective, it's a blessing to have someone you care about all the time in your life."

"That's right." What Chu Xia wanted to say in her heart was that it also depends on whether the other person is worth it, but when the words came to her lips, she unconsciously changed her words. Who doesn't understand the real truth?

"No matter whether the other person deserves it or not, it is worth it if you have good memories in your heart."

Being guessed about the central issue, Chu Xia smiled: "Auntie, you are so awesome. How do you know that I think so?"

Mrs. Qi looked at her funny, "Do you think I am really old and confused? Yes, I am comforting myself in disguise, but this is Yin Zhi's character. In order to make myself happy. Son, I can only use this method."

"Are you still here muttering about me?" Mr. Qi sat back again, staring at the two of them coldly and asked.

"What do you want to say?" Mrs. Qi looked at him with a smile, "Yin Zhi, in fact, everyone knows many things. Whether you cover it up or not, the result is the same."

Rarely, Mr. Qi's face turned red. After a moment, he coughed and said, "The meal is almost ready. Please help clear the table."

Since the old man didn't want to get into trouble on this topic, Chu Xia naturally didn't hesitate to continue asking questions, and happily pulled Mrs. Qi to stand up and go to help clear the table.

During dinner, Mrs. Qi asked the question that Sister-in-law Yin had been confused about before, asking everyone to guess the root reason why the brother and sister called them that.

Everyone is actually quite curious about this question. If they weren't afraid of any taboos in it, they would have asked it long ago. Sister-in-law Yin was just confused today and asked because she was in a hurry.

Now that Mrs. Qi had brought it up herself, everyone explained the reason that they had thought about countless times.

"Because the age gap is small, is it more affectionate to call him this way?" Zhao Yulan said first.

"No." Mrs. Qi shook her head, rejecting Zhao Yulan's guess.

"Ever since you were little, you have always called each other by name?" Lin Baohe guessed.


"In order to..." After hesitating, Mr. Wan said, "In order to have less gossip?"

Mr. Qi glared at him: "Speak more clearly."

"When you go out, address yourself like this. Others will treat you as husband and wife as a matter of course, and they won't talk nonsense. That's what I mean."

Mr. Wan said what he was hiding, and Mr. Qi snorted coldly: "The heart of a villain!"

Mr. Wan: "..." Well, he has offended this old brother today, so he should say less.

After being rejected one by one, everyone really couldn't think of any other reasons, so they looked at Mrs. Qi and asked for the answer to be announced.

The old lady laughed and said, "If you think about it again, it's not that complicated."

"Master, it's not because you called him old, is it?" Chu Xia said with an uncertain face. This idea kept flashing in her mind, but in principle, she felt that it was impossible.

"Hahaha..." Mrs. Qi laughed and patted Mr. Qi on the shoulder, "Look, I would say that your apprentice is doing a great job. Her understanding of you is absolutely amazing!"

Mr. Qi glared at his sister, then at Chu Xia: "Is that the image I have in your mind?"

..."No, no..." Chu Xia quickly shook her head, "My guess is that according to Chinese medicine, forgetting your age and maintaining a young mentality is the secret to longevity. You are a leader in this aspect. Do this. Of course it’s perfectly normal.”

Lying on her bed at night, Chu Xia was still congratulating herself for her quick wit. Unexpectedly, when she said that, Mr. Qi was not only no longer angry, but also happy and cheerful, and the exam after the meal did not embarrass her.

I felt happy for a while, and then thinking about the actual situation of Mr. Qi, I felt a little sorry for him.

A first love many years ago, an unworthy relationship, actually tied him up for the rest of his life. In fact, do you think he still likes his first love named Qiao Suyun now?

The answer is definitely no.

And the reason why he is so persistent is because his character is like this. If he identifies a person or something, he will give it his all. If he is hurt, he will remember it for a lifetime.

It's not that he has poor psychological endurance, he's just too dedicated. Even if he is betrayed, he will never make room for others in his heart.

All his memories are reserved for the person he once was.

Hey, this infatuated old man!

She can't help with anything else, so just study hard and strive to be a disciple that makes him proud one day...

While he was thinking wildly, Zhao Yulan opened the door and came in. She smiled at her daughter and said, "Your father has gone to Wan Lao's place."

"Then mother, please sleep with me." Chu Xia quickly moved in, "I haven't slept with mother for a long time. Today, let me review the feeling of being pampered by mother."

"When did Mom stop doting on you?" Zhao Yulan got on the bed and held her daughter in her arms dotingly, "Don't worry, Xiaomi will be fine. If she didn't call, it's probably because she hasn't heard the news yet. "

"I know, I'm not worried."

"I am your mother, how can I not know what you are thinking?" Zhao Yulan sighed helplessly, "Xia, Mom used to hope that you would be stronger and more independent, but now, you are strong and independent and it makes Mom feel bad.

If something happens, tell your mother. Even if she can't help you or solve it, your mother will discuss it with you and bear the burden together, as will your father.

Otherwise, what's the point of your father and me staying by your side? Do you think we two are just trying to enjoy happiness? Do you think your father and mother are like that? "R1152

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