The third update is here.

"Stop thinking about it, take me there quickly..." Chu Xia glared dissatisfied at Zhou Hanliang, who was still hesitating and struggling, "Do you think it's still possible to lie to me at this time?"

Zhou Hanliang finally made up his mind: "Okay, I will take you there."

In the high-level cadre ward on the third floor, Zhou Mikang was lying quietly on the bed, as if he was asleep. After not seeing him for several months, he was obviously darker and thinner.

After standing on the teacher's bed in silence for a long time, Chu Xia turned around and looked at Sister-in-law Yin calmly: "Auntie, please go and say hello to my mother, so that she won't see me anxious."

"Okay." Sister-in-law Yin responded and quickly withdrew.

Chu Xia turned to look at Zhou Hanliang: "Tell me."

"One night in the middle of the night, we had an encounter with the enemy. When we were seeing a solid victory, the enemy began to run away. The second regiment leader led the team to pursue them, but fell into the enemy's trap.

The division commander himself led a top company to the rescue, and the second regiment successfully escaped. However, the division commander fainted when he returned to the camp. It was not until he was sent to the hospital that he discovered that the division commander had been shot twice, one in the thigh. The other shot was in the chest.

After the operation, the division commander had been in a coma. The conditions in the field hospital were difficult, so the leaders sent a helicopter to fetch the Beijing doctor. Director Xun of the Beijing doctor was an expert in this regard.

The teacher arrived the day before yesterday. Director Xun had already diagnosed and treated him. He said that the teacher's coma was due to long-distance strenuous exercise after the injury, which had damaged his roots. He only needed to nurse him back to health for a few days. Will wake up.

According to Director Xun's instructions, it will take three more days at most. The teacher will definitely be able to wake up..." After a pause, Zhou Hanliang said. "Our whole group is back to rest. I just arrived in City A the day before yesterday. I have settled in. I came here today to have a look. Unexpectedly, my sister-in-law bumped into me. . "

Chu Xia looked at him steadily: "Are you sure you didn't lie to me, right?"

"Yes." Zhou Hanliang nodded, "What I said is the truth at this time. I can't hide it from you. I didn't tell you originally because I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to bear it. Now it seems that everyone is worrying too much."

"Yes, you underestimate me." Chu Xia held Zhou Mikang's hand and gently rubbed his fingertips, "Originally, I was very angry that he didn't give me any information for so long.

Even if it's hurt. You should also send me a peace letter. Now it seems that I have wronged him, so let's forget about it. He had been injured so many times before;

Everything is fine, and nothing will happen this time. "

"Yes. Master, I'm sure everything will be fine. I used to be able to come back safely without worries. Now that I have worries, things will definitely be better many times faster than usual.

When on a mission. The teacher always carried his sister-in-law's photo with him. When he returned to the camp, the teacher was still awake. His first reaction was to take out his sister-in-law's photo and look at it. Then he fainted.

The doctor who performed the surgery also said that the division commander's perseverance was so strong that no matter how strong a soldier was, he would never be able to survive such a serious injury and retreat so quickly over a long distance, but he did it. .

When I heard what the doctor said at that time, I felt that the most fundamental reason for the teacher to survive was the desire to see his sister-in-law and his nephews and nieces.

The teacher told me that no matter what time, he would keep his own life. He said that he had promised his sister-in-law, so he would never break his promise. I remember that I asked him at that time, what if we encountered a desperate situation? The teacher said that there would be no desperate situation, because he promised his sister-in-law, there would be no desperate situation. "

"Yes, he promised me, so even if there is no news about him, I have always believed that nothing will happen to him. From the time I know him, he has never broken his promise.

Moreover, with his character, he will never let himself break his promise, so I don’t find it strange at all that he can do it..." Sniffing, Chu Xia bit the fingertips of the teacher's tube. He bit, "I believe that now that I am by his side, he must also feel it, but he has not recovered yet and has not the strength to talk to me yet. "

"Early summer..." Zhou Jingping, who pushed the door in, looked at his daughter-in-law who was sitting by the bed, holding the teacher's tube and biting her fingers one by one. His expression immediately became nervous, "How... do you know?" He glanced at it as he spoke. One glance at Zhou Hanliang made Hanliang hang his head in guilt.

"Dad..." Chu Xia stood up and looked at each other seriously, "Do you think I'm a family member?"

"Of course." Zhou Jingping quickly explained, "I don't tell you not because I don't believe you, but because I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it. Your current body doesn't allow for any mistakes, otherwise Xiaomi will blame herself for the rest of her life.

Just in case you get the hint, even your grandma and your mother don't know about Xiaomi's injury. Of course, your eldest brother, second uncle, and third uncle don't know either.

So, you must not misunderstand and treat you as a family. If you really say that, then they are not members of the Zhou family, right? "As he said that, he couldn't help but glare at Zhou Hanliang again.

Zhou Hanliang's grievance was hard to explain. It was indeed him who leaked the news, even though he didn't mean it.

"Dad, I don't blame Zhou Hanliang. I happened to see him when Sister Yin and I were out for a walk. I threatened him to bring me here. Dad also knows that with my current situation, he dare not not be threatened by me. "

Sister-in-law is so loyal... Han Liang Tongzi gave someone a thumbs up in his heart. Although he didn't mind being blamed by Zhou Jingping, of course it would be best if there was no misunderstanding.

"What did you come to the hospital for..." Zhou Jingping frowned, "Who is feeling uncomfortable or..."

Chu Xia hurriedly said: "Dad, I'm fine. My parents, grandma and grandpa are also fine. Grandpa Wan's daughter is injured. Let's come over and take a look."

"Wan Yuqiong?" Zhou Jingping looked confused, "Don't she have little contact with Uncle Wan? What happened?"

After hesitating for a moment, Chu Xia said: "This matter is quite convoluted. Does Dad have time to listen to it now?"

She would not open her mouth to comment on her father-in-law's position. If someone had something urgent to do and was upset, it would be pointless to interrupt her.

"If I have time, I'll be here to take care of Xiaomi these days..." Sighing, Zhou Jingping said, "I don't worry about others coming. Besides, I, as a father, should stay here without notifying the rest of the family. Yes, you tell me."

"Didn't I worship Mr. Qi as my teacher before..." Chu Xia went through the whole story, which made Zhou Jingping sigh, "The things in this world are really true. You can hear them with your own ears and see them with your own eyes." It may not be true. Who would have thought of such a situation before?" After a pause, he frowned, "However, the Qian family will not let it go like this. Fortunately, we encountered it today. I have to hurry up and talk to the boss. Let’s report it, arrange for someone to protect Wan Lao, and wait until the matter comes to an end.”

Chu Xia was speechless: "Why should the Qian family blame Grandpa Wan? It was clearly Qian Jianming who did something that was sorry for Aunt Wan, and wanted to give up after all, which led to the man named Yao Xinqing to kill him.

Moreover, because of him, Aunt Wan almost died. It would be great if Grandpa Wan didn't go to them to settle the score. Do they still have the nerve to come to Grandpa Wan? "

"If they were reasonable, Wan Yuqiong wouldn't have to pretend for so many years. Alas..." With a heavy sigh, Zhou Jingping stood up and said, "Xia, you stay here first, I will go and solve this matter."

"Okay." Chu Xia nodded, "Don't worry, Dad, I will take good care of Zhou Mikang. Also, I am in very good health and can always be here."

"That won't work..." Zhou Jingping, who had already reached the door, paused, "Your task now is to have a good rest and keep yourself and your baby healthy. You will stay here this morning and go home at noon.

You can come over again tomorrow morning. This will be the arrangement from now on. Come here all morning and have a good rest at home during the rest of the time. It is best not to go to the school. After the baby is born, you can go to class peacefully. "

This was not the time to argue with my father-in-law, so Chu Xia said, "Dad, let's go do some work first. We'll talk about the details later."

Zhou Jingping shook his head helplessly. What his daughter-in-law meant was that he disagreed with his decision. Alas, this child is good in every aspect, but he is as stubborn as his own son. The twins are already so old, and they are still like this. Being disobedient is really a headache.

Thinking like this, he felt that his daughter-in-law's psychological endurance was stronger than his. He had only been with his daughter-in-law for a while, but she got into trouble. His daughter-in-law stayed for a month every time she came over, so he didn't know. She watched how her daughter-in-law went to school in a hurry every day.

As a soldier, he is not pampered with children.

But isn't the daughter-in-law in poor health? It seems that he needs to discuss countermeasures with his old man and his wife, but he can't just let the child's temper fall. If anything happens, it will be too late to regret it.

Watching Zhou Jingping walk away, Zhou Hanliang turned back and whispered: "The chief will definitely find a way to let you stay at home..."

"I guessed it." Chu Xia nodded, "It's normal and reasonable for him to think so. However, it depends on the personality of the person. If you want me to stay at home every day, I will probably drive myself crazy. of.

Anyway, I now have regular prenatal check-ups every month, and the doctor also said that my situation is very good, so I might as well live a fulfilling life. I am in a good mood, and so are the babies. In fact, this It’s good for me and the baby. "

"What my sister-in-law said makes sense..." Zhou Hanliang glanced at Zhou Mikang who was lying on the bed, "Sir, you have to wake up quickly, otherwise, my sister-in-law will not be able to cope with the bombardment from the elders..." (To be continued... …)

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