Third update (make up for yesterday). apex novel


Chu Xia also understood now that Zhou Yueping was reluctant to let go of Xu Shuxian, which was why he had to do so many things. So, had my mother ever been so entangled?

Thinking like this, she wanted to fly to her parents right away. She thought she was so worried before, but her parents didn't know how worried they were in private.

After pulling Chu Xia out for a while, Zhou Yueping realized his gaffe and smiled sheepishly: "Xia, did my sister-in-law pinch you?"

"No." Chu Xia smiled and shook her head, pointing to Luo Xiaoqiong who had been following her but hesitated to speak, "Sister-in-law, can you let me go and let me say a few more words to Xiaoqiong?"

"Ah?" After a moment of surprise, Zhou Yueping nodded quickly, "Okay, okay, I'll wait for you at the gate."

After Zhou Yueping left, Chu Xia looked at Luo Xiaoqiong who looked anxious: "Don't worry, there is the most reasonable solution to everything. Remember, give me news as soon as possible."

"Okay." Luo Xiaoqiong swallowed unconsciously, "To be honest, when I saw Aunt Zhou like this, I suddenly felt very worried about what my mother would think."

"Me too." Chu Xia then changed the topic, "However, Fat Aunt shouldn't be so entangled. They all know and understand the situation with my uncle.

And after you get together with my brother, you won't live with your parents-in-law. She should have nothing to worry about in this regard. Don't worry, even if you really win the bid, the fat aunt will only nag you a few words, and it won't really happen. It's your fault. "

"Are you sure?" Luo Xiaoqiong looked at Chu Xia pitifully, "You're not comforting me. Are you?"

"Of course not. You should know better than me the character of your parents. Stop thinking nonsense..." Seeing someone coming over, Chu Xia quickly ended the topic. He said goodbye, "I'm leaving first, call if you need anything."

"Okay." After watching Chu Xia leave, Luo Xiaoqiong sighed and turned around to walk back. As a result, her vision went dark. She was so frightened that she quickly backed away. When she saw the girl standing there, she frowned, "When did you come here? "

"What bad thing did you do to scare you like this?" The girl looked at her. He curled his lips and said, "Don't be a villain, I just happened to get here."

"You..." Just as he was about to get angry, Luo Xiaoqiong controlled herself again, smiled lightly at the other person, and walked away.

I didn’t expect Luo Xiaoqiong to pull this trick.

Li Jiahui was stunned for a long time, then stamped her feet and turned back. She really wanted to pick up a few missing sentences just now, but unfortunately, she didn't pick up anything.

None of them liked Luo Xiaoqiong, an airborne soldier. They were obviously about the same age, so why did she snatch the seat they had been coveting for a long time as soon as she arrived?

It's not like I haven't filed a lawsuit before, but the result... is of course fruitless.

Luo Xiaoqiong returned to Dean Xu's office. I've told you what happened just now, here it is. Everything between her and Dean Xu is closely related, so. She will not hide any trouble.

"Xiaoqiong..." Dean Xu looked at her seriously, "If you come here with me, you may get more than you can by working hard on your own, but you will also suffer more for your efforts.

Your position does make many people jealous, but don't worry about it, you just need to work hard and do your best. One day, they will know how wrong they are. "

"I understand." Luo Xiaoqiong nodded vigorously, "I will use all my energy on business and won't embarrass you, don't worry."

"Okay, go and do your work." Dean Xu waved his hand to her and continued to work on the work at hand.

When Chu Xia arrived at the gate, Zhou Yueping looked at her with a smile: "I asked Xiaomeng to go back first. Let's go to my sister-in-law's house for dinner today, okay?"

"Okay." Chu Xia agreed happily. It was a rare opportunity for someone to ask her for help. She had nothing to be pretentious about. Although she was anxious to go home to see her parents, she still had to worry about the mood of her husband's family, right?

Zhou Yueping's family lives in Shibei District, half an hour away from the Zhou family's ancestral home. When the two of them arrived home, Xu Yan was already at home. When he saw Chu Xia, he blushed unconsciously and said, "Sister-in-law, third sister-in-law." He said in a soft voice. He said hello and hid back in the room.

"This kid..." Zhou Yueping frowned dissatisfied, "How many times have I told you that he is so shy? How good would it be if he and his sister changed their personalities?"

"Mom, do you dislike Xiaoyan again?" Xu Shuxian came in and happened to hear Zhou Yueping's words, so she smiled and joked, "You are nagging like this every day, don't you find it annoying? Hey, Sister-in-law, you are here? You are such a rare visitor!" There was no time to change. Shoes, Xu Shuxian ran to Chu Xia and looked her up and down, "You haven't gained weight after raising her for so long. Sister-in-law, you have to eat more."

"You are a bit more mellow. You seem to be in the best mood and have a good appetite."

"Third sister-in-law, you can see that I'm getting fat, right?" Xu Shuxian sat down on the sofa, "It's my mother who always forces me to eat. No, I gained four pounds in a month. The clothes I wore before were too tight.”

"If I didn't force you to eat, how could you be so healthy now?" Zhou Yueping glared at his daughter, "Some people who were so sick some time ago were almost like Lin Daiyu, and they are still here."

"Shuxian was sick some time ago?" Chu Xia frowned slightly, looked at Xu Shuxian for a few times, and then breathed a sigh of relief, "But now she looks very good."

"Haha..." Xu Shuxian laughed twice, but did not answer.

Zhou Yueping winked at Chu Xia.

"Can I go to your room and take a look?"

"Okay." Xu Shuxian responded immediately, and affectionately took Chu Xia to her room. After closing the door, she put her ear to the door and listened for a while, then smiled playfully at Chu Xia, "Third sister-in-law, isn't my mother? Recruited you as a lobbyist?"

"Yeah, she's a little worried about you." Chu Xia admitted frankly, "She also has good intentions. Of course, if you want to tell me, just tell me. If you don't want to tell me, I won't blame you. Besides, it's been so long We haven’t met, but I do miss you.”

"It's not that I don't want to tell my mother, it's that she simply can't stand it anymore and gets impatient easily. How could I dare to tell her the truth?" Xu Shuxian sighed, "My illness some time ago was indeed related to feelings.

However, it has been resolved now, and we have made an agreement that when we have conflicts in the future, we must first reflect on ourselves, and then we can quickly forgive each other. "

"Is it Jiang Qibo?" Chu Xia asked.

"Did my mother tell you?" Xu Shuxian shook her head helplessly, "She must have seen me always being with Jiang Qibo and thought that Jiang Qibo and I were getting along.

She also didn't think about it. Jiang Qibo has been under my control since he was a child. How could he possibly date me? Jiang Qibo and I are basically sisters. If the two sisters can talk to each other, wouldn't it be a problem? "

"I understand, you are always with Jiang Qibo, but you actually use him as a smoke bomb, right?"

"Third sister-in-law, you are so smart..." Xu Shuxian gave her a thumbs up, "Indeed, but our relationship has been confirmed recently, and I also plan to have a showdown with my parents.

Since my mother asked the third sister-in-law to help, I will tell the third sister-in-law first and ask the third sister-in-law to help me convey the message later, so that my mother can make mental preparations first, otherwise, she will definitely bite me to death. "

Chu Xia immediately grasped the key point: "What do you like is the child of a family that my sister-in-law hates?"

"Yes." Xu Shuxian bit her lip and looked at Chu Xia with a bit of guilt in her eyes, "To be precise, the boy I like has a relationship with the Zhou family."

Chu Xia didn't answer. After all, she was not a real member of the Zhou family, and she didn't know much about the Zhou family's past.

"His name is Song Chao, his brother..." Biting her lip, Xu Shuxian continued, "His brother once participated in the case of kidnapping Sister Xiaorao, but at that time, he was only ten years old, and it really had nothing to do with him. of."

"Shuxian..." Sighing, Chu Xia looked at her, "This matter will be an eternal scar on the hearts of the Zhou family. I'm sorry that I can't help you. Also, you can tell your sister-in-law about this matter yourself, and I will convey it to you." , inappropriate." She stood up and smiled at the other party, "Don't get me wrong, I'm not angry, I just don't know how to deal with myself, you know, I am an outsider after all."

"Third sister-in-law..." Xu Shuxian grabbed her, tears welling up in her eyes, "If you don't help me, Song Chao and I will have no choice but to break up. In fact, I struggled for a long time, but I really couldn't let go. , otherwise, I wouldn’t have turned myself into Lin Daiyu.

He was only fifteen years old when his eldest brother committed the crime. Moreover, when their family knew that his eldest brother was in trouble, his eldest brother had not been home for two years.

Because of his eldest brother, their family's life suddenly fell into a desperate situation. He worked particularly hard. When he was in school, he was the hardest-working one in the class.

At that time, I also hated him and regarded him as an enemy. I always dragged Jiang Qibo to bully him. Later, Jiang Qibo became friends with him. Later, with Jiang Qibo's persuasion, I also became friends with him.

But, at that time, I never thought that one day I would have feelings for him..." After a pause, Xu Shuxian continued, "During the Chinese New Year this year, our old classmates got together, and no one except me and Jiang Qibo paid attention to him.

However, he was not annoyed at all, he just sat there quietly and watched us chatting. At that moment, I suddenly felt something different about him.

He is a capable man. As long as he is given a chance, he will be no worse than anyone else. In fact, he has confirmed this. He has achieved the position of workshop director without anyone's help.

Of course, I don’t like him just because he became the workshop director. I mean, he works very hard. I like people who work hard, so I am willing to be with him and fight with him. "

Although what Xu Shuxian said was a bit incoherent, Chu Xia understood what she meant. Rather than saying that she loved Song Chao, it would be more accurate to say that she sympathized with Song Chao.

But now, without seeing her in person, it was hard for her to express any opinions, so she remained silent. (To be continued...) ()

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