One update.


"Go and get the marriage certificate tomorrow?" Qian Jianming frowned and looked at the smiling woman, "I just got the divorce certificate today. Do you think I'll get the marriage certificate tomorrow?"

"Why, we are really separated and can't bear to leave?" The smile on Yao Xinqing's face faded little by little. After being this man's lover for so many years, she knew him even better than he did himself.

"It's unreasonable..." Qian Jianming's face darkened, "You know whether I have feelings for her or not. Don't you feel guilty for saying such things?

If I really couldn't bear it, would this piece of paper be in my hand? He threw the divorce certificate in front of her and said, "Let's face it, no matter how much her father doesn't care about her, no matter where her identity is, as long as I'm with her, others will have some scruples."

And you? What else can I get from being with you besides being made fun of by others? Why did your parents and brother acquiesce when you and I were together these years? "

"Yes, my parents and my brother are greedy for money, and they have never regarded me as a true relative. All they want is to get something, and something more.

But you knew this before, and they cherished me even more because of their indifference to me. Why, I am still the same me, and my family is still the same family. Why can't you accept it all of a sudden?

Qian Jianming, after having been with you for so many years, do you think I am Wan Yuqiong and can’t tell which of your words are lies and which are the truth? What you are really unhappy about now is that Wan Yuqiong left you without any nostalgia. What you are unhappy about is that from now on, it is impossible to even dream about benefiting from her father!

Haha..." Yao Xinqing smiled sadly, "This can be regarded as my retribution. For so many years, I have been destroying other people's families, and I felt quite justified, but now, I have ended up like this.

Even if I get married to you, there will probably be another woman by your side in the near future, right? No matter what the identity of that woman is, I am sure that there must be such a person.

You have such a personality, eating from the bowl and looking at the pot, not wanting to miss anything. If you really guard one, you will feel that you have suffered a loss in your life. "

"Crazy!" Qian Jianming frowned and glared at her, turned around and entered the bedroom, slamming the door with a "bang" and locking it with a "click".

"Haha..." Yao Xinqing stared at the door and smiled stupidly, with tears and snot pouring out uncontrollably. She always thought that he was different from her, but now it seems that she is too narcissistic!

He was her first love, and she loved him so much. When she learned that he was going to marry Wan Yuqiong, her heart was broken, but she felt that what he said made sense.

His family is an ordinary family, and her family is one level lower than an ordinary family. If the two of them really get together, their money-grubbing parents and brother will kill them.

What he told her at that time was that he made such a choice and was sorry for her. He hoped that she could find a good home and live a life without worries about food and clothing.

And she refused without thinking, insisting that she just wanted to be with him.

So, he said, if she really felt that he had to do it, could he give her some time and wait until he was really able to take care of her before returning to her.

As a result, this so-called period of time was so long that she never imagined it!

At first, she really loved him and waited for him wholeheartedly.

Later, she was disappointed, sad, and wanted to break up with him. At that time, he didn't want to break up and said that if she gave him more time, he would definitely give her the life she wanted.

So, she believed him.

As she waited and waited, she gradually lost her patience. In fact, she secretly went on a blind date, but every time she compared them with him, she felt that none of them could compare with him.

So, in the end, she really waited for him to marry her.

After a long time, this kind of waiting became a habit, and she could turn a deaf ear to other people's gossip. As for her parents and brothers, as long as she could get money and food back, they wouldn't care whether she married or not.

In fact, they were particularly afraid of her getting married. If she really got married, it would be impossible to provide such great help to her family. If she didn't want her family to be her safe haven, she wouldn't be stupid enough to take everything home.

She also thought that perhaps she would spend her whole life waiting, so she accepted it, and that was probably her fate.

However, just when she could no longer see hope, something suddenly happened to his family, and his original high-ranking position was gone. Although it was much better than a grassroots family, it was different from before.

She was secretly happy.

This is her chance. She has always known what Qian Jianming has been in love with, and she also knows what kind of person Wan Yuqiong's father is. Therefore, this is an incident tailor-made for her. !

Sure enough, everything was as she expected. After not getting any help from the Wan family, Qian Jianming's patience with Wan Yuqiong reached its extreme. In fact, she and Qian Jianming would never be intimate in front of anyone. Today, Everything was done intentionally for Wan Yuqiong to see.

Of course, Qian Jianming came up with the idea, and she rejected it immediately. Although she was used to being with him over the years, she knew very well that it was immoral for her to do this, and it would be even worse if she really demonstrated in front of his wife. It’s immoral!

But he insisted on her doing this, saying that only in this way could he end his marriage that had long since become useless, and allow them to live a truly happy life of their own.

Then she believed it.

Then, she abandoned her principles and became a completely shameless bad woman.

The result... I didn't expect this result!

He has already begun to dislike her before she even sees her. It is almost foreseeable that even if she really marries him, she will probably end up like Wan Yuqiong before long, even worse than Wan Yuqiong. Worse.

Wan Yuqiong still has a father who loves her and a daughter who loves her. What about her? What does she have? If she can no longer bring benefits to her parents, brother and sister-in-law, they will definitely kick her out of the house as soon as possible!

No matter how she thought about it, she felt that she was now in a dead end.

The anxiety and anger that had been accumulated in her heart for many years burst out in an instant. She walked to the bedroom door in a few steps and banged the door hard: "Qian Jianming, come out!"

Qian Jianming in the room put the quilt over his head in boredom. In the past, he thought that Yao Xinqing and Wan Yuqiong were incomparable, but now it seems that women are all the same!

Originally, it was because he didn't pretend to be everywhere, but now it's a foregone conclusion, and his true nature is revealed. If this is really the case, why does he need to marry her?

She is already forty-five years old, and whether she can have a baby is a question. It seems that her daughter cannot be close to him, and her son has been protected by the old man and is not close to him at all...

Thinking about it this way, he felt that he was too impulsive to get divorced, and he hated Yao Xinqing even more in his heart. If she hadn't always pretended to be knowledgeable and reasonable, how could he have come to this point?

However, he is really too lazy to pay attention to her now, and he is too lazy to say a word to her. Even he himself doesn't know what this boredom is about. He was obviously fine before, but why did his feeling suddenly change completely?

His silence made Yao Xinqing even more angry, and he simply started to kick the door hard with his feet.

"Bang!" "Bang!"

The latch fell to the ground with the wood, and the door bounced hard and hit the wall. Qian Jianming, who was lying on the bed, got up in shock and looked at Yao Xinqing, who was standing at the door with his face deformed with anger. He said to her The boredom has reached an unbearable level, "Are you crazy? Get out of here!"

"Who are you telling to get out?" Yao Xinqing said through gritted teeth.

"You!" Qian Jianming stared at her straightly, "If you don't understand, I'll repeat it again, Yao Xinqing, get out of here and never come to me again, do you understand?!"

"I don't understand..." Taking a deep breath, trying to calm down his emotions, Yao Xinqing said word by word, "I just want to know why your attitude suddenly changed like this."

"My attitude has not changed, but your mentality has changed..." Qian Jianming looked at her lightly, "Have you ever yelled at me like this before? As long as I don't let you do something, you You will definitely do what I want.

But what about today? After Wan Yuqiong and I ended our relationship, you suddenly became a different person. Before you even got the certificate, you had already put yourself in that position.

Why can't I get along with Wan Yuqiong? Why should I divorce her? If what I want is this kind of marriage that is dictated by others, why bother?

Yao Xinqing, go back and think about it carefully. If you were just pretending before, then there is really no need for us to take our relationship further, lest in the end we not only fail to be husband and wife, but also become the biggest enemies.

If you are just too surprised and too happy to control it, I can understand it, but the premise is that when we get married in the future, your behavior must be the same as before.

Otherwise, let's stop here. No one should appear in anyone's life, and no one should be a drag on anyone. "

"Qian Jianming, can you say such heart-wrenching words? I have been waiting for more than twenty years, and what I got is your answer? In your opinion, my reasonableness is just a disguise?

It's not that I don't pretend, but since I'm going to be your wife..." Yao Xinqing choked and couldn't continue. She never thought that one day, she would have to explain such a thing, and she never thought that, Her understanding and tolerance for him over the years actually caused him to misunderstand him like this...

What he wants is not a wife, but an obedient puppet. It turns out that he has always been good to her because... she is his puppet, a puppet with no ideas of his own... R1152

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