Third update.


Looking at the boy standing next to Qian Yan, Mr. Wan looked in disbelief. He didn't expect that his granddaughter could really bring his grandson here, and this child looked so much like a daughter!

"Dakun, this is grandpa." Qian Yan said as she gave her brother a gentle push. Qian Dakun stepped forward and took Mr. Wan's hand affectionately. "Hello, grandpa, I am Dakun. I am yours." grandson."

"I...I know..." Mr. Wan nodded excitedly. He didn't expect that his grandson would have such a good personality. Originally, he was worried that the little guy would not be willing to visit his daughter after not being with him for so many years. , now it seems that his worries are really unnecessary!


A faint call came from the ward. Mr. Wan quickly came to his senses and pulled his grandson inside. "Your mother is already awake and has been waiting for you to come. Grandpa looks confused..."

Qian Yan, who was following behind, stroked her forehead speechlessly. Is this because she favors boys over girls, or is it because she is already familiar with her? Why just leave her alone?

Wan Yuqiong has been awake for a while. Mr. Wan was afraid that his granddaughter would not be able to find his grandson, so he did not dare to tell her what his granddaughter was doing. Therefore, when he saw Qian Dakun suddenly appear, Wan Yuqiong My first reaction was that I was dazzled, and my second reaction was that I was still dreaming...

"Mom, Da Kun is really here." Seeing Wan Yuqiong blinking and twisting her thighs, Qian Yan hurried forward, "I went to bring Da Kun here."

"Dakun..." Wan Yuqiong's hand trembled and she reached forward to touch her son's head, but she stopped weakly. She was afraid that when she touched her son's head, she would find that it was all a dream.

"Mom, it's me." Qian Dakun took the initiative to put Wan Yuqiong's hand on his face, "It's my sister who brought me to see my mother. Mom, I'll stay with you here, okay?"

"Okay, okay, of course..." Wan Yuqiong gently stroked her son's cheek, feeling very sad when she saw that his childish look was about to fade away.

The last time I saw my son, he looked like a little kid. Now, he is a standard teenager. In two or three years, he will be a standard young man.

As a mother, she is really unqualified. She cannot see her son once a year. No matter what the reason is, she herself is responsible.


"Yanyan, how is your father?" Wan Yuqiong looked at her daughter. She asked her father when she woke up, and her father told her that her daughter had gone to her husband's place. Now, her daughter has brought her son over, so her husband... It should be fine, right? Otherwise, Da Kun wouldn’t be allowed to come over, right?

Qian Yan looked at Mr. Wan. She didn't know what her grandfather told her mother. She didn't know whether to tell her mother the truth now. For a moment, she didn't know how to speak.

"Dad has... gone to heaven." It was Qian Dakun who spoke. He looked at Wan Yuqiong with sad eyes, "From now on, my sister and I will only have our mother."

There was a "boom" in Wan Yuqiong's head. She thought that something would happen to her husband, but she thought the worst possibility was that her husband was seriously injured, even more serious than her. But she didn't expect that Yao Xinqing would do this. So cruel.

She now understands why her daughter went to find her son. If her son was not here now to keep her sane, she would probably be forced to leave the hospital to see her husband for the last time.

After all, the couple who had been married for more than 20 years had their best days in the past. Even now, their love has never been exhausted. Moreover, his death was still due to his persistence in her...

Wan Yuqiong looked at her daughter: "Who is dealing with Qian Jianming's matter now?"

"Grandpa and second uncle." After a pause, Qian Yan said, "I took Da Kun out while they were not around. It was Beibei who helped. Otherwise,

There is no way I can bring Da Kun out. "

Wan Yuqiong was slightly startled: "Is your grandma at home?"

"Well, grandma is at home. Now grandpa and second uncle are just going to go through the formalities. What's next..." She really didn't want to say the word "funeral", so she stayed there for a long time before saying, "Everything that follows has not started yet."

"Dad, how long does the doctor say it will take for me to get out of bed?" Wan Yuqiong looked at Mr. Wan, "You must tell me the truth. I hope that I can see Ming for the last time.

No matter how many things he did to regret me, at least in the end, he still thought of me well, and it was because of him that I had such a good daughter and son.

So Dad, I have to go see him off. You must promise me not to be angry with me, okay? "

"It will take at least five days for you to get out of bed..." Mr. Wan sighed helplessly, "Dad is quite happy that you can be so affectionate. It will depend on the situation at that time. As long as the doctor agrees, you can go, Dad I will never stop you."

"Thank you, dad!" Wan Yuqiong thanked her father gratefully, and then looked at her son, "Dakun, you can go home soon. Mom misses you very much, but at this moment, your dad's affairs are too important. I can't live without you.

You are your father's only son. There are some things that you must do. If your grandfather and second uncle don't let you participate, you go to your grandma and ask her to help you. "

"Mom, I want to stay with you." Qian Dakun hugged Wan Yuqiong's arm tightly with a look of reluctance, "If I go back, my grandparents will definitely not let me out again. I want to see you again in the future." It’s difficult for mom, mom, I don’t want to go back, I want to live with you in the future.”

"Mom is reluctant to let you leave. If possible, mom would never want to be separated from you. For many years, mom has been looking forward to living with you every day.

However, even if you have to do that, mother must fight for you openly, otherwise, they will not let it go. Dakun, you believe mother.

In the past, it was my mother who was too cowardly that separated our mother and son for so many years. This time, my mother will never swallow her anger again. You are my son, and you should live with her.

If they don't let you go, mom will file a lawsuit with them, but now, you can't just leave. No matter how wrong your dad is, he is your biological father.

Moreover, he has always attached great importance to you. If you can't send him off for the last time, you will regret it one day. Mom would rather make yourself uncomfortable now than make you uncomfortable in the future. "

"I will help you fight for Da Kun's custody." Mr. Wan looked at his daughter seriously, "It's just that I didn't know before. If dad doesn't intervene now, he will be really useless. Don't worry, their Qian family No matter what, as long as we fight for it, Dakun will definitely come back to you."

"Thank you, dad..." Wan Yuqiong looked at her father with an annoyed look on her face, "I really regret the decision I made before. I was really stupid!"

"It's good to know now. You can no longer make your own decisions in the future. Since we are a family, you also know Dad's character. Those who can help will definitely do it. Those who violate the principles will not do anything. Therefore, Dad will definitely There won't be any difficulty.

Look at what you were like before. You have suffered for so many years, and your father has been living an uncomfortable life. As a result, today, you have gained nothing and only regretted it. It’s not worth it, is it? "

"Yes." Wan Yuqiong nodded and looked at her daughter, "Yanyan, thank you, mom. Mom never thought that you could be so strong. You are really my mother's pride."

Qian Yan smiled sheepishly: "I am already over 20 years old, so I should be strong. Lin Chuxia is younger than me, but she can take on anything. In order to prevent grandpa from disliking me, I will You have to work hard!”

"You kid..." Mr. Wan shook his head in amusement and turned to look at Qian Dakun, "Dakun, you also have a sister Chuxia, who is grandpa's adopted granddaughter. She is very smart. You will definitely like her."

Qian Yan quickly answered: "The main reason is that she is good-looking. Don't all boys like good-looking girls? Da Kun, you will definitely dislike your sister and me when you see her."

A boy who is in the period of puberty can't stand everyone making such a joke, and his face turns red instantly: "Sister, don't talk nonsense, I'm not that kind of person, if you say that again, I'll ignore you!" "

"Okay, okay, if you don't say it, don't say it..." Qian Yan smiled and rubbed his head, "Little one, why are you so anxious? She is your sister, what's wrong with you liking her?"

"Is that what you mean?" Qian Dakun glared at her unconvinced, "You just said that I would like good-looking girls, but you didn't say that I would like good-looking sisters."

"Isn't that the same?" Qian Yan spread her hands, "Sister is also a girl, you are so thin-skinned..." Seeing her brother's face turning even redder, Qian Yan said quickly, "Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore. You and mom talk for a while longer, and I’ll take you back.”

Wan Yuqiong, who had been smiling at the bickering between the siblings, smiled: "I have been looking forward to this day for so many years. I never expected that it would come true today, but in a place like this, with so many things happening. In the future, if your father..." She bit her lip, and after a long while, she said, "Okay, let's not talk about it anymore. It's your father who is unlucky, and he can't blame others."

Qian Yan stayed until four o'clock in the afternoon before sending Qian Dakun back.

After so many years of living apart from his mother and sister, Qian Dakun has adapted to it. Therefore, although he is a little reluctant to give up, he knows that this is what he must do, and he does not hesitate.

"Dad..." After Mr. Wan sent the siblings back, Wan Yuqiong looked at him with a confused look, "Can you ask the doctor to think of a way to get me out of bed tomorrow?"

"Do you think you are a gecko or an earthworm?" Mr. Wan glared at her, "If you act like this again, don't blame me for going back on what I promised you just now." R1152

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