Second update.

"So you came here to eavesdrop because you want the third young lady to go see the third young master?"

"Yes." Sang Qin nodded, "However, we have changed our decision temporarily. We should wait until the division commander is out of danger before we notify my sister-in-law. Otherwise, if she has an accident, it doesn't matter if the division commander blames us. The key is, The teacher will definitely feel guilty for the rest of his life."

"Well, this is the right thing to do." After a pause, Wang Zhongliang asked again, "How do you two know the news about the third young master? It seems that neither the wife nor the old lady know yet."

"My grandfather..." After a pause, Sang Qin said, "My grandfather is the teacher's attending physician. He said that the teacher's willpower is very strong, but he still needs a little external stimulation.

He inquired about the people around the teacher and felt that his sister-in-law's call would be most useful to him. He actually didn't know that I was the person left here by the teacher to protect his sister-in-law. He just knew that my sister-in-law and I were in the same school, so he asked me to do this. .

As for which elders of the Zhou family know about it, I'm not sure, but I am very sure that the Zhou family wants to hide it from my sister-in-law's family. Of course, they are doing it for my sister-in-law's own good, otherwise..." Sighing, she No more words were said.

"They are not so utilitarian, they are really worried about the third young master's health..." After thinking about it, Wang Zhongliang said, "The third young master's family is very worried about the third young master. Since your grandfather is the third young master's attending doctor, then , Could you please inquire more about the situation of the third young master? I will also discuss it with the elders of the Zhou family.

I'm afraid that it will be worse for the Third Young Mistress if she continues like this. She is quite smart. I should have guessed that the third young master had an accident, otherwise. It's definitely not like I haven't contacted her for so long.

And, before that. The third young master promised to inquire about the Qian family's affairs for the third young master, but suddenly there was no news. It is already very difficult for the third young master to endure until now and keep himself in such good condition. "

"We will."

Returning to the bedroom, Aunt Qin was sitting in the room waiting for Uncle Wang. Seeing him come in, she said with a worried look: "What happened? Was it a burglar or something?"

"It's okay..." Wang Zhongliang patted his wife comfortingly, "I just heard some noise and chased them out. It's Sang Qin and Zhao Meiyan. Go to sleep."

"What are they doing here so late?" Aunt Qin frowned, "Isn't their mission to protect the third young lady at school? You are here at home. What do they mean?"

"It's nothing, I'm just worried that the third young lady will come over to see me. There has been no news about the third young master.

They are also worried about the third young lady, and usually go to school to avoid suspicion. It’s not good for them to get too close to the Third Young Mistress, right? "

"Why do you think it doesn't make sense to me?" Aunt Qin simply sat up straight, "Even if it's not easy to get close to the Third Young Mistress at school, then why do you come here so late and say nothing? How about getting close?"

"You..." Wang Zhongliang looked at his wife helplessly, "Come here for a while. Why do you have to get to the bottom of it? I told you it's okay, so it must be okay."

"You are hiding something from me." Aunt Qin stared at her husband steadily, "That's what you are like. When you feel guilty, you start to be unreasonable. Forget it, I won't ask, just tell me clearly that they are right Third young lady doesn’t mean any harm, right?”


"Okay, that's okay. This is what you said. I believe it." Aunt Qin lay down and said, "Go to sleep, I have to get up early tomorrow."

Wang Zhongliang: "..." He said this as if he didn't want to sleep. If she hadn't kept asking questions, he would have gone to bed long ago, okay?

Early the next morning, Wan's doorbell rang quickly, and Wan Yuqiong, who was about to enter the kitchen, hurried to open the door.

"Why are you here?" Looking at Yao Xinqing, whose eyes were red and swollen and whose face was ugly, Wan Yuqiong's face also turned ugly, "I have already made way for you, what else do you want?"

"I don't want to do anything..." Yao Xinqing smiled sadly, and the hand behind his back suddenly swung forward. What he held in his hand was a big kitchen knife!

"Ah!" Unable to dodge, Wan Yuqiong's arm was slashed deeply. In a hurry, she didn't care too much and grabbed the large kitchen knife that was slashed at her with bare hands.

Thanks to Wan Yuqiong who has endured hardship all these years, she is stronger than ordinary women. Although her palm was almost cut off, she kicked Yao Xinqing out and the knife fell into her hand.

At this moment, Mr. Wan and Qian Yan had heard the sound and ran out. Seeing Wan Yuqiong covered in blood, Mr. Wan stepped forward and dragged his daughter behind him without thinking.

Just when Yao Xinqing struggled to get up, when he saw Mr. Wan, he hesitated and rushed forward. At this moment, Qian Yan had already taken the rolling pin and ran out, rounded his arms and hit Yao Xinqing.

Two against one, Yao Xinqing was quickly subdued. She was half paralyzed on the ground, squinting at her grandfather and grandson: "Kill me if you can, but kill me if you can? Whoever doesn't takes action will be the grandson!"

"You..." Qian Yan wanted to continue greeting her bitterly, but Mr. Wan stopped her, "Send your mother to the hospital first."

Qian Yan, who was overwhelmed by anger, came to her senses and hurriedly dialed 120. Then she quickly supported Wan Yuqiong, who had lost too much blood and looked pale: "Mom, hold on for a while, help me." The car will be here in a moment."

"I'm fine." Wan Yuqiong smiled at her daughter and looked at Yao Xinqing who was lying on the ground, "I've already given up my position to you, why do I have to do this?"

"Give it to me?" Yao Xinqing laughed maniacally, "You did it on purpose and acted generous, but it was just to make Qian Jianming never forget you and always remember you, and then you did what I did with you. The third party between him.

Let me tell you, your wishful thinking was wrong. Now he has gone to report to the Lord of Hell. Originally, I wanted you to be my companion on the road to hell. The three of us will continue to fight, you lose and I win.

Now it seems that he and I can only meet together. Wan Yuqiong, you lose, hahaha... No matter before or now, you have not got him, he will always be mine! "

"You are also pitiful..." Wan Yuqiong looked at her with pity, "Do you know why I didn't separate from him before? It's not that I couldn't let him go, it was that I didn't want to drag my father down. Of course, there is also a reason , because I don’t want my daughter to live in an unhealthy family.

But in fact, my daughter has been living in a dysfunctional family, and my persistence for so many years was meaningless. Now, I am very glad to have left him.

A woman's happiness is not pinned on men. First of all, you must have your own life, and then you can live better with others. Otherwise, you will become less and less important in the family, and eventually you will become a figure that is disliked by men. Trash-like stuff.

Now, I have figured it out, but you haven't figured it out yet, so I can start a new life of my own, but you have to pay the price for your confusion.

But, think about it, is it really worth ruining your life for such a man? "

"What you say now is so nice. Why were you so shameless in wanting to be with Qian Jianming? Do you think I don't know? This time you understood that Qian Jianming didn't want to be with you, and that's why you agreed to divorce him. .

It's just..." A deep bitterness flashed across Yao Xinqing's face, "It's just that I thought too simply. I thought that he and I have been in love for so many years, and if he had the chance, he would be with me regardless. hehe……"

Wan Yuqiong looked at her doubtfully: "When he can marry you, will he not marry you?"

"Yeah, he doesn't want to get married to me and wants to be with you again. Do you think a man is a bitch? When you treat him as a treasure, he treats you as an idiot. When you treat him as an idiot, he treats you like an idiot. And I treat you as a treasure..."

Wan Yuqiong did not expect such a result. Thinking of what Yao Xinqing had just said, she pushed Qian Yan hard, "Call 120 again, go to our house, your dad... your dad..."

"Oh oh oh..." In response, Qian Yan rushed to the phone.

"It's too late, he's already dead..." Yao Xinqing smiled happily, "Do you think I will give him such a chance?"

"Yao Xinqing, he said that you are the person who loves him the most in this world. It turns out that this is how you love him..." Wan Yuqiong shook her head speechlessly, "You have been with him for so many years and we are considered husband and wife. How can you do this?" Do you have to be so ruthless?

The key point is that I have divorced him and will never be with him again. You can actually kill him and kill me too. You... you are simply a psycho! "

"I am crazy, and I was stimulated by you. If you hadn't fought for love back then, I would have become his wife long ago. The two of us are together, living a down-to-earth life, and we will definitely be very happy now.

Everything I have was destroyed in your hands. The only thing I regret now is that I was too impatient and should have waited until you were alone before taking action! "

The ambulance and police car arrived at about the same time.

Naturally, the Chu Xia family not far away heard such a loud noise. By the time Wang Zhongliang ran over to visit, Wan Yuqiong had already been carried into the ambulance.

"Uncle Wan..."

Mr. Wan quickly interrupted him: "Zhongliang, you came just in time. Tell Yulan Baohe and the others that we can't have dinner together at noon. I'll talk to you in detail later."

"Wan Yuqiong was injured? There was another woman taken away by the police car?" Chu Xia looked at Wang Zhongliang with wide eyes, "Which hospital did they go to? Did you ask?"

"Go to the Beijing doctor." After Wang Zhongliang finished speaking, he added, "Wan Yuqiong looks seriously injured, but in fact, it is not a fatal injury. Don't worry, she can recover as before in a month at most." Same."

"That's good..." Chu Xia hurried to the dinner table, "Eat, eat, and go find Grandpa Wan as soon as you're done. What he needs most now is our company." (To be continued...)

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