Second update arrived.


"Then I really have to say it..." Mr. Wan stared at Mr. Qian, "I remind you again, if you don't want to be embarrassed, you'd better talk to me alone, otherwise, you will bear the consequences."

"You have nothing to say, right?" If Mr. Qian was still a little uneasy in his heart, now he really has no worries at all. If Wan really has something to do, he will need to do this again and again. Bluffing him?

A soldier never tires of deceit. This old man is so ignorant to play this game in front of him!

"My mother-in-law, I'm sorry..." Mr. Wan smiled apologetically at Mrs. Qian, and nodded at the younger members of the Qian family before finally speaking, "Brother Qian should know who Su Naiyue is, right?"

Mr. Qian's brows moved slightly, but the expression on his face remained unchanged: "I don't know, but we are talking about the Qian family now. What are you talking about?"

"What do you think?" Mr. Wan looked at him intently and didn't say anything for a long time. His character was there. It wasn't because he was forced to be anxious, but he really didn't want to bring the other party's weakness to the table.

"Ahem..." With a slight cough, Mr. Qian stood up and said, "Forget it, I'll give you face and talk alone, so that you won't be too vague to say anything here."

"Don't..." Mr. Wan couldn't help laughing, "You'd better not give me face, let's talk it over here. Anyway, my request is very simple. Let Da Kun return to Yu Qiong and wait until he is old. At the age of eighteen, if he wants to go back to the Qian family, he can go back to the Qian family, and if he wants to be in the Wan family, he can go back to the Wan family. Of course, I guarantee you that no matter how he chooses, he will be a descendant of the Qian family."

Mr. Qian's face turned red and he couldn't utter even a single word. Old Man Wan was clearly threatening him when he spoke like this. The key is, whether he accepted the move or not, Old Man Wan had already said the words, and his face had already It's lost.

He had the intention to let it go, but was afraid that the other party would tell him in more detail, so just giving in would be tantamount to admitting in front of the juniors that he had accepted the threat...

"Okay, I promise..." Before Old Man Qian could figure out the outcome, Old Mrs. Qian spoke up first. She looked at her grandson and said, "Dakun, if you are willing to go back with your grandpa, go pack your luggage."

"Yes." Unexpectedly, there would be such a dramatic result. Qian Dakun responded and quickly ran to his bedroom, fearing that if he was too late, the old lady would regret it.

Anyway, he has spent enough time in this family. Just now, he has been thinking about what to do to get his grandparents to relent. Although grandpa has not relented yet, grandma has already said this in front of everyone. Grandpa didn't refute quickly, which meant he agreed. So, if he doesn't leave now, when will he wait?

As for what his grandfather had done and what he was alluding to, he was not interested at all.

Seeing her son appearing in the ward with her father, Wan Yuqiong's eyes widened in surprise. It wasn't until her son came to the bedside, took her hand and called her mom that she came back to her senses, "Dad, did they agree? "

"Yes." Mr. Wan responded, "Da Kun will live with us from now on. When he turns eighteen, he can choose whatever he wants."

"I want to be with my grandpa, mother and sister all the time." Qian Dakun looked at Wan Yuqiong seriously, "Mom, you won't dislike me, right?" "How could Mom dislike you..." Wan Yuqiong immediately said She cried so hard that she never expected that the matter would be resolved so smoothly. She thought that even if Da Kun could return to her, it would take a long time...

"Dad, why did they agree?" Wan Yuqiong looked at her father and asked.

After coughing lightly, Mr. Wan answered the question: "Where is Yanyan, she hasn't come back?"

"Yes, why hasn't Yanyan come back yet?" Wan Yuqiong's mind was suddenly drawn to her daughter, and she looked at her son anxiously, "Sister sent you home and left?"


After my sister sent me to Qian's house, she went directly to find her grandparents. She hoped that her grandparents would agree to let me return to my mother. As a result, my grandfather scolded my sister and said that she would not be allowed to enter Qian's house again in the future. , and then sister left..." Qian Dakun slapped his forehead fiercely, "Did sister go to see dad? He looked at Mr. Wan anxiously, "Grandpa, my sister has always been timid, but now she actually goes to see dad by herself..."

"I'm fine..." Seeing her father looking at her, Wan Yuqiong said quickly, "Dad, you and Dakun go to greet Yanyan."

"Dakun?!" As soon as the grandfather and grandson left the hospital gate, they bumped into Qian Yan. When she saw her brother appearing in front of her again, Qian Yan was surprised, "You... you ran away secretly. still?"

"My grandpa went to Qian's house. I can live with my mother from now on." Qian Dakun quickly told his sister the good news and asked, "Sister, where have you been?"

"Really?" Ignoring answering his brother's question, Qian Yan hugged Mr. Wan's arm, "Grandpa, how could they agree to you? They won't regret it, right? Dakun can really live with us in the future Already?"

Mr. Wan nodded: "Well, from now on Dakun can live with us openly and they will not regret it. Of course, if they really dare to regret it, I will really make them regret it."

"Sister, where did you go just now?" Qian Dakun continued to ask.

"I didn't go anywhere, I just wandered around..." Sighing, Qian Yan smiled bitterly, "I feel that I am very incompetent and can't help with anything. Seeing my mother sad, I really hate myself for being incompetent."

"Sister..." Qian Dakun stared at Qian Yan intently, "Did you go to Feng Hui for help?"


"You look like you, sister, why are you so disobedient?" Qian Dakun rarely gave his sister a serious face, "It's not like you don't know what kind of person he is, even if he is really willing to help. When I returned to my mother, I didn't care.

Sister, if you associate with him again, don’t blame me for being a ruthless younger brother. Anyway, as long as I discover the fact of your association, I will never recognize you as my sister. "

Although Mr. Wan didn't know what the truth was, he heard some ins and outs from the conversation between the siblings. Obviously, the one named Feng Hui was a boy, and a not-so-good boy at that.

At this moment, his mind was also racing very fast. Unfortunately, after thinking about it, he didn't expect that the family named Feng had a close relationship with the Qian family and could be a constraint on the Qian family.

"I...I did plan to go find him, but when I arrived at his door, I didn't go in..." Qian Yan explained while looking at Mr. Wan, "Grandpa, what Da Kun said about Feng Hui was that grandpa wanted to The person I married, however, my mother has already rejected.”

"What's that for?" Mr. Wan asked.

"His father is now the deputy director of the Beijing Water Conservancy Bureau. My grandfather used to have a good relationship with him. After the incident at home, many people broke off their relationship with my grandfather. Only he still has contact with my grandfather.

Grandpa just wants me to marry Feng Hui..." After a pause, Qian Yan smiled bitterly, "Of course, Feng Hui is not normal. He has a bad eye. "

Mr. Wan: "..." He has a new understanding of Old Man Qian's shamelessness... However, if you think about it carefully, it is not surprising that Old Man Qian would do such a thing, even if his own son died. Where is the person who can be used, using the granddaughter?

On the contrary...

Thinking of Mrs. Qian, Mr. Wan sighed secretly...

After Mr. Wan left, Mr. Qian and Mrs. Qian returned to the bedroom.

"Why don't you speak?" Looking at his wife who was changing clothes silently, Mr. Qian frowned, "If you have anything to ask, just ask it quickly. Don't be too yin or yang, it will make people uncomfortable."

"What are you asking?" Mrs. Qian smiled at him, "Who is Su Naiyue?"

"I knew you must have fallen into his trap!" Mr. Qian gritted his teeth bitterly, "We have been husband and wife for life, and you actually believe him or not me?"

"What did I say?" Mrs. Qian looked at her husband calmly, "I just followed your words. What do you mean by being so excited?"

"Pretend, keep pretending..." Mr. Qian glared at him, "Do you know what I hate most about you? It's your ability to pretend. You talk about things and live as a family, always hiding them. What’s the point?”

"If we didn't pretend, we might not be able to survive long ago..." Taking a long breath, Mrs. Qian looked at Mr. Qian, "Or do you also want to follow the same path as your son?"

"What are you talking about?" Mr. Qian glared at the old lady, "Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk to you. I'm tired and going to bed. I don't have the time to chat with you here."

Mrs. Qian glanced at him, turned around and left the bedroom.

Even at this age, she couldn't be calm when encountering this kind of thing.

Perhaps it was because of this reason that after her son's accident, she did not particularly blame her daughter-in-law. Moreover, logically speaking, she could not blame her daughter-in-law at all.

But, does Old Man Wan know who revealed this news to him?

The little granddaughter asked her, is it worth it?

She also asked herself, to be honest, she didn't know if it was worth it, but she knew that if she didn't do it, she would regret it in the future.

The mistakes she made can no longer be changed, so let her make up for them from now on. When she returned to the room, she saw Mr. Qian put down the phone in a panic.

"Who did you call?" The tone sounded gentle, but it was obviously sarcastic. Mr. Qian's face immediately turned red. "Why do you care so much? You don't have enough to care about the family affairs?"

"It's just a casual question. Are you so you feel guilty?" Old Mrs. Qian sighed as she spoke, "We have been married for a lifetime, can you stop doing this kind of thing that makes me look down on you?" R1152

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