One update.


"Yes, Zhou Mikang, you have to wake up quickly and coordinate the current affairs. The elders must be in a very difficult position now. They are worried about my health. They want to persuade me but they are afraid of causing my disgust and affecting my body. If they don't persuade me, they are worried about my health. If they have an accident, if they always live in this kind of worry, their bodies will not be able to bear it.

So as a junior, I can only compromise, but then I feel uncomfortable. If I don't feel comfortable, your son and daughter will feel uncomfortable. If you feel sorry for us, you should wake up quickly..."

Chu Xia was talking while staring at Zhou Mikang's fingers. Generally speaking, in movies and TV shows, as long as the heroine confesses her love, the hero will definitely move her fingers first, and then wake up...

Unfortunately, after she stared for a long time, Master Tongzi's fingers still didn't move.

Helpless, Chu Xia had no choice but to grab his hand and continue to rub it: "I will invigorate your blood and disperse the stasis. Once the qi and blood flow smoothly, you will naturally wake up..."

"Well, yes, it's the right thing to do." The old doctor who pushed in the door saw Chu Xia's actions and nodded approvingly, "Kneading him often like this is good for him, and his feet and legs are also good. You can rub it like this.”

Zhou Hanliang quickly stood at the foot of the bed and helped his teacher Tongzi rub his legs and calves.

Stepping forward to check Zhou Mikang's condition, Director Xun's smile deepened: "Very good, the patient's body is recovering very quickly. At this rate, it will definitely be fine to wake up tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

Chu Xia quickly thanked you: "Thank you."

"Are you..." Director Xun looked her up and down, "Xiao Zhou's wife?"

"Yes, I am his wife..." Chu Xia nodded, "I never knew about my husband's injury before. Otherwise, I would have come to take care of him."

"Very good. In principle, it would be better to have you by his side. Originally, I made this suggestion, but his father refused, saying that your current situation is not suitable for that.

It seems that they underestimate you..." Director Xun smiled warmly at her, "You can control your emotions so well, they really underestimate you. "

"Thank you for the compliment." As soon as Chu Xia finished her words, she heard rapid footsteps outside, and then, there was a gentle knock on the ward door, "It must be my parents." Chu Xia looked at Director Xun inquiringly, "Okay. How many people are allowed in at the same time?"

"It's okay,

As long as there are no more than ten people, there will be no problem..." Director Xun smiled, "I said, the patient's body has recovered very well. The reason why there can't be more than ten people is because no matter how many people there are, it won't be possible to squeeze them in, and it won't be suitable. Right? "

The doctor had spoken like this. Zhou Hanliang would no longer wait foolishly for Chu Xia to take action. He walked to the door and opened the door of the ward. Zhao Yulan and Lin Baohe stretched their heads in first, with nervous and hesitant expressions on their faces...

Zhou Hanliang said quickly: "Uncle, aunt, come in, the doctor said it's fine."

Zhao Yulan and Lin Baohe hurried to the bedside, looking at her and asking anxiously, "Xia, what's wrong with Xiaomi?"

"Father, mother, don't worry. He's fine. He's just lazy right now. He'll definitely wake up in two days..." Chu Xia said as she introduced Director Xun, who was standing aside with a smile, "This is Zhou Mikang's The attending doctor, if dad and mom don’t believe what I say, you can ask Director Xun directly.”

"Yes, the patient will wake up in the next two days, and there will be no sequelae after waking up. I have been monitoring the patient's condition in the past few days, and my conclusion is still confident."

"That's good, that's good..." Lin Baohe said as he stepped forward and held Director Xun's hand tightly. "Director, please worry about it. My son-in-law is a good man, but nothing can happen to him." thing."

"Dad..." Chu Xia looked at her father helplessly, not knowing what to say.

"I can understand, I can all understand..." Director Xun smiled at her, "Your father loves you. Of course, he also loves your husband. You have to be considerate of his heart."

Lin Baohe quickly answered: "Director Xun, you are really amazing. I feel equally sorry for my daughter and son-in-law, but my daughter is not as capable as my son-in-law. I must think more about her."

"Dad..." Chu Xia protested unconvinced, "Why am I not as good as him? My family background is different and my growing environment is different. It is normal for me to be inferior to him, but this does not mean that I am not as good as him originally."

"Okay, okay, you and Xiaomi are both great, both are great. Dad was wrong. Dad was wrong..."

Chu Xia: "..." Dad, who can't see your perfunctory attitude?

Director Xun smiled happily: "Very good. The more harmonious the relationship between family members is, the better the patient's recovery will be. Then you can stay with him here for a while. If you need anything, come to me in the office."

"Sorry to trouble you." Chu Xia quickly stood up to see her off, and Director Xun waved to her, "Don't be so strict. Pregnant women are the oldest now, so just sit there."

"I'll take it off." Zhou Hanliang said as he stepped forward and opened the door of the ward, making a gesture of invitation.

Director Xun shook his head in a funny way and ducked out of the ward.

"Do grandma and grandpa know?"

"I didn't tell them. Sister Yin secretly told us. We couldn't figure out what was going on, so we didn't dare to tell our grandparents. But according to the current situation, telling them would make them feel more at ease.

Sigh..." Zhao Yulan sighed heavily, "You don't know how worried they are during this period, but they don't dare to show it in front of you. Usually when you are not around, the old couple would sigh while talking. "

"I can tell..." Chu Xia shrugged helplessly, "But I don't know the situation, and I don't dare to comfort them casually. Fortunately, it is now confirmed that my original guess is still reliable."

"Is political commissar Xiao Zhou coming back temporarily?" Lin Baohe looked at Zhou Hanliang and asked doubtfully.

"We have returned to City A. I came here specifically to visit the teacher." Zhou Hanliang said with a wry smile, "Otherwise, I wouldn't have met my sister-in-law."

"Then Qiliang is back too?" Zhao Yulan asked quickly.

Chu Xia secretly took a selfie and patted her head. Why didn't she think of asking about it? Alas, it was this guy lying on the bed that made her lose her normal thinking.

"Qiliang is back. He's fine. Don't worry." After a pause, Zhou Hanliang added, "By the way, I should tell you the good news again. When I come back this time, Qiliang has been promoted and is already a platoon leader." ”

"Really?" Zhao Yulan shouted in surprise, her eyes filled with worry again, "Is he also injured?"

"No, no, he performed very well in the mission, so he was promoted when he came back this time. Of course, these were decided by the division commander before. I submitted the promotion list as soon as I came back. I guess today The approval has been received, and I can tell you the good news in advance."

Zhao Yulan happily slapped her thigh: "It's great. My eldest brother and sister-in-law will definitely be happy to know this. Now, I can marry Xiaoqiong home in a down-to-earth manner. Originally, the couple had been worried that Qiliang was not as good as Xiaoqiong. Qiong’s development is good, but it’s not worthy of Xiaoqiong.”

"Mom, do your legs hurt?" The crisp sound of my mother's slap made her legs tremble unconsciously.

"This child..." Zhao Yulan looked at her daughter helplessly and smiled, "Mom, aren't you happy? Although Xiaomi was injured, she will recover soon. Maybe she can still watch the baby being born. This is beyond our ability. The original expectations are worth being happy about, right?

Your eldest brother has been promoted, and your uncle and aunt can go to the Luo family to propose marriage. Maybe the marriage can be arranged this year. Is it worth being happy? "

"It's worth being happy, it's worth being happy..." Chu Xia smiled and glanced at my mother's thighs. If there were so many things to be happy about, would my mother's thighs be swollen?

"My parents-in-law, my mother-in-law, are you here too?" Zhou Jingping opened the door and came in. When he saw Zhao Yulan and Lin Baohe, his eyes were filled with guilt, "I'm sorry, I did something wrong to make you worry. ”

"Brother, don't say that. We all understand that you are also worried about Chu Xia's health. In fact, we all have the same thoughts. However, this child is quite surprising, haha..."

"Yeah..." Zhou Jingping looked at Chu Xia with admiration, "This child always surprises us. If this continues, I won't be surprised by what achievements she will make.

Not to mention anything else, just ask the old man. No matter how many people begged him, they couldn't get anything from him. It's good that this child has become an adult's apprentice directly. When her grandfather heard the news, he was so happy that he would marry anyone he met. Showing off, the result is good, now many elders are scared to hide away when they see our old man. "

Chu Xia deliberately put on a bitter face: "Dad, according to you, won't this affect everyone's stability and unity?"

"It's okay, we're not afraid of this kind of influence..." Zhou Jingping said as he walked to the bed and slapped Zhou Mikang's leg, "Young man, you have good sense. Wake up quickly, otherwise, others will Your wife has been snatched away, and you have no place to cry."

Everyone: "..." This is what my father said...

"This kid can't help but scare him. If he is so shocked, he might wake up in a hurry..." Zhou Jingping couldn't help but sigh, "This kind of scene will not happen to him once. I hope this is the last time."

The smile on Chu Xia's face faded unconsciously. As far as she knew about the historical trajectory, this was just the beginning. I hope this is really the last time...

"What are you doing, dad?" When she looked up and saw her dad leaving the ward, Chu Xia looked at Zhao Yulan and asked, "Are you going to inform grandma and grandpa?"

Zhao Yulan nodded: "Yes, the two old men have been worried about Xiaomi's safety. Let them come and see it in person before they can rest assured." r1152 ()

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