Second update arrived.


Chu Xia and Sister Yin were silent when they noticed two familiar people walking towards them, "Sang Qin, Zhao Meiyan..." Chu Xia looked at the two of them doubtfully, "Why are you here?"

When they saw Chu Xia, Sang Qin and Zhao Meiyan felt "thumping" in their hearts. Fortunately, Sang Qin reacted quickly and said quickly: "Sister-in-law, we...hehe..."

Her words were so vague that Chu Xia understood and couldn't help laughing: "There is no danger when I come here, and you don't need to follow me everywhere, right?

Besides, when I come out, my family will be with me and Uncle Wang will be by my side, so nothing will happen. If Zhou Mikang gives you trouble, I will be here, so don’t worry. "

"Sister-in-law, we want to take this opportunity to go out for a walk. It's boring to stay in school all the time. It feels so good to come out for some fresh air..." Sang Qin said while taking Zhao Meiyan's elbow. Zhao Meiyan was in a daze. He nodded quickly and agreed, "Yes, yes, that's what we had in mind. I'm so happy to be able to come with my sister-in-law."

Are you happy to come to the hospital to get some fresh air? There was no doubt about the black line in early summer. After all, there were no entertainment projects in this era. The two of them were secretly responsible for her safety, which was indeed boring and panicking at ordinary times.

"Then you go out for a walk, don't waste your time in the hospital..." Chu Xia smiled at the two of them and added, "A large group of us are here, don't worry, they will take good care of me."

"Sister-in-law, let's go then."

"Sister-in-law, see you in the afternoon."

Chu Xia waved to the two of them: "Okay, see you in the afternoon."

"Mr. Xiao Zhou really didn't say anything to you..." After the two of them walked away, Sister-in-law Yin couldn't help but sigh, "I have been so old in my life, and I have never seen a man care so much for his wife. It’s a pity.”

"You care so much and say that if you don't believe it, you won't believe it?" Chu Xia curled her lips. "Anyway, when he comes back, I will settle the score with him. Even if he has a mission and it is not convenient to disclose it, please report it to the Ping An Head Office?"

After thinking about it, Sister-in-law Yin said, "Have you asked your mother-in-law about them?"

"I asked indirectly..." Chu Xia sighed. "Anyway, my feeling is that my mother-in-law and old lady don't know either. As for my father-in-law, I can't ask him.

But I believe that Zhou Mikang will be fine, or the mission he is performing is too private.

He couldn't leave any trace, or he was injured and didn't want his family to know.

next to. I really can't think of the reason, but no matter which one it is, I believe it will not endanger his life. Otherwise, my father-in-law and my husband would not be able to hide it from the family. "

"It turns out that you have thought of it a long time ago..." Sister-in-law Yin looked at Chu Xia with admiration, "I have always known that you are very smart and wise, but now it seems that I still underestimate you."

"Aunt Yin..." Chu Xia looked at the other party speechlessly, "She understands what's going on so well. How could I not have thought of it? How could I still be smart and smart like this? How stupid must I be in your eyes?"

"That's why you think so because you are smart. Don't forget, you grew up in an ordinary family. You have never been exposed to this circle, and you have been married for less than a year. As a child of an ordinary family, do you think How many people can think this far about this matter?"

Chu Xia stroked her forehead with a speechless expression: "As long as you are not stupid, you will know if you think about it, where are my father-in-law and old father-in-law's positions? If anything goes wrong with Zhou Mikang, they will be notified immediately.

If it's a private mission, it's still possible to keep the news from your family. But if it's an injury, unless my father-in-law and my husband's father-in-law specifically tell me, we are not allowed to notify my family. Otherwise, it would be impossible to hide it. "

"That's probably..." He hesitated. Sister-in-law Yin said, "Maybe my ideas are too limited. I just think that your mother-in-law and old woman don't know, so you shouldn't think this way.

To be honest, I didn't think about this aspect myself. It was Wan Lao who told me about it and I finally understood it. I didn't expect that you thought more clearly than me. Hey, don't say that I am your half in the future. I am a teacher, so ashamed. "

When Mrs. Yin said this, Chu Xia understood why she was so surprised.

But after thinking about it deeply, she felt that there was nothing wrong with Mrs. Yin's thinking. In this era, people's knowledge was extremely lacking. In the words of later generations, they were honestly stupid.

The more ordinary children are, the more likely they are to have this tendency. They also believe in what others say and will never analyze or ponder it in a roundabout way.

In future generations, this kind of employee will be the least popular, but in this era, it seems that this kind of person is liked by everyone. It means that you are down-to-earth and not slippery.

People today definitely have a mentality of admiration for leaders. But in future generations, what everyone is thinking is that you are lucky to be in that position. I listen to you now because I have no choice but to do so. For this reason, one day, what will happen to me...

It was not until more than ten years later that the channels for information became more widespread and people's spiritual lives became much richer, and many people's personalities gradually changed.

The more she thought about it, the more Chu Xia felt that Sister Yin's previous view of her was not contempt, but an approval of her parents, so she smiled and said: "Of course you are still my teacher, I just care about this matter." Only when you think about it more and for a longer time can you think clearly."

"No matter what, you surprised me..." Sister-in-law Yin smiled, "Very few people dare to doubt my father-in-law and old father-in-law. I am impressed by your courage."

"Hehe..." Chu Xia smiled coquettishly. She couldn't say that she didn't belong to this era. Her thinking was different from this era, so she could only admit that she was bold.

"Zhou Hanliang?!" Staring at the person at the corner in front of him, Chu Xia yelled and chased after him. Zhou Hanliang was on the mission with Zhou Mikang, and he must know the news about Zhou Mikang!

"Zhou Hanliang, stop!"

"Zhou Hanliang!"

"If anything happens to me, let's see how you explain it to Zhou Mikang!"


Zhou Hanliang, who had already arrived downstairs, heard the thumping footsteps above and was so frightened that he hurried up to meet him. He didn't really see the other person just now, but when the other party shouted for the first time, he instinctively wanted to run away, but ignored it. This is also a master who doesn't care...

Alas, it’s really not like a family doesn’t come into the same house...

"Sister-in-law..." Zhou Hanliang greeted Chu Xia face to face with a shy smile, "What a coincidence. I didn't expect to meet you here. It sounded like you were shouting to me. I didn't expect it to be..."

"Stop pretending!" Chu Xia glared at him angrily, "You just wanted to run away when you saw me, right? If I didn't chase you down with all my life, you would definitely run away!"

"Sister-in-law, how could I do that? If I saw my sister-in-law, I would definitely go up and say hello as soon as possible. I haven't seen her for a long time, how could I just run away when I see her?

I was in a hurry to go down and come over to see my comrades. The leader asked me to go back quickly. I was in a hurry and didn't look at anyone while walking. If I hadn't heard the shouts that sounded familiar to me, I would have left directly. "

"Keep pretending!" Chu Xia glared at him, "Keep pretending! Let's see how long you can pretend!"

"No...I'm not pretending..." Zhou Hanliang sneered, "Sister-in-law, why don't you trust people? You don't know how honest I am, right? I can't pretend to be with you. If I let you If the boss finds out, why don't you kill me?"

"What's wrong with Zhou Mikang?" Chu Xia asked directly.

Sister-in-law Yin, who was standing in the back, was stroking her forehead secretly. What a coincidence. If they hadn't chatted with her, the two of them wouldn't have wandered here, and naturally they wouldn't have met Zhou Hanliang...

Suddenly thinking of Sang Qin and Zhao Meiyan she had met before, her heart started to rise unconsciously. Apparently, Chu Xia also thought of this, and her expression suddenly turned ugly: "Zhou Mikang was injured, right? I just met It’s time for Sang Qin and Zhao Meiyan, don’t try to lie to me!”

Zhou Hanliang was weighing how to cover up his lie, and now he didn't know what to say. Sang Qin and Zhao Meiyan were arranged by the boss to protect his sister-in-law. These two people are considered retainers of the Zhou family. When they appeared here, he also appeared. Here, with the intelligence of the other party, he can guess almost exactly as long as he associates it...

However, if he told the other person the truth... He unconsciously glanced at the other person's bulging belly, and his whole body became even worse. He was in a dilemma both on the left and on the right. What should he do?

Originally, I didn't dare to tell her because I was afraid that she wouldn't be able to bear it. This...

"You don't have to be afraid, I can stand it..." Chu Xia could roughly guess the reason for his embarrassment and said, "In my opinion, as long as he lives, there is nothing he cannot accept.

If you don't tell me, I will just think wildly, or my body will be affected even more. I ran a little fast to chase you just now, and now..." She reached out and covered her abdomen, "I feel really uncomfortable. "

"How do you feel?" Sister-in-law Yin looked at her in panic, "Then don't stand here. If you have anything to say, let's go up and find a place to sit and talk..." She looked at Zhou Hanliang again, "I've already met you, so have you. Don't run away, otherwise something will really happen. You know her character, right?"

"I will definitely not run, I will never run..." Zhou Hanliang raised his hands and swore, "Let's go up. I know there is a deck chair next to it. Let's sit down and talk. I promise, I will tell the truth."

"No, you take me directly to Zhou Mikang's place." Chu Xia looked at him steadily, "I've confirmed that he was transferred here, otherwise, you can't all come here, no matter how much you say, It’s meaningless, why not let me see him with my own eyes, I believe he should be willing to see me.”

Zhou Hanliang was in such a dilemma, he secretly complained in his heart, how could he be so stupid, how could he just let his aunt run into him... (To be continued)

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