One update.

Wan Yuqiong's injuries were all traumatic. They looked serious but not fatal. She was pushed out of the operating room an hour later. She was given local anesthesia and was conscious when she was pushed out. "Dad, Yanyan..." She looked at her eyes Se looked at her father and daughter anxiously, "How is Jian Ming doing?"

"Mom, I didn't dare to leave you for the surgery just now. I don't know dad's condition yet. When you enter the ward later, I will go and inquire about dad's condition right away."

Mr. Wan sighed secretly. At this time, his daughter is still thinking about his son-in-law, which means that she has true feelings for him. However, according to Yao Xinqing...

He wanted to comfort his daughter a few words, but felt that all the comfort at the moment was pale and meaningless, so he looked at his granddaughter and said, "Yanyan, I am here. Go and find out about your father."

Hearing what her father said, Wan Yuqiong looked at her daughter anxiously. She was very dizzy now and had no strength to speak. Otherwise, she would have urged her daughter just now.

"Okay." In response, Qian Yan ran away quickly. Although her father had never paid much attention to her and had done so many things that made her despise him, he was her biological father after all. When she was standing guard outside the operating room, she felt It's almost a mess.

"Dad..." After settling into the ward, Wan Yuqiong looked at Mr. Wan weakly, with a look of begging, "If it turns out that the injury is serious, you...can you trouble Mr. Qi?"

"Okay, I'm going to call Qi Yinzhi now." Mr. Wan patted his daughter gently, "You can stay here with peace of mind. Dad will do his best whatever he can."

Wan Yuqiong nodded gratefully. I felt drowsy for a moment, if I hadn't been thinking about Qian Jianming's situation. She couldn't hold it any longer.

Looking at his daughter who was almost asleep, Mr. Wan felt a dull pain in his heart. In fact, his daughter is very affectionate, and he really wronged her before.

The nurse happened to come in and saw Wan Yuqiong who was already sleeping. She breathed a sigh of relief: "I have finally fallen asleep. Dr. Qin said that he has never seen a patient who can stand up like this. He asked me to come over and take a look. If it doesn't work, I will force him to give up." The patient rests.”

Mr. Wan smiled gently at the little nurse: "Nurse Xiao Li, please look after her more. I'm going to do some errands and I'll be back in a moment."

"Okay, you can go ahead and do your work." The little nurse smiled sweetly at the old man, "This matter is within the scope of my responsibilities. I will definitely do it even if you don't tell me."

When the call was made to Mr. Qi's home, no one answered. He paused for two minutes and called again, but there was still no one. Mr. Wan sighed.

When he turned his head, he saw his granddaughter squatting in the corner outside the operator's room, huddled in a ball.

"Yanyan..." Mr. Wan walked over and patted Qian Yan on the shoulder. The other person raised his head, his face full of tears. "Grandpa..." Then he quickly stood up and threw himself into the old man's arms, choking up. "My dad..." He repeated it several times. She didn't even have the courage to tell what happened next.

How could Mr. Wan not know what the situation was like now, so he patted his granddaughter on the back. He murmured: "If I had known it, I wouldn't have been in a hurry to get your mother back. If I had known it, I really wouldn't have been in a hurry to get your mother back..."

"No... I don't blame grandpa..." She sniffed and tried to calm herself down, Qian Yan said, "If I don't let my mother come back early, the final result may be that I lose my mother and my father is with that woman.

In comparison, I would rather have this result. Grandpa, am I quite unfilial? My dad... just after my dad passed away, I would say something like this. If he heard it, he would definitely be very chilled, right? "

"No, he will think you are a sensible child. In fact..." After a pause, Mr. Wan said, "According to Yao Xinqing, your father has realized his mistakes after divorcing your mother.

Therefore, when he hears what you are saying now, not only will he not feel cold, but he will also feel very relieved when he leaves. In the future, he will not be disappointed if you will accompany your mother. "

"I don't understand how Yao Xinqing could be so cruel to my dad. She directly poisoned my dad..." Biting her lip and pausing for a while, Qian Yan said, "I called the police, and they said that they had already She notified Grandpa and told me not to go there yet, saying that she was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to bear it, saying that... she said that my dad died of bleeding on the floor of the room. How much hatred does this require? She wasn’t Did my dad's first love always love my dad? Looking at her current behavior, she is not a lover, she is clearly an enemy with a blood feud..."

"Her whole life has been spent on your dad. When your mom doesn't divorce your dad, she still has expectations. Sooner or later, your dad will divorce your mom and marry her.

I believe that your father has always promised her this. However, when all this became a foregone conclusion, she found that what she originally expected was not what she expected.

For her, being with your dad is everything to her. If it is shattered, it is the end of her life. The spiritual pillar that supports her to move forward is gone, and her whole person will naturally collapse.

A person can do anything when she has a mental breakdown. Moreover, when she killed your father, she did not intend to live alone. She just wanted to keep your mother as a companion. "

Qian Yan looked indignant: "What does it have to do with my mom? My mom is my dad's wife. She ruined my mom's happiness, but she wants to blame my mom. It's so unreasonable. No wonder my dad suddenly regretted it. Yes, she must have revealed her true colors, and my dad realized that he had been deceived by her all along, so he decided not to want her."

After hesitating for a moment, Mr. Wan still said: "Yanyan, you have to know that no matter what, it's your father's fault. He ended up in this situation because the punishment was too heavy. But people are like this. Whatever the reason, There must be some result.

If he hadn't dragged Yao Xinqing to wait for him all his life, hadn't made a promise to the other party, and suddenly changed his face, Yao Xinqing would never have made such a move.

In other words, if this matter had happened fifteen years ago, it would not have reached this point today. For Yao Xinqing, the best time in his life has been exhausted. If he and your father were separated like this, he would feel like this for the rest of his life. It's all wasted.

For my grandpa, being in his forties is still very young. However, for a woman who has just reached her forties and is not married, being in her forties is a very scary age.

She was afraid of facing old age and loneliness alone, afraid of seeing the other person abandon her and live a happy life of her own, so she would rather destroy everyone together.

She must have made a mistake in making such a move, but the most wrong thing was your father. He gave others hope, wasted their time, and finally wanted to be irresponsible. How is that possible? "

Qian Yan admitted that what her grandfather said was true.

If any man dared to hold her back for twenty years, she would definitely kill him to vent her hatred. As for whether she would kill the woman who had a relationship with that man, she did not have that experience herself and did not dare to draw any conclusions.

With a heavy sigh, Qian Yan looked at Mr. Wan: "But if mom knew that dad was gone like this, she would definitely not be able to accept it. When she and dad divorced, she was actually extremely disappointed. Now she knows that dad was still worried about her. He was killed just because he was looking at her, so she will definitely blame herself very much."

"We can only rely on our relatives to persuade her. This kind of thing happens when it happens. You can't hide it. When your mother asks you later, just tell her the truth. Otherwise, she will Dig into the horns and get deeper."

"Okay." Qian Yan agreed. She has lived with her mother for so many years, so she certainly understands her character. If she doesn't have the chance to say goodbye to her father, it's probably possible that she will live with guilt and be unable to get out of it. .

She was very sad to lose her father, but her father had cared less about her since she was a child, so her feelings for her father were at most one-tenth of her feelings for her mother.

Therefore, no matter what, she would not let her mother ruin her life for her father. Even though it was her biological father, she had to say it fairly, it was not worth doing that for that man!

"Grandpa, who did you call just now?" Qian Yan asked after adjusting her mood.

"I'm calling your Grandpa Qi. Your mother asked me to call you. I'm afraid your dad is seriously injured, so I hope Grandpa Qi can take action..." Sighing, Mr. Wan took his granddaughter back to the ward, "No one answered just now, I still have to call you." I want to fight later, so I don’t have to fight anymore.”

When the grandfather and grandson walked halfway, they saw a large group of people coming.

"Uncle Wan, how's it going?" Zhao Yulan was the first to run up.

Lin Baohe, Mr. Qi, Mrs. Qi, Aunt Yin and Chu Xia who followed behind also looked worried.

No wonder the call to Mr. Qi couldn't get through. It turns out that's what happened. Looking at the old man with a tense face, Mr. Wan felt warm in his heart. He smiled at the other man before answering Zhao Yulan's question: "Jade Qiong’s surgery was completed and it was quite successful, and she is probably still sleeping now.”

"You've lost so much blood, how can you not sleep?" Mr. Qi snorted coldly, "Where is the ward? Hurry up and lead the way. What's wrong with standing on the street and grinning?"

This old man obviously wanted to check on his daughter's injury, but he had to be so impatient. Alas... Mr. Wan, who already knew Mr. Qi very well, looked at the arrogant old man helplessly, not as before. She was still tit for tat with him, but responded with a smile and took the lead to walk to the ward.

Naturally, Wan Yuqiong couldn't wake up at this moment, so Mr. Qi stepped forward and grabbed her wrist pulse to test. After a while, he said in the expectant eyes of everyone: "The foundation is pretty good. Don't worry, it will take at least half a month." You can move freely.”

"Grandpa Qi, my mother won't have any sequelae like this, right?" Qian Yan asked with a worried look, "It's just like the pain in the arms and hands when it's cloudy and rainy. Will it leave the root cause of this disease?" (Unfinished) to be continued……)

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