Second update.


"Mom, I was wrong." Chu Xia quickly admitted her mistake to Zhao Yulan. She was really worried about Zhou Mixang these days. With his ability, it was impossible that he hadn't found out the real situation after so many days.

Either he was tripped up by something and couldn't help it, or the place where he stayed had no communication equipment, and there was no communication equipment. She almost didn't dare to think about it...

She has been trying to suppress her emotions and try to keep herself busy and not think about it, but people are emotional animals, how can they really control themselves so well?

She always felt that she was doing the right thing and could make her parents worry less, but in fact, how could the people who were really close to her not notice that she was absent-minded from time to time?

"Hey..." Zhao Yulan stroked her daughter's slightly frowned brow, "Xia, your father and I are also worried. Although grandma and grandpa didn't say it with their mouths, they were no less worried than us.

But we also know that nagging and struggling every day will not solve anything, but will make everyone's mood worse and worse. In your current situation, what you are most afraid of is being depressed.

You are a medical student yourself. Although you haven’t become a disciple yet, I believe you know as much as your mother about these things. Your mother knows that the requirements for you are a bit high, but you can’t help it. Who told you to become someone else right away? Where is your mother?

It's easier said than done. Even a mother can't really control herself when encountering this kind of thing. However, we can't just let our own tempers pass because of this.

You have to keep persuading yourself to only think about the good things..." After a pause, Zhao Yulan said, "When mother was pregnant with you, she also encountered a very, very bad thing. , you may be gone.

After thinking about it, I understood a truth. People always worry too much about their loved ones. They are obviously in danger, but they have to think about it very much. They are so panicked that they don't care about anything.

But when the incident is over, when you look back, you will realize that those worries were just to torment yourself and those close to you, and you still have no regrets. "

Of course Chu Xia understands what Zhao Yulan said. People are all like this. That's what they mean by saying things have nothing to do with themselves. You can worry about other people's affairs and sympathize with them, but that's not the case. You can be considerate. You can help others because of your worries and sympathy, but it is difficult to feel the same.

"Mom, what happened to you back then?" Chu Xia looked at Zhao Yulan and asked, she wanted to learn from the hardships her mother had gone through,

Find some courage.

"That was when I was six months pregnant with you. All the strong laborers in our village were sent to Zhangzhuang, two hundred miles away, to build the railway. You should know that the railways in many places pass through caves. What did your father do? That's the job.

The front leg of the blasting pipe was blown up, and your father and the others had to rush out to transport the stones. Your father was honest, and among the people sent there, the most dangerous jobs were assigned to him.

Mom was at home at the time, and she didn’t know that the work your father did was so dangerous. But suddenly one day, your grandfather Dagang came to our house in a panic, saying that something had happened to your father. When he went in to carry stones out, the cave It collapsed, burying more than a dozen of them inside.

More than half of the caves that had been opened were all blocked from the outside. After two days of digging, they still felt that the people must be gone before they could find the place where they were buried, so they sent telegrams to each village.

…One of the people buried in our village was your father and the other was Cui Jiagui. When the telegram came over, Cui Jiagui had been dug up. At that time, everyone felt that your father must be gone. I felt the same way. After the people who came to the house to comfort her left, my mother sat on the kang by herself all night.

When your grandpa and uncle came over after receiving the news the next day, they saw your mother sitting on the kang like a piece of wood. It was your grandpa who woke your mother up by scolding him, saying that if something happened to your father, your mother would die. , it can't save your father, but it will cost your life.

You probably listened to your grandpa's words, or you were frightened by your grandpa's loud voice. Anyway, you kicked your mother hard, and it was your kick that woke her up.

Mom decided at that time that no matter what happened to your father, Mom could not do anything sorry for you. Mom must think about you all your life and let you live healthily.

People are like this. When you think about it, things are really different. I am also worried about your father, but what I want more is to protect myself and you well. When your father comes back, I won't blame your mother.

As a result, you naturally thought of it. Two days later, the telegram came again, saying that your father and four other people were found. They were all fine, but they were just hungry.

After your father came back, he told your mother what happened that day. He said that he and five other people in the town had been carrying stones out of the cave. Cui Jiagui also went to the cave to carry stones that day. He heard that the leader that day If I want to go, I just want to perform well.

Wanting to perform well in front of the leader, he never walked into the cave. He only picked up some small stones outside and carried them outside. In this way, when the leader came, he could rush out first and leave a good impression on the leader. .

As a result, when the cave collapsed, it just crushed him. Your father and the others had feelings because they had been working in the cave. One of them, who had experience, had already said that every time We always have five people together, so that if something happens, we can help each other.

It was also because of his experience that when the cave shook, he took the big guys and hid in a small concave corner that had not been exploded. The stone almost pressed down against their backs.

That place happens to be a seam, and it is breathable from above. Otherwise, even if they are not crushed to death, they will be suffocated to death. Anyway, your father touched the nose of Lord Yama that time. "

"Mom..." Chu Xia patted her chest with some fear, and asked, "What will dad and the others eat and drink? They won't be able to survive so many days with just perseverance, right?"

"They all carried dry food and water bags with them. The experienced Uncle Li told them to do this. Uncle Li had worked in the coal mine before and said that they were always prepared when mining.

Fortunately, those who were sent there were all honest people. They would not refute anything he said and would just do as he said. Otherwise, his life might not have been saved.

At that time, it is quite useful to have a few solid companions. In the past, your father always wrote letters to Uncle Li. Later, the letters were returned, saying that his family didn’t know where to move. went.

Your father thought about his life-saving grace and went to find him specially, only to find out that his family was suddenly transferred to Xinjiang and left in a hurry without leaving any news. "

"Maybe we can meet again if we have a chance in the future."

"Yes." Zhao Yulan nodded, "That's what I told your father. To be honest, your Uncle Li is the savior of our family. When you were young, your father still wanted to wait until you grew up. I asked you to be your Uncle Li's daughter-in-law. Later, there was no news about him, and the matter was never mentioned again."

"Mom, I realized that you promised me many families..." Chu Xia laughed helplessly, "Are Mom and Dad afraid that I won't be able to get married since they gave birth to me?"

…"You have wronged your mother. Your mother and father arranged this for you so early because they were afraid that you would be offended by marrying to an inappropriate family. You have never seen your Uncle Li's family, your fat aunt and uncle Gangshun." You've seen them before, it's not like you don't know their personalities. If you really want to be his wife, you won't be angry with your parents-in-law, right?"

"I'm not angry with my parents-in-law anymore."

"This means that my daughter's life is good." Zhao Yulan rubbed her daughter's head dotingly, "Looking back now, Mom also feels that worrying about your father is a bit unnecessary, but, just like this, Mom and Dad will still I can't help but worry about this and that for you. When you become a mother yourself, you will understand what my mother said."

"Of course I understand, but..." Chu Xia raised her head and looked at her mother with a smile, "But what I know more clearly is that my greatest blessing is to be my mother's child.

Look at the children in our village who don’t envy me whether they are raising daughters or sons? Although they said that my mother and father spoiled me rotten and no one cared about me, I knew that they were jealous in their hearts.

If they could use it, they would definitely take dad and mom home, so if we can get better and better, it must be because God was moved by dad and mom. "

"My silly girl..." Zhao Yulan wiped the corners of her eyes and choked out, "With your words, even if my mother dies now, it won't be a loss."

"Mom, I have to tell you about this..." Chu Xia looked serious, "You always make this mistake. When you get excited, you say that you are not shaken now that you are dead.

I am not superstitious, and I am not saying that I must not say these things, but when I heard my mother say this, I felt uncomfortable. I want my father and mother to live to be a hundred years old and to stay with me all the time. "

"Okay, mother and your father work hard. If you can live a hundred, you can live a hundred, if you can live two hundred, you can live two hundred."

Early summer: "..."

Realizing that what she said was a bit outrageous, Zhao Yulan smiled sheepishly: "I'm just making an analogy. I'm not a god. How could I live to such an old age? Besides, if I really lived to that age, I would probably be confused. If you don’t know who you are anymore, won’t you become a burden to the younger generation? Don’t worry, mom and dad won’t be so selfish.”

Chu Xia: "..." She was really defeated by her mother. R1152

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