Second update.


"Political Commissar Zhou, could you please go to the ward downstairs to stay with Grandpa Wan for a while?" Chu Xia looked at Zhou Hanliang, "Dad just said that the Qian family might be unfavorable to Grandpa Wan, and I'm not worried about leaving these old people there."

"Okay, I'll go there." Zhou Hanliang quickly chased Lin Baohe out of the ward.

Zhou Jingping glanced at the time and said, "The people protecting you, Grandpa Wan, will be here in half an hour. I will go down soon. Don't worry, dad is here and nothing will happen to him."

Chu Xia smiled sheepishly: "Dad, it's not that I don't believe you, or I'm worried because of my conditioned reflex. Grandpa Wan has always treated me as his granddaughter. This is my instinctive reaction."

Zhou Jingping smiled helplessly: "You kid, do you and I still need to explain like this?" Then he patted his son who was lying quietly on the bed, "Xiao Mi, wake up quickly, it's all your fault. Unqualified, otherwise why would Xia still not regard dad as a relative?"


"Haha..." Zhou Jingping laughed, "Xia, don't get me wrong, Dad doesn't blame you. The responsibility for this matter lies with Xiaomi. He is always away from home. Otherwise, you wouldn't be so estranged from Dad. ,Yes or no?"

"There is no distance..." Chu Xia had no choice but to explain, "I really feel that I am a member of the Zhou family. The explanation is just an instinctive reaction. Even if my father and mother ask, I will explain it."

"Yes, in-laws, Xia really regards herself as a member of the Zhou family now..." Zhao Yulan also rushed to defend her daughter, "Now that she is married and has a child, how can she not regard herself as a member of the Zhou family?"

"In-laws, don't worry..." Zhou Jingping said quickly, "I didn't mean that, I was just joking. This guy Xiaomi is lying on the bed and hiding. We can't just let him hide, can we?"

"Yes." Zhao Yulan smiled and pushed Zhou Mixang, "Xiao Mi, if you really feel sorry for our Xia, you should wake up early. Otherwise, she won't know how to get along with her husband's family."

Zhou Jingping: "..." Is his explanation just now in vain?

After a while, Mr. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao came over with Lin Baohe. When they saw the motionless teacher Zongzi lying on the bed, the two old men had red circles in their eyes.

During this time, they were worried about him. Although they didn't stay with this grandson-in-law for a long time, they had lived a long life and had met a lot of people, so they still had a good eye for seeing people.

The grandson-in-law really cherishes his granddaughter. If he suddenly stops calling her, something must have happened. They sit in the living room every day, rushing to answer the call whenever it comes, just hoping to hear it. his voice.

Unexpectedly, the scene they least expected to see happened...

"Baohe said that Xiaomi will wake up soon and nothing will happen to her. Is it true?" Mr. Zhao asked in a trembling voice. Mrs. Zhao also looked at Zhou Jingping eagerly, her eyes full of expectation. and apprehension.

"Uncle Zhao, Aunt Zhao, what Bao He said is true. Don't worry, Xiaomi is fine. She was transferred to Beijing Medical University just to help him recover faster and better.

Director Xun is an expert in this area. He has checked all aspects and concluded that he will definitely wake up in two or three days, and there will definitely be no sequelae in the future.

I didn't inform you before, not because I didn't believe it, but because I didn't want you to worry. The matter has already happened. Whether you are worried or not, the result will be the same. If Xia finds out, the consequences will be even more disastrous.

But..." After explaining this, Zhou Jingping realized that the reason for his original worry did not exist at all, and smiled sheepishly, "It's just that we underestimated Chu Xia. Speaking of it, it is indeed what we did wrong. "

"Yes, it's really what you did wrong..." Mr. Zhao looked at Zhou Jingping seriously, "Even if you are worried that Xia doesn't want her to know, you should tell us.

You underestimate us too much. Whether it's me, your Aunt Zhao, or Baohe Magnolia, although we are all ordinary people, we have experienced many storms. If you can't control even such a little emotion, then your past sins are nothing. It was all in vain. "

"Grandpa, you underestimate me..." Chu Xia curled her lips dissatisfied, "You all underestimate me. You were so secretive before that you didn't dare to say it. You thought I didn't notice it?

I just don’t think I can explain it to you, so I didn’t expose you. Anyway, as elders, don’t blame anyone. You all look down on me, no matter who you are! "

"Yes, yes..." Mrs. Zhao quickly admitted her mistake, "Grandma apologized to Xia, but if grandma finds out in the future, she will never look down on our Xia again."

"Yes, absolutely." Mr. Zhao also said, "We used to look at people through the cracks in the door. If you look at us through the cracks in the door in the future, we will definitely not be angry."

Chu Xia looked at her grandfather speechlessly: "Are you trying another way to make me be more generous and stop exposing my shortcomings?"

"Xia, you are so smart..." Mr. Zhao smiled and gave Chu Xia a thumbs up, "Let's turn this page over and trust you absolutely from now on, okay?"

"Okay, don't doubt me again in the future. You can't hide anything from me..." Chu Xia looked at the elders seriously, "I'm not joking."

"I promise that I will never hide anything I let you know from you in the future." Zhou Jingping was the first to make a promise.

Mr. Zhao quickly answered: "I also promise that I will definitely trust Xia in the future and never doubt Xia again. I will tell Xia everything. When I am undecided, I will let Xia help me make up my mind."

"Why did you tell me everything?" Mrs. Zhao rolled her eyes at her old man and said, "Xia, I am the same as your grandpa. If you don't believe your grandpa, you have to believe grandma."

"Old lady, can we stop sowing discord?" Mr. Zhao glared at the old lady dissatisfied, "Why am I not as trustworthy as you? When have I ever lied to my children?"

"When Xia was five years old, you said you would go up to the mountain to hunt wild rabbits for her. As a result, you shot a mouse back. As a result, the child still regarded the mouse as a rabbit until she was nine years old.

When Xia was nine years old, you said you were going to stew fish soup for Xia Laoyu, but no fish was caught. You brought back some loaches to fool her, which made the child not drink fish soup for several years because she thought it was earthy. Taste.

When Xia was twelve years old..."

"Okay, okay..." Mr. Zhao quickly interrupted the old lady, "This happened many years ago, can you not mention it? Besides, I don't want to lie to the children. It was a good idea, but the result No rabbits, no fish?

If you want to say that, what about you, haven't you ever lied to Xia? When Xia was four years old, you promised to go to the market to buy apples for Xia to eat, but instead of buying apples, you bought pears instead, so you lied to Xia and said they were apples. When the child was eight years old, you still couldn't tell the difference between apples and pears.

When Xia was seven years old, she took a fancy to the flowered gown worn by Lu'e in our village. You lied to Xia and said that it made her whole body itchy when she put it on, and only the one without flowers would stop itching. As a result, the child was twelve or thirteen years old. I don’t dare to wear flowery clothes yet…”

"Okay, okay, can we not expose this old scar? I looked all over the store and couldn't buy any apples, but Xia is determined to eat apples again, what can I do?

It’s not like you don’t know Xia’s character. If she can’t get the food she’s looking for, she’ll cry all the time. If I didn’t feel sorry for the child, could I lie to her? That flower gown, if we can afford it, can I lie to my children? "

"That's true..." The old man sighed with emotion, "Life was too hard at that time. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to lie to our children like this. By the way, why did we bring up the topic here?"

The old lady scratched her head and glared at the old man, "It's you who doesn't believe Xia Xin and I don't believe you."

"When did Xia believe you or not me?" The old man suddenly remembered, "No, the main reason is that you provoked Xia to listen to you instead of me. Otherwise, could I refute you?"

Seeing that the old couple was about to start a new round, Chu Xia couldn't help laughing: "Grandma, grandpa, are you afraid that we will be bored, and are you deliberately making trouble to make us happy?"

"Damn old man, it's all you who made me lose face even to my in-laws..." Old Mrs. Zhao glared at the old man and smiled sheepishly at Zhou Jingping, "As you get older, you tend to get confused, and when you get confused, it's easy to quarrel. , in-laws, please be considerate."

Zhou Jingping laughed and said, "Aunt Zhao, you're out of touch now. This shows that you two have a good relationship. I'm only very happy, so how can you be considerate or inconsiderate?"

"Chu Xia..." Qian Yan opened the door and called softly inside. Chu Xia hurried over to greet her, "What's wrong? Is the Qian family here?"

Qian Yan shook her head: "No, I just want to ask you if you can help arrange for someone to take care of my mother tomorrow?"

"Okay." Chu Xia agreed without thinking, "Just go and do your own thing."

"I want to go to my grandpa's house to explain the situation first, and then bring my brother over. The one my mother wants to see most right now is probably my brother. No matter how likely it is, I have to work hard. If I miss this opportunity, I will be in trouble in the future. It’s even harder for my mother to see my brother.”

"Okay, go ahead." Chu Xia hugged her and patted her gently, "Grandpa Wan and Aunt Wan, we will take good care of them, don't worry."

"Thank you..." Qian Yan smiled gratefully at her, "Originally, I misunderstood that you had a purpose in recognizing my grandpa as my godfather. Now, you help me regardless of past grudges. It really... really makes me feel ashamed. But I have no other way. I can't find anyone to help me now.

Originally, I wanted Grandma Qi to take care of her for me, but since she is so old, I am really embarrassed to open my mouth. Chu Xia, don't worry, I will definitely repay you in the future. "

"Okay, why are you saying these kind words to me?" Chu Xia pushed her, "Go and do your work. Leave it to me. I'll be down in a moment."

Waving her hand, Qian Yan quickly ran downstairs. She also thought of her grandparents' attitude. She didn't want them to cause trouble in the hospital, so she had to convince them in advance! R1152

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