First update: "What have I done to make you look down upon?..." Mr. Qian looked at his wife sternly, "Tell me clearly, what have I done to make you look down on me?"

Yang Meiqing, let me tell you, if you can't tell me why, don't think I'm rude. What I hate most in my life is when others wrongly accuse me. You know this. "

"You really want me to tell you?" Mrs. Qian stared at her wife with a disappointed look on her face, "At this time, I have caught the evidence of your dealings with that woman with my own hands, and you are still pretending to be innocent in front of me. My heart is really strong..." As she spoke, she walked to the phone, pressed speakerphone, and then pressed redial...

"You...what are you doing?" Mr. Qian grabbed the phone anxiously and hung up quickly, "What are you going to do to make trouble between us?"

"Are you afraid?" Old Mrs. Qian looked at him sarcastically, "If you are afraid, just say it clearly. There is no need to pretend. I just redialed the number you just dialed. You are so scared, and you still dare to say that you didn't do it. What is something to look down upon?

We have been husband and wife for more than fifty years. If I didn't know you well, these years would have been wasted. I usually pretend to be deaf and dumb, but it doesn't mean that I don't know anything.

Just because I tolerate you doesn't mean I'm afraid of you, old money man, do you treat yourself too much like a dish? Do you think I can't live without you? "

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Mr. Qian stared at his wife angrily, "Listen to these nonsense words you said. You said it yourself. We have been husband and wife for more than fifty years. So now you Say something, don’t you feel ashamed of our relationship for more than fifty years?

Yes, I was on the phone with Su Naiyue just now. I just wanted to tell her that my interactions with her were normal. She was taken advantage of by some people, so she must not talk nonsense and fall into someone's trap.

As a result, you came in. I was afraid that you would misunderstand, so I quickly hung up the phone. If you were asked to call back again, how would I explain it to you?

Could it be that some people who don't wish me the best are misunderstanding me and throwing dirty water on me? Even my wife believed what others said and poured dirty water on my ears?

If you think this is appropriate, call Su Naiyue right now. If I stop you, I am the grandson. Really, you call, you call now..."

Mrs. Qian glanced at Mr. Qian briefly, then actually picked up the phone and pressed redial. Mr. Qian's arrogant face was frozen there. When he came to his senses, the phone had been connected, "Zheng Jiang. Miss me again?"

Old Mrs. Qian glanced at Old Man Qian with a half-smile,

He said, "He didn't miss you, I miss you. I am Yang Meiqing, Qian Zhengjiang's real wife."


The blind tone of the phone hanging up continued to ring. The old couple stood there, neither of them speaking. The old man, who is as thick-skinned as Qian, can no longer say that he and Su Naiyue have no problems at this moment.

If it’s really not the case, the other party picks up the phone and asks the other party if they miss you, haha...

"What I'm wondering is, why did she answer the phone and call you by your name?" Old Mrs. Qian smiled at Mr. Qian, "Isn't she afraid that someone else happened to answer the phone?

In other words, she installed a phone and only left your phone number. In fact, this is basically a dedicated line between the two of you? Qian Zhenghong is extravagant enough.

In this regard, my son really can't compare with you. Although he has been on good terms with Yao Xinqing for many years, in most cases, Yao Xinqing is still paying for him.

You're good, but you always say you don't have enough money, so you help this and that. After working for a long time, all the help is here. Hey, we have been married for so many years, why didn't I realize that you are still a passionate child?

But, did your seed sprout in the wrong place? We have been married for so many years. When did you really value my opinion? When did you do this for me? "

Mr. Qian's lips moved, but he didn't make a sound for a long time.

"Did I get everything right?" Old Mrs. Qian looked disappointed. To be honest, what she just said was all just speculation. For so many years, she didn't know what her husband was like outside. , it’s not that she doesn’t know who the other party is, it’s just that she has always turned a blind eye and only occasionally hit the other party with a few words.

In her opinion, it is indeed disappointing for a man to make mistakes in this regard, but it is not unforgivable, and it is not good for everyone to break the relationship.

Therefore, she was willing to pretend to be confused and maintain the superficial peace, but today, her husband's behavior disappointed him so much that she could no longer pretend to be confused.

"Mei Qing..." Since marrying his wife, Qian Zhenghong has never seen his wife be so cold to anyone. Although he has a family outside the home, he has never thought of separation from his wife. At this moment, he really Panic.

"Don't worry, I won't divorce you. At this age, even if I don't care about my own face, I still have to care about my children's face..." After a long sigh, Mrs. Qian's face showed a lack of interest, "Qian Zheng Hong, I’ll let you go from now on, even if you want to move to that woman’s house, I won’t say anything.”

"Mei Qing..." Mr. Qian looked at his wife in panic, "Mei Qing, please don't be like this. The love between our husband and wife is unmatched by anyone.

It doesn't make sense for me to leave her alone now. I can promise you that I will try to have as little contact with her as possible in the future. You..." After hesitating, he still made his request, "Don't let the juniors know, okay? "

"Ha..." Mrs. Qian looked at him funny, "Do you think the juniors don't know? Are you too naive? If my guess is right, probably no one except Da Kun knows about this. .

So Qian Zhenghong, if you care about the opinions of the juniors and don’t dare to have anything to do with me, then there is no need. I, Yang Meiqing, can tell you so clearly that I have really thought about this matter. It's up to you what to do. "

Mr. Qian breathed a sigh of relief quietly. He could not say that he had no feelings for his old wife. After all, they had been married for more than fifty years. However, what he cared more about was his status and face in the family.

No matter whether the juniors know it privately or not, at least if he doesn't break up and get divorced at such an old age, he can pretend that nothing happened.

Moreover, he is also taking chances. As long as the matter has not reached the final stage and there is no concrete evidence, it is an ambiguous matter. The juniors may be dubious about the rumors.

From now on, as long as he pays attention and doesn't let others find any excuses, it's not impossible that this matter will be gradually forgotten...

Old Mrs. Qian had been observing her husband's expression. After living together for so many years, any changes in his mood could not be hidden from her eyes. The remaining reluctance finally disappeared completely in the other's calculating eyes.

At this moment, she really didn't want to see each other, so she simply got up and walked out. Mr. Qian grabbed her anxiously: "Where are you going?"

"Guest room."

"No!" Mr. Qian held her tightly, "What will the juniors think if you do this?" Feeling that his tone was a bit harsh, he quickly slowed down, "Mei Qing, we have been married for a lifetime, this Now that we are old, let’s stop making trouble and let outsiders laugh at us, okay?”

"I do not mind."

"Mei Qing, you can't be so selfish..."

"Am I selfish for not helping you with your acting?" Old Mrs. Qian looked at him speechlessly, "Qian Zhenghong, you are the only one who can bully others so confidently."

"My face is not bright, and your face doesn't look good, right?" Mr. Qian suppressed his smile and looked at Mrs. Qian with a serious face, "A person has a face, and a tree has a bark. What on earth are we going to do? Do it, you can figure it out yourself." After saying that, he let go and sat back on the sofa.

Mrs. Qian glanced briefly, turned around, opened the door and quickly stepped out.

Mr. Qian just stood there. He thought that for this reason, Mrs. Qian would definitely not dare to go out... No, he quickly got up and walked to the door. At the same time, Mrs. Qian opened the door and came back. Got it! He just said that he couldn't have made a mistake in his estimation, and there was a look of satisfaction on his face...

"There is something I want to express my opinion on right now..." Old Mrs. Qian looked at him indifferently, "Da Kun, he should go back to his mother. Don't think about any other ways to bring him back." .

Don’t blame me for not reminding you. As a father, at this time, you must be clear about what you should think about and what you shouldn’t think about. If the younger generation is already heartbroken by the time you wait..." The old lady spread her hands and said, "You don’t need to do the rest. Shall I say it again? "

"Everything I do is for the development of the family. Even if you are angry with me, you should not confuse right and wrong and frame me..." Mr. Qian stared at the old lady angrily, "If you don't want me to hate you, , just don’t do such things that harm others and don’t benefit yourself.”

"It seems that it doesn't matter if you really break up..." Mrs. Qian sighed, "Qian Zhenghong, after all, we have been husband and wife for more than fifty years. There are some things that you should not do too much, otherwise you will regret it. It must be you and not me."

"You..." Mr. Qian took a long breath and then said, "Yang Meiqing, I have retreated again and again. You have made it clear that it is not over until you push people to a dead end, right?

Whatever you want, you can do whatever you want, leave if you want, leave if you want, as long as you feel you won't regret it, do whatever you want, I will never keep you again. "

"Are you angry from shame?" Mrs. Qian looked at the other party speechlessly, "Qian Zhenghong, do you think the method of provoking generals will be useful to me? If you have the ability, if you provoke me again, I will definitely do what you want!"

Mr. Qian's lips moved, but in the end he did not dare to spit out another word. He could see that the old lady was not joking, so he could never afford to make this joke... (To be continued...) ()

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