The third update has arrived.


Time wandered forward for another week, and there was still no news from Zhou Mikang. However, because of Zhao Yulan's persuasion and her own conscious mediation, her mood was better than before.

And in her opinion, on the other hand, no news is also the best news.

Of course, when the Zhou family called her, she always opened her ears and tried hard to discern the other person's emotions. It felt like the Zhou family didn't deliberately hide anything from her.

As Zhou Jingping, she would be the first to get news about some things. Since there has been no movement so far, it means that her guess is correct. Thinking of this, she feels more at ease.

After Mr. Wan moved out, Qian Yan was notified in early summer. In the air, Qian Yan went to Mr. Wan's place once. For the first time, the grandfather and grandson talked calmly for more than an hour.

After that, Mr. Wan's mood was obviously much better than before. He suddenly moved out of the Lin family and Sister Yin was not around. It was strange that he was in a good mood after having adapted to the lively life.

Although Lin Baohe would go over to accompany him every night, the feeling was different from before, and there was still an unavoidable feeling of emptiness in his heart.

Fortunately, things are going in the direction he expected, which is worth it.

When Mr. Qi saw that Mr. Wan's nose was getting worse and worse, he was originally scheduled to live at Wan's house, while Aunt Yin and Mrs. Qi kept company. However, because he didn't like to see Mr. Wan so much, he simply stayed at Chuxia's house. , and don’t go to keep company with Mr. Wan.

One day Zhao Yulan even worriedly asked Chu Xia if Mr. Qi had fallen in love with Mrs. Yin because of his fierce reaction. Embarrassing~

After Wan Yuqiong learned what her father had done, she was both moved and sad.

She didn't expect that she would break her father's heart so many times, but as soon as he knew the truth, his father would give up everything and wait for her return.

However, if she had known that this would be the outcome today, what would be the point of what she had done?

Qian Jianbing doesn't know what's going on these days, but he suddenly goes home very often. He used to go home once or twice a week, but now he's basically at home every day.

Although his attitude towards her was not very good, he did not punch or kick her or speak harshly to his daughter like before.

This even gave her some illusions about their marriage. If her husband could change his mind and treat her and her daughter well, she certainly didn't want to return to her father and cause trouble for him.

Unfortunately, her luck didn't last long before it was shattered - when she came home from get off work, she actually saw her husband and her husband's female colleague sitting on the sofa hugging each other.

" are so bullying!" Even if she was extremely disappointed with this marriage, she couldn't calm down when she saw this kind of thing. After all, she was still the rightful wife of the other party.

Qian Jianbing let go of the woman in his arms and looked at her calmly: "Why did I bully you? I have fed you well and fed you for so many years, what else do you want?"

"I... am your wife..." Wan Yuqiong bit her lip, holding back her tears, straightening her back and looking at the two of them, "If you really want to be with her, then... too It shouldn’t be now!”

"I'm here to inform you right now. Take your things and get out of my house immediately..." Qian Jianbing smiled lightly, "By the way, there's something I forgot to tell you. Yao Xinqing is my first love. , the reason why we couldn't be together back then was because of your ruthless actions to steal love, so if we really talk about it, you are the saboteur who destroys other people's relationships!"

She had thought of this kind of scene many times, so Wan Yuqiong's expression soon calmed down. She glanced at the two of them lightly and sat across from them: "Don't use this as an excuse. , I was with you back then,

It was you who took the initiative, not me, but it was you who changed later, and I kept insisting.

To be honest, after all these years, your back and forth has made me tired, so if I really want a divorce, I won't pester you, but I hope we can have a serious talk.

In any case, we have been husband and wife for more than 20 years. No matter how emotional we are, we are still much better than ordinary friends, right? So, I just want to know what is the reason for your recent series of changes.

As long as you are willing to clear up my doubts, I can move out of this home immediately, and I will never disturb or affect your lives in the future. "

"There's nothing to explain. I'm just tired of you and am teasing you." Qian Jianming spread his hands at her, "In other words, I want to see if you, a silly woman, still don't give up on me. Facts have proved that I still Very charming.”

"You're a man, so don't hide it, okay?" Wan Yuqiong sighed and looked at Yao Xinqing, "You are over forty this year, right?"

"What does this have to do with you?" Yao Xinqing's face turned red instantly. For a forty-five-year-old unmarried girl, this was her most taboo thing!

"It has nothing to do with me. I just want to remind Qian Jianbing that you probably won't be able to give birth to a boy and a girl for him. Then, he cannot abandon my daughter and my son."

"Take my daughter away, and my son will belong to me." Qian Jianbing looked at Wan Yuqiong with a calm expression, "There is no need to humiliate Xinqing in this way, she is not married now because she is waiting for me.

You always thought that you were the best woman to me in the world. In fact, the woman who was really good to me was Xinqing. Even though she broke up with her for you, she never gave up on me.

Later, I did find a way to solve her job, but she didn't take advantage of her because she was close to me. Instead, she paid more attention. What she was most afraid of was affecting my future.

If it weren't for this, she could have given birth to a son for me. Wan Yuqiong, compared to her, you are just a selfish woman! "

"Then why didn't you divorce me and marry her before?" Wan Yuqiong looked at him expressionlessly, "If you want to divorce me, I can't help it. You know this."

"I just want to marry her now, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Wan Yuqiong stood up, "Okay, looking at your current attitude, I decided not to ask any more. If possible, let's go through the divorce procedures now." She glanced at the time, "I'm going to You should hurry up when you go to your workplace to get the certificate issued. As long as we both work quickly, there should be no problem in getting it done today.

Then, I will take my luggage away as soon as possible. From now on, I will never step foot in this door again. Don't worry, I am definitely not doing this to delay time. I just don't want to move out today and have to face you in the future. "

"You were looking at me affectionately two days ago, and now you have this attitude in the blink of an eye? Wan Yuqiong, you are really a woman who is ruthless to the core and pretends to be right down to the core!"

"Do you have feelings for me?" Wan Yuqiong snorted coldly, "Why should I have feelings for a man who doesn't care about my feelings at all?"

"Because your father is willing to take you in, you are so bold?" Qian Jianbing curled his lips in a funny voice, "Wan Yuqiong, don't forget, your father can't be your man..."


Before Qian Jianbing could finish his words, there was already a slap mark on his face. Wan Yuqiong's speed was too fast, and he was not prepared at all, so he received this slap firmly.

When she came to consciousness, Wan Yuqiong stretched her head in front of him: "Fight back. If you want me to make trouble for you today, just fight back!"

The palm that had been raised was hanging in the air.

The reason why he brought Yao Xinqing home so unscrupulously was that he clearly knew Wan Yuqiong's character. If she could endure it, it would save her face. Therefore, if he brought Yao Xinqing back and slapped her in the face like this, there were only two outcomes. , first, beg him to continue to maintain the name of husband and wife with her, second, muffled divorce with him, which will never exist, and third, make the matter known to everyone.

However, Wan Yuqiong has now made it clear that if he dares to fight back, she will spread the word. He knows that she is definitely not joking.

How could he not understand her character after being married for so many years? As long as he said it, it meant that she would definitely do it.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Wan Yuqiong's face will naturally be disgraced after the quarrel breaks out, but of course he and Yao Xinqing are the most disgraced. Moreover, they will both lose their jobs. What will happen in the future? ?

Why did he dare to break the jar? Because he felt that he had no way to surrender, and Old Man Wan could not help him. Based on his observations for so many years, even if he and Wan Yuqiong separated, Old Man Wan would have no choice but to swallow his anger.

So, why should he wrong himself again? Originally, marrying her was a last resort after weighing the pros and cons. Later, she did get a lot of glory for it, but in recent years, it seems that it has only been a hindrance, right?

Nearly half of her life has passed. It would be unfair to Yao Xinqing if it continues like this. In any case, this woman has suffered a lot of gossip because of him, and it is time to give her a suitable status.

The divorce procedures were completed very quickly. As Wan Yuqiong said, everything was completed in the afternoon.

Holding the piece of paper with a different color, Wan Yuqiong couldn't explain how she felt in her heart. She once thought that this was the right choice for her, but in the end, after enduring it for a lifetime, she still got such a heartless piece of paper.

Anyway, I owe my father so much, it's time to make up for it.

After clearing her mind, she took only her and her daughter's clothes and left happily.

After her figure disappeared, Qian Jianming still looked in disbelief. He thought that the other party would agree, but he didn't expect that the other party would agree so quickly, without any nostalgia at all!

Yao Xinqing was very happy. She had been looking forward to it for more than 20 years, and her wish suddenly came true. Her happiness made her a little unreal. After being intoxicated with herself for a while, she took Qian Jianming's hand and discussed: "Tomorrow, let's go get the certificate." Is it okay to get married?" This R1152

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