One update.

Mr. Qi glanced at Qian Yan as if she were an idiot and said, "If the root causes of the disease you mentioned are left, can I say that she has regained her freedom of movement?"

"Yes, yes..." Mr. Wan quickly agreed, "Your grandpa Qi's medical skills are so good. With his help, your mother will be more flexible than before when she recovers. There is no chance of leaving the root of the disease."

"Will she die if I'm not exaggerating?" Mr. Qi glared at Mr. Wan, "I can at most make her recover as before. How can I make her more flexible than before? Do you think I'm a god? If you really think so, I'm still Don't worry about it, lest you complain when the time comes."

"I was wrong, I was wrong..." Mr. Wan apologized with a smile, "Don't be the same as me. There are so many things going on at home, and I'm a little confused. Please be more considerate."

Mr. Qi, who originally wanted to say a few words, heard what Mr. Wan said, so he glared at him and turned around and walked out.

Mr. Wan grabbed him anxiously: "Brother Qi..."

Mr. Qi looked at him with disgust: "What are you shouting for? I'll go find Qin Heng to discuss it. I'll rashly place an order for his patient. Do you think it's appropriate?"

"Oh oh oh..." Mr. Wan nodded repeatedly, "Please, please."

"I think I have to give you some medicine to replenish your brain." Mr. Qi snorted coldly, waved his hands and walked out of the ward. Mrs. Qi quickly apologized on his brother's behalf, "Brother Wan, don't be like Yin Zhi, he is just a child. Sex, it hasn’t been overturned yet. You said what happened to you and Sister Yin, what is he worrying about? Isn’t that right? "

Mr. Wan has a black hair, he is really a brother and sister. My sister said this softly, and the subtext was that she was complaining about his mistreatment of Sister Yin. Hey, he doesn't want to delay it if he can, but isn't the situation not allowing it now...

Chu Xia knew what Mr. Wan was feeling and could understand his dilemma. Speaking of it, Mr. Wan was not indecisive. The reason why he was like this this time was, to put it bluntly, because he was facing his relatives. Leaving him unable to decide.

It was also because of this that she wanted Sister-in-law Yin to accompany her, so that she would have a suitable reason to stay and also be able to meet Mr. Wan often.

As for when the two of them will finally get together, that's not something she can control. As a junior, she just needs to create opportunities for the elders.

The most embarrassing person is undoubtedly Mrs. Yin.

She thanked the Qi brothers and sisters for protecting her, and felt sorry for Mr. Wan's dilemma.

if it is possible. She really wishes she could hide far away, but the problem is, she has no place to hide now.

The most important thing is to avoid it. She is really reluctant to give up, otherwise, as long as she brings it up. Mr. Wan will definitely help her make arrangements.

This idea has been lingering in her mind. It's not that it didn't make her hesitate, but. Every time the words came to her lips, she gave up.

At this age, you won’t say anything like marrying someone who is not yours. At fifty years old, it is almost impossible to meet such a compatible partner again. From now on, I will be alone. What’s the point of the rest of my life?

It's better to let nature take its course and let the other person see your affection and determination. Even if you can never really be together, you will still be happy if you can see each other every day.

She believed that with Mr. Wan's character, he wouldn't be... Suddenly a face younger than her flashed in her mind, and she was not sure what she was thinking...

Chu Xia had been paying attention to Sister-in-law Yin's expression. When she saw her gloomy expression, she nudged her side and whispered, "Come with me to the bathroom, okay?"

The two of them walked out of the ward together.

"Sister-in-law Yin, can you stay with me during this time?" After leaving the door, Chu Xia said her thoughts straight to the point, "My parents and I have discussed it and think this is the way you feel most comfortable. Method.

We are a family anyway, so you and I will not hide anything. With the current situation, you will feel that your stay is getting more and more embarrassing, so why not make a transition first, okay? "

This is equivalent to helping the Zhou family. Chu Xia is Wan Lao's god-granddaughter. No matter what happens in the future, she has a way out... After understanding all this, she looked at Chu Xia gratefully: "Thank you."

"Why are you being polite to me? After all, you are half my teacher, so I should consider you..." Chu Xia smiled and took her arm and walked forward, "You don't blame Grandpa Wan, do you?"

"How can I blame him?" Sister-in-law Yin sighed, "He is a father. At this time, it is impossible for him to just act on his own ideas regardless of what he thinks. If he is really such a selfish person, I probably won't either. It's so difficult now.

To be honest, when I was asked to work for him, I was very reluctant. I felt that serving others was inferior, so at the beginning, I was a little passive and exhausted.

I felt that if he was dissatisfied with me and wanted to resign me, then I could ask to work in a factory or any other place. At that time, I felt that as long as I didn't wait on others, I could do anything.

Of course he saw what I was thinking, so he specifically talked to me and told me about his experience. He also said that if he was not in poor health, he would not agree to the organization sending someone to take care of him.

He made it clear to me that if I found it very painful to stay at his place, he would report it to the organization and help me find a better job.

That's how I am. Originally, I was full of complaints and wanted to leave. But after he said this, I felt embarrassed when I looked at his limping leg.

Then I said that I would leave when his leg was completely healed and he could take care of himself. But later I found that staying and working next to him was a very happy thing.

He never yells or bosses me around, and he never orders me to do anything within his power. In his free time, he either plays the piano, reads books, or takes care of flowers and plants.

Then, when he really got better, I didn't ask to leave. Instead, he took the initiative to find me and asked me what kind of job I wanted. He could apply for it on my behalf.

Thinking that after I left, he would be all alone, I suddenly couldn't bear to let him go. Then I told him that I was very happy doing this job and that I would keep doing it as long as he was willing.

Then, I stayed with him. The longer I got along with him, the more I felt that he was a very charming person. As you know in my case, I have a little bit of a literati’s aloofness, so my requirements for marriage naturally fall into place. there.

If I really can't get together with him, this will probably be the case for the rest of my life. In fact, it's not that I haven't thought about leaving, but as long as I think about leaving, I will be alone from now on, and I will be particularly scared.

No matter how hard or tired a person is when he is young, he is not afraid of the desolation of his later life when he is old. It is the most tragic thing in the world. You may not feel too deeply when I say this.

After all, at your age, you have never experienced anything like this, but I have seen that there used to be an old couple living on the second floor of our house. They had no children. The man left in his sixties, leaving the woman behind. live alone.

When she was in her seventies, the woman would move a small stool to sit at the door and watch people come and go. In winter, her face would turn red from the cold and she would not be willing to enter the house.

I didn't understand her feelings at that time. Now, at this age and without children myself, I can really understand that feeling, which is the fear of being alone in a whole room.

Even if my body suffers a little, I am still willing to watch the popularity of people coming and going. It seems that only in this way can I feel that I am a living person. "

"Aunt Yin..." Chu Xia grabbed her hand and squeezed it hard, "You don't have to worry about this. No matter where you and Uncle Wan end up, you can always live with us as long as you want.

Don't think that I am trying to comfort you by saying this. I really do what I say. As long as I discuss it with Zhou Mikang, he will never refute such reasonable requests from me. "

"Of course I believe you are sincere." Sister-in-law Yin took a long breath, "Okay, let's not think about these messy things for now. I have already decided to let things take their course and wait, no matter whether we can get together in the future or not. , I will not regret it, at least, I have tried hard and fought for it.”

"Sister-in-law Yin, I particularly like your personality. What I hate the most is that you will give up immediately when you encounter some emotional setbacks, as if giving up will help others and make you look noble.

Well, if you want to be together, both parties must work together. Even if you encounter difficulties, as long as you don't give up, there is always hope. Do you think this is the truth? "

"Yes." Sister-in-law Yin nodded, and couldn't help but sigh, "For now, this is all we can do, but..." After a pause, she continued, "If he really meets someone more suitable, Even if I persist, it’s pointless.”

"Impossible..." Chu Xia's voice suddenly paused. She also thought of the woman she met that day. Due to her status as a junior, she was embarrassed to ask Grandpa Wan, but intuitively, she believed that the relationship between that woman and Grandpa Wan was It shouldn't be what everyone suspected, but she still insisted on her original idea. There should be some reason between the woman and Grandpa Wan that they didn't know.

"Remember?" Sister-in-law Yin smiled bitterly, "I know I shouldn't doubt him, but the provocation in that woman's eyes when she saw me was undisguised.

I met her again yesterday, even better than when I met her with you that day..." She shook her head and said nothing more, but Chu Xia clearly knew what she wanted to express, and sighed secretly, not knowing how to persuade her. That's good. (To be continued...)

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