One update.

When Lin Baohe opened the door, he was shocked by the scene in front of him. Wan Yuqiong hugged her daughter and started crying. Mr. Wan was also quietly wiping the corners of his eyes...

"Uncle Wan..." He called out hesitantly. Lin Baohe was neither advancing nor retreating. If you knew this was the case, he would have come later.

"Baohe, come here quickly..." Mr. Wan waved to him, "In terms of age, Yuqiong is two years older than you, so she is your sister..." Then he looked at Wan Yuqiong, "This has been the case this year. Baohe and his wife are accompanying me, no different from my own son and daughter-in-law."

"Brother Baohe..." Wan Yuqiong quickly wiped away her tears and stood up, smiling sheepishly at Lin Baohe, "I was always rude, I'm sorry."

The originally noble, cool and defiant woman suddenly admitted her mistake with red and swollen eyes. Lin Baohe was extremely uncomfortable. He was stunned for a while and said quickly: "Sister Wan, you...sit down quickly, don't...don't say such things."

"Bao He is right. We are now a family, let alone outsiders. The main thing is to get along well and help each other..." Mr. Wan pulled Lin Baohe to sit next to him, "Go back and tell Yulan, Let’s make dumplings to eat at noon tomorrow to celebrate family reunion.”

"Okay." Lin Baohe responded happily, looked at the time, stood up and said goodbye, "Uncle Wan, I'll go back then."

"Okay." Mr. Wan patted him on the shoulder, "I will tell you the details tomorrow when everyone is here. Go back and rest early. You have been suffering these days."

"Uncle Wan. Look, are you talking about things outside the home again?" Lin Baohe looked at him helplessly. "You also said that I am the same as your biological son. Is there any father and biological son who are so polite?"

"Okay, okay. I was wrong."

"Actually, you are right. If you are always polite to me, it means that I am not good enough. When one day, you can be rude to me without my request, it means that I am a godson. Really qualified.”

Wan Yuqiong unconsciously raised her head and glanced at Lin Baohe. To be honest, she had a bad impression of this man before. Honest and dull, like many ordinary people living at the bottom, he is definitely the most inconspicuous one in a crowd.

Therefore, she has always firmly believed that the reason why Lin Baohe and Zhao Yulan recognized their old man as their godfather was to get some benefits and increase their worth.

Only those who are willing to do their best will do their best. She had always thought so, so she felt very comfortable leaving her old man in the care of the other party. Based on their background,

Even if they recognized the Lin family. He also needs help, so they will definitely do their best to take care of their father.

But now. She suddenly wasn't sure about her previous thoughts.

This man is just a man of few words. But it's not dull, and. He seemed to be smarter than many people, and nothing he said made her feel offended at all.

"Dad, did you say that Aunt Wan and Qian Yan stayed at Grandpa Wan's place?" Chu Xia stared at her father with wide eyes. Because she had eaten too much at night, she and her mother decided to delay going back to the bedroom for half an hour. Unexpectedly, they went And the father who returned brought her such exciting news.

"Yes, how else can I come back?" Lin Baohe sat opposite his mother and daughter, "Looking at them, they must have solved the misunderstanding. Alas, Uncle Wan has finally been looking forward to this day."

"Hey!" Zhao Yulan sighed heavily, "Supposedly this is something worth being happy about, but I'm not happy at all. As parents, how can we not worry about our children?"

Zhao Yulan's words seemed to have no beginning or end, but both Chu Xia and Lin Baohe understood what she meant. Mr. Wan was naturally very happy to reconcile with his daughter.

However, once this period has passed, it's time to worry about her daughter's future happiness.

Although they still don't know what happened to Wan Yuqiong and Qian Jianming, they can tell from her previous actions that Qian Jianming doesn't like Wan Yuqiong and Wan Jianming when Mr. Wan doesn't help. The old man walked too close to me.

So, now that Wan Yuqiong suddenly reconciled with her father, either Mr. Wan agreed to help Qian Jianming, or Wan Yuqiong and Qian Jianming's marriage came to an end.

No matter what the reason is, Mr. Wan will be worried about Wan Yuqiong.

This is parents. No matter how old their children are, they are still children in their eyes. As long as their children do not have a good home, parents will always be worried.

Whether it was divorce or being taken advantage of, it showed that the relationship between Wan Yuqiong and Qian Jianming was not good, so after a short period of happiness, Mr. Wan would probably be more annoyed than before.

Thinking of this, Chu Xia also doubted whether his approach was correct. If he never knew the truth, Mr. Wan would be happier, right?

But that doesn't seem right either.

The family of three sighed silently for a while, then went back to their room to rest.

Zhao Yulan still wanted to accompany her daughter, but Chu Xia forcibly pushed her out: "Mom, you and dad are unhappy about Grandpa Wan's affairs. Let's talk for a while."

"Then I'll come over in a moment."

"No need." Chu Xia waved her hand, "What if mom comes in and wakes me up while I'm asleep? Mom, I'm not a child anymore. I'm not afraid of sleeping alone."

"Mom is worried..." Zhao Yulan's eyes fell on her daughter's bulging belly, "After all, it's inconvenient for you to be alone. It's not convenient for you to drink some water or use the toilet."

"Mom, you've been living with me for a few days. When did you see me get up in the middle of the night to drink water and go to the toilet?"

That's not true... Zhao Yulan looked at her daughter helplessly: "Okay, mom will listen to you and chat with your dad for a while. However, mom will come over to stay with you every day from now on. The months are getting older and older. You Mom is really worried about living alone."

"Mom..." Chu Xia rolled her eyes and grabbed Zhao Yulan, "I have an idea. Let Aunt Yin come and live with me, so that she won't feel awkward always living at Master's house."

"Well, this is a good idea..." Zhao Yulan agreed with her face, "Now that Uncle Wan and his daughter have reconciled, the marriage between him and Aunt Yin will be delayed for who knows how long.

We all know the situation at Sister-in-law Yin's house. It's impossible to go back to her parents' house. If she stays at Qi's house all the time, she will feel uncomfortable for a long time..." The more she talked about it, the more she liked her daughter's idea, so Zhao Yulan made up her mind. "I will talk to her about this tomorrow morning. When the matter between her and Uncle Wan comes to a clear conclusion, I will make the next step. "

"Okay, it's settled." Chu Xia waved her paw at Zhao Yulan and closed the door. After a while, she sighed heavily and climbed onto the bed to lie down. She felt that her legs were a little uncomfortable, so she put the two cubs on them. Legs bent.

As soon as she calmed down like this, she couldn't help but have random thoughts in her mind. She tried to calm down her mind, touched her belly and chatted with the babies: "Boss and second child, can you two hear your mother?"

Mom tells you that your father is a hero. He went to the most dangerous place for the sake of..." After a pause and a chuckle, she continued, "For the happiness and safety of countless people.

Mom is very worried about him, but she also knows that what he did is right. If he doesn't do what he should do just for our mothers, he will regret it for the rest of his life.

Mom also believes that Dad is only temporarily tied up, so he can't give us news. You have to believe that Dad loves us very much and will never abandon us.

It's hard for mom to be with you alone, so you have to be obedient and come into this world safely and give dad a surprise.

Of course, it is also possible that your father will come back when you are no longer successful. In that case, you can see your mother and father as soon as you open your eyes. Is this what you particularly hope for?

Let me tell you, my mother hopes so too. Although she usually looks very strong, in fact, she is just pretending. Sometimes she is very, very scared.

In this world, the best thing for your mother, apart from your grandparents, is your father. Without him by your side, your mother will not be able to handle many things.

So, you should pray with your mother so that your father is safe and sound. No matter when he comes back or when he gives us news, as long as he is safe and sound, that will be fine! …”

As if sensing her tangled mood, the two babies kicked her each, and she smiled helplessly: "You little bastards, you don't listen to your mother and you bully her. If you do this again, your mother won't like you anymore."

Outside the room, two black figures clinging to the wall quickly flashed out.

"Let's forget it. My sister-in-law's current situation is really not suitable for her to come forward."


"Just wait a few more days, maybe it will be OK."



When the two jumped over the wall, they alerted Wang Zhongliang, who was sleeping in the side room. He quickly got up and chased them out. When they were about to reach the gate of Medical University A, the two dark figures stopped.

"Uncle Wang, stop chasing, it's us."

"It's midnight, what are you doing here?" Wang Zhongliang knew who it was as soon as he heard it, and he said dissatisfied, "It's in the middle of the night, what if I startle the third young lady?"

"Don't worry, we won't disturb her..." Sighing, one of the dark figures came closer to him, "Uncle Wang, we don't want to hide it from you. Originally we planned to ask my sister-in-law for help, but... After hearing her communication with the baby, we gave up.”

"What help can you help?" Wang Zhongliang's voice was a little nervous, "Sang Qin, tell me, did something happen to the third young master? Otherwise, he would not have given any news to the third young master for so long. "

Sang Qin hesitated and nodded: "Yes, the teacher was injured and has been in coma for almost ten days. He is not out of danger yet. My sister-in-law's call is most effective for the teacher at this time, so..." (To be continued...)

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